Archive for the ‘Mens Hair’ Category


April 12, 2009

So I’m feeling thoroughly sick, I have eaten waaaaaaaay to much choccy today. But Mini Ash is totally stoked at her scoreage (she woke up at 5am to hunt her eggs!)


I had logged into a message the other day from Dakota, asking if I wanted to blog the dollarbies at the new Dakota’s Skins And Shapes. After much squeeing, I answered a terribly sedate “yes please”!! Shown above is the “Prettyboy” shape, a total score and a very welcome change from the huge muscle mary type of shape that makes me roll my eyes. Shown with a shirt from Mayden Couture, Kmad jeans, and some ossum sauce 5L Skull VanZ from Amplify. The skin is an old promo gift from Damiani, which could still be available? “Joshua Deco” is all beaten up and teary, perfect in my books!


I was so excited about my next find, I read about these sneakers here (thanks Gabi!) Get thee to Hoorenbeek to grab em! There’s girls and boys sizes in the gift, you’re looking for a HUGE easter basket. Hit up the subscribo while you’re there, and you’ll be rewarded with this nifty shirt. The skin shown from Laqroki isnt free, but I wanted to show that the shape worked well on diff boy’s skins. All the boy’s hair was a group gift from Kmad, might not be available now, but definitely worth checking the subscribo and inworld group.


LeeZu Baxter sent out this beautiful dress through the subscribo the other day. A million and 27.5 layers and looks to play with! The skin shown is another dollarbie from Dakota. It’s a beautiful Sezmra mod, very delicate and pretty.


And bringing up the rear is an added gift in the Dare Designs Easter hunt. Fanfuckingtastic wings or what! Get thee to hunting :p Ash Out.

Pic 1
Mayden Couture
Skin (old promo freebie)
Hair (old group gift)

Pic 2
Top & Shoes
Hair (old group gift)
Skin (not free)

Pic 3
Hair (old freebie)
Leezu Baxter Subscribo gift

Pic 4
Dare Designs hunt
Skin (old Halloween freeb)
KA Designs
Hair (not free)

Bedtime Fun!

February 8, 2009

This post is going to be superbrief (no pun intended), I didn’t get to bed until after 5am following a great night out – so serious tiredness issues today.

Here’s some sexy lingerie to get your juices flowing…

This first one is a group gift from InSomnia, tp to the store, touch the sign to join the group and the group gift skin is right next to it.

8-2_011 copy
Lingerie: InSomnia, group gift
Valentine Skin: Fleur (vain inc kiss hunt gift)
Hair by Lamb (not free)

Some of the stores at SG Fashion are giving a free gift to group members. TP there, join the group and touch the free gift signs outside the stores. Gorgeous stuff!

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Boxers, Lingerie and Tattoos by SG Fashion
Valentine Skin by Glamurena at SG Fashion (all group gifts)
Strawberry Female Hair: Junwave – Copain Group Gift (there is a join fee but group is currently closed I think)

Male Ewan skin: Belleza (Vain Kiss hunt gift)
Male Hair and eyes: KMADD (Vain kiss hunt gift)

Look at these adorable shoes by AuMa, I LOVE them. These are another SG Fashion group gift. Touch the sign outside the store wearing your group tag.


Shoes: AuMa at SG Fashion (group gift)

*shuffles off to bed………zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz*

I got me a shorty…

November 17, 2008 alt Eisa and Ashia’s alt ‘Q’ are getting it on, it’s about time he had his virtual cherry popped.

Actually no, I don’t think ‘Q’ was much impressed, he’s not butch enough for her.

Ducknipple have some great new free gifts in store, for men and women. In the girls box are a couple of pairs of jeans, a skirt, socks and tee’s, in the mens box are 3 tops and a pair of jeans. Also some fun stuff, gestures, straw, curly wurly and a duckmilk carton for your arm, just to keep you going through the day.


On Q: dreadlocks hair/hat: Boon (0L)
On Eisa: Hair with knit cap: Mayamaya Group gift in store


On Q: Hair Mayamaya (group gift in store)
On Eisa: dreadlocks hair/hat: Boon (0L)

Eisa starts showing off, Q is not impressed


All outfits: Ducknipple (0L)

Also on Eisa

Wolf Hair, Mayamaya (100L)
Skin: previous group gift from Minnu
Tattoo’s: Strafe, Etch D, (not free)
Akeyo Chucks: (not free)

If you want to know about the other items Q is wearing (I don’t think these are free) just leave a comment to this post, as I forgot to ask her.

NTT Docomo Hunt

October 13, 2008

I featured the first hunt at NTT Docomo last year, I loved the hairstyles back then and now they are even better.

You are looking for 5 little mushrooms which contain a key, you must obtain each key and then go back to the start and touch the 5 treasure chests to receive the 6 hairstyles.


How to Play
When you arrive at the landing point click the sign to join the group


Grab the map under the group joining sign.


Go to each location to find the mushrooms shown above, you will be given a new map with each mushroom you find to help you locate the next one.

Here’s a little hint where you can find one of the mushrooms.


Once you have collected all five mushrooms, TP back to the landing point, go upstairs and you will see the five chests, touch each one to receive the 5 hairs, you will also receive a 6th hair.


Massive, huge thankyou to the beautiful Coconutmilk Sorbet for letting me know about this hunt and for taking these helpful photo’s.

Docomo3 Docomo4

Docomo5 Docomo1

Docomo2 Docomo6

The shorter styles are meant for the boys but they look really cute on girlies too. The styles are colour changeable with a click, the textures and styles are really beautiful. It’s definitely worth doing this hunt.

I did it myself this morning, it was a little confusing at first, but once you get the hang of it, it’s easy peasy. One thing you need to know is when you land at the Panasonic Maze for the last mushroom, make sure you buy the Maze Hud (0L) and wear it so you can enter the maze (You click on the gate to enter to the maze). It is all in Japanese so it took me a couple of minutes to figure out what to do there.

TP to NTT Docomo to start the hunt.

Have fun!

Girls & Boys

October 6, 2008

YAY, it’s Monday…the start of the weekend, (I’ve decided my weekends start on a Monday from now on)

I’ve been having fun dressing up my transgender alt Eisa over the past couple of days. SL’s gender swapping exploits made me think of this song by Girls & Boys by Blur.

“Girls who are boys, who like boys to be girls, who do boys like they’re girls, who do girls like they’re boys….Always should be someone you really love!”

On to the freebies.

halloween boy_001

Halloween Gloves and Hat ::sey:: (group gift in store)
Moss Cardigan: Savvy Avvy, (group gift) look in notice archives
Pants: Savvy Avvy (previous group gift)

halloween boy_003
Knit Vest Set: B11 at FS Mall (0L)
HalloweenGiftHair FLURRY 2 +++DEJAVU HOMME+++ (
Dejavu group gift– look in archives)
Emoooo Skin:
Free*Style at Hotel Dare (0L)
Belt: Key at
FS Mall

halloween boy_004

Grey Bubble Tee: Aitui Group Gift, join and look in notice archives
Downtown Jeans *Get Psycho* by iNFLiCT (group gift at the members area)
HalloweenGiftHair FLURRY 2 +++DEJAVU HOMME+++ ( Dejavu group gift– as before)
Scarf, B11 at FS Mall (part of previous outfit )
Wristband : [WaRmth18] at
FS Mall (0L)

I really loved #7 in the SL Secrets, Shopping Cart Disco blog, “I fucked my alt…and I liked it”, it made me laugh out loud! Maybe I should try it with Eisa, is that so wrong??

Oh and before I go, I found a some great free gifts for girls at the FS Mall too. This hat/hair is free from W&Y and the top is by Izumya, take a walk around the FS Mall for lots more free items for men and women.

fs mall

I was totally amazed today when I stopped by at Domestic V and saw that ALL the skins are on sale for 5L each!!!! There is also a box of the complete skins collection for 100L!!! Shocked?? Oh yes!! These skins are beautiful, I’m wearing the cheeky sheen hybrid2 (NATURAL) skin in the pic above, only 5L!!

Gordon Brown…

October 2, 2008

….Texture Like Sun (everytime I hear that song I think of our wonderful Prime Minister)

Our UK politicians are far better than yours, it is a prerequisite for them to be alcoholics or have unusual family issues if they want to be leader of the party.

Anyhooooo…I dont want to lose any more readers so lets get on to the gifties..

Join the Swallowtail Designs group and you will receive this beautiful outfit, culottes (cropped palazzo pants, whatever you like to call them), a tube top with frill trim and 2 cardigan styles with flower corsage. Natsuko usually makes jewellery (which you must see, it’s wonderful) but now she is venturing into making clothes…YAY!



Spexx has some really cool sunnies for 1L at the store, and they look perfecto with this cute updo ‘Amy-Jane’ which is a new 1L style by Truth. There are more 1L styles there which are previous gifts and have now been re-textured, including a mens style, all in many colours.


Talking of Truth, he’s given his group a Halloween gift, a bunch of gorgeous new womens Arcane skins and tops in 6 colours (which I think may be unisex – boob shading, or possible pecs ?). TP to Truth and touch the subscribomatic sign, touch again and choose option 1, this will only be in the subscribomatic until Truth removes it – so hurry


Having serious lighting issues today, so excuse the overexposure.

Rejuvenate – Lychee (halloween) skin and Style Tanks : Truth (group gift)
Izzy & Amy-Jane hair : Truth (1L)
Red & Green outfit : Swallowtail Designs (group gift)
Whitey Shades : Spexx (1L)

Not Free
Strawbs Wedges: Fuel
Green Fairy Eyes : Blue Blood


August 22, 2008

I just attempted to visit the Hair Fair (see Ashia’s post for examples of some of the great styles you can find there). I managed to last about 2 seconds until the lag killed me, there was lots of people standing around wearing full primage, AO’s and big hair and there was little me nekkid and bald.

Please, please, please… for the sake of all things holy, if you are planning to go to the Hair Fair, for the ultimate shopping pleasure (to reduce the lag) throw all your prims, scripts and other attachments off

That means swallow your pride, no hair, no AO, no HUD attachments, no scripted items, no skirts or other clothing prims. Lets all go virtually naked…so what if we all look like dorks, who cares?

Or if you’d rather not go totally naked, this outfit is perfect, this bikini is free from Mimi a Gogo, perfect for hair shopping I say. You wil find this bikini on the lower floor in the store with some other great free items.

go nekkid for hair fair_001

The beautiful Plush Piper,Super Cateye Freckled skin worn is a group gift from Rosemar Cupcakes (250L join fee)

Don’t bother wearing hair, you’ll get plenty of that at the Hair Fair.

TP to the Hair Fair:

Hair Fair Purple
Hair Fair Pink
Hair Fair Red
Hair Fair Orange

Starry Eyed Surprise

July 15, 2008

I just watched ‘The Day After Tomorrow’ and now I feel freaked, so I thought I would do a blog post before I go bed to take my mind off it…I don’t wanna to have nightmares *cries*.

Itutu is having a Starlit Sky Event, you’ll find a table of lovely freebies from some of my favie Japanese designers, and lots of other discounted limited edition stuff for the event also.

Here’s some of the yummies you will find…


All of these items are at the Itutu Starlit Sky Event
Free earrings by Sey
Free Bracelet by Atelier AM
Free Top by Amerie’s Naughty
Skin by Dendou (390L)


Free Glasses by Ottico


Free Bikini by Kao
Free Hair by Find Ash


Free UNISEX Boots by Algernon
Free UNISEX Hair by Find Ash


Free Cardboard Stool by Den Dou

So, you will find all the above items on a stall at the Itutu Starlit Sky Event

The skyboxes for sale here are out of this world (literally). I had to take pics because they are all so awesomes. On the outside a square grey box, on the inside a whole new world…




Now I want all of these, I can’t choose….

Alive & Kicking

June 30, 2008

Well, it’s Sunday again and that can only mean one thing… time for G to get off his @$$ and make a post. I know, you don’t hear from me as often as most of my esteemed colleagues but rest assured I am out there scouring the grid for freebies to share with all my SL bros. So if you are, or know, a guy on a budget I am here (in the words of the exalted Busta Rhymes) to get you all in check!!

Now I am not one to hold a grudge but this plain gray T from Grudge Designs has me second thinking that stance. The shading is subtle but well done and no gaudy over sized logo makes this a great find for just… that’s right.. dolla dolla bill ya’ll! A trip to Sidewalk provided this kickass pair of frayed jeans that are part of a full outfit (shoes and shirt included) they offer up for free. Once again I can’t get enough of Philotic Energy’s “Faris” hair which you can snatch off the cheapie tree for just $1L. I am all about the accesories and when I ran across a unisex gift box from Made For You that had this brown leather armband I was more than happy to slide it on. On the other wrist I donned EnVenom’s “Gummi Bare Licorice” braclets which I have blogged before ($1L).

While I was at Grudge Designs I picked up this “Eulogy” T for just $75L and that gives me enough reason to hop on my soapbox. We all love free items in SL but when you do have a few extra lindens to throw around don’t forget to spend them with all the gracious designers that have been clothing you for next to nothing. [Steps off his soapbox] AB Apparel also has a $1L outfit for the bois and the jeans inside are simply stunning.

At this point I am sure you all have been spying my waist and saying “Why hasn’t he mentioned the belt!?!” Good things come to those who wait my friends. This week Mechanism released their hunter’s belt and a tank which Ashia rawked in a prior post. The belt is free but the tank is group gift and although I know Adaire would rather see me dead than wearing a tank top I suggest you join their group and give it a try. The shorts are also from Mechanism (is it becoming obvious I love this store? lol) and can be had for $180L. Those who know me well will not be surprised when I reveal that I am a total SHOE WHORE and when I heard Monogrind had a pair of combat boots as a group gift I nearly borked my index finger clicking my mouse to add them to my inventory.

I know… I am dragging this one out but there was just one more item I wanted to showcase and that is the first T-shirt that I can claim as “MINE”. With a lil free time on my hands I have decided to start my own line which I have dubbed “Guerilla Gear”. You can pick up my first creation for free at the Home of Freestyle or just shoot me an IM and I would be glad to send ya one.

With that being said I am gonna hit the sack and wish you all well… wherever you might be.


June 6, 2008

Hey y’all, another quick post from me.

Check out this pink Hawaiian Swimsuit, it’s from those generous folks at Surfline Rezzable, the Freebie of the Week, available 7 June to 13th June.

Surfline 3

These cool sunglasses are the Cristal VIP edition: Kalnins (Group Gift, join the group and click sign in store – head to the ‘Help’ section), thanks to Chesti Questi (apologies for getting your name wrong first time) for letting us know about this one. **I have to add, these glasses are amazing, they are scripted so you can change lense colour, size, reflection, there’s also an avatar detector, a smile emote and probably loads of other stuff**

Truth has a new 1L style in store called Kensei, this was a group gift last year I think, so you may have it. It’s one of my favie styles, unisex and lots of colours.


Rosemary Galbraith of Rosemar has given her group more luffly gifts of gorgeousness.
The Creampuff Puppies skin has cute little freckles and pouty lips, It comes in many skin tones too. Also in the Rosemar group is this wonderful retro Pinup Swimsuit in lime and with this fantastic matching sunhat. The Rosemar Group has a enrollment fee of 250L, I don’t want to keep harping on about it, but you will see if you type Rosemar into blog search how well worth it this fee is.

Rosemar Kini 2

Rosemar kini

The hair worn in the hat pic is Gwenivere by Truth (not free)