Archive for the ‘Pirate’ Category

arghhhhh err ooarr…

September 19, 2008

I give up, I can’t talk like a pirate, but I can dress like a pirate’s wench, especially with this beautiful wenchy dress from Comme Il Faut – 20L for a limited time.


Yeah, I’ve got WENCHITUDE!!!


Lo Designs has got an outfit here I know everyone will love also, it’s only 1L and comes with jeans, delicate lace top and a little cropped cardigan.




Pics 1 and 2
Wench Dress :
comme il faut (20L limited time)
Feather Eye Patch: part of bird set by
Yip’s (free)

Pics 3, 4 and 5
Outfit by
Lo Designs (1L)
Pixel Dolls previous group gift (may still be available in the subscribomatic)
Pulse (as shown in Miu’s last post)
Alizah Hair,light blondes pack: Diversity (special offer 44L for 24 hours) then will be full price

Why o why o why o why…..

August 16, 2008

Lemon Sorbet contacted me today (thanks Lemon) about the new free outfit at ALB Dream Fashion.

Now why did I not know about this store before? I’ve just looked at all my fellow freebie bloggers blogs (links at the side of this blog) and a few have already blogged the wonderful free outfits in this store. The first one I am showing you today is the new one, so hopefully it is good news for you. I absolutely love it!

The wonderfully named Shakespeare’s Midsummernights Dream outfit, comes with everything you see here, includes the legwarmers, tights and headpiece


I enlisted the help of Peroxide, Ashia and Amethyst for these pics, thankyaaas girlies!


Peroxide Bleac tongue attack…ooh sounds nasty!


This Pocahantas style Coyote outfit is also free in store and comes with the shoes, hair, two skins, jewellery et al…..amazing!!! Can be worn in loads of different ways too.


Also free on the table in the store is this wonderful skirt (which comes with hat and bag), worn here with the top, shoes, skin and jewellery from the previous outfit and the gorgeous free hair from Teka Li



No…we aren’t done yet, these are the shoes you will find for free in the store, the black ones are not in the same place as the free outfits above, you will find these in the shoes store out on the courtyard. The beautifully detailed sandals are free with the Coyote outfit.


Have to show you the complete pirate ‘Gorgeous’ avatar which Ashia and Amethyst are wearing above. It’s free and I love it, it’s so camp and so much fun. You will find it here inside the building at Gorgeous House, (all the photo’s here were also taken on this sim). Peroxide wore this avatar and was chatted up by a lovely Japanese lady…he is that Gorgeous!!


Outfits, shoes, skins, jewellery from ALB Dream Fashion
Wildwoman hair in first pic: MiaSnow (lucky chair gift)
Gorgeous Pirate Avatar: Gorgeous House (0L)
Eve Hair: Tekeli-Li

Not Free
Byrne Darkly skin in first pic: MiaSnow

fat bottomed girls

August 10, 2008

yeah, that’s a pretty trite reference to make but my brain is addled with the cold from hell so yall are gonna have to forgive me. i was also gonna say to ignore any incoherent psychobabble, but when am i NOT incoherent? don’t answer that.

teh faaaaaabulous glamouramama boa has been teasing via flickr for, oh, weeks or months or something, about a new venture called fat fannies. it finally opened its doors on the paradise isle sim last thursday with a party packed with all the cool kids, hot logo swag in a treasure chest, and a piratey delicious treasure hunt. no worries if you missed out though… cause you’ve got through thursday the 14th to run all around the sim and scoop up all the coins you can find; they contain fun gifts from creators like ink stain, tart art, trixi stix, g&s jewelry, dolly pop, hotbox, bp*, DECO jewelry, and the toi store. there are 21 coins in all, and some of the aforementioned peeps also have shops on the adorable paradise pier boardwalk so be sure to check em out!

(where to buy/free/not/free all that shit after the pics)

shape – hotbox, from the fat fannies coin hunt
top – trixi stix, from the fat fannies hunt
tattoos – ink stain, from the fat fannies hunt
booty shorts – dollypop, from the fat fannies hunt
skin – curio group gift (may no longer be available? check group notices)

not free:
hair – booN

skin – beauty avatar (yes yes i know we’ve blogged it already but someone posted about it to the group today and i liked it on the shape and if you haven’t got it already, go get it)

hair – bp*, from the fat fannies hunt
outfit – from the fat fannies treasure chest (located in the club)
gloves – tart gallery, from the fat fannies hunt

not free:
skin – curio

big ginormous thanks go out to glam, alabama smalls, hiro shatner and all the vendors for all their hard work and generosity!

Smelly Pirate Hooker

March 25, 2008

Yay, at last!! Windlight is working for me now, every time I tried to use it before my graphics card wasn’t compatible but now for some reason it works with this latest version….so as you can see, I’ve been having some fun with it.

Four Yip sent me an LM about a free outfit at the Pirate Store, Four’s got great taste so I knew it would be a good one (and I love any excuse to use the phrase ‘Smelly Pirate Hooker’ from one of my favourite films ‘The Anchorman’) – uhuh, explains a lot doesn’t it? 🙂



Every part of this outfit is highly detailed, I can’t believe it’s free. It comes complete with hat, boots and all the weaponry



I took these photo’s at a really cool pirate themed sim called Pirate Island of Jabberwock – definitely worth a visit.


Royal Pirate Outfit by Pirate Store (FREE) – if you face out of the store when you TP, it’s on the left wall, top row (also other free items in the store)
Xantha Hair by Philotic Energy, (not free)
Skin: ByrneDarkly by MiaSnow (not free but sooo perfect with this outfit)