Archive for the ‘Menswear’ Category


April 12, 2009

So I’m feeling thoroughly sick, I have eaten waaaaaaaay to much choccy today. But Mini Ash is totally stoked at her scoreage (she woke up at 5am to hunt her eggs!)


I had logged into a message the other day from Dakota, asking if I wanted to blog the dollarbies at the new Dakota’s Skins And Shapes. After much squeeing, I answered a terribly sedate “yes please”!! Shown above is the “Prettyboy” shape, a total score and a very welcome change from the huge muscle mary type of shape that makes me roll my eyes. Shown with a shirt from Mayden Couture, Kmad jeans, and some ossum sauce 5L Skull VanZ from Amplify. The skin is an old promo gift from Damiani, which could still be available? “Joshua Deco” is all beaten up and teary, perfect in my books!


I was so excited about my next find, I read about these sneakers here (thanks Gabi!) Get thee to Hoorenbeek to grab em! There’s girls and boys sizes in the gift, you’re looking for a HUGE easter basket. Hit up the subscribo while you’re there, and you’ll be rewarded with this nifty shirt. The skin shown from Laqroki isnt free, but I wanted to show that the shape worked well on diff boy’s skins. All the boy’s hair was a group gift from Kmad, might not be available now, but definitely worth checking the subscribo and inworld group.


LeeZu Baxter sent out this beautiful dress through the subscribo the other day. A million and 27.5 layers and looks to play with! The skin shown is another dollarbie from Dakota. It’s a beautiful Sezmra mod, very delicate and pretty.


And bringing up the rear is an added gift in the Dare Designs Easter hunt. Fanfuckingtastic wings or what! Get thee to hunting :p Ash Out.

Pic 1
Mayden Couture
Skin (old promo freebie)
Hair (old group gift)

Pic 2
Top & Shoes
Hair (old group gift)
Skin (not free)

Pic 3
Hair (old freebie)
Leezu Baxter Subscribo gift

Pic 4
Dare Designs hunt
Skin (old Halloween freeb)
KA Designs
Hair (not free)

Bedtime Fun!

February 8, 2009

This post is going to be superbrief (no pun intended), I didn’t get to bed until after 5am following a great night out – so serious tiredness issues today.

Here’s some sexy lingerie to get your juices flowing…

This first one is a group gift from InSomnia, tp to the store, touch the sign to join the group and the group gift skin is right next to it.

8-2_011 copy
Lingerie: InSomnia, group gift
Valentine Skin: Fleur (vain inc kiss hunt gift)
Hair by Lamb (not free)

Some of the stores at SG Fashion are giving a free gift to group members. TP there, join the group and touch the free gift signs outside the stores. Gorgeous stuff!

8-2_007 copy
Boxers, Lingerie and Tattoos by SG Fashion
Valentine Skin by Glamurena at SG Fashion (all group gifts)
Strawberry Female Hair: Junwave – Copain Group Gift (there is a join fee but group is currently closed I think)

Male Ewan skin: Belleza (Vain Kiss hunt gift)
Male Hair and eyes: KMADD (Vain kiss hunt gift)

Look at these adorable shoes by AuMa, I LOVE them. These are another SG Fashion group gift. Touch the sign outside the store wearing your group tag.


Shoes: AuMa at SG Fashion (group gift)

*shuffles off to bed………zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz*

Accessorize your boi

January 29, 2009

Whether you are a boy, you play at being a boy or you want to dress your boyfriend up, I’ve got a couple of cool accessories for you.

Here’s my extremely effeminate looking boy avatar. I find it impossible to make him look butch, he wears the full shebang…guyliner and guylashes, I would put lipstick on him if I could.

Chicanary is giving a regular Mystery gift, and today is this skull beanie hat. Perfect with this free hair from KMADD at Fabulous Fashions , which Suri blogged HERE. Only needed some minor adjustments to fit with the hair.


This supremo stylish messenger bag is a group gift from Aitui, look in the notice archives.

29-1 bag

Beanie: Chicanary (0L)
Bag: Aitui,(group gift)
TShirt: Mechanism at Fabulous Fashions (0L)
Hair and Eyes: KMADD at Fabulous Fashions (0L)
Guylashes, Minnu (prev group gift – not sure if still available)
Justin Skin: Good Life (not free)

Paint Splatted and Androgynous

January 10, 2009

This post is for the girls who are boys who like boys to be girls, who do boys like they’re girls who do girls like they’re boys

Random Fashions has a free (or 1L) paint splattered suit upstairs and everything else on that floor is 10L – OMGWTF!!


Check it…all clothing worn below is 10L Random Fashions.

By the way, it’s the WIFE’s fault I made Eisa look like a sex offender here. We are totally into the MiA skins and she made me get the one with the tasche. Guys, you must check out these skins, they are GORGEOUS (they don’t all have facial hair)


Come on boys, get brave with your colours and patterns. Guys look cool in animal print too ya know! (think Rod Stewart…ummm….yeah)


All clothing by Random Fashions .(paint splat suit 0/1L all other clothing 10L)

MiA– Male Medium Skin-Suave
Female Skin: Adrianna – Bazy (not free)
Chucks – Akeyo (not free)

The female hair worn above is a group gift by Rock Candy. You must check out the store too, upstairs you will find lots of 1L and 10L clothing, hair, AOs which suit males and female and those who are a combo of both. I’ve shown only a small selection of items below.

rc outfit

Boy Pants for 5L for a set of 5 at Rock Candy

rc pants

Shape, Poses, Hair, Pants, Jacket, Boots all from Rock Candy (1L – Shape 25L)
Skin and grey tshirt by Garbage Prototype at Gnubie Store(0L)

I got me a shorty…

November 17, 2008 alt Eisa and Ashia’s alt ‘Q’ are getting it on, it’s about time he had his virtual cherry popped.

Actually no, I don’t think ‘Q’ was much impressed, he’s not butch enough for her.

Ducknipple have some great new free gifts in store, for men and women. In the girls box are a couple of pairs of jeans, a skirt, socks and tee’s, in the mens box are 3 tops and a pair of jeans. Also some fun stuff, gestures, straw, curly wurly and a duckmilk carton for your arm, just to keep you going through the day.


On Q: dreadlocks hair/hat: Boon (0L)
On Eisa: Hair with knit cap: Mayamaya Group gift in store


On Q: Hair Mayamaya (group gift in store)
On Eisa: dreadlocks hair/hat: Boon (0L)

Eisa starts showing off, Q is not impressed


All outfits: Ducknipple (0L)

Also on Eisa

Wolf Hair, Mayamaya (100L)
Skin: previous group gift from Minnu
Tattoo’s: Strafe, Etch D, (not free)
Akeyo Chucks: (not free)

If you want to know about the other items Q is wearing (I don’t think these are free) just leave a comment to this post, as I forgot to ask her.

I’m Having a Gang Bang!!

October 29, 2008

Don’t kill me, but this post isn’t entirely about freebies. It is very important that you know about this – you’ll thank me for it in the end, mark my words…read on luvva’s.

Thimbles has a MASSIVE 5L sale on everything which is orange or black, or a combo of both until 31st Oct. I love this store so much, the clothes are fantastic and created with such humour, even the names of the outfits are funny.

I decided to have a team get-together WITH MY ALTS to show some of the clothes here, the first time this has ever happened in my history of SL.

Actually, my craptop would find it impossible to run so many sessions of SL, so I just superimposed them onto a photo together, yes guess who only just figured out how to do this in PS (ableit very badly :D) If I had planned ahead properly I coulda done a mass Alt Orgy with them in all sorts of positions together, maybe next time…

Anyhoo here’s all the yummy stuff I picked up today from Thimbles, guess how many of my alts were involved in these pics today?

Thimbles1 CEC

All clothings worn above were 5L from Thimbles (including the mens)

Skin: Mia: (Not Free)
Hair: Kurotsobaki (no longer available in group)
Roman Skin: Nylon (Not Free)
Hair: Novocane (Not Free)

thimble3 hhl

All clothing 5L each from Thimbles

Other items worn L-R
Girl 1:
Bat Hair: House of Heart (Halloween free gift in store)
Halloween Skin: Tuli (group gift)

Girl 2
Hair: Diversity (not free)
Halloween Skin: Tuli (group gift)
Shoes: Ki2 (not free)

Girl 3
Skull Hair:House of Heart (Black not free)
Skin: Minnu (previous group gift, not free)

Thimbles2 LFH

All clothing 5L each from Thimbles

Other Items worn L-R
Girl 1:
Skull Hair: House of Heart (Black not free)
Skin: Minnu (previous group gift, not free)

Girl 2
Bewitched Hair: House of Heart (Halloween free gift in store)
Halloween Skin: Tuli (group gift)

Girl 3
Skull Hair in white: House of Heart (Halloween free gift in store)
Skin: [42] (subscribomatic group gift, also a free Halloween skin in store)
Python tights: Saya (free)
Wedge Shoes: Fuel (not free)

thimble rockberry_002

Shirt: Thimbles(5L)
Jeans: Random at Gnubie Store (0L)
Hair: House of Heart Halloween free gift in store
Skin: Rockberry (group gift)

Have I overwhelmed you enough? No? OK here’s some more then….(not all of these items are from Thimbles)

l ki2 thim, f hoh thim, l aoharu

Girl 1:
Skull Top: Ki2 (1L this week)
Skirt: Thimbles (5L)
Skin: Minnu (not free)
Hair: Creamshop (not free)

Girl 2:
Skull Hair: House of Heart (Halloween free gift)
Dress: Thimbles (5L)
Skin: [42] (subscribomatic group gift, also a free Halloween skin in store)

Girl 3:
Goooorgeousness Jacket and dress (0L FOR 3 DAYS, AOHARU)
Skin: Minnu (not free)
Hair: Creamshop (not free)

One more while I’m here. Check out what Muism have in the group notices, you can be a, errrrm, beautiful (?) zombie couple. Includes male and female outfits and skins.

muism zombies2

muism zombies

M&F Zombie Outfits and Skins: Muism group gift (join the group and look in notice archives)
Sweeny Todd hair: House of Heart (Blonde colour – 0L) (Black – not free)
Chucks: Akeyo (not free)

So how many alts then, you ask? Work it out for yourselves ;~)


October 23, 2008

Hump day is here and after the monotony of my rl job it was nice to plop down in front of my 24″ widescreen and sift through the freebies that had come my way. (After a short nap, of course, lol. I’m a lazy neko today.)

Stormy Wilde from EBT dropped me the 411 that she had a new dollarbie in store until mid-November and when I threw it on I couldn’t have been more pleased. This “Bodies” Tee is some of her best work yet, so make sure you snatch it up while it is still available.

Next on the list was another dollarbie from Felid Disrupt. This red ringer tee is available at Philotic Energy’s main store and when Adi told me about, it I had to rush down and try it on. A good new dollarbie that a guy can wear is something to get excited about! The tee is unisex, so you ladies can rock it too.

Speaking of Adi.. she had a few finds of her own which I was honored to help photograph and post here. Considering her busy schedule with school, she always finds a lil time for her Free*Style fans and the evidence below clearly shows her dedication.

Adi brought out her rebelious side with this “Liquid Flower” outfit that is a brand-new lucky chair offering from Rebel-X (and I must say I was truly melting as she modeled it for me).

Her “Orange is Halloween” skin is from Schism-phrenic and is a dollarbie only available from OnRez. The “Funky Skull Straps” boots that Ash had previously blogged are currently on sale at Crimson Shadow for a mere $50L.

What is hump day without a lil SN@TCH? (Well.. from personal experience I can say it is just a waste of the baby makers, lol.) Adi, however, made the most of this “Death Glam” outfit Ives has thrown out as a group gift in celebration of 5,000 subscribe-o-matic group members, available in her main store. Also shown here is Eva’s “Angelina” free Halloween boots that our own Abra had previously blogged.

She also has on a [42] skin that is free in a generous gift box when you hit up the subscribe-o-matic. Adi reports that the designer is about to release some gorgeous new skins in about a week, so grab the free ones and stay tuned.

With all that being said The G is severely wrecked from mass amounts of the “wowie sauce” and longs for a warm bed. (Hey, it was a rough day.) Hope you all had a happy hump day. Over and out.. KSSHHHHT

Also shown on Adi:
Hair: Kin, not free

Also shown on GG:
Lotsa stuff which I will link later hahaha


October 22, 2008

Plunder Airbus (home of Civvies) is having a pumpkin hunt. I really love this place, it’s unlike anything else I have seen in SL and there’s some brill stores here.

These pumpkins contain clothes, shoes, candy and this hunt is also for the GUYS, oh and it’s easy too!

You can find the pumpkins on the Plunder Airbus, Miau Haus, and Civvies – The Block has a bonus pumpkin. Hunt is on until 31st October!

I dragged poor old Eisa out for this post and I didn’t even have to dust of his virtual cobwebs. Everything worn here can be found on this hunt, (except skin, hair, shape and toast which are listed at end of post)





Shoes, Jeans, T-shirts, candy, belt and loads of other goodies to be found at the Plunder Airbus hunt.

Skin: Halloween gift : Minnu (free, may no longer be avaiable)
Tartan Scarf: Edge Grafika (free)
Hair: Novocaine (not free)
Toast: Hanuata


October 16, 2008

I was trying to vary the things I show on this blog so we don’t overdose on Halloween, but it’s proving impossible because so much amazing stuff is appearing.

Kuri Style has created one of my favourite Halloween outfit so far. It’s adorable! These cute little orange wedge shoes are this weeks 1L goodie from Ki2, they work perfectly with this outfit.


This top has a golden sheen and is so beautiful detailed, with a cute little pumpkin hat and skirt.


You probably all know by now that Minnu has these skins free in store, for GIRLS & GUYS, and they rock. Hurry get them quick as they might be gone soon.

The Moscow Halloween skins come in four beautiful makeups.

mm skin

mm skin2

It’s very rare that a top quality male skin like these are given away, I imagine that it’s not in stores best interest to do this as men rarely change their skins like us girls do. It’s very generous of Minnu to do this for the guys. For the first time I have seen lashes for BOYS in the gift bag…YAY!

mm men

Oh and by the way guys, this great top is a group gift from Valiant, join the group and look in the notice archives, this is such a cool store and Wavie is very generous to his group.


Pumpkin Halloween outfit: Kuri Style: 0L
Orange Wedge shoes: Ki2 (1L)
Moscow Light Halloween Skins (4 makeups): Minnu (0L)

Madrid Halloween skins (hair and no hair, 2 makeups & lashes), Minnu (0L) – limited time!
Top: Valiant group gift

I got me some Attitoode

October 12, 2008

Attitudes have some gorgeous new lingerie for Fall, all of this for FREEEEE…


If I saw this lingerie in a RL store, I would buy all of it..


Even something for the guys, are you missing your ‘hippo’s’ on your friends list? I know I am, so get your guy some for his pants to fill that void.

Oh and my guy av hangs to the right FYI!

All underwear: Attitudes (0L)

The beautiful female skin worn is the new Dutch Touch group gift, touch the subscribomatic sign, touch it again and choose History, Option 1. The Hair is the new group gift from W&Y and the Yashna Shape is at Free*Style (1L)

The male skin is the new Halloween group gift from Minnu, joining fee is 250L, the hair was a previous group gift in the Minnu group but is now available to buy in store.

I am also now blogging freebie skins on the !Skin love! blog, so hop on over there if you have a serious skin addiction like me.