Archive for the ‘Mens Skin’ Category

Bedtime Fun!

February 8, 2009

This post is going to be superbrief (no pun intended), I didn’t get to bed until after 5am following a great night out – so serious tiredness issues today.

Here’s some sexy lingerie to get your juices flowing…

This first one is a group gift from InSomnia, tp to the store, touch the sign to join the group and the group gift skin is right next to it.

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Lingerie: InSomnia, group gift
Valentine Skin: Fleur (vain inc kiss hunt gift)
Hair by Lamb (not free)

Some of the stores at SG Fashion are giving a free gift to group members. TP there, join the group and touch the free gift signs outside the stores. Gorgeous stuff!

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Boxers, Lingerie and Tattoos by SG Fashion
Valentine Skin by Glamurena at SG Fashion (all group gifts)
Strawberry Female Hair: Junwave – Copain Group Gift (there is a join fee but group is currently closed I think)

Male Ewan skin: Belleza (Vain Kiss hunt gift)
Male Hair and eyes: KMADD (Vain kiss hunt gift)

Look at these adorable shoes by AuMa, I LOVE them. These are another SG Fashion group gift. Touch the sign outside the store wearing your group tag.


Shoes: AuMa at SG Fashion (group gift)

*shuffles off to bed………zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz*


October 22, 2008

Plunder Airbus (home of Civvies) is having a pumpkin hunt. I really love this place, it’s unlike anything else I have seen in SL and there’s some brill stores here.

These pumpkins contain clothes, shoes, candy and this hunt is also for the GUYS, oh and it’s easy too!

You can find the pumpkins on the Plunder Airbus, Miau Haus, and Civvies – The Block has a bonus pumpkin. Hunt is on until 31st October!

I dragged poor old Eisa out for this post and I didn’t even have to dust of his virtual cobwebs. Everything worn here can be found on this hunt, (except skin, hair, shape and toast which are listed at end of post)





Shoes, Jeans, T-shirts, candy, belt and loads of other goodies to be found at the Plunder Airbus hunt.

Skin: Halloween gift : Minnu (free, may no longer be avaiable)
Tartan Scarf: Edge Grafika (free)
Hair: Novocaine (not free)
Toast: Hanuata


October 19, 2008

More goodness that came about as a result of me logging in as Ash today! Not only did I get to go to the fab Crimson Shadow party as posted by our fearless leader Creamz below, but I also bumped into my old friend Karr. Once upon a time, there was four of us who were inseparable, but RL took over as it usually does, then I got obsessed with my Q (this is an ongoing love affair with my new av!!)

What better way to catch up than to play dress ups and be Bossy McBosserson?!! “Stand there, no closer…..are you wearing the outfit??!!” If you wanna see Karr is all his human hotness, he haz blog called A Male Perspective, check it out!

The costumes you can grab from Damiani Fashions are complete down to eyes and clothes. Don’t we look scury!! Join the group, have you tag activated and buy these babies for an L.

Here’s a close up of the girl’s skin, it really is quite gorgeous. Now I’m off to have brekkie with the girls and check out Sculptures By The Sea.

Other Shit
Hair (not free)
Deviant kitties

Finger Tape (not free)

Karr Fall (not free either but like total eye candy yo!)


October 16, 2008

I was trying to vary the things I show on this blog so we don’t overdose on Halloween, but it’s proving impossible because so much amazing stuff is appearing.

Kuri Style has created one of my favourite Halloween outfit so far. It’s adorable! These cute little orange wedge shoes are this weeks 1L goodie from Ki2, they work perfectly with this outfit.


This top has a golden sheen and is so beautiful detailed, with a cute little pumpkin hat and skirt.


You probably all know by now that Minnu has these skins free in store, for GIRLS & GUYS, and they rock. Hurry get them quick as they might be gone soon.

The Moscow Halloween skins come in four beautiful makeups.

mm skin

mm skin2

It’s very rare that a top quality male skin like these are given away, I imagine that it’s not in stores best interest to do this as men rarely change their skins like us girls do. It’s very generous of Minnu to do this for the guys. For the first time I have seen lashes for BOYS in the gift bag…YAY!

mm men

Oh and by the way guys, this great top is a group gift from Valiant, join the group and look in the notice archives, this is such a cool store and Wavie is very generous to his group.


Pumpkin Halloween outfit: Kuri Style: 0L
Orange Wedge shoes: Ki2 (1L)
Moscow Light Halloween Skins (4 makeups): Minnu (0L)

Madrid Halloween skins (hair and no hair, 2 makeups & lashes), Minnu (0L) – limited time!
Top: Valiant group gift

I got me some Attitoode

October 12, 2008

Attitudes have some gorgeous new lingerie for Fall, all of this for FREEEEE…


If I saw this lingerie in a RL store, I would buy all of it..


Even something for the guys, are you missing your ‘hippo’s’ on your friends list? I know I am, so get your guy some for his pants to fill that void.

Oh and my guy av hangs to the right FYI!

All underwear: Attitudes (0L)

The beautiful female skin worn is the new Dutch Touch group gift, touch the subscribomatic sign, touch it again and choose History, Option 1. The Hair is the new group gift from W&Y and the Yashna Shape is at Free*Style (1L)

The male skin is the new Halloween group gift from Minnu, joining fee is 250L, the hair was a previous group gift in the Minnu group but is now available to buy in store.

I am also now blogging freebie skins on the !Skin love! blog, so hop on over there if you have a serious skin addiction like me.

Girls & Boys

October 6, 2008

YAY, it’s Monday…the start of the weekend, (I’ve decided my weekends start on a Monday from now on)

I’ve been having fun dressing up my transgender alt Eisa over the past couple of days. SL’s gender swapping exploits made me think of this song by Girls & Boys by Blur.

“Girls who are boys, who like boys to be girls, who do boys like they’re girls, who do girls like they’re boys….Always should be someone you really love!”

On to the freebies.

halloween boy_001

Halloween Gloves and Hat ::sey:: (group gift in store)
Moss Cardigan: Savvy Avvy, (group gift) look in notice archives
Pants: Savvy Avvy (previous group gift)

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Knit Vest Set: B11 at FS Mall (0L)
HalloweenGiftHair FLURRY 2 +++DEJAVU HOMME+++ (
Dejavu group gift– look in archives)
Emoooo Skin:
Free*Style at Hotel Dare (0L)
Belt: Key at
FS Mall

halloween boy_004

Grey Bubble Tee: Aitui Group Gift, join and look in notice archives
Downtown Jeans *Get Psycho* by iNFLiCT (group gift at the members area)
HalloweenGiftHair FLURRY 2 +++DEJAVU HOMME+++ ( Dejavu group gift– as before)
Scarf, B11 at FS Mall (part of previous outfit )
Wristband : [WaRmth18] at
FS Mall (0L)

I really loved #7 in the SL Secrets, Shopping Cart Disco blog, “I fucked my alt…and I liked it”, it made me laugh out loud! Maybe I should try it with Eisa, is that so wrong??

Oh and before I go, I found a some great free gifts for girls at the FS Mall too. This hat/hair is free from W&Y and the top is by Izumya, take a walk around the FS Mall for lots more free items for men and women.

fs mall

I was totally amazed today when I stopped by at Domestic V and saw that ALL the skins are on sale for 5L each!!!! There is also a box of the complete skins collection for 100L!!! Shocked?? Oh yes!! These skins are beautiful, I’m wearing the cheeky sheen hybrid2 (NATURAL) skin in the pic above, only 5L!!


October 5, 2008

Yesterday, Express Zenovka of Men’s Second Style blog challenged me to a throwdown…Emo style.

Being a woman on the other side of 30, wtf do I know about emo? I did find some pretty cool stuff though and most of it was free.

I’m gonna be lazy and send you over to Mens Second Style rather than repeat it all on here, take a look at and remember to vote for the best Emo too.

While I was shopping for that outfit I found some other pretty cool stuff for you guys.

for Free*Style

I also made an attempt at an emo skin, using Eloh Eliot’s Cf1 male skin as a base, this will be free at Free*Style tomorrow.


Remember to check out Mens Second Style for more free stuff for men.

iNFLiCT – Cropped pants (0L members group gift)
Free*Style-Emoooo skin: Cf1 Eloh mod by me (0L) ( will be available tomorrow)
Civvies – Dead Man’s Leather Jacket group gift (0L) TP to store, join group and touch the sign
:sey: – Cross Piercing (group gift in store)

Other Items worn
RocX – Tortura heart scar (70L)
Novocaine – Kavi Hair (darks pack) (285L)

I’m not dead!

July 11, 2008

It’s the Creamster….It’s ALIIIVE!

Hi everyone, have you all been behaving while I’ve been away??

I thought I would do a post just to let everyone know I haven’t deserted Free*Style. I’m still recovering from my nuts episode, I’m feeling a lot better now but I’m not completely myself yet.

Before officially returning to SL I was thinking I should do a Britney and shave my hair off first and then maybe go into rehab like Amy.

cwazy does a britney

After a lot of soul searching this week I have come to the conclusion that having a demanding First Life and Second Life frazzled my brain – it all got too much, so I think a break from the less important one was much needed and I think I will have to cool it a bit from now on.

So what enticed me to come online? Well, I received an offline IM from Dutch Touch group – Iki has made HAIR!! I love Dutch Touch so I had to come see it. I logged on as my quieter alt Mini to check it out, it’s a long style with a cute cap. I can’t wait to see what Iki comes up with next, I hope she makes more hair.


Iki’s first hair with Cap – Dutch Touch Group Gift (touch the subscribomatic sign, touch it again and choose history option 1)
Dutch Touch (not free)

I looked in my groups and found these goodies too, 4 versatile tops in the Bland group notices.

YAY! Aoharu Group gifties for girls and boys, cute orange dress, boys board shorts and pretty coloured tops, this hair may still be in the notices too.




The camo pants I discovered at this cute little market, Yy shop

Lots of free items here and new stuff being added all the time.

Oooh and this beautiful sleek ponytail hairstyle, it’s a group gift from Philotic Energy (subscribomatic) and the male and female skins worn are the new Zero skins by Minnu, these were free in store – not sure if they are still available.


Sorry if that post was a bit of a shambles, it’s just like my brain right now. I also apologise if some of these items are no longer available, it took me 3 days to get this post done.

Mwaaahs xx

Cassiopeia Carnival Finds

June 1, 2008

*Creamy peeks into the blog*

Hiiiii, this is going to be another quickie one from me, I’m very busy playing my RL at weekends.
I thought it most important that you see this this stunningly striking ‘werd’ skin from Unpredictable group, it’s so unusual and really makes the eyes stand out, I loooove. So beautiful and perfect for those of you who like a vampire/gothic or even a neko look, there’s also a male version.


It works so well with my findings from the LV’s & Co. Cassiopeia Carnival which I think is on all weekend (maybe longer). Lots of freebieness to be found at many stores on the sim. I only managed to find a couple of items as I don’t get much time to come online at weekends, so here’s a lil taster.

Oh my god how hot is this lingerie from Janeways boutique (free)carnal_001

For all you kitteh’s out there, this Anime Fan Girl outfit from My Dead Kitty comes in 4 different colours (1L each) and includes the backpack and legwarmers.


carnal_003 carnal_005

Our very own Olivia loves to get her pasties out. She makes everything look filthy sexeh and here she is in the beautiful Fishnet Dollie outfit from The Dolls House also free (or 1L) at Cassiopeia, why have I never been to this store? I also picked up this outfit and fell in love with everything else. I neeeeed moneyz, I want to buy everything in there.

Noooo Olivia….don’t do it!

This cool gun pose and gun is from Animonics, if you subscribo to this group by touching the sign, (doesn’t take up an group space) you will receive a free pose monthly ya bunch of posers. Click the sign after subscribing, click it again and choose option 2 and you get a ‘yer dead’ pose.

This is the ‘yer dead’ free pose you get as a group gift this month.

Count Chocolate Belt from Passionate Neko at Cassiopeia (free or 1L)

i.k.i Jeans: Torridwear (1L)

Top : My Dead Kitty (part of the Anime Fan Girl outfit above – 1L for set)

Ugh…turns out that wasn’t quick at all, SL wouldn’t let me TP so I’m sorry if any of the LMs are incorrect and I’ve probably forgotten to list some items. I’ll sort em when things work again.

*runs off to get on with her RL stuff*

More Free*Style Guest Stars!

May 26, 2008

I found some more great finds and great pics from members of the Flickr Free*Style group. Woot! Up first we have the lurrrvely Itny Lisle giving us a little fun in the sun. Her ‘kini is a freebie from Popfuzz. The Marilyn tee is free from Embellished. The shades are $15 (but strangely marked as a “freebie”) from SpeXx and the bracelet is a part of a very generous gift from ::69::, available in-store. Her green peacock earrings are a lucky chair gift from Microphage.
The not-free-but-fabu stuff includes her hair from Abyss and Naughty Designs and her Fashionably Dead skin. Isn’t that lil’ dab of sunscreen on her lil’ nose kyoot?

Next up is Vixxon Sass! Her skin is the Quelito Soon skin in Darjeeling – Acceso that was a Bianca F group gift (one of the best subscribe-o-matics in SL for generous gifts!). The leather vest is free from the much blogged and loved teddy bear hunt at Asri Falcone. It’s labeled as a men’s gift but isn’t it the yum on Ms. Sass? The boots are the also loved dollarbie from Katat0nik on Axis Mundi that Creamy blogged here. The bracelet is free from Edge Grafika. (LOTS of cool freebies there!) The skirt and leather shorts are part of the Babydoll treasure hunt that’s still going on. Her C&H “ash brown” hair is available for free here. Her “Timeless” shape is by none other than Free*Style Fox Ashia!
And last but not least, I found a boi to post about. It’s Free*Style gone “G Style.” These pictures and finds came about when he was giving me heck about how long it takes me to do just one little post. (It takes a lot longer than you’d think, but don’t get me wrong – I love it!) I turned to him and said “HA! Why don’t YOU try it?!” And he did. And, he now admits that it’s a lot harder than it looks. Adaire for the WIN!

G is rocking the free “Black and White Suit” from the beloved Yip! It comes in many colors too! His “Jack” skin and hair are both free from the Gnubie Store from Random Fashions. His Decollage eyes are also $0L and are also available at the Gnubie Store.

I think he’s looking rather dapper thanks to Yip, but it’s a darn shame that the only time I can get G in a suit is for a post!! Below, he’s got on a “Made in Germany” tee by iNFLiCT that’s available from the German Fashion Expo at Vanity. It’s worth noting that there are a decent amount of guy and unisex freebies available there. Yay! His yummily ripped up “Zoltan” jeans are a dollarbie from PomJ. There’s also a blue pair for $2L. The piercings are from FlipSide and aren’t free, but G won’t take ’em off for anything since he got them.
Thanks to all of the stars featured here, especially for posting all of the links!! Keep sending in those pics and stay classy, Free*Style readers. [cackles at the absurdity of trying to imitate the great Will Farrell as Ron Burgundy]