Archive for the ‘ripped silk havens Design’ Category

Fine Silk

February 22, 2009

Some silk I have gathered in the past 2 days…gorgeous too!

Fine silk

I have waited forever for this, it is a lucky chair prize, change every 10 mins, beautiful, beautiful silk…

*HD* Qadesh Silks, lucky chair prize

Fine silk with armbands

I had to look twice when I wore this, it’s so gorgeous!
There’s always something so enticing about silks, I wish I know how to wear them better!

xploring the city

exploring the city (6)

As well as a men’s kilt:

Free man silk

Get them free @ Ripped!

While you are there don’t forget to check out the freebies, lucky chairs, and midnigh mania!!

Ripped freebies

Ripped lucky chairs