Archive for the ‘PhotoStudio’ Category

Ya bunch of posers

September 11, 2008


I just wanted to let you know, I’ve found a good use for the upper floor at Free*Style.

Tricolore gave their group a demo version of their amazing new photostudio. It transforms from a torso decoration into a photostudio with 1 click, it’s only 5 prims and includes poses. Once I tried this demo version which has a limited functionality and a small selection of poses, I was hooked and couldn’t resist buying the full verson – this has many inbuilt backgrounds and extra poses, you can also add your own.

Tricolore photostudio in torso mode – a fantastic idea!

These studios fit perfectly inside the Free*Style building. I found my original Kyoot photosphere (which I love) was too large, I do still have one of those at the side of the building though, which is free to use.

freestyle photo studio

Also I have placed 2 pose stools in the room, these wonderful stools are a new creation by AnnaH Couture . Each stool contains various sexy poses, standed and seated. I’ve also included many more extra poses inside the studio’s.

There is a sign on the wall which you can click for instructions on how to use.

Have fun!

Join the Tricolore Group and look in notice archives for a demo version of this studio to try in your own home
TP to Free*Style Mainstore Photostudio

Free Stylin’

July 24, 2008

Hoooooo! (I’m trying to be retro saying ‘Hooo’, next I’ll be bringing back bling)

Sorry my posting as been so limited lately. Following my mental issues, which are now almost back to normal, (well, as normal as I can ever be) – I am now having technical issues. The laptop I use for SL won’t connect to the internet and I can’t download the new driver updates because the CD drive is broken, so it’s got to go to PC hospital. Currently I am using a wind-up computer from the olden days (it feels like it anyway). The graphics suck and I can hardly move when I play SL.

So I’ve got some pretty outfits and some GREAT NEWS for you’s…

I managed to move very slowly today and put together this cute little outfit, thankfully Ashia took these pics for me because honestly, you should see what the wind-up pooter does to my graphics – eeeeek!

The beautiful sheer jewelled top is a group gift by Pixel Dolls (this can also be worn alone to flash a bit of boobage). I paired it with the shorts and top which are part of the cute suspender shorts outfit, a group gift from Rosemar (this also comes with skirt – previously blogged by Ash).


Top: Pixel Dolls (group gift)
Shorts and T Shirt – Rosemar (group gift)
Necklace ~flirt~ at the Bridal Expo(1L)

Have you heard the latest? Free*Style have a main store, don’t fret though, we still have our cute little Juicy place too. The mainstore is still being set up, but we have a few freebies out already. One of them being this amazing outfit from the supertalented and generous Katat0nik Pigeon of Axis Mundi.

This dress two skirt prims with different beautiful textures, leggings and various layers for the top, all free!



Outfit: Katat0nik at Free*Style (0L)
Necklace ~flirt~ at the Bridal Expo (1L)

We are putting new stuff out all the time so keep checking back. I will be away for 2 weeks from Saturday so I’m hoping to get it all officially up and running when I get back. If you are a designer and wish to place a free or 1L item at Free*Style while I am away, please contact one of my fellow Free*Style bloggers.

Ooooh, and also I have put out 3 Photosphere’s with poses and backgrounds which are free to use, you will find these at the side of the building. Have fun and please don’t make a mess while I am away 😀

Non free items in this post
Golden Shimmer skin: Birthday Suit – Rosemar /Cupcakes
Black Cherry Heels: Juicy

The Short Hair: Magika

Free until tonight

July 10, 2008

期間限定でフリーでゲットできるものを紹介します。日本時間の金曜日4時まではゲットできると思うので急いでください。こちらKuri Styleの新作です。スカートの丈は2種類、ミニとロングが入ってます。4時を過ぎるとL$100に戻ってしまうのでこの機会をお見逃しなく~。ヘアはAOHARUのグループギフトです。
Dress – Kuri Style (L$1 until July 10 midnight slt then goes back to L$100. The skirt comes in 2 length, mini and long.)
Hair – AOHARU (group gift)

Straw hat – Shun (free. The ribbon is color changeable.)
Mini Dress – AOHARU (free. Gift in Store. Available until July 10 midnight slt)
Hair – AOHARU (not free)

Photo Studio – Shun (L$1. 16 backgrounds and 99 poses included. 3 lights. You can modify and add your own backgrounds and poses. 7 prims. Refer to his blog for more info.)

My Boi AO

June 20, 2008

I’ve lovingly crafted an AO (Animation Override) for men in need. I poured blood, sweat and tears into it and pulled out some of my hair (ewwww funny mix!), but I’m quite happy with the result. It’s a first attempt at animated poses, so it’s not perfect.

The Boi AO has 3 animated stands, a walk and a run. (I created the stands, but not the walk and run). If you like looking edgy then it’s perfect for you, the stands are kind of moody looking and there’s a bit of head scratching and dust kicking.

The anims are contained in a ZHAO II HUD, which for those of you who don’t know, you simply wear this and your Avatar will run through the animations automatically. You can pick this up at Free*Style for only 1L.


I’d like to give big credit and thanks to Torley for his excellent video tutorial on Qavimator, helped me lots in the creation of these animations.

The male outfit worn here is in a free gift box from Fetch Alternative which contains a really great pair of jeans and two tee’s. There is also a box of free female clothes which contains jeans, shorts, a top and skirt (some of which I have shown previously). Hair is the 1L Kensei from Truth.

Oooh yes and while I am talking about Fetch, they have given another preview of their beautiful new skins to the group, it’s pouty and pretty, search Fetch Alternative to join this group. This outfit is the free skirt and top in their free gift box.

Tillie Shape by Creamy, Free*Style (1L)

Check out this cute little photobooth Gogo has placed on the boardwalk behind Free*Style , it’s free to use and great for group pics too.

Non Free items
Male ‘Justin’ Skin: Good Life
Female ‘Scene’ Hair: Gritty Kitty

May 25, 2008

cheri so brilliantly blogged some of her german fashion finds from vanity universe i naturally had to go check out the scene myself. i honestly didn’t think i’d uncover anything new, but look what turned up in the mimikri booth! a glamorously curve-loving freebie fit for a film noir queen:

[hair: detour, beloved (350L); lashes: bp* group gift (notice dated 5/20)]

in one of those happy confluences of slthings, the dress seemed meant to go with my recently acquired freeb cigarette holder from animah (check out the fantastic set of smoking poses while you’re there! i knooowwwww, smoking is evil, but i figure since i’m good to my lungs in rl nowadays i’m perfectly happy with ruining my pixel ones), and the saucy little tophat from wild o. the hat isn’t free, but at 10L you’d have to be a total scrooge to pass on it. but hurry hurry – this and three other colors are a grand opening type deal and only available through today (the 25th). for this tip much thanks to the lovely cerrie janus!

i saved fleur’s new laura (which, speaking of film noir, immediately reminded me of the soul-achingly ethereal gene tierney in, errr, laura) skin for last… no silly, it’s not free, but fleur is running a holiday weekend sale on certain skins, and you can grab laura for all of 250L. oh, and speaking of sales, if you haven’t got a photosphere yet now’s the time to do it. right now the photosphere is marked down to 750L and all backdrop packs are 150L.

alright, enough jibber jabber and abuse of parenthetical asides. i’ve got to get ready to get my memorial day partying on. have a lovely sunday, sweetie darlings!

Ivalde Group Gift

May 13, 2008

I’ve been meaning to show you this adorable Randaline group gift dress from Ivalde for a few days now, but with all the problems going on with SL, it has been a bit difficult.

This dress is still available at the time of this post, so hurry on down to the store wearing your group tag and touch the sign to the left of the entrance, there’s some free coloured tights there too.



Randoline Dress: Ivalde (Group Gift, limited time in store)
Tights: Ivalde (Group Gift, limited time in store)
Tsubaki Hair: Discord (Group Gift)

While I was at Ivalde, I was a lucky girl. I am now the proud owner of this gorgeous orange Elvira dress which I won on the lucky chair.



Elvira Dress: Ivalde Lucky Chair
Egypt hair by Silk Aeon (kindly given to the Free*Style group – thanks Silk!)
QS Darjeeling skin: Bianca F group gift

Photo’s taken at LOVE LIFE AGENCY – free to use. This is a small place with white background and lots of lovely poses.

Oooh the joys!

May 12, 2008

I’m sat here, free night, other half away on business, kids asleep, glass of wine…hmm what shall I do? I’ll go play SL.

Well that didn’t last long, but I did manage to get a shot of the fantastic Bianca F group gift skin. I will give you the exact details on this skin if/when I can get back online. I absolutely love it!

Oh poo! Now Flickr is having probs, I’ll have to upload from my ‘pooter.

Thankfully I managed to put clothes on before all the issues occurred. I’m wearing a vest top which is a Bland group gift and the most sexy fabboo free/1L jeans from Torridwear.

Yes, she looks a bit grumpy, she really wanted to wear the sexy lingerie which is also in the Bianca F group gifts.

QS Darjeeling skin: Bianca F Group Gift (subscribomatic or search Bianca F in group search)
Top: Bland (group gift)
Jeans: Torridwear (free/1L)
Ginza Hair: Armidi (not free)

I found another nice little place at Aventi Island to take photo’s here, but I crashed before I could get the LM, I’ll grab it for you later.

Creamy’s Final Thought (like Jerry Springer, but more meaningful)
There’s terrible, devastating things happening in the real world. Let’s not worry too much about what’s happening in our virtual one. It’s slightly annoying is all it is!

More Pixellated Yummyness!

May 10, 2008

Hi…top o the morning to ya’s!

Yesterday when I featured the PixelDolls swimwear, I discovered these two tops in my inventory which were given out as a group gift a few days ago. I didn’t have time to check if they were still available at the time which is why I didn’t feature them in the post. I visited PixelDolls to check group History today, and YAY, they are still available. As always with the PixelDolls outfits, the textures and detail are fabulous and the design is classy yet sexy.



Empire and Duchess Tops: PixelDolls (Subscribomatic Group Gift, click sign to join, click again and choose History Option 2.
Nutmeg Indigo skin: LF Chai, (Subscribomatic Group Gift – still available so hurry and get it if you haven’t already. click sign to join, History, Option 2)
Bonita Black Hair: ETD (1L)
Pants: Part of Revolver outfit from PixelDolls (not free)

Continuing my visit of free Photo Studio’s, Ana Lutetia has kindly provided a free to use studio which is located at Mystikal (SLURL below). The pose stand includes some of AnaLu’s poses and there’s lots of backgrounds to choose from. You can also download for free the windlight settings for the studio.

AnaLu Photo Studio (free to use)

The sun is shining..YAY!

May 9, 2008

Summer is coming, it’s been glorious weather for a whole week here in my tiny corner of the world. This makes a huge change – it’s usually grey/cloudy/cold/raining.

So of course, less SL time for me during the day (= less blog posts, don’t worry it will be raining again tomorrow). Anyway, I’m making the most of it, out in the sunshine with my girls…picnics galore. I lay out in the garden today, I was wearing SHORT SLEEVES and I wasn’t even cold…YAY! Not only that, I shut my eyes for what I thought was 5 minutes and woke up half an hour later with a little bit of dribble coming from my mouth – perfect!

Wonderful Ivey from ::Sn@tch is giving away more fantastic free gifts, this time it’s a gorgeous bikini of sexyness which is a free until Sunday, is perfect for how I’ve been feeling this week. Not quite brave enough to put a bikini on in RL yet though so this one satisifies that urge.


I was a lucky girl today, I felt like it was my birthday. I got two pressies from friends. Adaire gave me this wonderful jacket, it’s new from :Sn@tch (not free) and it flippin rocks!


Ashia gave me the cutest little doll which sits fishing on my head (it’s little eyes even blink). again this isn’t free but I just had to show you. It’s the sweetest thing! Thank you both for these!


Just as I was finishing this post, amazingly generous PixelDolls gave out another free gift to the group, this gorgeous Indigo Gloss bikini/swimsuit.



I’ve found more great free to use Photostudios lately so I’m going to try to feature as many as I can in this blog – I know you all love to take piccies. Today’s photo’s were taken at Ivalde. Nefaria has kindly created a free to use photo studio in a cottage at Ivalde, on one side there is a beautiful lounge chair with some awesome poses and also there is an N30 studio on the other side with lots of great poses/effects and backgrounds.


I was just about to log off and I got a notecard from the fashcon group about a cool store called Hohokini’s, some supersexy bikini’s and cute tee’s here, this pink bikini is 1L for 24 hours only so hurry on down there.


Free Items
Mahalo Bikini: Snatch (FREE until Sunday)
Indigo Gloss bikini: PixelDolls (Subscribomatic Group Gift)
Pink Bikini: Hohokini’s (1L for 24 hours)
Red Earrings: SMitten and AngelTC
Tabitha Shape: by Creamy at Free*Style (1L)

Non-Free Items
Jacket: Snatch (not free)
Jungle Puff Hair: Coif (not free)
Live03underline dark skin: minajunk (not free)
Little Girl Pet: Little Girl Shop (not free)

Photo’s taken at Ivalde Photo Studio 5 (free to use)