Archive for the ‘ms aoharu gigi’ Category

2 Dresses, 2 Coats

November 17, 2008

I have tons of other dresses, but this red satin dress really caught my eye! Look, I got ass in the back! The dress hugs my figure perfectly, loving it!

funky dory

###Ms… Red Satin Dress (lucky board gift), includes the gorgeous pearl necklace with the roses!

funky dory

Ms… White Dress (lucky board gift), includes the gorgeous pearl necklace !

funky dory

Lastly some coats for winter!

Left – Aoharu lucky chair: Sweet Dress Coat
Right – Ms… – Coat Set (lucky board gift, change every 10 minutes…well worth the wait!). Stripey dress was previous gift from GiGi Couture.

The ECS sim is celebrating its 1st anniversary!! Ms… have put out 3 beautiful gifts on the lucky boards; letters change every 3 minutes!