Archive for the ‘Mens Skin’ Category

Dawn Designs

May 16, 2008

Susie Voom left a comment today asking where DawnShop went to, and this reminded me about a post I had planned..

The store ‘formerly known as DawnShop’ has moved and is now called Dawn Designs, it’s located at Rookery Cove. When you land here, you will see a sign with a sexy latex pink outfit. Click the sign next to it to join the group and click this outfit sign wearing your group tag and…hot dammm….this is what you will look like. This outfit includes the white boots and a scarf too (not worn cos it didn’t work with ma hair)


Now go up the stairs to the Dawn Designs store, there are more free items there. This gorgeous outfit (includes shoes and skin).


Also, Dawn has updated her free male Avatar, check this handsome chap out. The skin is a very nice Another Shop mod and it also includes complete outfit/shoes, shape, hair (not worn) and AO. The free female avatar is great too, I have previously featured this on the blog a loong time ago HERE.

Everything worn here is part of the free male avatar apart from the hair which is from Uncleweb.

So if you know any new male and female SL players, take them to Dawn Designs for her fantastic starter avatars.

Non Free Item
Sexy Hair: Shop Seu


May 15, 2008

For about a week now, I’ve been planning this post on the massive amount of amazing free items Garbage has given to his Random group. I had a huge group of us ready to do it but then the usual happened, someone crashes, someone goes offline, all that good stuff.

So today I decided I must do it before these items removed from the group (thanks to Express for not allowing me to forget, LOL)



Everything worn above, (except Ashia’s skin, hair, Tail and Ears, Cheri’s skin and Express’ shoes), plus lots more skins, hair and clothes for both sexes are available in the Random subscribomatic group, touch it and choose option 1 and hopefully they will still be in the notice archives.

Oh ermm…..we had a serious copybot incident…yeah, Cheri photocopied her butt and it knocked me out.


Thanks to Cheri, Express and Ashia for helping out here and big thanks to Garbage again for giving away all of these clothes, skins and hair.

So what’s your thoughts on this blog design? It’s not definitely staying because I’m not happy with how squished the text and photo’s look.

Also, I have lost a whole load of blog links from the side panel and all my widgets, but I will be putting them in again over the next few days. If your blog was was on this page and I don’t put it back, it’s just because I had so many there and I forgot.
Please contact me with your blog link, leave a comment to this post with your blog link.



May 8, 2008

I’ve had another fun idea for the Free*Style Flickr Group , I’d like you to send photo’s of outfits you have put together from lucky chairs/prize camp chairs and I’ll make it a regular feature on this blog.

Take some snapshots in SL. Upload them to Flickr (free to join). Join the Free*Style Flickr Group and add your pics to the group by clicking on Organize (top of screen) > all of your content > groups > and drag your photo’s onto the Free*Style group.

** The main subject of the photo must be free or 1L and still available at that price, but you can also wear full price items. Please put as much information on outfit/location/poses as you can with your photo with the SLURLs – you can get this by opening your map at the location and ‘copy SLURL to clipboard’ – then Ctrl+V to paste it into your photo info in Flickr**

I’ve got a great example for you today. Crimson Shadow have 2 fantastic outfits on the lucky chair. The Blood Parlari suits (for men and women) are only available on the chair for a few more days so keep checking if your letter is there.



This skin from Unpredictable group is perfect for this outfit. There’s a male and female skin in the group, they are both pretty much identical makeup-wise. I wore the male skin with my Mike Oxlong shape (1L at Free*Style), it looks so like the Steve Strange from Visage (yuss showing my age again, ooh but this was an ace band.) The likeness here it’s scary – yet cool….check this out.


Steve Strange and Visage: Fade to Grey


These fantabulous outfits are only available on the lucky chairs at Crimson Shadow for a few more days, so hurry on down.

Parlari Suits: Crimson Shadow lucky chair
Xantha Hair: Philotic Energy (not free)
Reckless Mink Hair: Exile (Group Gift – Search Exile Gear and look in notice archives)

More Random Coolness

May 5, 2008


This is a super quick post, my frikkin laptop is being a biatchipoo again and has reset the clock, it’s been displaying as an hour behind what the actual time is, trying to confuse me…it’s way past my bedtime.

Random Fashions is giving away even more great gifts, a unisex pair of white skinny jeans and some tops and leggings for girls. If you would like these, TP to the store and click the subscribomatic sign, click it again and choose history option 1.

So, for the girls, we have 3 pairs of leggings and tops in various colours which can be worn with the flouncy prim bit or just as a vest top.




random1_008 random1_009

The white jeans also part of the Random group are unisex. The Top Gun style flight jacket also worn here is only 1L from Diversity (possibly only for a limited time so get this mucho quickness). This jacket is guys but it looks good on us girlies too.

This IS a guy in case you were in any doubt 😀

and this one is female…look she’s got bewbs!

One more thing…Gigi Couture has given away a wearable kawaii backpack which contains a LOVE top to the group, search Gigi and join the Gigi Couture group for these and lots of other great items. The super sexy jeans worn here, which I have previously blogged, are also still in the group notices.



Ever felt like I was rushing to get out of here?…I’m outta here. Ni nites xx

Tops/Leggings/White Jeans: Random Fashions (subscribomatic group gift)
Flight Jacket:
Diversity (1L)
Gigi Couture (Group Gift)
Jessica Skin by Cake (not free)
Lil Diva Hair by Cake (not free)
Male Skin by Random at Gnubie Store (free/1L)
Rick Hair by Random at Gnubie Store (free/1L)
Chucks: Akeyo (not free)

Will provide the links for these tomorrow

El Trebole modelled by the one and only Brad Shit

April 2, 2008

Following on from the Angelina Jolie theme in yesterday’s post. I’ve attempted to make a Brad Pitt.

I thought Brad could model the free mens clothes at El Trebole today (I featured the womens free clothes there also in THIS POST). These clothes are great for setting up a new player with some decent clothes, so if you find anyone in need of a makeover, point them in the El Trebole direction.

This photosourced leather jacket will go with pretty much anything.

Top with the El Trebole logo, I’m not a big fan of logo’s on clothes usually but this is pretty cool.


Two moist looking ‘Fun Boy’ vests. “Where have you been Brad? Don’t let Angelina know, she’ll box yer ears.”


Two pairs of cargo’s


Non Free Items
The skin worn is the fantastic new ‘Hot Rod’ skin by MiaSnow which I found on the Easter hunt a few weeks ago. This was the preview version, the finished version can be bought in the store. It’s amazingly realistic looking.
The ‘Jamie’ hair was a previous free style from Truth, this can still be bought in the store.
The ‘Groovy’ Sunglasses were a previous free gift from Argrace, probably available to buy in store.

‘Brad Shit’ Shape by Creamy (Free)
I’ll pass it out to the group and put it at Free*Style, he will be mod so you might be able to make him look more like Brad than I could.

in which i break the rules, oh noes

March 27, 2008

(what follows is mostly of the not-free variety but the clearance sale at random industries is fabulous enough that i couldn’t resist letting you all in on it, so don’t hate me too much please)

[skin – rosemar group gift; hair – random, layla (70L for around 25 colors); top – random; skirt – mg fashions]

i got the yummy salmon skirt free from the mg fashions update group a few days ago. i was completely stumped as to what to wear with it, and couldn’t settle on anydamnthing til i found the “this is why i’m hot” (20L, but you can get a big old variety pack of kitschy shirts for 150L) shirt at the abovementioned sale. i had to go all out pepto bismol pink overdose. had to!

[hair – booN, uzuz22 (220L for a 2 color pack); skin – belleza (group gift); top and jeans – random]

because i personally can never have enough peggy bundy in my wardrobe, i also picked up the shimmery metallic glamorous tops (5L for a 2 pack – gold and silver) and the skinny leopard jeans (a pack of 3 in varying washes for 25L).

[shirt – random, boys polo (25L for a pack of 7)]

yup, there’s stuff for the boys too! i’m a sucker for the boyliner on garbage’s skins (reduced to 75L for a single skin), and the emotacular jack hair was crying out to me, threatening to slit its imaginary wrists if i didn’t fork over the 70L (like with the layla hair, you get 25ish colors) and take it home with me. the glasses are from g.l.a.m./indigo’s instore dollarbie box – it’s upstairs with the men’s stuff.

and because you’ve all been so well behaved, i do actually have something totes free to share:

well hellloooooo nurse! thanks to bronwyn llewelyn for alerting the group to this naughty freebie from nuclear boutique. doctor bear’s included in case you can’t find a strapping young orderly to cuddle during those lonesome 11-7’s. you’ll find it instore in the casualwear section, and the sign indicates that it’s the freebie of the week, so don’t wait on this one. now, who’s ready for their checkup?

New Gnubie

March 7, 2008

The Gnubie Store has a fond place in most of our hearts, from the oldest Avatars to the youngest ones. Most of us went there to get kitted out when we first started playing SL and often keep going back for more. Well now you have another reason to visit again, whether you are a new player or not.

I made this YAY pose, I’ll put it at Free*style for y’all.

Gnubie Store has moved to a new location and has more designers on board too, lots of my faves in there including Toast (Nylon), Polyester (Yummy), Antonia Morat (Artilleri), Emma Gilmour (Surf Shack), Triangle (GHOST), Noam (Gritty Kitty), Nyte n Day, Juliet (Tres Blah), Kenzie, Fallingwater (Shiny Things), Sachi (Adam & Eve), Roslin & CJ (Fleur) and many more for men and women. Not only fashion, there’s buildings by Ingrid Ingersoll and Barnseworth Anubis and more, accessories, hair and much more to be added….all for free or 1L!!

Here’s a few of the goodies I picked up.


Tube top and shoes on the first pic (part of an outfit) by Emma Gilmour (Sand Shack Surf Co.)
Necklace by Fallingwater (Shiny Things)
Jeans by Kenzie
Earrings by Polyester (Yummy)
All free or 1L from the Gnubie Store


Top by Juliet Westerberg (Tres Blah)
Pants and Bracelet by Antonia Morat (Artilleri)
All free or 1L from Gnubie Store

Summer Skin – Kao Skin and Shape (prize camp)
Hair – Pompa braid by BP (100L)
Chucks by Darkstar (60L)

TP to the Gnubie Store

a couple st. patty’s day things

March 5, 2008

this one’s for the oft neglected boys 😀

[skin – imagen, available at free*style hq; shape – mike oxlong (modded slightly) by our own creamy cooljoke, also available at the free*style HQ; hair – truth dollarbie]

stellar designs is giving away a bundle of st. patrick’s day goodies to their group.
there’s something for everyone in there, but i thought this gimmicky shirt was cute. there’s also a green pair of unisex jeans with shamrocks on the tushie:

and from the barerose lucky chair, this yummily made suit:

[skin – minnu, group gift, no longer available free; hair – truth group gift, no longer available free; eyes – adam and eve, from their skin fair freebie box]

Foxy Sn@tch

February 27, 2008

Well, look at this tranformation today. Finally my letter came up on the lucky chair and I got this funky afro from BP, I think the whole of SL will have this hair soon (it rocks on guys too!). This hair is becoming an obsession!

So Ivey at Snatch has put some more free items in the store (Yay Ivey!!!), this first one called ‘Cry Baby’ is free somewhere in the store for a week. I’ll give you a clue, when you TP into the store walk straight ahead and go left to where the stockings are at the a back.

Cry Baby has slightly mucky leggings just how I like them, like you’ve been getting up to ‘I don’t know what.’


The next item is available for free for 24 hours and then it will be back to it’s full price again, but, if you look hard you may find another free item, you have to look at each ad to see which is free.

Today it was the Gothkini.


oooh think I shoulda gone for a bigger cupsize…


This beautiful skin is by Fleur, the ‘Vivant Chestnut Soiree’. Fleur is now doing the 500L gift for those who missed out last time. So if you haven’t got your gift voucher yet, join the Fleur Group and click on the sign outside the store, you will be given your voucher. Wear the voucher and choose your skin, only 1 voucher per person and only applies to those who missed out last time. This offer only applies until Tuesday.


Ooh and I always forget to mention the eyes, these are a group gift by Big Booty Big Money.

While we were in Snatch, Skyler found a free backpack and T Shirt in Retox, (which is on the left hand side of the store) and I took some sneaky pics of him (he said it was ok though, thanks Skyler)

Broken Heart Tee, Retox at Snatch (free)

So you need to get your hunting head on to find these, it’s pretty tricky for me to explain exactly where they are.

Mods Hair/NTT DoCoMo – Phone Hunt

February 18, 2008

Here is another fine example of some brilliant marketing in SL which I spotted yesterday on the superstylish Paratge blog.

NTT DoCoMo is a mobile phone company (company info here), they have created a business area in SL to promote their company and it’s another fantastic build. When you land at NTT DoCoMo you will be at the entrance to Bals store (the furniture is gorgeous but it doesn’t seem to be for sale unfortunately).


The idea is you hunt for 13 mobile phones in each ‘room’ (Dpende has done all the hard work here, see his blog Paratge for photo’s of each phone), touch them to pick them up.


Once you have located all 13 phones, then go over to the Mods Hair Salon -you will see 6 hairstyles on the counter, (3 styles for men and 3 for women). Touch each one and you will be given each style.


Here are my favourite female styles.

mod hair_001

mod hair_003

The skin worn in the above photo’s is 1L ‘Citrus’ skin by A Piece of Candy. This is an Another Shop modified skin, I love the pouty lips Candy creates on her mods…Angelina Jolie lips!

This cute tartan outfit is this weeks free gift by Freak Couture.

mod hair_005

I had better show you a couple of the guys styles also from Mod Hair, these were my favourites.


Aden Male Skin by Imagen at Free*Style 1L.

Thank you Dpende for the photo’s of phone locations, these were very helpful to me.

So recap –
TP to NTT DoCoMo and enter the Bals store
Locate the 13 mobile phones in each ‘room’ in the store. Touch each one and they will go into your inventory
TP or fly to Mods Hair Salon and ‘touch’ each hairstyle on the counter.
There you go – you’ve got some luffly new hair!

This is a rewritten post from earlier today because it was brought to my attention that the female skin worn in my original post was a possible rip. Initially, I didn’t recognise it because I was wearing a completely different shape than usual but when I put it on my usual shape and wore the demo of the original skin I saw a similarity. I’m not accusing anyone of anything as I have no proof but I have reported this to the original creator and they can investigate further.