Archive for the ‘RFL’ Category


April 3, 2009

Mhm, it’s 5am, and I’m awake…….WTF? Late nights talking to my friends in the States are totally buggering up my time clock. Wouldn’t change it for a second, although I would like to sleep longer 😛


First up is an outfit that isn’t free, but all the proceeds go to RFL. This super cute offering from Lemania is my kinda gorgeous. Look stunning for a good cause, can’t get better than that!! Have you noticed my rather fetching monocle? For that we have Azia Lunasea to thank. She let me know that it was sitting in Tekeli-Li’s mainstore, waiting to jump in my inv for a linden! Yup a linden. Everything about the monocle is customisable, you pick your metal, gems, lens colour and glow. It’s a limited edition type dealio, once it’s gone, it’s gone forever so grab yours now.



Seeing as the weather is getting warmer for you guys, I thought it was time to show off some swimwear! You’ll find these beauties in the lucky chair at Swim. Shown here with the super extravagant hair from the Clawtooth By Clawtooth group, as blogged by the yummy Eden.


You can get this set for a linden at Swim, it’s the April dollarbie. There’s also a midnight mania board, so it’s well worth joining the group to keep up with the happenings! Many thanks to Ianni Lane for letting me know! And with that I shall drag myself back to bed to grab an hours sleep before mini Ash wakes up! Ash Out.

Pic 1
Lemania RFL
Hair (not free)
The Stringer Mausoleum
Cupcakes Eater hunt
Hoofies (not free)
Lazy places

Pics 2,3,& 4
Skins (not free)
Clawtooth By Clawtooth group gift

RFL Gets Smexy

March 20, 2009

First I need to get a little something off my chest. It came to our attention, through a eagle eyed reader, that another blog had not only been taking our posts and translating them, but our pictures too. Not just our blog either, several other freebie blogs were pilfered in the same fashion. I don’t care what planet you live on, or what language you speak, this is not fucking acceptable, ever. Also, all my pictures on Flickr are All Rights Reserved, not Creative Commons. The blog in question has since been deleted, but it really beggars the question, is everything now fair game? And when is enough, well enough?


Onto prettys! Yay for Silk & Satyr, totally stoked to see them at the RFL Clothing Fair. All of these amazing gifts are from the awesome designers that I adore! Also, I’m trying a little something different with my pictures, I was totally inspired by my Sasybum, cos everything that woman photographs makes me wanna spend 😛



Head to the Silk & Satyr booth at the clothing fair to grab all this Pirate Booteh (as the pack is called)


The gorgy chokers shown are also part of the gift, so generous. On a sadder note, one of my fave groups Lucky Chair Stalker was disbanded last night. On the plus side, Ms Eden, who was a very active officer in the group has started the Lucky Chair Stalkers group. It’s open enrollment for the moment and all group members can invite other members. Please remember, there are designers who have requested to not have their chair letters called in groups. If you’re not sure, contact myself or Eden and we can provide you with a list of those designers. Lets have fun, but do it respectfully. Ash Out.

Not free


RFL Part Deux

March 18, 2009

I have some absolute stunners to show you today from the RFL Clothing Fair. I sent Q there all cashed up and ready to spend!! Also got her to join heaps of subscribos too, some of which gave out welcome gifts. Also, again, please note, although I am including slurls to the designers featured main stores, these are RFL gifts and or subscribo welcome gifts, click here to get to sim 1.


This first dress is the RFL gift from Blueblood. I love Ghanima’s clothes and this dress is no exception, just gorgy.


This offering from Greenwood Designs may look like 3 different dresses, I assure you it’s not! I haven’t even shown the half of it either, the options, layers, it’s a pack to play with to your heart’s content. I pinched this from the card that came with the dress: Greetings! This gown would NOT settle down in my mind. Every time I thought I had it down, it changed again. So, you will be getting a gown of many moods. Depending which skirt or corset or jacket combination you pick, you may go formal with purple stripes or purple overtones or dress for a dance in crimson and black! There are also two sets of sleeves and a jabot. Play with the clothing, find out what you like. I hope you enjoy it while you do, and all the prim pieces are scripted as always. I hope you enjoy your new gown[s] from Greenwood Designs! Cordially yours, Kembri Tomsen
I think this may have been a subscribo welcome gift, but don’t quote me on that 😛


I nearly died when I found this. A stunning offering from Mashooka Designs. I’m so stoked cos it’s a new to me store and I got that tingle I get when I find something amazing. As soon as I get time, I’m off to the main store to spend!


For a fun, super cute treasure hunter outfit, head to the eLDee booth. Eye patch included of course, and the belt has a treasure map! Also, stay tuned for a skin from me that will be up at Freestyle’s Horst location, all monies will go to RFL, so donate what you can. Ash Out.

Not Free

More RFL Treats

March 17, 2009
This year’s Relay for Life Clothing Fair is nothing short of spectacular.  I arrived low-ARC(16) with full pockets and ended up buying more Lindens while I was there.  While you can go and load up on freebies and cheapies (I sure do!), the Fair benefits the American Cancer Society, so if you have Lindens to spend now is the time.  You will get beautiful limited edition outfits and be helping a worthy cause. I’ve included slurls to each item.  It will not take you directly to the item but if you follow the red arrow you should be able to easily find these. 

The first outfit is only 1 L at The Crystal Queendom.  It is named Princess Jen’ire and has a regal quality befitting royalty.  No expense was spared in quality from livinglight Yiyuan, the creator.  Absolutely stunning and includes resize scripts.  This gorgeous outfit can be found on Sim 6. 
Crisscrossing over to Sim 1 I found this great free highwaisted skirt at Ingenue. It’s called High Seas, keeping with the Pirate theme of this year’s fair. I paired it with a free white blouse I found at Ash Style (not at the fair).  I particularly love this blouse because if you’ve ever looked you will find it’s hard to find plain white tops in SL. 
I have a penchant in RL and SL for menswear so I was excited to find this free suit at Sartoria (back over on Sim 6), right by the Crystal Queendom. It’s called Positano and it’s for men but I think it looks hot on women.  The manspanker (!!) is one of those freebies that you can pick up in lots of free BDSM gear boxes throughout SL.  I probably have 5 or 6.  
I definitely have a silly side and was so geeked when I hit the subscriber at Total Betty and was rewarded with this free Laundry Day outfit.  If only it was this easy to clean up my inventory! It’s been a constant battle since I figured out how to leave Orientation Island. 

Don’t be afraid to de-prim.  You will look more stupid if you don’t!

Not Free or Cheap: 
Picture 1 
Hair – Zero Style
Shoes – AW Design

Picture 2 
Hair – Ingenue
Glasses – Artilleri
Shoes – Tesla (previous group gift)

Picture 3
Hair – Zero Style
Shoes – Maitreya

Picture 4
Hair – Bewitched
Vacuum – got it in a lucky chair a million years ago
Skin – all pictures – Zullay Designs

RFL stuff from Demise, Thalia, AtelierCaraway

March 17, 2009


Ahh, RFL! Designers are putting out enticing freebies, and when I find a quality freebie I generally stop to look at the rest of the designer’s stuff. In the case of -Demise- I was happy to add another gothy-boy clothing designer to my collection of LMs, and purchase the tattoo that I’m sporting in this photo. The pants and (hidden) green shirt are from *Thalia*, a sassy free green leather ensemble (perhaps in honor of the Irish holiday?). The skin is an understated free item from AtelierCaraway. Have a good fair, and remember to de-prim before you go!

RFL free items:
***Skin: AtelierCaraway Cara’s freeskin (SIM 4)
***Pants, shirt: *Thalia* RFL gift – flirty outfit (SIM 4)
***White sweater thingie: -Demise- knit cardigan (SIM 7)
Not free
***Tattoo: -Demise- blood of adonis top white tattoo (SIM 7)
***Shoes: Lassitude & Ennui Chloe in black
***Hair: BP* short bangs dango/silver

RFL Part One

March 17, 2009

Every year, the grid pulls together and shows it sense of community spirit in the form of RFL. This years is the biggest yet with 9, yes 9 sims. I won’t lecture, we all have our own personal reasons for this event being so close to our collective hearts. Suffice it to say, the residents of Second Life shine at this time of year and do themselves proud.


I thought I’d start with the practical advice as called upon by our Ach! My 1arc point look (dun ask me where the 1 comes from :P) was based on the Foxygirl skin from Miasnow, as was alot of people’s, Loli, Autumn and I were triplets XD. Beater from Last Call, and shorts from Loulou&co as part of the Twisted Hunt. I have to say, for the most part on my travels, people were de primmed and very low ARC. I just won’t mention the “Master” who had an ARC up in the 1000’s, or the lady who was fully decked out in the biggest, floofiest dress I have seen, with stuff attached to every single possible attachment point…..ahem. My purple shirt is a gift from SD Wears, sobering message.
Around 2000 people will see this top.
675 of them will get cancer.
Change the statistics,
Support RFL


This first amazing dress is the RFL gift from Kouse’s Sanctum. Please note, although I am including slurls to the main stores of the designers featured, all of the dollarbies or gifts can only be found at the RFL sims. Click here to get to Sim 1.


This pink gorgeousness is the gift from Sysys with an amazing dollarbie skin from Tea Lane.


And following the pirate theme this year, this beautiful mermaid dollarbie from LVS & Co. You can pick from several different colours, I thought pink was the most appropriate. Go low prim, go cashed up, and if none of the limited edition designs take your fancy, you can donate at one of the many RFL kiosks spread accross the sims. A very frazzled Ash Out.

Non Freebs


Indie Rocks!! RFL

July 12, 2008

If you are a cool kid who loves Indie tunage and you wanna do your bit for a good cause, then you will love this event to raise funds for RFL organised by the wonderful Violet Morellet. Then event runs from July 11th until 13th.

Some of the best Indie DJs in SL will be playing over the weekend (including my SL sissypoo The One and Only Cecee LA). There’s loads of fun rides and you will also find some freebies around too.

I’ve copied the following text from the notecard I received.

“The Indie Rock for RFL Carnival and Expo was created to not only raise money for Relay for Life and help fight cancer, but to showcase what happening in the indie, alternative, experimental clubs in SL. And thanks to the generous donation of the best rides and attractions in the game, we’re bringing the traveling carnival theme to life.

Join us July 11-13 for a sim-wide weekend of music, fun, games, performances, and a charity auction featuring one-of-a-kind pieces by some of SL’s top designers. 100% of proceeds from the entire event go directly to Relay for Life.”

All the fun of the fair…

indie rfl 4

Stick your head out of a cows arse!!
indie rfl 3

Shit yourself on spooky rides!!
indie rfl 2

So off you go and have fun and find it in your hearts to donate a few L$’s to this worthwhile cause too.

Here’s your taxi…