Archive for the ‘outfits’ Category

Midnight Mania And A Little Something Called Harry

March 25, 2009

Midnight Mania is relatively new in SL but is proving to be be terribly popular among store owners and shoppers alike. I have found so many new stores because of their MM board (read spent 40,000L in the last week alone oy)


The amazing corset piercing pictured came from a tip in our chatbox from a mysterious anon, as did the skin. Both are breathtaking, and I was so stoked with my new piercing, I kidnapped a wicked pair of boots while I was at Brimstone Creations that went perfectly with an outfit I was about to photo (more on that in a bit). The skin, oh wow, I love the eyeshadow. Doux Petite Dahl is a new to me store, and they have some breathtaking skins at stupidly affordable prices as well as some yummy clothes. I didn’t have time to look round properly but I will be back!! (Sounded kinda ominous huh:P)


This landed in my inv a couple of days ago, and resulted in much squeeing in Dare monroes IM box. Apparently the outfit actually begun it’s SL as just a skirt, and then as is often the case morphed into something else entirely! As with all outfits from Dare Designs, you get 657988780o options, pieces and ways to wear it. The boots are the ones I mentioned from Brimstone Creations, not free, but they were so perfect I had to have them. Check out my skin dammit! Meet Harry, the gorgeously freckled beautifully scarred new skin from Imagen. Only available at the Harold location, and totes not free. I do have it on good authority that sometime in the not too distant future there could possibly be something free for juuuuu! Join the subscribo for any upcoming info, or let me torture you!!


This next cutey comes from Eden’s favie Baby Monkey. It’s another Midnight Mania, I also won some shoes on the lucky chair while I was there, but haven’t had a chance to unpack em. Stay tuned for those in a later post.


And last but by no means least, the only non MM outfit!! This comes from Glam Couture. I hadn’t been there in ages, and was actually looking for an outfit I saw on Welma’s blog, but ended up with this instead. Pretty smexy no? The sunnies are part of an outfit from Lunas Boutique, not free, but there was a sale on last I heard. Don’t quote me, I’m running so behind on everything, if I died tomorrow, I probably wouldn’nt turn up to my funeral till next year XD. Ash Out.

Other Important Stuff
Hair (not free)
Gritty Kitty
Black maria

RFL Part Deux

March 18, 2009

I have some absolute stunners to show you today from the RFL Clothing Fair. I sent Q there all cashed up and ready to spend!! Also got her to join heaps of subscribos too, some of which gave out welcome gifts. Also, again, please note, although I am including slurls to the designers featured main stores, these are RFL gifts and or subscribo welcome gifts, click here to get to sim 1.


This first dress is the RFL gift from Blueblood. I love Ghanima’s clothes and this dress is no exception, just gorgy.


This offering from Greenwood Designs may look like 3 different dresses, I assure you it’s not! I haven’t even shown the half of it either, the options, layers, it’s a pack to play with to your heart’s content. I pinched this from the card that came with the dress: Greetings! This gown would NOT settle down in my mind. Every time I thought I had it down, it changed again. So, you will be getting a gown of many moods. Depending which skirt or corset or jacket combination you pick, you may go formal with purple stripes or purple overtones or dress for a dance in crimson and black! There are also two sets of sleeves and a jabot. Play with the clothing, find out what you like. I hope you enjoy it while you do, and all the prim pieces are scripted as always. I hope you enjoy your new gown[s] from Greenwood Designs! Cordially yours, Kembri Tomsen
I think this may have been a subscribo welcome gift, but don’t quote me on that 😛


I nearly died when I found this. A stunning offering from Mashooka Designs. I’m so stoked cos it’s a new to me store and I got that tingle I get when I find something amazing. As soon as I get time, I’m off to the main store to spend!


For a fun, super cute treasure hunter outfit, head to the eLDee booth. Eye patch included of course, and the belt has a treasure map! Also, stay tuned for a skin from me that will be up at Freestyle’s Horst location, all monies will go to RFL, so donate what you can. Ash Out.

Not Free

Luck of the elven…

March 7, 2009
I got double lucky today….


Got this “Rabit Police Red” when my letter came up in the lucky chairs at Umi Usagi (it includes the hat & gloves), and prim cuffs and collar with tie!!


And consider myself double lucky for remaining in the DejaVu group, as she has at last reopened her shop, and set out this “Reopening Momo hair” as a group gift! The skin is a new freeb from [42] called Goth Whites.


March 5, 2009

So far this week has blown bucketloads. It must be a full moon over here, it really does bring the crazies out, all of whom seem to want to talk to me during RL work. I have felt the urge several times to headbutt my desk while chanting over and over “go away”. Unfortunately there is no reasoning with the insanity that is my job, so I’ll have to content myself with plotting the death of the IT dick who created our website instead…..satisfying 😛


Thank god for pretty clothes from one of my favie designers. Project Kiwi is a store I’ve blogged a couple of times and have really enjoyed seeing the newness from there. This gorgeous denim number is a linden for a limited time. You’ll find it at the main store with the new releases. Other colours are available for full price too, if green ain’t your thang and such. I’ve shown it with a necklace from Shiny Things, that is a part of a set, not free, but very versatile due to the nifty gem change script.


These shirts are also a linden from Project Kiwi, again only for a limited time. The jeans! A new store Miasma has these in the fortune teller. You can never have enough jeans in your inv, srsly!


Staying with Miasma, you’ll find this cute tank in the camping chairs, along with all sorts of other goodies, such as a tail and jelly bracelets. Yay for awesome new stores!


And last but not least, Leigh in our chatbox talked this up so much I had to grab it! While not free, this pack from Pacadi (formerly Maeva) is choc full of yummy stuff. You’ll get the dress, necklace, a skin, and 57457 pairs of leggings on all layers! 295L isn’t too much to pay for a preview of the new clothing line, grab it while you can. Now time to get mini Ash so we can play dress ups yay! Ash Out.

Not Free


Lazy Places

Brain Freeze

November 10, 2008

Ya know how your head goes when you eat ice cream too fast? That’s how my head feels after seeing all the amazing clothes on sale at Brain Restriction for 5L. Yup 5 lindens per outfit.


I got Q there quicker than she could say “sold”!


You’ll find everything from outfits, dresses, accessories and shoes, all for 5L, as well as the usual freebies which I’ve blogged before.


I don’t know how long the sale is going on for, so best to get there um..NOW!! Don’t feel much like talking so…..Ash out.

Other Shit
Hair (not free)

Jeans (old gift)
Girls Style

Finger Tape (not free)

Shoes (not free)
Unique Needs

Costume Fair And Other Things Ash Forgot

October 25, 2008

Have you guys heard there’s a costume fair going on? Well, I had totally forgotten, and was merrily shopping away in Silent Sparrow. Then I was reminded by the most beautiful blue mermaid that I should really check out the fair!! I was actually supposed to participate as a designer *coughs*(bad, bad, bad Ash).

Look at the pretties our gorgeous blue mermaid made us!! We have 4 parts of hya’s very popular suits, Wrath, Entropy, Sylvan and Dominion. To get your hands on this gorgy gift, find the Silent Sparrow booth and pay the donation pumpkin 5l. Easy huh.

These yummies are what you’ll get if you buy the Schadenfreude pumpkin. Look, just what you always wanted, my head in a jar!!

And last, but by no means least, the pics from the Deviant Kitties hunt. Everything you see here can be found in the hunt, except for the boots and hair, which I just had to buy while I was hunting. I was gonna post them last night, but……..ya got like totally sidetracked. Not in vain though!! See the evidence on my Flickr! I hadnt been feeling at all creative lately, spending so much time on my Q and such. But I think my mojo is back baby!! So I’ma take advantage of it while I can XD!

Other Shit
Hair (not free)
Deviant Kitties

Boots (not free)
Lazy Places

Tattoo (not free)

Lucky Chair Roundup

October 15, 2008

Lucky chair is the new black? Lucky chairs have been popping up in the most chic of shops, and throngs of women lucky chair enthusiasts couldn’t be happier. Several stores have exclusive items and really amazingly quality clothing in their prize chairs for those with the patience for stalking. Thank you, designers!

I actually had a little patience and came up with some gorgeous items I’ll be making staples in my wardrobe. I only had time to snap a few pics, but rest assured that my fellow Free*Style bloggers will keep showing great lucky chair finds from all kinds of fabulous designers.

Here’s a lucky chair “Halloween Gown” from Evie’s Closet that is so popular that the sim was coming up full several times before I was able to tp in! The richness of the colors and the detailed textures make this a stalking-worthy addition to your wardrobe.

Ivalde has also added some really gorgy outfits to her chair as of late. I adore this “Jenna” green swing coat, especially paired with Philotic Energy‘s newest lucky chair exclusive item, “Enda II” in “Mochachino” that GG just blogged.
Here’s Ivalde’s “Ramona” blue dress set that I paired with Skin-to-Skin‘s lucky chair skin. You can also get a free “Zombie” skin by joining the subscribe-o-matic and pick up a free “Halloween” skin in-store!

No patience for lucky chairs? No problem. Head up to the second floor of Ivalde’s shop to snag the “nelly” denim capri sets. There’s three retro-fabulous versions for $0L each!

Enjoi the lucky chair and freebie goodness from these great shops, and happy Wednesday!

Other items used in this post:

Picture 1:
Erin Skin (Light/Smoky Orange) ~ La Sylphide
Model Hair (Off-black) ~ ::69::

Picture 2:
Tights (Black) ~ Ivalde (previous group gift)
Posh Leather Boots (Black) ~ Pixel Mode

Picture 3:
Bambee Wedges (Fizzy Sand) ~ Fuel

Picture 4:
Chunky Bangle (Red) ~ Chez Geo (Part of the $1L fatpack)
Heart Chain Necklace (Color Changeable) ~ Juicy
Bella Court Shoes (Poppy) ~ Fuel

[LAP] poses used throughout.

Fashion Doppelgänger

September 28, 2008

When it comes to my inventory, I have to admit it’s a little schitzo. On the one hand, I have all my pretty princess dresses that I love and buy up obsessively. On the other, I have a lot of glammy grunge gawthness that I like to pull out when I want to pretend I get the “emo” thing. [laughs]

This post definitely reflects that by showing a little of both. The first find is a group gift from one of my favorite pretty princess dress shops, Evie’s Closet. Evie released this beautiful white, flowing gown called “Aria” that group members can snag at her shop. I’ll be pulling this one out often when I have a little time to do some SL photography for sure. It moves beautifully and can be worn so many different ways.
My Ms. Hyde-esque side loves the Sn@tch, and I was skipping around Ivey Deschanel’s store when I discovered she had restocked her lucky chair with some luscious items. Below are a few of them you can score if the lucky chair gods favor you.
The “Deathgrip” dress that features creepy skelly hands hugging the torso with bright bloodspatters on the little flirty skirt.
OMG, I’m sporting one of Olivia’s favorite items – tata tape! This is called “Lolly” and comes with several different leggings colors. I also have on the “5 Dolla Lap Dance” shoes that are in the lucky chair and have color-change-with-a-click gems for the T strap.

You may ask why we are featuring so many lucky chair items recently. The short of it is that we received a lot of feedback about how we didn’t show them enough, and wanting to do the right thing and give you the juice on the goods, we’re showing ya some of the bestest. (Well for me, some of the bestest that actually have “A’s” or “?’s” come up.) Please continue to give us comments – it helps us improve the bloggage and feature what you’d like to see. Enjoi!

Other items used in this post…
Picture 1:
Soda Skin (Violet) ~ SINdecade (free)
Kalee Hair (Rebel) ~ Philotic Energy for Black Swan

Picture 2:
Wild Woman Hair ~ Mia Sofia (lucky chair exclusive)
Magdalena Skin ~ Nomine for Black Swan
Cruel Collar ~ Sn@tch
Crystal Dangle Earrings ~ Sn@tch
PornStar Xtra Hi-Tops ~ Urban Bomb Unit

Picture 3:
Cani Hair ~ Gritty Kitty

Used Throughout:
Poses ~ Sn@tch

Minty Quicky!

August 30, 2008

Hya’s been holding out on us!! How she ever kept these gorgy outfits to herself is beyond me!! Now , not only are they available, but she’s put them in the lucky chair. Ash overload!!!

There’s couple of rules for the SS chair: “As requested previously. PLEASE do not call Lucky Chair letters in the ~silentsparrow~ group or any other Lucky Chair group. Teleport your friends!! ” Fankyoo Hya you legend x0x0

The Caged Bird Jacket In Minty
Caged Bird Lolita In Rosey
The Sylvan Suit In Silvery

Silent Sparrow

HPMD new sim Open!

August 9, 2008

Happy Mood have done the most amazing build I’ve seen in a long time, It kind of feels like a Gulliver meets Swiss Family Robinson meets Peter Pan! It’s lovely and I thoroughly recommend anyone visiting.. here you can dream of those wonderful, fantastical things that this place evokes!


Along with this impressive build comes an array of new products including a very cute beagle avatar, those pretty little birds & bunnies that make you melt ❤

They also have a multi posed wooden rocking horse up for CSR Summer 2008 which I’m sitting on here!


There is a hunt on for this gorgeous star dress which comes with a pretty transparent layer of stars that lights this cute outfit perfectly!


I love the necklace that comes with this too, it’s quite unusual.. like small moons, the star socks & underwear layers are so cute too ^^

I just also have to say that I cannot take off this Gisele Sia hair, it comes with & without the antique pearls/roses… I’m excited by what this new designer Pecorine Vita might come up with next, as this is right up my alley in terms of beauty and sumptuous style <333

Also, I love the quality of these shoes from R2, to find a pair of high quality sculpty shoes for under $100 in SL is quite a task, but these fit the bill and are great if you want high quality on a budget (they include a high shine version and an ordinary!).


Not sure how long this hunt item will be in the shop, so hurry over and get hunting!!


Live01 normal skin – Minajunk ($1000)
Sia hair in milk – Gisele (2 gorgeous versions included $180)
Kahakai shoes in white/normal – R2 ($90)
Antique light heart 2 bead anklet – Bonita’s ($can’t remember, sorry!)
CSR 2008 Wooden rocking horse (multi posed) – HPMD (You need to buy something of at least $100 in the CSR event to claim this)

Disclaimer: Please look closely at the subject/main content and reason for this post before accusing the poster of plagiarism. Thanks.

Have lots of fun, Cheri ❤