Archive for the ‘Places to See’ Category

Pure as the driven snow..oh yes

November 28, 2008

Some Crimbo foxyness here for you. A new Xmas gift at Bijou and its wonderous! Big thankies to Gogo for TPing me to this, she’s got her eye on that Fashion Feed (unlike me)

I roped in a couple of smexy friends to take pics with me, Gattina Dumpling (of Hotel Dare ) in the black and Kookie Lemon in the white. Freezing our arses off Mudshake, the cutest place for all your Winter goodies, (you can buy everything you see in the background on these pics.)


Gattina dutifully poses whilst Kookie and I hump the snowman, he’s so hot (or not)


Tis freezing work standing out in the snow in inappropriate footwear (in mine and Gatt’s case) Kookie is wearing her own creation, these gorgeous warm booties which Suri previously blogged here on special offer in her store.


So we retreat inside the cosy cabin and I read them a filthy, pornographic story, cos that’s the way we roll!


Outfits 3 colours, including the hood with hair – Bijou (free)
Skate Shoes on Creamy: ShoeFly (not free)
Kookie’s Boots: Kookie (95L special offer)
Gatt’s Shoes: probably Stiletto Moody knowing her 😉

♫ Truuuly Scrumptious ♫

November 18, 2008

♪ We 3 are truly scrumptious ♬

Voshie Paine TP’d me to see the scrummy new hair from DP yumyum today. I even fell in love with the demo’s, they make you hold these little cakes in a knife and fork. I wish that we could get the cakes and poses seperately…but until then I’m gonna wear the demo ‘cos it’s sooo cute. (Oh and I bought the hair too)

Big thanks to pretty Liri Jewell for posing with us here.

So then I saw a sign FREEBIES in the store and cammed over, saw some goodies which I already had, so cammed further around the wall…lo and behold…NEW 1L DRESSES..wooohhhhhooo!

Lokum Shilova of Rezzable TP’d us over to Greenies Lawn Rezzable to take our photo’s, this place is the perfect setting for flouncing around in these pretty dresses.

This cute 3 person ‘Love Hearts’ pose was a free gift from Snookies.

Button and Rose Dresses DP yumyum (1L each)
Secret Friday Dress in Brown, DP yumyum (36L)

If you haven’t been to Greenies lately you must check it out, this garden makes you feel like a little tiny fairy.

This Greenie looks like he’s been overdoing it on the sunbeds, he’s radiating!

Much thankies to Voshie and Lokum for modelling in these pics with me

You will also get to meet Lady Bartlok the frog and give her a lovely big kiss, she likes that!

[13:20] The wind in the grass whispers: Lady Bartlok of Lawnpond looks very happy.

Next on my travels. I hadn’t visited UnTone for a little while, this is another store I really love. Outside the store they have a little truck with this adorable check pants and sweater, both free.

*UnToneQuilt* Check pants (0L)
*UnToneQuilt* Duck brown sweatshirt (0L)
*UnToneQuilt*patchwork bootee (not free)

Inside the store you will also find some gorgeous free earring (just seen) and this bangle. The skin I am wearing here is a group gift from Glanz. See the Skin Love blog for more details and pics of the different makeups. They are absolutely lovely!
If you are a skin hoar like me, please bookmark the Skin Love blog as they are not on the feed yet. I’m showing some free skins on there when I have the time too.


Hair: barberyumyum*11(M)/honey, yumyum (120L)
Skin: koharu – pale.Red, Glanz (Group Gift in store)

Also, not quite done yet…here’s some info aspiring models may find interesting.

Voshie has opened a modelling agency called Nocturne, and is having an open call for models.
She is looking for unique looking avatars. Are you different from the rest?

Here’s some info copied from the notecard.

Are you a vampire, a Neko, a burlesque and curvy pinup, a latex diva or gunslinger? Do you have a distinctive look? Do you feel comfy being different from the normal SL Barbie or Ken? Perfect! Then you might be just the right model for us.

Do you like to work with ambitious models in a highly-motivated and experienced team environment? Do you know which light setting makes a pale vampire skin look sexy? Have you got enough patience to wait until a Neko’s ear stops twitching? Then you might be the right photographer to work with us.

If you think you are the man/woman/not of this earth person, for the job, please contact Voshie Paine for an application for or visit Nocturne.

You will also find some unique free poses at the agency created by Helianthus Mesmer.

This is Freestyle…

October 26, 2008

Meet Freestyle Adamski. ..Oh yeah, I know she looks like all my other alts :D.

edelweiss bat_004

I have created her as my admin alt for the group, so I can keep all my notecards and group info in order. Creamy’s inventory is terrifying.

So, if you have any queries about the group, would like an invite to the group as a designer or would like me to review something for the blog, anything Free*style related really, please send a NOTECARD or FOLDER (no IMs please) with all your info to Freestyle Adamski and hopefully I can keep on top of things more easily.

I only log on as her once a day for a short time if I can, just to reply to notes and stuff but please give me up to 5 days to reply to you, if I haven’t replied after 5 days please contact me again, your note may have got lost.

I’ll put my latest favourite new stores, along with old favies in Freestyle Adamski’s profile picks, so keep checking because it will probably change often. Today I stumbled across a wonderful place called Christmas, which funnily enough, is mostly Halloween themed. There are not many stores here yet but many of the stores here have fun free gifts (mostly Halloween inspired at the moment)

Look at this amazing bat hairband from Edelweiss, it’s only available at their Christmas location.

edelweiss bat_005

I was sooo surprised by what happened when I took to the skies…the wings open up and flap beautiful, like they are carrying you off.

edelweiss bat_003

The photo’s were taken on the Christmas sim, the sweetie filled pumpkin house is right at the top of the hill. Also check out the Pure Angel Mall right next to this sim (at the bottom of the hill). Lots of yummers stuff there too.

Bat Hairband: Edelweiss (0L)
Jacqueline Hair: Diversity (bought with new player voucher – under 30days old – remember to pick up your free new player skins too)
Skin: Sin Skins Group Gift (click the sign in store to subscribe and you will be given these skins)
Dress: GHOST at Free*Style (1L – or pay what you wish)


October 22, 2008

It was Mister Creamy’s birthday yesterday, hence I am pretty hungover today.

This blog post has actually been 5 days in the making as my time in SL has been pretty limited lately. I have often logged on but I am rarely at the screen, Mister Creamy is working from home now and our girls are on school holidays, so lots of other stuff going on these days (which is not such a bad thing). My ‘To Blog’ folder is seriously filling up, if you are a store owner and have an item you would like us to feature, please can you also send it to a fellow blogger in case I don’t manage to do it.

So what have we here then? First up this outfit from JE*Republic is really something special, it’s 10L but you get so much for that price, the outfit is beautiful quality and includes the amazing boots, hat and glowing wand. Upstairs in the store you will find a really stylish bag and hair for 1L.

Jrepublic, cutting class

The JE*Republic outfit also includes this handy little torch for those daaark spooooky places. These photo’s were taken at the Cutting Class Halloween Hunt, it’s such a brilliant, fun build and the hunt is pretty mentally challenging. Unfortunately I felt like I was walking through treacle so I didn’t get very far. I’m definitely going to try it again on a less laggy day (is there such a thing?)

Jrepublic, cutting class1

These boots frikkin rock, they are also includes in this 10L outfit

Jrepublic, cutting class2

This S&S skin is not witchy at all, but it’s so pretty I had to show youi. You can win this on the lucky chair in store, also another skin is available.

Jrepublic, cutting class, s&S

A&K designs also have a beautiful dress and hat in the fortune teller machine, which is located on the 2nd floor of the store, guys there’s also a great outfit for you too!

a&k tuli1

The skin worn is the beautiful Tuli Halloween group gift, which has Adaire blogged previously

a&k tuli2

While I was doing a some lucky chair stalking for the beautiful outfits at Katat0nik a couple of days ago, I happened to see an advertisement for Trepid Station, so I thought I would take a break and go explore. This place was so much fun, its an old disused haunted train station. My 5 year old daughter was as I exploring this place and she got scared.

spooky train station1

be careful when you enter a room…

spooky train station 2

…or the station may claim another victim and you will see your face in the headlines.

spooky train station 3

The free Halloweeny outfit worn above is by Beyond Chastity, also on this sim.

Other items worn:
Lilith Skin by Damiani (as previously shown by Ashia) 1L group gift
WildWoman Hair by MiaSnow: Lucky Chair

Yummy Umi Usagi!

August 24, 2008

Phew…….. it’s been a weekend of amazing hunts, hair fair insanity and also some phenomenal gifts from amazing designers! I occasionally visit Umi Usagi shop and when I did last night I found this jaw droppingly beautiful Anniversay dress called Rabbit*Kiss in ‘lapin bleu’, which comes with numerous options, neck corsage and shoes!


It’s so wonderfully detailed, Jeter Jun has designed a wonderful dress here and her shop is full of beautiful outfits & items, some of which have a steampunk edge!

These cute shoes with bunnies as heels come with it!


The new FREE*STYLE sim is officially opening today at 1pm SLT!! Yay!…. With it comes a hunt with assorted items hidden in dollar bills set at $0-$1 around the shop & sim, some items are made by our very own lovely team 🙂
here you can enjoy our new bigger surroundings, sharing a sim with Free Speerit who have hidden the lovely skin I’m wearing below in several tones!


And now I must take a breather 🙂



Minajunk – Live01 skin (last picture only)

also shoe pose (no longer free)

Curio – Ribbon updo in light brown

monday morning coming down

August 18, 2008

[edit: yeah. wrote this this morning and ran out of the house without publishing. ooops!]

eeeuuuurrrggggggh. moar proof of my intrinsically procrastinatory nature – i do believe i took these pictures saturday sometime, felt all proud of myself because i got them uploaded soon after… and then i pissed all my good intentions away fucking with imeem playlists and running around gesturetarding with certain parties who shall remain nameless. and now i’ve got about ten minutes before i leave for my lovely job (no, really. it is 😀 ), ten minutes to conjure all the proper adjectives these things deserve. yay!

there have been hunts galore on weekends lately, enough going on at once that i think i snatch up stuff and hoard it before i can quite wrap my mind around what i’ve got. the latest victims to my slshopping attention defecit disorder were the velvet hunt and the hunt at annah’s george5 store. the velvet hunt consists of purple boxes scattered throughout the sim’s stores (shown here are vette’s fantastic slcelebrity tee and the vixenish purple cardigan from mimikri). annah’s got 12 smallish boxes around her new store (including POSES!) and if i can find them all, anyone can (okay so i may or may not have had a little bit of help from our darling adaire).

so yeah…. photos 1-3 show combined stuff from the annah/velvet hunts, and the yummy lo momo babydoll in photo 4 i would never have discovered if not for welmita in our free*style flickr pool! thanks welmita 😀

also of note is the jewelry i’m wearing. the talented and saintly-patient orchid zenovka of deco dropped me oodles of goodies about a week ago, and i’m not even kidding when i say that i gasped IRL when i started trying stuff on. she manages to make skulls + pearls elegant all at once, like if grace kelly were a reanimated corpse and needed perfect accessories (and um, were made of pixels) for the zombie jamboree she’d go to deco. i mean, BRAIN BAUBLES? how awesome is that?! again, what i chose to wear isn’t free (though very reasonably priced) but there IS a gift in the store:

FREE Pave Swing Set - Available in Store

yes, in my excitement i somehow forgot to snap my own pics of it. i’ve come to terms with my suckassness when it comes to photographing jewelry, so look around orchid’s flickr stream for closer looks at her amazing creations. i’m never taking the triple skull strand off again. or the copper skull ring. mhm.

from the velvet hunt: purple unbuttoned mimikri cardigan, vette’s boutique grey slelebrity tee
from the annah hunt: black sarah minishorts, nailpolish gloves, grey paris shorts, antonia outfit
black babydoll dress from lo momo

not free:
curio skins, 1000L
kitties lair silver vintage peep toe pumps, 290L
schadenfreude lucent heels, 200L
etd, lannah, 175L
hiccup, amelieish, 175L
booN, UPP18 hair
katat0nik, alice hair

IN OTHER NEWS: fat fannies is having a best in freebies event tonight:

MONDAY – Aug 18
DJ Colin Nilsson- Manic Monday!
7pm-9pm SLT
“BEST IN FREEBIES!” Toss on the good, the bad, and the ugly in freebies that you have in your inventory. $300 (Minimum) to Best Dressed! Dance the Mondays away at Fat Fannies! Live DJ, Hawt Sploders, Costume Contest, Curvy Dancers, and fresh sea air!

it’s always a delightful wacky time there, and free*style’s slowly but surely putting together a little booth on the seaside pier, so put on your freebie faves and come dancing!

HPMD new sim Open!

August 9, 2008

Happy Mood have done the most amazing build I’ve seen in a long time, It kind of feels like a Gulliver meets Swiss Family Robinson meets Peter Pan! It’s lovely and I thoroughly recommend anyone visiting.. here you can dream of those wonderful, fantastical things that this place evokes!


Along with this impressive build comes an array of new products including a very cute beagle avatar, those pretty little birds & bunnies that make you melt ❤

They also have a multi posed wooden rocking horse up for CSR Summer 2008 which I’m sitting on here!


There is a hunt on for this gorgeous star dress which comes with a pretty transparent layer of stars that lights this cute outfit perfectly!


I love the necklace that comes with this too, it’s quite unusual.. like small moons, the star socks & underwear layers are so cute too ^^

I just also have to say that I cannot take off this Gisele Sia hair, it comes with & without the antique pearls/roses… I’m excited by what this new designer Pecorine Vita might come up with next, as this is right up my alley in terms of beauty and sumptuous style <333

Also, I love the quality of these shoes from R2, to find a pair of high quality sculpty shoes for under $100 in SL is quite a task, but these fit the bill and are great if you want high quality on a budget (they include a high shine version and an ordinary!).


Not sure how long this hunt item will be in the shop, so hurry over and get hunting!!


Live01 normal skin – Minajunk ($1000)
Sia hair in milk – Gisele (2 gorgeous versions included $180)
Kahakai shoes in white/normal – R2 ($90)
Antique light heart 2 bead anklet – Bonita’s ($can’t remember, sorry!)
CSR 2008 Wooden rocking horse (multi posed) – HPMD (You need to buy something of at least $100 in the CSR event to claim this)

Disclaimer: Please look closely at the subject/main content and reason for this post before accusing the poster of plagiarism. Thanks.

Have lots of fun, Cheri ❤

Off To Europe Again!

June 17, 2008

This post is so huge, it has to be broken into 2 parts, our main man socks will be doing part deux!! Last night during many crashes (which caused a friend to superglue me to the grid), I had an offline from the fabulous Ames asking if I wanted to go to Italy again. Hell yes!!! So she says, go here (LM passed), fly to the northeast corner, and try to breathe when you get there!! K, all very secret squirrel, but what the hay!! Off goes Ash to Italia Vera, and ya know, Ames was right. When I found the store I couldn’t breathe!!!





After having a good look round the stores, I explored the gorgeous sim. I can see this place becoming a new fave among the sl photographers.



How amazing are these clothes! They’re from the awesomesauce store Anuibis Style, and would normally set you back about 350l a piece, but you can pick them up for free from Italia Vera, woot!





Even the pants outfit just oozes sophistication….Ash=glam!!





Ames, you are the freaking best dude!!! This has to be the find of the century, a huge thankyoooo to the ppl behind this sim and to Anuibis Style for their amazing generosity. Still sitting there reading this? GET TO EXPLORING THIS SIM NOW!! Kthanxbai xx

All Outfits
Italia Vera

Kumamoto Japan

Hair (not free)


Black Slingback Shoes (not free)

Battle Of The Floof

June 7, 2008

While the grid was playing up, Amethyst and I were trying to meet up with each other *sob*. Several relogs, bootings out by the lindens and Ames ending up under a shop floor (don’t ask she just did k!) we finally managed to get to Emvee Cuba, get changed and rez at the same time. There is a god after all and his name is so NOT phil XD!


I’ve spotted her! But to my utter amazement, she is trying to out floof me pft. I mean the nerve!! Come closer Ames and let’s see just who’s got the biggest dress shall we!


Ha Ash=winner!!! And despite the rumors in Who magazine, this is not a *cough* baby bump kthnxbai. Many thanks to Ames who has proved she would tp under floors for me, and for not minding losing her ears. The gorgy dresses are from *OC* Creations, a shop I had never been to before, but will certainly go to again and spend spend spend baby!

What Ames Wore:
Hair: W&K – “yuki HAIR FREE 3” in gold

Shoes: Digit Darkes-Gold Mary Janes
L1 (silver also available, posters on the sofa in the middle of the shoe section)

Bracelet: Juicy Charm Bracelet – gold

skin: TULI Emily – coal (freckled)
Group gift

*OC* Creations

What Ash Wore:
Shoes (not free)
Tesla @ RFL Fashion Expo

Ash’s Hair (not free)
Armidi– The Ginza

Huntorama: Stringer Mausoleum & Shrine

May 29, 2008

Helena Stringer is having brilliant hunt with items for both men and women at the Stringer Mausoleum & The Stringer Shrine “Links Lost Rupees Hunt” on May 30th-June 8th.

Those of you who love dressing your avatar in a fantasy style will especially love this hunt – really creative fun stuff to be found here. Helena kindly dropped me a preview of some of the goodies you can find. It took me ages to put these looks together, I had so much fun but I’m sure you could be more creative than me.

Hexar Horns & Skin, Creepy Spiders, Pale-Gothic Princess and eyes, Stringer Mausoleum & The Stringer Shrine
Hair: Boon (free)
Womens Latex Catsuit: Latex Catsuit: KCreations (free in lots of colours, also mens available for free)

Deconstructed Hat, Tribal Coming of Age skin, citrus eyes: Stringer Mausolem Hunt
Cross Earring: Sey (free group gift in store)
Latex Catsuit: Latex Catsuit: KCreations (free)

Mens Crying Spider skin, Lizard Free Mohawk, creepy spiders, eyes: Stringer Mausolem Hunt Double anti brow piercing: Nomine (20L – loooads of facial piercings there for only 20L each!!)


Helena’s Peacock lashes are so over the top and fabul, they demand a close up

Anenome -MF Rainbow Hair, Pale-Face Doodles skin, Peacock lashes, creepy spider pets: Stringer Mausolem Hunt
Latex Catsuit: KCreations (free)
Double anti brow piercing: Nomine (20L – loooads of facial piercings there for only 20L each!!)

When I tried these head adornments from the Stringer hunt, I felt marine-like and instantly had the urge to be a mermaid, so off I went on a mermaid adventure and I discovered a beautiful underwater haven at Bonny Cove (found the lovely free mermaid items there too which I also wearing)

Rock Critter Hat and Peach-Sparkle Dust Blue skin: Stringer Mausolem Hunt
Female Mermaid outfit: Malaika Mermaids (0L and includes shape (not worn), tail, fins and great AO)

Space Fish Hat and Male Crying Spider skin: Stringer Mausolem Hunt
Male Mermaid outfit: Malaika Mermaids (0L and includes shape and skin (not worn), tail, fins and great AO)

Mer Gold outfit, free outside the Sirens store
Bonny Cove
Phoebe Hair in Caramel Blackened: ETD (1L or free)

Helena has kindly uploaded some pics to Flickr of a few other items you can find on her hunt, click these pics for a close up and more info.

FreeStyle-Links Lost Rupees Hunt 11 FreeStyle-Links Lost Rupees Hunt 2
The hairstyles and skins worn in the above two photo’s can be found in the hunt, (not the outfits), click on the pic for more info on the free outfits worn.

More Info copied from Helena’s notecard

“Link was passing through my forest, and it seems his pouch of rupees had a hole. Now it is your task to collect them all up!

This will take place at the main HQ spot, on the whole lot, both levels, in Lyashko, at the Stringer mens store and grounds at Mapinguari, and also at my sister’s store and grounds at the same site, just walk out of the mens store and you’ll see hers!

In the folder with this notecard is a sample of the colours and sizes of the rupees (NOTECARD WILL BE PASSED TO THE FREE*STYLE AND STRINGER GROUP). Wear it to see the sizes that you are looking for. The largest is the green, next blue,red, then lastly gold. The type of rupee determines the type of gift. Here is a rundown:

Greens: 3 mens-skin&hair, 7 unisex-hair&eyes 10 womens-skin&hair
Blues:, 2 unisex-odd items, 4 womens-complete avitar&skin
Reds: 8 unisex-pets/hair/horns3 womens-eyelashes/hair/hat
Golds: L$100 gifttcard, L$250gifttcard, L$400gifttcard

Now the gold rupees are brought out at random, one each day of the hunt. Sometimes it may be more, like the first day, and after that whenever I want to put out extra. Join my group”Stringer’s followers-info group” to know how many on which day, and how much it is.

The gold rupees will only be hidden in my actual stores, just so it’s a bit easier to find, rather then it being the WHOLE grounds. So just the Shrine, Mausoleum and the Mens stores.

Hunt Locations:
The Stringer HQ’s
The Stringer Men’s store
C&D Designs

If you want to bring a friend and help each other find stuff thats great, but for the sake of the rest who might want to enjoy, please don’t yell out where the rupees are. Also if someone is desperate to find something, don’t answer by shouting, just im them, if you know where it is.

I am willing to give out hint, to my group if you are in it. Just open the group chat, and I’ll give you a hint. You have to ask nice though.

Hint: You can find one of the lost rupees somewhere near the cherry tree, at C&D designs. It is a Special Edition hair, not to be resold!

Happy Hunting
Helena Stringer”