Archive for the ‘Quinn Swashbuckler’ Category

this is rediculous

March 22, 2009

Once again, another horrible day in SL.

This blog has been stealing images from our wonderful Free*Style team and claiming them as their own.
What makes me so angry, Is the fact that the owner of this blog has an image of my avatar, Dahlindah Destiny, as her profile image!
This is rediculous!
I really don’t understand why people don’t just do something for themselves!
The girls and boys here at Free*Style work their butts off to provide an awesome blog, and then someone horrible like this comes and just makes all the effort we put in…..I feel worthless right now, if that explains anything.
The owner of the Moda SL blog took this picture from my flickr, which features the gorgeous Poetic Eyes I blogged a few weeks back. That is NOT cool.
So if the owner of Moda SL is reading, and has figured out how to translate apage, Don’t steal images! Don’t claim our images as yours! It’s wrong!
If you feel the same as I do, please comment this blog!
Content theft, image theft …. it all sucks!
Vent on our comments. please. I can’t be the only angry person out there!
On a lighter note, I was stumbling through the gorgeous images of our Free*Style Flickr, and found these gorgeous ensembles by Quinn Swashbuckler.

Skin: Fallen Gods Fleurs (Lucky Fortune Prize March 09) Outfit: Fallen Gods Fleurs (Lucky Chair March 09) Hair: Kurotsubaki Heart (modded green) Eyes: Skin Within Ivy (Picks Reward) Ears: Tokeo Plastik Sprite Ear Horns: Illusions Sika Antlers AO: Amacci Classic Location: Straylight

Quinn looks like an stunning earthern goddess ….I hope that was the look she was going for!
Especially in this picture. GORGEOUS!

Check out the Free*Style Flickr to seesome gorgeous free, or really cheap outfits! Join the group and share your own images! i’m feeling nice,so I’ll be showing my favourites here on the blog! Some of the contributers from the Flickr pool have amazing images, so I think everyone on the fashion feed should see them!
Note: Loving the work of Castries, she’s got style and she’s been sharing it with the flickr pool!

Until next time, Report content theft,
Dahlindah (with a h)