Archive for the ‘Peppermint Blue’ Category

Don’t Ask Where To Get These

March 7, 2009

Alice07 Barzane is one of my best friends in SL. The Peppermint Blue Assistance Packs are her gift to players far and wide, to make their grid life a more fashionable and affordable one. And she always makes it a point to do nice packs for my store, Don’t Ask – and to give us hunt items that she makes just for us.

She always makes it a point to include 3 or 4 makeups with varying eyebrow options (thick,medium or thin) in each pack as well as seasonal clothes from various places (some she makes, some other creator friends donate). Alice’s consistent production of fun, versatile make up has bulked up my inventory without regret.

Yes, I’m playing with Picnik. This assistance pack for March includes two cocktail length dresses, a new color of her lingerie set (not pictured) as well as skins, tattoos and other items. And unlike at Silk Road – Alice tends to leave some of her previous packs out a bit at Don’t Ask – just to give you a bit to pick up anything you missed.

It was Alice07 who introduced me to HER Friend – Izumi – creator at Izumiya. There is now a lucky chair at Izumiya – I won this cute bag which has several different options for contents poking out of the bag. (Only the bag in this pic is free)

Where to get it?

Don’t Ask – for the Peppermint Blue Don’t Ask Freebies

Izumiya – Lucky Chair Bag

No Label!

November 12, 2008

Get off yo’ hawrse ‘n drink yo’ melk…


Got a really nice surprise for you all here!

When I logged on today I noticed that komeko Shinn, the incredibly original and stylish designer behind [/NoLabel/] Has given the most generous gift out in her group: Drunken Cowboy boots in brown! (complete with bourbon flask tucked into one of them!!) you should also check her amazing earrings, accessories & clothing out. She’s extremely talented, I ❤ it all!

Without further ado… These babies are the group gift!


Textures are really well done and have a resize script, so they’ll fit pretty much any foot/leg combo! Have to say they look remarkably cool, I’ll be wearing these a lot! You can buy them in her store in other colors for $250 which is very reasonable for this quality


Really like the way the toe points up that little bit more than other designs I’ve seen!


The other bits I’m wearing are the gorgeous tartan scarf from Edge Grafica, along with the waistcoat and short shirt & skirt from the ever generous Peppermint Blue (no longer free).

Hope you all like these as much as I do XD

Have fun, Cheri ❤



Skin: Minajunk Bad Black02

Hair: BP* Mitsuami Braids

Hat: ::Mezzo:: Cowboy hat

Limited Distribution

September 14, 2008

Peppermint Blue is a place I heard of so many times. I have not been there recently, but right now they are distributing some cool freebies. Peppermint Blue is good to offer newbie packs, which includes everything from skin, shape to your clothes and shoes! Even if you don’t need a newbie pack. you can still go there for the clothes, right?Left: ::IZUMIYA::080913Western Party Pack for Cowgirl, $0L
Right: [ Bingo ] Belle Eyelet ChocoPink Peppermint, $0L

Left: Set.::PeppermintBlue::.080905Lf0a Assistance Set, $0L
Right: [ Bingo ] Belle Eyelet ChocoPink Peppermint, $0L

Remember the clothes are avaliable for limited time only! I have only shown the 4 outfits I have picked, so do go to Peppermint Blue and see what you fancy!