Archive for the ‘poe christmas ivalde kusshon eyes fuel dolly littlegirl korea takeshi vent’ Category

I Found The Cutesey Reindeer!

December 12, 2008

It was staring right there in my face and I didn’t even see it! It needs me to take it home…would you like one too?

My Kawaii Reindeer

1. Pink Fuel – Reindeer Chihuahua (Peace On Earth Hunt Gift)
2. Top: PixelDolls – Ash Short Vest, not free

Ta Da!

Here’s some more gifts from PixelDolls; just look for a globe!

On Takeshi: Men’s Vest in Blue (Peace On Earth Hunt Gift)
On Suri: Antique Hope Top (Peace On Earth Hunt Gift)

Pose: *ADD Poses* – Ta Da!, $1L for a week only.

POE Hunt gift from Pink Outfitters

This one piece baby doll dress is from PINK OUTFITTERS, for POE!

Pink Outfitters

And this is the new dollarbie in store, I matched it with the +plus *Funky Necklace in Fuchsia*, not free.

Time for some Regional Outfits; I am in love with this cute outfit from Ivalde:

The girl in bunad

A bunad is a traditional Norwegian costume, typically of rural origin. Bunads are local to Norway’s traditional districts, and the result both of traditional evolution and organized efforts to discover and modernize traditional designs.

Christmas Eyes

1. Ivalde – Ingebjorg (Peace On Earth Hunt Gift)
2. [kusshon] ltd – Poetic Eyes, $0L (find it at the back of the store)
3. Dolly flats from Fuel lucky board (color changing!!), 50% sale still on, have you seen those boots?! Completely lickable!!

Ivalde Helina

Here is today’s advent gift from Ivalde, this dog toothed pattern knit! Please activate group tag to get.

We live with cows

1. Aries Celestial Designs – Hungarian Costumes for both men and women (Peace On Earth Hunt Gift)

my Little Girl

LittleGirl Pets 003 – Doll (Type AE) – Korea(Freebie)

LittleGirl Outfit

This outfit is from LittleGirl also, not free, but I totally love it! It’s got this whole RP feel, I think I will try and find a RP sim to play..