Archive for the ‘Mens Shoes’ Category


April 12, 2009

So I’m feeling thoroughly sick, I have eaten waaaaaaaay to much choccy today. But Mini Ash is totally stoked at her scoreage (she woke up at 5am to hunt her eggs!)


I had logged into a message the other day from Dakota, asking if I wanted to blog the dollarbies at the new Dakota’s Skins And Shapes. After much squeeing, I answered a terribly sedate “yes please”!! Shown above is the “Prettyboy” shape, a total score and a very welcome change from the huge muscle mary type of shape that makes me roll my eyes. Shown with a shirt from Mayden Couture, Kmad jeans, and some ossum sauce 5L Skull VanZ from Amplify. The skin is an old promo gift from Damiani, which could still be available? “Joshua Deco” is all beaten up and teary, perfect in my books!


I was so excited about my next find, I read about these sneakers here (thanks Gabi!) Get thee to Hoorenbeek to grab em! There’s girls and boys sizes in the gift, you’re looking for a HUGE easter basket. Hit up the subscribo while you’re there, and you’ll be rewarded with this nifty shirt. The skin shown from Laqroki isnt free, but I wanted to show that the shape worked well on diff boy’s skins. All the boy’s hair was a group gift from Kmad, might not be available now, but definitely worth checking the subscribo and inworld group.


LeeZu Baxter sent out this beautiful dress through the subscribo the other day. A million and 27.5 layers and looks to play with! The skin shown is another dollarbie from Dakota. It’s a beautiful Sezmra mod, very delicate and pretty.


And bringing up the rear is an added gift in the Dare Designs Easter hunt. Fanfuckingtastic wings or what! Get thee to hunting :p Ash Out.

Pic 1
Mayden Couture
Skin (old promo freebie)
Hair (old group gift)

Pic 2
Top & Shoes
Hair (old group gift)
Skin (not free)

Pic 3
Hair (old freebie)
Leezu Baxter Subscribo gift

Pic 4
Dare Designs hunt
Skin (old Halloween freeb)
KA Designs
Hair (not free)


October 22, 2008

Plunder Airbus (home of Civvies) is having a pumpkin hunt. I really love this place, it’s unlike anything else I have seen in SL and there’s some brill stores here.

These pumpkins contain clothes, shoes, candy and this hunt is also for the GUYS, oh and it’s easy too!

You can find the pumpkins on the Plunder Airbus, Miau Haus, and Civvies – The Block has a bonus pumpkin. Hunt is on until 31st October!

I dragged poor old Eisa out for this post and I didn’t even have to dust of his virtual cobwebs. Everything worn here can be found on this hunt, (except skin, hair, shape and toast which are listed at end of post)





Shoes, Jeans, T-shirts, candy, belt and loads of other goodies to be found at the Plunder Airbus hunt.

Skin: Halloween gift : Minnu (free, may no longer be avaiable)
Tartan Scarf: Edge Grafika (free)
Hair: Novocaine (not free)
Toast: Hanuata

Doin’ it for the Kids

July 17, 2008

I’ve had quite a few requests lately to show some freebies for child avatars.

The other day on my travels I found this cute Little Angel skin which is free from JD Skins and Shapes. This skin does come with a child shape, but I decided to make my own and I will give this away for free.

My RL kids helped me create the looks for this little girl, so I have named the shape after their initials – CJ. I also made her an AO with animated poses, all the poses shown here are in the AO and it also includes a little skipping walk. This will be 1L, just because I kept borking it up and spent quite a lot on uploads.

Probably anyone who plays a child avatar will know the Babydolls store, the freebie room there is huge and full of clothes, toys and furniture. Here are some of the outfits my girls picked as their faves.



This one not my personal taste, but it’s Bratz, ya know what kids are like.


I’ve also shown some adult clothes which look cute on kids too, these are the camo cropped pants free from Yy Shop which I have shown previously, they look so cute on kids. The Dusties sneakers are a group gift from Akeyo, they are resizable with a click so will suit adults and children.


This is is the new free dress by Mayuki, it looks adorable on little girls.


It looks gorgeous on adults too and can be worn in various ways. It has 3 skirt attachments, bows and a strap or strapless top.


Little Angel Skin: JD Skins and Shapes.(0L)
Nocturne hair (worn on child): Tricolore (group gift)
Childrens Clothes: Babydolls (0L)
Camo pants: Yy Shop (free)
Pirate Tee: Relance (free)
Dusties sneakers: Akeyo (group gift)
Dot Dress Kana (worn on child and adult): Mayuki (0L)
Summer hair (worn on Adult): Tekuteku (0L)

Not free
Tail and Ears: WaRmth (70L)

Alive & Kicking

June 30, 2008

Well, it’s Sunday again and that can only mean one thing… time for G to get off his @$$ and make a post. I know, you don’t hear from me as often as most of my esteemed colleagues but rest assured I am out there scouring the grid for freebies to share with all my SL bros. So if you are, or know, a guy on a budget I am here (in the words of the exalted Busta Rhymes) to get you all in check!!

Now I am not one to hold a grudge but this plain gray T from Grudge Designs has me second thinking that stance. The shading is subtle but well done and no gaudy over sized logo makes this a great find for just… that’s right.. dolla dolla bill ya’ll! A trip to Sidewalk provided this kickass pair of frayed jeans that are part of a full outfit (shoes and shirt included) they offer up for free. Once again I can’t get enough of Philotic Energy’s “Faris” hair which you can snatch off the cheapie tree for just $1L. I am all about the accesories and when I ran across a unisex gift box from Made For You that had this brown leather armband I was more than happy to slide it on. On the other wrist I donned EnVenom’s “Gummi Bare Licorice” braclets which I have blogged before ($1L).

While I was at Grudge Designs I picked up this “Eulogy” T for just $75L and that gives me enough reason to hop on my soapbox. We all love free items in SL but when you do have a few extra lindens to throw around don’t forget to spend them with all the gracious designers that have been clothing you for next to nothing. [Steps off his soapbox] AB Apparel also has a $1L outfit for the bois and the jeans inside are simply stunning.

At this point I am sure you all have been spying my waist and saying “Why hasn’t he mentioned the belt!?!” Good things come to those who wait my friends. This week Mechanism released their hunter’s belt and a tank which Ashia rawked in a prior post. The belt is free but the tank is group gift and although I know Adaire would rather see me dead than wearing a tank top I suggest you join their group and give it a try. The shorts are also from Mechanism (is it becoming obvious I love this store? lol) and can be had for $180L. Those who know me well will not be surprised when I reveal that I am a total SHOE WHORE and when I heard Monogrind had a pair of combat boots as a group gift I nearly borked my index finger clicking my mouse to add them to my inventory.

I know… I am dragging this one out but there was just one more item I wanted to showcase and that is the first T-shirt that I can claim as “MINE”. With a lil free time on my hands I have decided to start my own line which I have dubbed “Guerilla Gear”. You can pick up my first creation for free at the Home of Freestyle or just shoot me an IM and I would be glad to send ya one.

With that being said I am gonna hit the sack and wish you all well… wherever you might be.


June 29, 2008

Who wants a quickie with me before I go bed?

I was walking around Takaraduka today (great shopping place) and I stumbled across this fantastic store called Ume Mode, check out this jewellery set and headband which was free (or 1L) in store. The punky hair worn here is Jule by Mirai Style (200L for 2 colours) and the mucho prettyness skin is Tuli Celeste [light/1] ~ dawn (freckled) whch was a previous group gift, but you can buy it in store.


Twosome have released a funky retro style 1L top and it will only be at this price until 1pm SLT tomorrow, this one is in juicy orange and brown colours, there are more luffly colours in store at full price.


Rasetsukoku sent a notice to fashcon that immediately attracted my attention, I liked the sound of this store, so off I popped over there. A really great fitting pair of scorpion jeans and teeny gothic top here for free or 1L. Can I just say free, meaning free or 1L? I keep forgetting.


Lastly but def not least is these versatile beach shoes which are a group gift from the :: Sixty-nine :: Group, they come in various sizes and can be worn by men and women. Looove dems!

69 group gift

Can I go bed now? Who’s coming?

Dawn Designs

May 16, 2008

Susie Voom left a comment today asking where DawnShop went to, and this reminded me about a post I had planned..

The store ‘formerly known as DawnShop’ has moved and is now called Dawn Designs, it’s located at Rookery Cove. When you land here, you will see a sign with a sexy latex pink outfit. Click the sign next to it to join the group and click this outfit sign wearing your group tag and…hot dammm….this is what you will look like. This outfit includes the white boots and a scarf too (not worn cos it didn’t work with ma hair)


Now go up the stairs to the Dawn Designs store, there are more free items there. This gorgeous outfit (includes shoes and skin).


Also, Dawn has updated her free male Avatar, check this handsome chap out. The skin is a very nice Another Shop mod and it also includes complete outfit/shoes, shape, hair (not worn) and AO. The free female avatar is great too, I have previously featured this on the blog a loong time ago HERE.

Everything worn here is part of the free male avatar apart from the hair which is from Uncleweb.

So if you know any new male and female SL players, take them to Dawn Designs for her fantastic starter avatars.

Non Free Item
Sexy Hair: Shop Seu


April 26, 2008

Tox1c Chemistry dropped this great mens outfit yesterday, it’s free at Crimson Shadow for a whole week guys. It reminds me of late 70s/early 80s punk gear and now I’m inspired to download all the Sex Pistols stuff (am I that old? Errr my parents liked them). I wish my Eisa looked like more of a tough guy, he doesn’t quite cut it does he?


Cool pair of shabby tartan pants with all kinds of metal belts and arm collar, also includes the shoes.


The piercings attach to the skull so if you want to wear them with hair you will have to attach them to your ear or something and then adjust them, if you have the patience – BE CAREFUL THOUGH – I totally borked up the first set. I gave up in the end and went bald, which is the actual intention of this outfit.


God Save The Queen!!

Men’s Plaid Pants set, Crimson Shadow – Free for one week only
This is the exact URL but you will arrive at the landing point, follow the red beacon/arrow and then go to the ground level where the mens clothes are.

Non Free Items
Justin Eyeliner Skin : Good Life
Mykal Hair : Philotic Energy

*Pop Feel* Star Hunt

April 21, 2008

Pop Feel are having a hunt at the Pop Feel Village, search for 10 stars in and around the stores and buy for 1L. I found lovely metallic dresses, stockings, skirt outfits, a shorts set and the cutest bag in the metasphere, but I only managed to find 8 out of the 10 stars. The hunt is on until Saturday 26th April.



These dresses are metallic, doesn’t show too well on these photo’s but in SL they look great. I found the black, green and red ones.

Again, this went a little illuminous with the lighting in the sphere but it ain’t quite that bright.

Kewtest bag with the coolest ted.

Sporty shorty set

All outfits: Pop Feel Fashion Village Star Hunt, 1L each
Pornstar Slip Ons, checkered, Urban Bomb Unit (Group Gift)
Hair – Boon (1L)
Skin: Ashia Designs (part of a 1L complete Avatar set at Free*Style)
Neko Ears (includes Tail): WaRmth – 70L

Slip on these babies!

April 21, 2008

How about these checkered (I think Vans style) Pornstar Slip on’s? These are a group gift from Urban Bomb Unit, and they rock! They are scripted so you can click them to change size, therefore suitable for both guys and girls, search Urban Bomb Unit to join the group and look in notice archives for these babies.

If you visit the Urban Bomb Unit store at Dogtown, the full price version of these are customisable, you can select any pattern or colour by clicking on the shoe (they also have a Converse pair and the most acest rainboots – I neeeeeed!). Thank you to the person who contacted Miu about these, SL is being a biatchipoo again – I can’t open the notice info….grrrrr!


Pornstar Slip Ons, checkered, Urban Bomb Unit (Group Gift)


February 26, 2008

Olivia sent a notice to the group about this funky choppy UNISEX hairstyle free from Boon, how cool is this? It comes in loads of colours in large and small sizes. A boyish style which makes girl avs look so cute, yet also slightly feminine to make guys look, well, in touch with their feminine side as you will see on Eisa later on in this post. The charming skin worn here is Mela’s ‘Elephant’ skin, this is Freeee in her store Mela’s at Juicy.


Iki sent out two fun tops to her Dutch Touch group to brighten up your day, the UNISEX jeans are also a recent Dutch Touch Group gift and they are still there if you TP to Dutch Touch, touch the subscribo sign, touch again and choose History and then go through all the options for all of these gifts. These will only be there until Iki removes them so get them quick.

Pumps by 69 Succubus (Group Gift)



I dragged Eisa out to model these next outfits, poor Eisa has been so neglected lately, I think he forgot how to walk.

Cheri found these amazing free guys tops in a store called =About= at Creators Pavillion the other day, this is a really great store for guys – you will also find a free Monkey Avatar there.


The jeans worn here are the Dutch Touch group gift jeans shown earlier. As you can see they are unisex and look really great on guys too.

The sneakers worn here are the free ones I featured on a previous post from =About= at the Creators Pavillion Spring Sale area.

This is the second free top at =About=, great design and excellent quality, Eisa is wearing it with the 1L Tartan Kilin pants which were at the Creators Pavillion Spring Sale


OK Eisa, sorry, get back into your box again until next time – honestly he goes wild when he gets out, I should let him out more.


Eisa skin is ‘Justin, Eyeliner’ by Good Life, (not free)