Archive for the ‘Pets’ Category

Skin, Strange Brew & the Collared Kind

October 21, 2008


How morbid it must sound, a post about skin & witches & collars. ha ha ha. I assure you it’s all very innocent, what with the hot post below, I can’t help but attempt at taking it down a notch. 

Theses beautiful skins are from the new Bejambled skin boutique. The sweet owner, Cory, is giving the above skin away for free. (!!) The give away was suppose to end yesterday, but Cory’s so cool that she decided to extend the giveaway to the end of Wednesday, just for Free*Stylers. How cool is that?!

The strawberry choker is another freebie, from the awesome !* Rebel Xtravaganza *! The adorable (not free) shirt is from Uma who runs Uma’s Style Diary, which is one of my favorite SL Style reads. I love her cute cartoon t-shirts. The art is great as is the t-shirt texture. 


This next skin isn’t a freebie, but I couldn’t resist sharing it with you. I feel so pretty in it. I know this must sound strange, but Cory does a real good nose. I love, looovee the way my nose looks here. Sometimes the nostrils look terrible, morphed into weird kidney bean/jellybean mutants. I must say I have no complaints here. This nose is perfecto.

The earrings are a freebie from the always awesome Yak & Yeti. The pretty pearl cuff is a freebie from Icing.

I adore my very Halloween triple skull earrings from Deco, which is one of my new favorite jewelry shops. (along with *UnTone* and Beauty Avatar) They also have a cute saw necklace too. (All non-free mind you, but extremely on topic with Halloween and all). The necklace is from Atomic Kitty and is a limited edition Halloween release, and it rocks my socks off!

AnnaMayaHouse Witch

The cute lil witch on my shoulder comes from AnnaMayaHouse and it’s a freebie for halloween! It comes in two colors, and two positions. As a shoulder pet as shown, or you can have her fly around you in circles. 

[AMH] Wicked Witch

Her broom lets out color-changing sparkles! Soo cute. The witches also come with a big, chunky scarf held together with a giant safety pin. I’d wear the scarf with a cute dress, pig tails and bubbly shoes. Voila- cutie pie Halloween look. Just be prepared to swat away all those who want to pinch your cheeks.

[AMH] Benny The Bear

I couldn’t help but sneak in another non-freebie. AMH creator Anya also makes an adorable bear shoulder pet named Benny. The first time I saw him, I couldn’t help but ooh and ahh. He’s so sweet, turns this girl into puddles. Eternally sleeping, he lets out some “zzzZZZZzzZZZZzz’s” and snuggles up to your neck. awww

Sanu <3<3

I mentioned Sanu Collars back in this post a little over a week ago. Well, the lovely designer Sanura Sakai has released companion Madame Butterfly Halloween earrings to all her group members. You get orange, green and purple! They are really gorgeous, it’s hard to call them Halloween jewelry when I will surely wear them year round- I recommend that you join the group asap!

xo, Abra
{pic 1}
Jessibelle Special Edition @ Bejambled Skins
Strawberry Choker @ !* Rebel Xtravaganza *!
{not free}
hair- Gritty Kitty
T-Shirt- toastface (see Uma’s Blog– a favorite read of mine)

{pic 2- not free}
Jessibelle Deep Red @ Bejambled Skins
{not free)
hair- ::69::
tube top- [pink] outfitters
earrings- Yaki & Yeti’s
pearl bracelet- Icing

{pic 3}
Wicked Witch Wendy I from AnnaMayaHouse [AMH]

{pic 4}
Wicked Witch Wendy II from AnnaMayaHouse [AMH]
{not free}
hair- *BP
shirt- Armidi
necklace- Atomic Kitty 
earrings- Deco
{pic 5}
Wicked Witch Shoulder pets from AnnaMayaHouse

{pic 6}
Benny the Bear Shoulder pet from AnnaMayaHouse

{pic 7}
Nemesis Halloween skin from Beauty Avatar (in store dollarbie)
Madame Butterfly Choker from Sanu Collars (freebie in store)
Madame Butterfly Earrings from Sanu Collars (group gift, look up group under: Sanu OR touch the sign in store)
{not free}
hair- Atomic Kitty
shirt- redgrave

August 25, 2008

Outfit – UnToneQuilt (free)
Hair – BP* (not free)

CSR prizes
French Bulldog – Vooner
Skin – minajunk

Thats Just The Way It Goes………

June 23, 2008

Sexy Sloth Sunday

May 25, 2008

I’m enjoying my Sunday tremendously by imitating a sloth. I went to the zoo yesterday and saw a few sloths, and I thought to myself, “Wow. That’s a good gig.” Needless to say, there are some great freebies out there and I’ll try to post them in between sloth fests on the couch with artesian beers (I’m obsessed with microbrews, much to the chagrin of my abs) and the boyfriend yelling at the TV during various sporting events.

I was thinking “Hollywood Sunday Brunch Sloth” and came up with this. The dress is a freebie from Dawn Shop that I snagged during that Asri Falcone teddy bear hunt for RFL that I blogged about earlier. It appears to be still going on and while I have no idea of the end date, it would be a shame if you missed it, as there are really nice outfits and skins to be had. The glasses are a freebie from [Mokoptica] that I just lurve. Head to the back of the store for those. The skin is called {Frick} Tan – Flourish (Purple Shadow) and is available from Fricka Morgath’s store (which is chock full of fabulous Eloh mods – I’ll show more soon because they’re so creative and fun!). I love the fact that the skin comes with a versatile purpley-pink nail polish. It saves me from wrestling with poses and prim nails, which is usually a very, very bad scene. The hair is a group gift from Comme il Faut that a few Free*Style foxes blogged earlier and the shoes are Armidi Gisaci Rio Beleza Wedges (not free).

Then I imitated a schizo sloth and tried out the Neko thing. Anyone who knows me knows that I’m completely crap at doing the Neko, Vamp, Elf, and/or other various character thing on SL. I’m actually writing a series of articles about “finding my inner neko,” but she just isn’t there, so I suspect I’ll publish it in about 75 years. I asked one person I know (who declined vociferously to have this quote attributed to him) about how to be a Neko, and he said, “Oh, just put on as much sh!t as possible. Bam! You’re Neko.”

Anyway, the hair is a =TEKUTEKU= freeebie Creamy blogged previously that seemed to fit the bill. The neko appendages are also Creamy finds from [OZ] Hiding Place that aren’t free but *really* decently priced for the neko parts market. The skin is another freebie {Frick} find. The camo tank is by F.A.T. Designz and is free at the German fashion expo at Vanity Universe. The aquamarine Decollage eyes are free at the Gnubie store. The boots are the freebie “Legwarmer Boots” by Katat0nik that are free at Axis Mundi. The bracelet is a dollarbie from GaZoV DeSiGnS — the designer, Greta Gazov, is putting out two new dollarbies in her shop each day until Friday! These were yesterday’s and are no longer available, but you can pick up some killer neko-inspired freebies today that are kyoot-ness approved. The boombox bag is from I-Candy and was a gift sent out through the Fashion Consolidated group.

The kitteh is called “Sweet Leo Kitty” and is a group gift from SWEET LEOnard that is still available. The “crazy mouse” perched on my shoulder is really fun! He crawls around all over ya and is available for free from B2B Design.
Non-freebies but fabulous finds include the jeans and hospital bracelets from EBT Threads and Tattoos. (There’s a 1/2 off skin sale that is *definitely* worth checking out with pretty makeups and beaten-up looks for only $300 Ls.) The lip piercings are from FlipSide. The panda leg bag is from *KANA-NA*. The “Ripped Leash” choker is from Good Life.

And yep, that was as much sh!t as I could put on, so hopefully that makes me a semi-genuine neko, lol. BAM!

More Lucky Chair Cuteness

May 23, 2008

There are some amazing things to be found in lucky chairs in Phil’s Place as creamy mentioned here. I was a very happy girl when Moni tp’d me, to get this cute as a button dress from Jolie’s Boutique lucky chair.

The adorables puppy is from Golden Hand as the amazing Beanie mentioned in a blog post here. They aren’t free but prices only start from 10l AND they’re trans.

Subsequently, several of the Freestyle girls are now looking after puppies from me, or wearing them on their heads XD! There are free pet beds, and a free huge puppy head that you wear on your head. It’s made of awesome!!

The gorge hair is from Candy hair. They have 3 boxes outside the store with either free or dollarbie hair, all super cute.One style needs a bit of a stretch (or I have a seriously large nogin!!).

Shoes – (not free)
Unique Needs

Candy Hair

Joile’s Boutique Lucky chair

Puppy (not free)
Golden Hand