Archive for the ‘Prize Camp’ Category

Fantasy Couture Of The Valentines Kind

February 3, 2009

So I’m trying to get used to a new room mate, after my previous fabulous roomie is now back in Canada (Oxford Street can breathe a sigh of relief;). New roomie is persnickety, sensitive and man…….so much more girlie than me (he’s a boy though). Minime and myself are die hard tomboys, with me having to be mum and dad, I find my role in her life a lot more boisterous than the other mums I know. So when roomie gets all sensitive, I can’t help but snicker. For crying out loud, how hard is it to change a fricking light bulb? Anyhoo!


These gorgeous lingerie sets landed in my inv when I was hiding inworld trying to tune out my room mate emoing about something or other. If you’re not part of the Pixel Dolls subscribo by now, you should be hung, drawn and quartered! Not only are Pixel Dolls range of clothes practical and affordable, but scarlett is also terribly generous to us groupies!


Inara’s fantasy Couture is a store I’ve covered a few times previously. Inara makes gorgeous silks, including a wall of dollarbie silks. But where she really shines for me are her gowns and fantasy outfits. Having a clear understanding of the RP sims in SL makes Inara’s the perfect stop
for your fantasy needs.


Even the item camps are imaginative. Instead of just sitting, you sew! I;m sure I’ve mentioned it previously, but I *love* that idea. The dresses shown here are the Valentines item camps.


The dark blue “Heartbreaker” gown is my fave. Yes that’s a heart with a knife through it, could anything be more perfect?! I nearly forgot, the stunning necklace I’m wearing is from Sable Rose, a valentines gift. I’ll be wearing it *alot* so next time I’ll get some much better close ups of it, thanks Rosie! Ash out.

Hair (not free)

Skin (cos Cream’s and Gogo said I should say what skins I’m wearing!)
Ashia Designs Subscribe Gift (there is no history button, so if you weren’t in the group, you miss out this time round :P)

CanalGrande free items!

January 26, 2009


Yesterday I stumbled upon a cute plaid dress in my inventory and said to myself oh yeah, CanalGrande. I went to the store’s main shop for the first time, and when I got there, I found a treat for freebie hunters. Not only are there six lucky chairs (on either side of the canal that runs through the shop, near the water), but there are three camp chairs too. I camped for the above dress and hair, and Alt-chan was lucky enough to score shoes and another dress. Her outfit, skin, hair, shoes are entirely free (picture below). Everything is so cute and inexpensive that it’s hard to leave without buying a thing or two!


Free stuff on Alt-chan:
***Skin: Heaven’s Shape yuko make_pop_O
***Dress: CanalGrande Black Cross 2 lucky board dress
***Shoes: CanalGrande RoseHiHeel-VR lucky board shoes
***Hair: Little Heaven Therese mauve lucky chair hair
***Stockings: *katat0nik* strawberry dreams dress in silver, an old lucky chair item
Free stuff on Achariya:
***Socks: Shop Seu kushukushu kutsushita lucky chair item
***Hair: CanalGrande Nadia – Black camp chair item
***Dress: CanalGrande Night Black camp chair item
Not free stuff on Achariya:
***Pierce: FlipSide Kitteh bell mouth piercing set F11
***Amazing boots: (Shiny Things) Ving boots – grey
***Tattoo: Tramp Stamp Tattoo – What Else?
***Skin: Adam n Eve Skin – Celeste Goth – Make up Misery

Cheap stuff is pretty!

January 17, 2009

It’s a good day to wear pretty free things! My entire outfit, above, cost 1L, so I felt it was worthy of Free*Style. The hair is a freebie from Hal*Hina at the Aventi Isle location (slurls in credits below), and the outfit is a pretty frothy camp chair dress. I really like the light feel of the outfit, as well as the hair bow. (One thing about the hair bow. It is apparently attached to the right ear, so no earrings 4 us, even though there’s a free pair of earrings at the Hal*Hina main shop, hehe.)

Also gorgeous are these two skins from Weird Designs. The Crazed Skin (darker one) is new today, and the Frosted Skin was a previously released item that is still in the shop. I quite like the Frosted Skin! It goes well with the brightness of WEBER’s dollarbie corsets (below).

It takes some hunting to find the corsets. They’re in eyeballs on a little island at the edge of Axis Mundi, up in a Seussian tower. I found it with katat0nik’s help, and now I am the owner of a rainbow of pretty cupcake patterned corsets. The wrist cuffs are on a level of this tower too. Pretty work from WEBER!


Weird Designs store dollarbie (SLURL HERE)
***Light Skin: Weird Designs: Frosted Skin 1
***Darker Skin: Weird Designs: Crazed Skin Gift
Dress and hair from Hal*Hina
***Dress: Hal*Hina [LightBlue] Lace Dress Group Camp Chair gift (at the main store)
***Hair: Hal*Hina [tea orange] cocot, freebie at this location
Dollarbies from WEBER (located in eye-shaped boxes in the turquoise and yellow levels of the neato tower, SLURL HERE) — Fly up!
***Bracelets: WEBER Frosty Pink Cupcake Band dollarbies
***Corset: WEBER Cupcake Corset dollarbies in red, deep rose, ocean, ochre, lime, pink and sea

Discord group gifts; Dark Eden camp chair boots

January 16, 2009

Group gifts from Discord
It is free, it is orange, it has swirly thingies. All in all, it’s an excellent group gift from Discord. That’s not all! When I stumbled upon the group gift area, I picked up all of the past gifts that I hadn’t gotten (nicely set up next to the current group gift), including this cute hair (also in brown). This month’s gift is actually two outfit sets — the orange one (above) and the pink one with the saber (below). A saber. I’d never owned a saber before. Now I has one in my inventory. Go me!

The boots, below, are perfect with both of these outfits. They can be won by hard arse-sitting time at Dark Eden. Perfect for cleaning one’s inventory.

P.S. I do hope the Fashion World of SL un-breaks soon!


Camp chair boots from Dark Eden
Camp chair item from Dark Eden (SLURL here):
***Boots: Dark Eden Vagabond Boots in Blood
Group gifts from Discord (SLURL here)
***Hair: Discord Prim Hair [Eiji] Black x Gray
***Pink Outfit: Discord Gift Ko-Aku Orange set
***Maroon Outfit: Discord Mu-Dou Pink Set
Store freebie from 42 (SLURL here)
***Skin: [42] 1227 neutral
Not free:
***Pierce: FlipSide F10 Mouth Piercing Set

Ashia’s Trip Round The Grid

November 19, 2008

It’s been ages since I’ve trotted round the grid on a freebie adventure!! My journey actually started at Ms Julieta’s blog hurr. She makes everything look amazing and high fashion!! I wanted to see if I could dress the er dress down a bit!


This is my take, hooves of course included!! The mall that C’est La Vie is in is super cute, and deserved a wander round I thought.


And looky what I found next door at Encemble. Click the group inviter instore and then touch the pic of the dress to get yours, there’s also a really nice knit top up for grabs.



These 2 dresses came about from a huge poster in the aforementioned mall showing the gorgeous pink dress. I clicked on the sign and was tp’d to EM Item camp, the camping group for Hitomi Racing. There’s 2 prize camp chairs, with a group inviter inbetween them. You MUST join the group to camp. The pink dress is 15mins and the black was 10, but it’s a surprise item, so yours may differ!! Cam round while you’re camping, the clothes here are stunning and all an awesome price. In other Ash related news, a preschool has been found and bribed 20 camels to take on my adorable little troublemaker next year!! She’s waaaaay more excited than me, stopping strangers on the way home to tell them that she was going to school now kthnxbai. Example “I’m going to school now, I’m very busy, I can’t talk to you” By the time we got back, she had said that to a total of 5 people, including one poor man waiting for a bus she nearly gave a heartattack to XD! Ash out.

Other Fings
Hair (not free)
Mirai Style
Deviant Kitties

Boots (not free)
Lazy Places

Tattoo (not free)

Finger Tape (not free)

Now all I need is some hot cocoa

October 10, 2008

camping was worth it

I try to avoid camping at all costs. Why? It bores me to death. Maybe that’s why I took up blogging, to pass the time! ;P Totally joking! I love to write, that’s why! ;D


Aaaanyway, it takes something really cute to motivate me to sit down. Low camping times are a must as well. Anything over 30 minutes and I’ve gnawed off all my nails, tapping my foot like a rabbit, looking at the clock…


Did someone say rabbit? These Ray Skin ponchos are cuter than cute can be! This one’s a freebie at the front of the store.


And this one is a freebie at the back of the store! xD All ponchos come with a few hood/hat options as well as front tie/plain styles.

So cute

The rest you’ll have to camp for. But it’s worth it. It’s amazing how time flies when you’re waiting for something fantastic to magically pop into your inventory. And in only 20 minutes! I can’t even make cupcakes that fast.

So easy was it, I did it four times. With my previous track record, this is a great accomplishment- someone should give me a medal for being so patient! Maybe a gold star. 


Stop on by and grab up one for yourself. You have 2 freebies to choose from, 6 camping printsThese with some skinny pants tucked into boots makes autumn a breeze to dress for.


All ponchos from Ray Skin
Vampire skin from Den-Dou
‘Emi’ hair in chestnut from Zero Style

*Ray Skin also has some other great freebies- poses, a beach ball pose set, a few outfits and some accessories. ;D

*Thanks to the lovely & wonderful Uma for the poncho tip off. She runs one of my favorite, favorite fashion blogs, Uma’s Style Diary. If you’re into really great hi/lo fashion, check out her blog. ❤

Something Fishy Going on

September 22, 2008

Ah the emergency room… old friend, how I missed you. It’s been at least a couple of months since my last visit there, I had almost forgotten the um..specialness of it all!! *Almost* Mini me had a spill at daycare today, after she was allowed to run around on polished floors with wet feet….oy. This doesn’t make much sense for a co-ordinated adult, let alone a boisterous 3 and a half year old.

Once safely home and ice pack applied to a very purple and swollen chin, madam passed out. Usually after daycare, she’s raring to go, full of the day’s excitement and such. So the falling asleep tres early left me with an unusual amount of time on my hands. Time to pwn some lucky chairs!! Well actually just the Fishy Strawberry one, cos my other nemesis at Lo*momo remains unclaimed…….for now!

I got this gorgy dress from Salon De Pigeon Blanc. It’s a 10 min item camp, I needed a break from glaring at the Lo*momo lucky board XD!

These cuties are also from Salon De Pigeon Blanc, you’ll find them on the wall next to the camp stool. I luff the leggings, they suit my Q down to a T. A perfect way to still wear a short skirt in the cooler months doncha think?

Pic 1
Fishy Strawberry Lucky Chair

Kumamoto Japan

Pics 2&3
Salon De Pigeon Blanc Item Camp

Shoes (not free)
Unique Needs

Pics 4&5
Salon De Pigeon Blanc

Shoes (not free)
Unique Needs

Hair worn throughout

Blue Blood Babes in the Wood

September 3, 2008

Oi Oi, sorry about not posting for a few days, I’ve been working on something fun for y’all, (not that you really needed me anyhoo cos ma girlies here have been doing an excellent job).

I really had to take time out of my latest venture to show you these wonderful lucky chair prizes at Blue Blood. Oooh and look, it’s Ghanima, the supremo-talented, hard-working brains behind Blue Blood modelling these goodies with me.

This first outfit is totally different from Ghanima’s usual designs, it’s gothic lolita working 9-5. I love it, it’s got a funky big prim collar, it’s gorgeously tight and figure hugging and the skirt is a rubber texture. Very practical for an office job – not sweaty at all! This outfit is available in 3 shades on the lucky chair. (Boots also from Blue Blood– not free)


Hair: Boon (1L or free)

These gloriously gothic outfits have also just been added as chair prizes in store, these pics don’t do the outfits justice at all, they flow beautifully and the textures are lush. We look like dark princesses.



I’m going to spam you with posts over the next few days as stuff has been building up in my inventory.

You must check out Ghanima’s Alice In Wonderland inspired area outside the Blue Blood store, it is magical and free for you to enjoy, lots of little sitting areas and places to explore.


The little Green Exit Man Avatar there is actually me, I spent much of the day like this yesterday. It was only 1L from a little shop I found at Honmoku Hills.

<3 UnPick

August 23, 2008

**wooop woooop….new favie store alert**

I discovered a gorgeous store called UnPick on my travels a few weeks ago, the clothes here are totally adorable and doll-like. They have a new mainstore with 2 lucky chairs for group members (you can join the group by clicking the sign at the store).

I camped for 50 minutes to win this fantastic swirly dress, 50 minutes was just enough time to reply to all my IMs and notecards and do a minor inventory tidy, (I only touched the tip of the iceberg there). The other lucky chair in store contains the black version of this dress.



Made a new shape for y’all as well – no name yet but I’ll think of something suitably ridiculous – I will put this shape out at our upcoming Free Style sim hunt tomorrow, I think it looks so beautiful with the M&R Cupcakes skin (group gift).

If you click on these pic and view large you will see a cute little bow piercing on the bottom lip and left ear, this is a group gift from *BP.


Dress: UnPick (50 minute camp prize)
Super Cateye Skin: M&R Cupcakes (group gift 250L join fee)
Bow Piercings: *BP (group gift)
Blue Anime Eyes: Ashia Designs (not free)
Bow Hair: ::sixy-nine:: (approx 200L for various shades)


August 7, 2008

There’s been heaps on the feed today about photoshop and photoshop tips. This post from Achariya, this one from Ana Lutetia, and this link to a wicked tutorial. It’s really inspiring to hear other people’s work flow, so I thought I’d give it a whirl too and do something a bit different with my pics!


Katatonik &amp; Old Gravy

While stalking katatonik for the limited edition Malice dress, I saw that there were some new dollarbies out, 6 yummy babydolls, legwarmer boots, and new colours for the gorgy plaid skirt that’s been so popular. My daughter asked for dots on the background, so here they are! Also there was a note in the chat box about a freebie box from Old Gravy, I’ve shown 2 of the tops from there.



I got these yummy freebs from HLC, I can’t remember how I came accross the LM in my inventory, it was just there this morn when I finished hunting for bunnehs at Silent Sparrow!! For these pics, I did the Ana signature pic with the gradient shtuffs. I have to say, I found it very hard not to frame them (yus frame obssesed is what I am!)

Lokki House

Lokki House

Also in the chatbox was a tip about a prize camp dress at Likka House. Mui posted about this store waaaay back in May, there are gorgeous doll dresses for ridiculously cheap! The Alice dress shown is 20l. Also, as dolls and Alice seem to have become popular, I made my best friend Kenlee make me a doll key, which she said I could pass on to the group. You can find it in the notice archives. I tried hard to resist, but the frames called to me!! The background for the Alice dress, my daughter chose again, her colour de jour being pink!!

Pics 1 &2

Legwarmer Boots

Old Gravy

Hair (not free)

Pics 3&4

Boots (not free)
Lazy Places

Hair (not free)

Pics 5&6
Likka House (1 from the prize camp chair, the other 20l)

Hair (not free)
Diversity Hair

My Standard non freebies

Body politik