Archive for the ‘Retro’ Category

Vampire Weekend

October 31, 2008


I love this band Vampire Weekend and now I have an excuse to inflict them on everyone else…

I’ve gone vintage Halloween today, I’m channelling Dita von Teese after she has just been fed some raw human. Did you know that when Dita goes to a Halloween party she dresses like a normal girl without makeup – that’s her outfit, that’s what she said in an interview last week.

This retro dotty gorgeous dress is a free gift from Ingenue. Also comes in many other colours but only the orange is free. The hair is a freebie by Jetdoll at Savoir Hair and the teeth are part of a 1L Vampirella outfit from JetDoll (see here for complete outfit, I blogged it nearly a year ago and it’s still available in store)


This web and spider jewellery is a free gift from Star Kindler, beautiful and intricately detailed, it’s hard to show it in its full glory in these pics. (Woops just noticed Ashia has featured these here too) There’s no such thing as overexposure when it comes to this luffly jewellery though.


ingenue star kindler_013

ingenue,# star kindler ring

Other items worn
Halloween Skin: Beauty Avatar (1L)
Orange eyes: Aralute’s (20L)

To be honest I’ve got a bit of beef with Halloween in RL. Call me an old grump, but I find kids I don’t know (most of them bigger than me) ringing my doorbell and begging for sweets pretty annoying. Now my girls are desperate to do it “cos everyone else is”. Gaaahhh what to do?

Thankfully we are going to be out at a party later, so hopefully we will get back late and miss all that.

Mixin’ it up

September 14, 2008

I originally started thist post after my birthday night out, but I passed out drunk so I’ve restarted it 2 days later. I’m surprised the pics aren’t blurry, I could hardly see when I took these.

I’m still feeling a bit rough because I was out again last night, so this is going to be a post of few words. Thankfully it’s not my birthday every weekend. I am never drinking again! (until the next time)

This sassy and sexy dotty retro dress is 1L from 888-Betty.



This versatile top is this weeks 1L mystery gift from Ki2.



Stich by Stich is a wonderful store, vintage inspired with beautiful patterned designs. I felt inspired to do that clashing patterns thing. Check out the russian doll print on the skirt. I looove!


The green top here is 1L, the Tartan skirt was around 150L)

Pic 1 & 2
Halterneck Dots Dress:
1-800 Bettie’s (1L)
Bella Shoes: Fuel (1L)

September Hair: Laqroki (was a gift at hair fair – no longer available)
Beret: (Stich by Stich) Padrina & Padrino group gift (no longer available in group)

Pic 3&4
Belted Top: Ki2 (1L)
Jeans: VG Republic(1L)
Skin, Plush – Apricot – Headcold Freckled:
M&R Cupcakes (group gift 250L join fee)

Pic 4&5
Tops: (1L)
Lilac MATRYOSHKA skirt Skirt: (1L)
Tartan Skirt: (around 150L) all by Stich by Stich
Roses Shoes: Stich by Stich at Juicy (1L)

fat bottomed girls

August 10, 2008

yeah, that’s a pretty trite reference to make but my brain is addled with the cold from hell so yall are gonna have to forgive me. i was also gonna say to ignore any incoherent psychobabble, but when am i NOT incoherent? don’t answer that.

teh faaaaaabulous glamouramama boa has been teasing via flickr for, oh, weeks or months or something, about a new venture called fat fannies. it finally opened its doors on the paradise isle sim last thursday with a party packed with all the cool kids, hot logo swag in a treasure chest, and a piratey delicious treasure hunt. no worries if you missed out though… cause you’ve got through thursday the 14th to run all around the sim and scoop up all the coins you can find; they contain fun gifts from creators like ink stain, tart art, trixi stix, g&s jewelry, dolly pop, hotbox, bp*, DECO jewelry, and the toi store. there are 21 coins in all, and some of the aforementioned peeps also have shops on the adorable paradise pier boardwalk so be sure to check em out!

(where to buy/free/not/free all that shit after the pics)

shape – hotbox, from the fat fannies coin hunt
top – trixi stix, from the fat fannies hunt
tattoos – ink stain, from the fat fannies hunt
booty shorts – dollypop, from the fat fannies hunt
skin – curio group gift (may no longer be available? check group notices)

not free:
hair – booN

skin – beauty avatar (yes yes i know we’ve blogged it already but someone posted about it to the group today and i liked it on the shape and if you haven’t got it already, go get it)

hair – bp*, from the fat fannies hunt
outfit – from the fat fannies treasure chest (located in the club)
gloves – tart gallery, from the fat fannies hunt

not free:
skin – curio

big ginormous thanks go out to glam, alabama smalls, hiro shatner and all the vendors for all their hard work and generosity!

Junwave And More

June 16, 2008

I was gonna say I’m a hair whore……..but that would be a lie!! I’m a hair, clothes, shoes…….bugger it, all sl products whore (bar the sex ones, still don’t get the appeal there XD!) This weekend was heaven in terms of hunts, sales and shows. We have been well and truly spoilt. I’ll start with some of the goodies I got from the Ivalde sale. Heaps of shtuff is marked down to 100l, with quite a few dollarbies hidden. Using Adaire’s hover tip thingo I was able to find them in no time at all, and drop some serious cash as well!!

ivlade sale

I had been shopping at Junwave, taking advantage of the massive 50% off sale. Now the hair there was already cheap, so I picked up amazing styles for 30l or less as well as a freebie.

junwave & Love Aya

junwave & Love Aya

junwave & Love Aya

These are a couple of the styles I got. Then I went for a wander over to the next sim and boy did I make a find! The clothes I’m wearing were all free!! From a wee place called Aya Love, and a store opposite that’s called M’s Factory.

junwave & Love Aya

junwave & Love Aya

junwave & Love Aya

junwave & Love Aya

My inventory needs some serious sorting now! I was so proud of myself that I’d got down to under 40,000 items (the majority of which is bought stuff not freebies), but alas……no more!

junwave & Love Aya

junwave & Love Aya

There’s some serious kyoooot happening here!! Alot are system skirts, so make sure you have your skirt shape handy, unlike moi who forgot and had to take all the pics again…….oy!


ETD-Juliana (not free)

Tattoos (not free)

Love Aya & M’s Factory

Hair (0l-30l depending on the style)

Halcyon Days

June 13, 2008

Ahhhhh, I just love Artilleri. Just being on the sim makes me feel all dreamy and happy and Antonia’s creations get lovelier and lovelier, I don’t know how it is possible, but it’s true.

You will adore the latest swimsuit, a beautifully designed retro style, bottom hugging and low cut on the hips. Antonia has given the lilac polka dot sample of this swimsuit to her Artilleri group as a little taster.



Sabrina swimsuit: Artilleri (Group Gift)
Emi skin – Dark Tan – Anett: Artilleri (not free)
Ashley Hair: Pazazz (not free)
I was so lucky yesterday, I was one of the first 20 people to head down to Pazazz and win a free hair. I tried on the demo of this Ashley style and fell in love with it, a big thank you to Mya Heaney of Pazazz and also to Antonia of Artilleri for letting us try out this lush swimsuit.

Ahhh now I need a shower, it’s hot here at Artilleri


June 6, 2008

Hey y’all, another quick post from me.

Check out this pink Hawaiian Swimsuit, it’s from those generous folks at Surfline Rezzable, the Freebie of the Week, available 7 June to 13th June.

Surfline 3

These cool sunglasses are the Cristal VIP edition: Kalnins (Group Gift, join the group and click sign in store – head to the ‘Help’ section), thanks to Chesti Questi (apologies for getting your name wrong first time) for letting us know about this one. **I have to add, these glasses are amazing, they are scripted so you can change lense colour, size, reflection, there’s also an avatar detector, a smile emote and probably loads of other stuff**

Truth has a new 1L style in store called Kensei, this was a group gift last year I think, so you may have it. It’s one of my favie styles, unisex and lots of colours.


Rosemary Galbraith of Rosemar has given her group more luffly gifts of gorgeousness.
The Creampuff Puppies skin has cute little freckles and pouty lips, It comes in many skin tones too. Also in the Rosemar group is this wonderful retro Pinup Swimsuit in lime and with this fantastic matching sunhat. The Rosemar Group has a enrollment fee of 250L, I don’t want to keep harping on about it, but you will see if you type Rosemar into blog search how well worth it this fee is.

Rosemar Kini 2

Rosemar kini

The hair worn in the hat pic is Gwenivere by Truth (not free)


June 2, 2008

Hello Beauties!

Look at these lush goodies I have here. To start with PixelDolls have a new skin line and have given a preview of this makeup in each skin tone to the PixelDolls group, (also includes lashes and face lights). You may still be waiting to receive yours if you are in the group so it’s worth going back there and touching the subscribomatic sign again, choose History, Option 1 – please be patient, you may not recieve it straight away but it is worth the wait. I love the dreamy face, and the body is stunning too.

UPDATE: For those of you who have not received your group gifts from PixelDolls, they have just exceeded their marvellousness by providing all the group gifts in one box. This is the group message I received today.

“Group Gift Pack . All our group gifts in one box, for those who may not have recieved them with the original sending. All group gifts are now History Option #1! Thanks for your patience everyone, looks like we have the technical issues with this sorted out. ❤

Huge thank you to Scarlett and everyone involved with PixelDolls for being so generous, fabulous, ace, lovely, fantastic and great..YAY!

A perfect retro glamour look combined with the 1L Jetdoll Hair at Savoir Hair (includes flower) and these gorgeouse anime eyes (not free) are created by our very own Ashia. (She doesn’t like to blow her own trumpet, so I’ll do it for her)

lolita_008 1
Worn on my Lilly Doll shape which is free in the Rosemar skin box from Free*Style

Have you got this yet? Blue Blood’s latest free gift in store, (if you were very very quick off the mark you may have seen my original error, I took a pic of the WRONG DRESS which was a previous free item from Blue Blood – yusssss my inventory is in a terrible mess, like my brain).

This dress is the correct one, the wonderful wenchful Lolita Dress, this is free at the Blue Blood store, possibly only for a short time.



Ghanima at Blue Blood was so good to me today, she also sent me a preview of her fantastic new creation, now this isn’t free but everything you see here, including various styles of skirt prim and the shoes are all included in the price of 450L!!!. There are so many ways you can wear this – it is absolutely beautiful. She’s got more wonderousness planned too, watch this space…


lolita_002 lolita_004

SDR II Skin: PixelDolls (group gift – subscribomatic, touch the sign, choose history option 1)
Hair: Jetdoll at Savoir Hair (1L)
Lolita Dress: Blue Blood (0L)
Shape: Lilly Doll: Free*Style (in the free Rosemar skin box)

Not Free
Anime Blue Eyes: Ashia Designs
Lenore dress and shoes: Blue Blood (450L )

Lucky Lucky Ash!

May 30, 2008
I love Silent Sparrow. I love the clothes, I love Hya, I love the sim……have I mentioned I love Hya?! I have gladly spent my last lindens when she’s released a new outfit and will no doubt do it again and again! The prim work, the textures, dude EVERYTHING is my idea of perfect.

So when I got a notice saying there was a new outfit in the lucky chair, off I went!!! I have been trying on and off for a couple of days to get this. It’s made of gorgeous. I had to have it, I just had to!!! After being there for 2 cycles today, I actually got usurped…..emo! But I prevailed eventually woot!!! This outfit is yummm. It’s a mixture of the Thorns and Beloved suits.

Check it out for yourselves…..awesome no? So whooping with delight, I tp’d to Ivalde to have a wander round. as soon as I landed, I got an IM saying it was my letter on the lucky chair upstairs!!!

Like I’ve said in previous posts, I rarely win stuff, now 2 outfits in one day zomg!! This oufit is just darling. The colour is to die for, and the skirt is the right kinda swishy! I can’t wait to get back to the store and spend some lindens, I just had to show you guys first!

And lastly, but by no means least, a gorgy swimsuit from the Rosemar group. It’s in keeping with the retro theme I started with the Ivalde dress. A lush lime green Pinup swimsuit woot!!

There is a joining fee for the Rosemar group, but she is beyond generous with us, giving out gifts for reasons such as “I just noticed there wasn’t a gift left in the notices for you guys” Gotta love her!! And with that Ash is out to spend some cash at the above stores….yay!!!

Silent sparrow lucky chair

ETD- Twila

Outfit 2
Ivalde lucky chair

Tricolore (old group gift)

Outfit 3
Rosemar Group Gift
(250 joining fee, soooooo worth it)

Eleanor @ Savoir Hair

pretty vacant

May 28, 2008

Sorry couldn’t think of a title for this post, but it contains a ‘bit ‘o goth or punk’ so you get a song title by the Sex Pistols… Anyway, last night I discovered this great little market at Jiminy where there are some really exciting new designers displaying their wares! and being extremely generous all at the same time… First up we have Edge Grafica, an entire shop filled with really nice free goth clothing.

cheri_goth stuff_001

In this pic

FREE: Stripey tank, socks, shorts & the gorgeous sculpted boots are from elan

NON-FREE: Hair: Koda – Kin Skin: MMS Cyber Goggles: by Cheri Pye! Tattoo: live fast die young ::Alexitimia Tattoo::

You get 2 pairs of awesome boots and 3 pairs of pumps in the elan freebie box, here’s another set featuring the FREE trucker shirt and plaid mini & socks from Edge Grafica


NON-FREE: in this pic are the same as previous pic.

Changing the theme here drastically! I found this luvvvverly little known shop called shu*shu in Sakura Town, there are freebies here but there is nothing over $5L in the shop!!! and it’s all gorge, here’s the $5L patchwork dress…

Cheri_shushu_patchwork_5ld_NANA hair by Jade

In this pic:

FREE: Flower bag – **Plants**

NON-FREE: Hair: Nana – blonde by JADE Skin: Aylen – light rose by Marianela

Also spotted this delish paint spattered overall set from Saya


In this pic:

FREE: overalls

NON-FREE: Hair: Jun – white Dejavu Skin: Aylen – light apricot by Marianela Shoes: Pornstar Hightops (An absolute must have!) by Urban Bomb Unit

This trendy gents mod tee is also FREE from Saya, these yummy denim shorts are FREE from Escape and I couldn’t resist getting myself a pack of slingbacks from Juicy which I so proudly parade here 😀 I can’t get them off my feet!

saya_tee_escape_shorts_sunday hair_juicy pumps_001

In this pic:

FREE: socks: toeless from KP Shop (rest mentioned above)

NON-FREE: Skin: Nikki 2 – RaC (now Laqroki) Hair/Hat: No longer available Bewitched

This fresh pastel green dress is by *PureStyle* also at Sakura Town

purestyle_marguerite dress_truthhair_earthtones jewelry

In this pic:

FREE: Marguerite dress by *PureStyle*

NON-FREE: Hair: Ivy – platinum TRUTH Skin: Aylen – Light fresh by Marianela Jewellery: Earthtones

This retro-esque border onepiece dress comes in a variety of colors but this pink one is FREE from +ARIA+

aria dress_fd hair_juicy slingbacks

NON-FREE in this pic: Hair: o – platinum by Fashionably Dead skin: Aylen – light Rosy by Marianela Shoes: Slingback pumps in Strawberry & Cream JUICY

Shapes: in all pictures by me!

Shhh, I’ve got a secret…

May 16, 2008

[S&S] freebie
Originally uploaded by [S&S]

It’s not so secret really.

Sin & Secrets has this gorgeous little retro dress in store for only 1L. Thank you to Rain for leaving a message about it in our comments box (someone also sent a notice to Free*Style a few weeks ago but I can’t remember who it was, so thank you to you also) and also to Sin & Secrets for allowing me to use this photo in the Free*Style group pool.

There’s also another couple of 1L items in store including a sexy knit top and pants set and a teeny pair of panties.

TP to Sin & Secrets