Archive for the ‘RP Outfits’ Category

Totally T’rrific Terry!

January 20, 2009

It’s been a wee bit quiet on the western front where my friend Terry Toland has been concerned. I’ve hardly seen her at all, and was wondering why. She’s been a busy bee!! Knowing that alot of players come to SL to role play (and I don’t mean slex, I mean proper RP ya filthy lot!), Terry already has some amazing avatar packs set out for free at her sims. You can get a merfolk kit, Dark Elf and Fae. These are all complete, with hair, skins, shapes, eyes, clothes and AO. All of these Terry has made with attention to detail, and the skins she modded herself from the Eloh bases.


New to the packs already available, let me introduce Sullivan and Carolyn. They come with everything you need to get started playing a peasant, there are 2 size shapes, dwarf and taller, eyes, skin, hair, clothes, shoes and AO. I forgot to change shapes for Carolyn (bad Ash) but look how cute Sullivan is, all cuddly and such! You can find these at Dynamic Recluse in Sordoh.


My Candace from Sweeter Than Candy sent this out to the group the other day (yes I’ve claimed her too cos she totes rocks!) the shoes come with it, as well as a pair of thigh high boots I haven’t shown.


Remember how I tortured you with amazing but not free boots from EvA a few posts back? Well the incredibly generous Van has put these babies out for your strutting pleasure. You’ll find them next to the ankle boots display. Thanks Van and Evangeline, you’re making our SL ridiculously smexy! Oooh I nearly forgot! The tattoo! It’s from Otaku Designs. My letter came up half way through me doing an item camp, camp soon abandoned as this tatt has ice creams and cupcakes on it….it had to be mine XD! Now I shall go back to the joyless task of trying to find all my PS brushes and re download them, as along with the buttsecks from the grid, my computer died and I spent the weekend reformatting the HD…..again. A very emo Ash, out.

Blonde Hair (not free)