Archive for the ‘Pants’ Category

Yummy Gifts For You!

April 13, 2009

Have you all had a fabulous Easter so far? I’ve had an absolute ball catching up with people I usually only get to see fleetingly due to timezones.

I have some beautiful things to show you. First is this subscribo gift from Trap. The “Koi” tattoo is designed to go with the infamous skins of the same name, I own the Rose, but I thought I’d show off the art work on a plain skin, no other tatts. You can see the progress on Selos’s blog, as well as a really gorgeous full sized shot.

The next outfits are an Easter gift from LeLutka. You get the pants, several belt versions and 4 colours of the shirt. And ssshhh, look closely. There’s a sneak peek of an upcoming release from Dare Designs. The shoes are called “Mistress’ and they are the awesome. Stay tuned for a release date.

And here is one of 67809567854794768 group gifts sitting in the archives of Lemania‘s group atm. The group received a massive box of goodies this morn, but just so you know, if you’re joining now, there will be a 500L fee. The fee will be waived when the gift poofs from the archives, as a way of ensuring loyal Lemania groupies get rewarded. Sounds fair enough to me. The skins I’m wearing throughout the post are from Laqroki, who is having a massive sale. This “Tasha” skin in olive was the most amazing value. 21 makeups for 950L. I’ll just let that sink in for a mo 😛 If you do want to take advantage of the sale, head to the second flooor where the “Portrait” skins are located. And now I’ma run back to Photoshop and fiddle with stuff, sound profesh don’t I! Ash Out.

Pic 1
Hair (not free)
TRAP subscribo gfit

Pic 2
Hair (not free)
LeLutka group gift
Sneaky preview from Dare Designs 😛

Pic 3
Lemania group gift
Hair (not free)
Boots (not free)

Skins worn throughout
Laqroki (massive sale I got 20 skins for 950L) *faints*

Dirty Bunny

April 10, 2009


I have a secret.
That I will Share.
It may Surprise you.
It may Frighten you.
And I’ll most likely have to kill you after I’m done this post.
But I can’t keep it in any longer.

I’m a demon that loves bunnies.

See this is where the murdering begins. What better way to start it off, then hopping amongst you all cute like?


What better Tool to wack people with then a gigantic Carrot? this thing has this little bunny, that hops around on it.

Yohane Rockett of Strayer sent me this shirt the other day. I was like oooo, my first designer passing me shit! Happy dances! Nice thing about it, is it could be worn all year. It’s not covered in eggs. You have to join the group, and then click the little box beside the group sign, at the store. Then it’ll all be yours! It is unisex too, or at least I made sure it looked fine on my dude shape.

Who doesn’t want a rocket bunny?

I found this skin that just went so well with my theme. Didn’t need whiskers or anything!


I found these jackets by accident. God I love it when that happens. Wanted to bunny hump the signs, make multiples. I guess I’ll have to deal with you all buying it and being bunny clones!The pinky one(uck!) is for the Chics and the Black one is for the dudes. I didn’t feel like crossdressing today. I’ll have to man out for your soon.


Shoes! more shoes! Just a bit of a preview of Part 2 of my shoes posts, it’ll be out on this blog next week.


Now for some non fashiony, but totally bunny house goodness. What little bunny wouldn’t want butterfly art?


These are the gift from C&D Designs, from the bunny hop. now I know we all don’t have homes, I don’t either. But you might know of someone that would LOVE this. The butterflies flap their little wings.


You get all 3 of these. There is the first one, which is a bit primmy, but never fear, Cherelle Capra, the Designer/Owner of C&D designs is looking out for you! There is a slightly less primmy version(pic 2) and then the 3 panelled version. You can split those ones up, or just have one out, or whatever. I think it’s great.

Off to murder those people over there looking at me being all bunny-ish.




(Off with their . . .)

Picture 1&2

Skin-Aldegan Design-Bunny Skin-L$1
Eyes-House of Ruin-Felid in Sakura(Love these!)-L$20(Store rebuild still going on, so not open, but I’ll keep tasing all of you!)
Ears-Katat0nik-Bunny Ears-L$200(Colour Change)
Shirt-Strayer-Easter Rockett Bunny Shirt-Group Gift(TP, hit the group joiner sign, then hit that little box beside it, and this baby is yours!)
Pants-Donna Flora-From the Pat outfit, just wearing the pants tho-L$1
Mouth Carrot&Backpack-Cute Bites-You get both in the pack-L$10

Picture 3

Jackets-Deep Red Creations-Pink for the Chics and Black for the Dudes-L$1 each
Middle Pants-mailto:Pants-Sn@tch-Past Gift, but there is a new one out, not shown, a cute dress.

Picture 4

Shoes-Brazilian Style-All 4 shoes are Free!

Picture 5-7

Art-C&D Designs-Bunny Hop Prize

***Why is there stuff not Credited? Find out why here!***

Moar hunts and such

April 6, 2009

With Mini Ash being on the mend (read running round like a lunatic trying to kill hug the cat) I had some time yesterday to do stuff.

My favie store Axel is having a hooooooooge sale. Everything is 50-75% off. There’s also 2 dollarbies to be had, the gold dress shown here is one of them. Your old LM’s won’t work so please use the slurl at the bottom of this post.

Then I found out about a hunt at Miasofia. Cue bloodcurdling scream for the lack of group notices (ps LL sort that out soon pls kthnx) You’re looking for fried eggs, theyre not hidden at all, the idea being for you to explore the new build. I also won twice on the lucky chairs while I was there, this dress from Lurvebite is one of my winnings!! Also made me realise I have some kind of bug going on when taking pictures of items with glow in them. Anyone else having glow issues or is it something *special* reserved just for me?! I also won a gorgeous “Romance Room” from the Miasnow lucky chair, which I left on Sasy’s beach, bah!

This gorgy chocolate dress is one of the Lurvebite gifts. It comes with a choice of 3 skirts and all sorts of layers, yay!!

OMG. Is this not the cutest skin in the whole of fucking SL? This is prize number one from Miasnow. It’s different from the original Hunny skins, especially around the mouth and nose, I love the changes! I’m hoping for a new line of these *bats eyelashes* 😛 On another note, for this post I used the VR Foundry pose HUD and library (after getting yelled at by Sasybum for not having an updated product!!) I’m not good with technical shit, but Sas has an awesome video of the front page of her blog, outlining how to use the pose stand, HUD and HUD library. I was moaning about not being good at location pics, and also the rezing of poseballs and such is an issue. Not anymore! Once you get the hang of using it, it’ll revolutionize your photo taking, srsly. Ash Out.

Pic 1
Axel (dress is a linden, other outfit 75L)
Shoes (not free)
Hair (not free)
Cupcakes group gift

Pics 2 &3
Lurvebite (lucky chair & hunt)
Skin (not free)
HOM hunt gift

Pic 4
Skin & Hair
Miasnow hunt gift


March 20, 2009

Yesterday has to go down on record as one of the weirdest days of the year. I had been clinging onto the hope it was a full moon, and therefore perfectly rationalised ahem….not to be!


Want a sneak peek? Come closer and check out the yummy thats about to go in the lucky chair at Dare Designs. Either today or tomorrow, depending on Dare’s schedule, you can nab this, and other versions in the chair. So fecking hawt. The boots are previous freebies from SHI, and the sunnies, well they’re a sneak peek too. They will be released next week at Dare Designs.


This amazing dress is from Primalot. I actually read a post on The Freebie Telegraph about a jewelery set, the story behind it alone was enough for me to instantly TP. There are 2 lucky chairs aswell as a whole freebie section. The necklace shown is part of that very special set, read about that here. The gorgy wings are from Fancy Fairy. I don’t remember if I bought them, or if they are an old gift. Whutevs, they’re my faves!!


Isn’t this dress the cutest. It’s got such a Madonna 80’s vibe to it.It comes with matching boots and fishnets too! Grab it at Vixens, for a limited time only.


I hope after last week’s vampire post, you all stayed in the Lunas Boutiqe group. I did 😛 and looky what I got today. “Purple Disco Dream” baby, love it!


And last but by no means least, something that is most certainly not free, but worth every penny and more. This stunning, delicate lingerie is the RFL outfit from Fancy Fairy. You can get it for 150L, I paid more, cos I love it, and the money goes to a good cause. Ash Out

Not Free


Lingerie In Pic 5
Fancy Fairy RFL Item

Choclit (Channeling Ames)

February 16, 2009

So my beautiful and talented Ames is giving up her blog. She’s such a good writer too, but alas RL has the better of her atm. Soooo, because she *can’t* stop finding good shit when she has the time, she’ll be passing the info to me and demanding asking me to write on her behalf.

So this first one’s from Ames. According to my email, she dropped this on me at about 6am, around about the time I was yelling at Mini Ash to get back to bed and *no* we couldn’t go to the store to get ice cream FCOL. I present to you Magical Choclit Croissant Hair. You’ll find this and the clothes shown here at Concrete Flowers. There’s a whole wall of dollarbies, as well as a WTF wall, Creams you’ll love it, unfortunately none of it was trans or I would have sent you something *special* 😛 The cute choker came from Kosh, conveniently located next door to Concrete flowers. There’s a wicked scripted Neko set for free, and some really pretty dollarbie jewelery to be had. Thank you Ms Ames, heart you all over the place!!

ACDC, an Aussie tradition. Now you can wear em inworld thanks to Candace from Sweeter Than Candy, who sent this out to the group with the yummy boots shown. The pants shown aren’t free, they’re my faves though, you can find them at Axel.

Last but by no means least, this complete pack from Mayden Couture. The skin is included. It’s very dark in tone, making a nice change from my favored “Death warmed up” choice of shade! There is some really heavy shading under the lips, which could have been made worse by my shape as it doesn’t look as dark in the ad pics instore, best to try it on your shape to see how it looks. The makeup is beautiful though, and the body very nicely done. And now I’m off to get some chubby poses, as since making my shape bigger, I’m having “hands vanishing inside my body” issues. Yes, it’s as painful as it sounds 😛 Ash Out.

Other Stuff That Wasn’t Free

Lazy Places


Collar in pic 2

Morrigan, So Divine

February 8, 2009

Yes!!! It’s new release time from The Black Canary. I unashamedly fan girl Morrigan, how could one not? Talented and totally fabulous to boot!


This “Frill Life”, you will now find it in the lucky chair. The first time I saw Eden wearing this, I fell a little more in love with her (if only so I could grope the clothes!) The letter changes every 5 minutes, and if you’re lucky, Morrigan will be there to keep you company! I’m showing it here with the hunt gift from Belleza, it just totally works with this look. The fanfuckingtastic hair is from Inorite, at Rezzable. Not free, but who the hell cares, it rocks!


This is also not free, the new release from Morrigan, “Divine Right”. He is also taking part in the Vain hunt, you’ll fall in love with his gift, I’m not telling what it is though, surprises are good!


Here’s part of this month’s group gift from Tokeo Plastik. There’s a box of skins for February too, which I would have shown if I could bring myself to take off Rockberry’s hunt gift!! Check out the lips, so pretty!


To finish, a gorgeous, whimsical gown from Fancy Fairy. This beautiful gift comes with a wide variety of choices and ways to wear it, the stunning wings are included. Check out this shot Carolina Sautereau submitted to our Flickr group. Amazing. Ash out.


Yay Me!

January 27, 2009

Abra, darling Abra, I blame you ya know. Having resisted plurky goodness for ages and ages (I had an acount but never used it) I am now utterly addicted. You can find me here, crapping on about stuff and things!


Angie Dryke sent me a LM very early this morning for a store called Cybernetic. For today only you can get the fecking gorgeous skin shown above for free. I even remembered to send a notice to the group, double yay me!! The super cute dress is from the lucky chair at *Sisters*. The wonderful Eden TP’d me in, and bless her didn’t ask why I was wearing a Slutty McSlutterson prison uniform and no shoes, that’s a troo friend!


My favorite pant maker in SL has set out another dollarbie for you to enjoy. Get thee to Strayer to grab these rockin pants. The gorgy top and shrug were part of this weeks group gift from Sweeter Than Candy, really pretty colour candace, thank you so much!


And another dress from Sisters, my letter came up twice in a row, there was much happiness 😛 The lovely boots are from TD Boots, really cute store. Thanks to Cornelius for letting me know 🙂 K, it’s back to crack smoking Plurk for me ;P Ash out

Hair (not free)

The post I meant to do last week…

January 26, 2009

Last week I did one of my favourite things, exploring the grid alone, (you might be surprised to learn I am an INFP according to the results of my personality test, I certainly was, I always though I was an extrovert but that certainly answered a few questions I had about myself).

Anyhooo enough about me, me, me…

I discovered this gorgeous new shopping area called Pareja in a notice from a group I am in (I think it was C’est la vie as they had opened a store there). It was a horrible day of non-rezzyness but I perservered and I’m glad I did, because look what I found.

To save time I will list all the store names, but not the exact SLURL for each item, anything which is not from the Pareja sim I will provide a link.

Pareja is pretty easy to explore from the landing point, it’s worth visiting all the stores (you might find more than I did)

I’ll start you off here at Jetcity where all goods are unisex and everything is between 0-5L!!!

Cropped Pants: C’est la vie
Accessory: Jetcity
Boots: Jetcity

Fake Tie T shirt: Vitamin girl
White dress: Salire
Boots: Jetcity

Grey Dress: Salire
Boots as before

Green top: Vitamin girl

Outfits and eyes: Kuri Style
Hair Accessory: Silvery K
Shoes: Fuel (not free)

21-1_011 jetcity
Tops, Jackets, boots and scarf: Jetcity
Female Socks: Duck Nipple (not free)

Hat: Jetcity
Hair worn above on male and female: Aden group gift

C’est la vie have opened a new store at Juicy del mar too, and they are giving away this pretty pink dress

Dress: C’est la vie at Juicy

Yumptious boots: Pixel Mode group gift

Violet Morellet has a luffly hair store called Inorite at Dogtown and the above style is freeeee and in loads of colours.

Isis Hair: Inorite

Other stuffages worn
Skin worn throughout
Romi Juliesse group gift in store
Belleza (previous gift)

Project kiwi

January 25, 2009

A new day, a new start hopefully. It’s a long weekend here in Aus, and so far, it’s been tres relaxing (apart from my epic hangover today 😉



Normally, when I have a top or shirt to show off, I immediately reach for my Torridwear dollarbie jeans. But now I have an alternative! For a very limited time, as in get down to Project Kiwi before 8pm slt today, the 2 pairs of jeans shown here are free. You get 3 different versions in each pack and they’re totes totally gorgeous. The first shirt is a Valentines gift of the Ash kind from A-Bomb. Even the note card announcing the shirt made me laugh, Lavea is a jaded bitch and hates Valentine’s Day, so if you are looking for fluff and hearts, don’t bother to come pick up our 1L V-Day tee. Men’s and women’s versions included on all layers. Hot. The sweater shown is 10L until Sunday, matches my hair perfectly!


While I was there, I won shoes on the lucky chair (which I’ll show in a later post) and checked out the cheapy section on the second floor. Nothing over 10L, and I found some really cool stuffs!



Perfect if you’re on a budget, but still have a wee bit of cash to spend. Wish me luck, it’s grocery shopping time. Ash out.

Things that aren’t free, but I cannae live without.
House of Munster

Custom Inkz

Lazy Places

Ash’s Wish For Christmas

December 22, 2008

Dear Santa (Philip Linden) could you pretty please with tier on top fix it so that I get group notices? Even when I’m online, I don’t get messages from my all time favorite group Silent Sparrow. I love getting notices from Hya, I *hate* finding out about new releases 4 DAYS LATER. It makes me emo dear Phil, there is much sadness, for me and the poor people on my friends list who have to listen to my whining. Also, while I’m asking for stuff, for the love of all things holy, give us more group space please. Love Ash.


Now onto fabulousness!! There is a new lucky chair set in the group only chair at Silent Sparrow. There’s something for the girls and as always, something for you boys too. It’s been ages since I’ve given my boy av Longest Jonson an airing, and what better excuse to dust him off than a suit from Hya?


The suit is actually unisex, as there are attachments for both guys and girls. I love the Toxine suit, I have it in 3565246 colours already and the lolita versions too!

I logged in this morning to a folder from Evangeline Eames (that awesome lady Eva shoes is named after!). You can get a gorgy pair of mules for free under the Christmas tree at the Dominion, as well some cute lingerie for 10l a set. The tree is located round the corner from Eva shoes.


This morning I’ve been dragging myself round the grid, yesterday was minime’s birthday and I am exausted!! Not to mention a wee bit sunburnt! The perfect antidote for that was this beautiful group gift from Evie’s Closet. You can now join the group for a nominal 100L fee, which is nothing really, considering the value of gifts given this month alone. Now I’m gonna plow through all my groups on both avs just to make sure I haven’t missed anything (cos I’m totes not busy or anything…..srsly) Ash out.

Hair That Aint Free But Rocks
Gritty Kitty
Philotic Energy