Archive for the ‘Mens Underwear’ Category

Bedtime Fun!

February 8, 2009

This post is going to be superbrief (no pun intended), I didn’t get to bed until after 5am following a great night out – so serious tiredness issues today.

Here’s some sexy lingerie to get your juices flowing…

This first one is a group gift from InSomnia, tp to the store, touch the sign to join the group and the group gift skin is right next to it.

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Lingerie: InSomnia, group gift
Valentine Skin: Fleur (vain inc kiss hunt gift)
Hair by Lamb (not free)

Some of the stores at SG Fashion are giving a free gift to group members. TP there, join the group and touch the free gift signs outside the stores. Gorgeous stuff!

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Boxers, Lingerie and Tattoos by SG Fashion
Valentine Skin by Glamurena at SG Fashion (all group gifts)
Strawberry Female Hair: Junwave – Copain Group Gift (there is a join fee but group is currently closed I think)

Male Ewan skin: Belleza (Vain Kiss hunt gift)
Male Hair and eyes: KMADD (Vain kiss hunt gift)

Look at these adorable shoes by AuMa, I LOVE them. These are another SG Fashion group gift. Touch the sign outside the store wearing your group tag.


Shoes: AuMa at SG Fashion (group gift)

*shuffles off to bed………zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz*

Everyone needs A Four

January 14, 2009

So I really should be working, but I just can’t get into it today. Dunno if it’s a full moon or if the stars are aligned backwards, but the stupid people are out in force. I mean really, if you don’t know what a popup is on your computer, back away very fucking slowly and pretend the interwebz don’t exist kthnxbai.


Sweaters are wardrobe staples, and ones that look this good make me wish it was cold year round! For a limited time, you can get these from A-Bomb for 10L each and the grey one for 1L, many thanks to Addison for letting me know!



Yesterday, our poor snotty Creams sent out a notice telling of newness at Four’s part of the world! I also found some things I didn’t have in my overstuffed Four Yip folder (her generosity still blows me away every time, not to mention her creativity!) White shirt and men’s undies? I’m totes there! A dress that comes with a bee that attaches to your eye? Count me in! Don’t forget to drop some lindens in her tip jar while you’re there 🙂


Have you guys been to Aurora? Not only is there an amazing sale on at the moment (gorgeous boots and shoes for a stupidly low price), a lucky chair and these gorgeous undies in the group. It’s a subscribo, so yay for not taking one of the 25. Eden told me about it via a note entitled “Eden says you have to check this out”


And lastly, a new to me store I found through a fashcon notice, Venusdesign. I’m so happy I actually have time to follow up on those notices now!! This dress will be available for a week only for free, then it goes back to it’s regular price. And now it’s time to get back to educating the masses about Google *not* being the address bar. Ash out.

Other Schtuff
Hair (not free)
Discord Designs

Jeans (1L)

I’m Having a Gang Bang!!

October 29, 2008

Don’t kill me, but this post isn’t entirely about freebies. It is very important that you know about this – you’ll thank me for it in the end, mark my words…read on luvva’s.

Thimbles has a MASSIVE 5L sale on everything which is orange or black, or a combo of both until 31st Oct. I love this store so much, the clothes are fantastic and created with such humour, even the names of the outfits are funny.

I decided to have a team get-together WITH MY ALTS to show some of the clothes here, the first time this has ever happened in my history of SL.

Actually, my craptop would find it impossible to run so many sessions of SL, so I just superimposed them onto a photo together, yes guess who only just figured out how to do this in PS (ableit very badly :D) If I had planned ahead properly I coulda done a mass Alt Orgy with them in all sorts of positions together, maybe next time…

Anyhoo here’s all the yummy stuff I picked up today from Thimbles, guess how many of my alts were involved in these pics today?

Thimbles1 CEC

All clothings worn above were 5L from Thimbles (including the mens)

Skin: Mia: (Not Free)
Hair: Kurotsobaki (no longer available in group)
Roman Skin: Nylon (Not Free)
Hair: Novocane (Not Free)

thimble3 hhl

All clothing 5L each from Thimbles

Other items worn L-R
Girl 1:
Bat Hair: House of Heart (Halloween free gift in store)
Halloween Skin: Tuli (group gift)

Girl 2
Hair: Diversity (not free)
Halloween Skin: Tuli (group gift)
Shoes: Ki2 (not free)

Girl 3
Skull Hair:House of Heart (Black not free)
Skin: Minnu (previous group gift, not free)

Thimbles2 LFH

All clothing 5L each from Thimbles

Other Items worn L-R
Girl 1:
Skull Hair: House of Heart (Black not free)
Skin: Minnu (previous group gift, not free)

Girl 2
Bewitched Hair: House of Heart (Halloween free gift in store)
Halloween Skin: Tuli (group gift)

Girl 3
Skull Hair in white: House of Heart (Halloween free gift in store)
Skin: [42] (subscribomatic group gift, also a free Halloween skin in store)
Python tights: Saya (free)
Wedge Shoes: Fuel (not free)

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Shirt: Thimbles(5L)
Jeans: Random at Gnubie Store (0L)
Hair: House of Heart Halloween free gift in store
Skin: Rockberry (group gift)

Have I overwhelmed you enough? No? OK here’s some more then….(not all of these items are from Thimbles)

l ki2 thim, f hoh thim, l aoharu

Girl 1:
Skull Top: Ki2 (1L this week)
Skirt: Thimbles (5L)
Skin: Minnu (not free)
Hair: Creamshop (not free)

Girl 2:
Skull Hair: House of Heart (Halloween free gift)
Dress: Thimbles (5L)
Skin: [42] (subscribomatic group gift, also a free Halloween skin in store)

Girl 3:
Goooorgeousness Jacket and dress (0L FOR 3 DAYS, AOHARU)
Skin: Minnu (not free)
Hair: Creamshop (not free)

One more while I’m here. Check out what Muism have in the group notices, you can be a, errrrm, beautiful (?) zombie couple. Includes male and female outfits and skins.

muism zombies2

muism zombies

M&F Zombie Outfits and Skins: Muism group gift (join the group and look in notice archives)
Sweeny Todd hair: House of Heart (Blonde colour – 0L) (Black – not free)
Chucks: Akeyo (not free)

So how many alts then, you ask? Work it out for yourselves ;~)


October 22, 2008

Plunder Airbus (home of Civvies) is having a pumpkin hunt. I really love this place, it’s unlike anything else I have seen in SL and there’s some brill stores here.

These pumpkins contain clothes, shoes, candy and this hunt is also for the GUYS, oh and it’s easy too!

You can find the pumpkins on the Plunder Airbus, Miau Haus, and Civvies – The Block has a bonus pumpkin. Hunt is on until 31st October!

I dragged poor old Eisa out for this post and I didn’t even have to dust of his virtual cobwebs. Everything worn here can be found on this hunt, (except skin, hair, shape and toast which are listed at end of post)





Shoes, Jeans, T-shirts, candy, belt and loads of other goodies to be found at the Plunder Airbus hunt.

Skin: Halloween gift : Minnu (free, may no longer be avaiable)
Tartan Scarf: Edge Grafika (free)
Hair: Novocaine (not free)
Toast: Hanuata

I got me some Attitoode

October 12, 2008

Attitudes have some gorgeous new lingerie for Fall, all of this for FREEEEE…


If I saw this lingerie in a RL store, I would buy all of it..


Even something for the guys, are you missing your ‘hippo’s’ on your friends list? I know I am, so get your guy some for his pants to fill that void.

Oh and my guy av hangs to the right FYI!

All underwear: Attitudes (0L)

The beautiful female skin worn is the new Dutch Touch group gift, touch the subscribomatic sign, touch it again and choose History, Option 1. The Hair is the new group gift from W&Y and the Yashna Shape is at Free*Style (1L)

The male skin is the new Halloween group gift from Minnu, joining fee is 250L, the hair was a previous group gift in the Minnu group but is now available to buy in store.

I am also now blogging freebie skins on the !Skin love! blog, so hop on over there if you have a serious skin addiction like me.