Archive for the ‘midnight mania’ Category


April 3, 2009

Mhm, it’s 5am, and I’m awake…….WTF? Late nights talking to my friends in the States are totally buggering up my time clock. Wouldn’t change it for a second, although I would like to sleep longer 😛


First up is an outfit that isn’t free, but all the proceeds go to RFL. This super cute offering from Lemania is my kinda gorgeous. Look stunning for a good cause, can’t get better than that!! Have you noticed my rather fetching monocle? For that we have Azia Lunasea to thank. She let me know that it was sitting in Tekeli-Li’s mainstore, waiting to jump in my inv for a linden! Yup a linden. Everything about the monocle is customisable, you pick your metal, gems, lens colour and glow. It’s a limited edition type dealio, once it’s gone, it’s gone forever so grab yours now.



Seeing as the weather is getting warmer for you guys, I thought it was time to show off some swimwear! You’ll find these beauties in the lucky chair at Swim. Shown here with the super extravagant hair from the Clawtooth By Clawtooth group, as blogged by the yummy Eden.


You can get this set for a linden at Swim, it’s the April dollarbie. There’s also a midnight mania board, so it’s well worth joining the group to keep up with the happenings! Many thanks to Ianni Lane for letting me know! And with that I shall drag myself back to bed to grab an hours sleep before mini Ash wakes up! Ash Out.

Pic 1
Lemania RFL
Hair (not free)
The Stringer Mausoleum
Cupcakes Eater hunt
Hoofies (not free)
Lazy places

Pics 2,3,& 4
Skins (not free)
Clawtooth By Clawtooth group gift

Midnight Mania And A Little Something Called Harry

March 25, 2009

Midnight Mania is relatively new in SL but is proving to be be terribly popular among store owners and shoppers alike. I have found so many new stores because of their MM board (read spent 40,000L in the last week alone oy)


The amazing corset piercing pictured came from a tip in our chatbox from a mysterious anon, as did the skin. Both are breathtaking, and I was so stoked with my new piercing, I kidnapped a wicked pair of boots while I was at Brimstone Creations that went perfectly with an outfit I was about to photo (more on that in a bit). The skin, oh wow, I love the eyeshadow. Doux Petite Dahl is a new to me store, and they have some breathtaking skins at stupidly affordable prices as well as some yummy clothes. I didn’t have time to look round properly but I will be back!! (Sounded kinda ominous huh:P)


This landed in my inv a couple of days ago, and resulted in much squeeing in Dare monroes IM box. Apparently the outfit actually begun it’s SL as just a skirt, and then as is often the case morphed into something else entirely! As with all outfits from Dare Designs, you get 657988780o options, pieces and ways to wear it. The boots are the ones I mentioned from Brimstone Creations, not free, but they were so perfect I had to have them. Check out my skin dammit! Meet Harry, the gorgeously freckled beautifully scarred new skin from Imagen. Only available at the Harold location, and totes not free. I do have it on good authority that sometime in the not too distant future there could possibly be something free for juuuuu! Join the subscribo for any upcoming info, or let me torture you!!


This next cutey comes from Eden’s favie Baby Monkey. It’s another Midnight Mania, I also won some shoes on the lucky chair while I was there, but haven’t had a chance to unpack em. Stay tuned for those in a later post.


And last but by no means least, the only non MM outfit!! This comes from Glam Couture. I hadn’t been there in ages, and was actually looking for an outfit I saw on Welma’s blog, but ended up with this instead. Pretty smexy no? The sunnies are part of an outfit from Lunas Boutique, not free, but there was a sale on last I heard. Don’t quote me, I’m running so behind on everything, if I died tomorrow, I probably wouldn’nt turn up to my funeral till next year XD. Ash Out.

Other Important Stuff
Hair (not free)
Gritty Kitty
Black maria

Stuff And Moar Stuff

December 22, 2008

I should actually call this post “Eden Rocks My World” because seriously, that woman is a freebie finding machine! She drops me LM’s and notecards like a demon, then yells at me if I haven’t had time to go check em out.


This was an Eden find. She knows I love doll clothes, keys and everything in between. So She sent me to All Dolled Up. Follw the slurl in this post, that’s very important. Cam down to a mousetrap on the floor below, and find a teeny tiny box. Click on that box and get this whole outfit for free, key included!

This lushness is from Kouse’s Sanctum. You’ll find it under the Christmas tree. Scuse the pics of the sleeves, I did something um interesting in PS, theyr’e not bluish in world XD! I love Kouse’s gowns, they are always prim perfect and move so beautifully.


Aeons ago, Eden TP’d Q into Dilly Dolls to clear the lucky chairs there for her. I dropped in there yesterday to grab the Christmas gifts, then saw this! It’s a Midnight Mania dress. You get 56856856 different corsets and tops, too many options to show here. The stunning skin was a group gift from the ladies at Cupcakes, part of the new Celebrity line. Happy holidays girls xoxo


Check out this skin! The luffley Tuli sent it out probably last year, but I only just got it now (my group notice getting issue is still not fixed). Merry Christmas to you Tuli and thankyou!! The dress is a yummy gift from the Happy Happy update group. Now I’m back on my normal comp instead of my craptop, I can appreciate Mayuki Nozaki’s designs even moar!


And last but by no means least, a new store! Eden sent me a fashocon note sent out by Fandabydozie. I had to go look for the name alone! You’ll find a lucky chair and several dollarbies, the ones shown being just a couple of them. I also bought some yummy shoes there and was lucky enough to bump into the designer’s boyfriend, who dropped an amazing ice cream backpack on me, which I will feature in a later post. Now I have to get to work, then brave the shops for some last minute shopping. Ash out.

Hair (not free)

Shoes (not free)
Unique Needs