Archive for the ‘Scarves’ Category

Things that make you go yummmm!

December 19, 2008

I’m feeling such a lazy sloot today. I had a big girls night out last night which was fun, but ugh, I’m suffering now. Thankfully I took most of these pics yesterday, so this post has not required much effort,

Little Fish has a really great outfit for free for a limited time to celebrate the opening of the new store. A gorgeous knit sweater and sexy jeans which give good buttitude.

17-12 lf

Thimbles have a couple of gifts in the group notices. This unisex V neck top which comes in approx 4753838484 colours

17-12 thimbles 2

Also in the Thimbles group notices is the beautiful Holiday Spectacular..and it is spectacular.

17-12 thimbles

Icing has this lush Ruby coloured vixen dress in the group notices, (this group has a 250L join fee but worth it)

17-12 icing

Kunglers have totally spoiled us with these gorgeous outfits they have given to their group. The scarf worn looks perfect with this outfit, this is another group gift from Thimbles

17-12 kunglers 2

17-12 kungler

These glorious emerald green shoes I found on the Footprint Hunt at R2, all of the shoes in the store are AMAZING.

17-12 R2

Get your skates on and join the Aphrodite Friends and Fashion group for these cute little Cheeries Skates, you can also get the non skates version of these free in Aphrodite store (on the desk)

12-12 aphrodite

Also worn
Hat/Hair: Argrace (not free)
Berri Silver Hair: Truth (1L)
Bombshell skin: MiA (not free)

I can’t move my head without my brain feeling like it might explode. Think I may need another lie down. *skulks off*

Bring it on Santa!

December 1, 2008

OK folks you better get used to this, all the Christmas goodies are gonna come in thick and fast now that its the 1st Dec. You’ll be so sick of red and green by the time I’ve finished with ya.

Ghanima of Blue Blood has made the most gorgeous dress for her lucky chair, the cute Santa’s have been drawn with her own fair hand, this will be available on the chair until Christmas so don’t all rush at once, even though I know you want to.

1 dec_003

Amazing hair shop Waka & Yuki has a new group gift hair in store, this is where I have been getting most of my hairs lately. Fantastic styles at great prices, most items are less than 100L and some are scripted to change colour/style. To get this one you must join the group and touch the sign in store, check out the huge bow made out of hair on top of the head. Lubs!

1 dec_001

The festive green fur is a group gift from xxYOMESHOUJOxx , also comes in red. The gorgee skin I am wearing is by Wigwambam, you can find this at Free*Style in the skin section.

Take a deep breath before you look at the next pic….





1 dec_004

Boots with Xmas Lights AND Tartan!! I can’t contain myself. These are a group gift from /NoLabel/ a store which Cheri introduced us to on this blog previously, (remember the amazing cowboy boots?). Join the /NoLabel/ group and look in the notice archives for these.

Are you in the festive spirit now? I am and I’m gonna get me a nice glass of Sherry.

MnM Hunt, and it is a hunt….oh yes….

November 16, 2008

….AKA, the most confusing hunt in the virtual world (if you don’t speak Japanese).
Once I had completed it though, in hindsight it was really rather simple. Info on the MnM website HERE

So the hunt started yesterday and runs through to 24 Nov and you win wonderful prizes from *BP, MCH and Honey Kitty.

You begin at the Okinawa sim, you are looking for a large acorn which appears randomly in certain locations. It is the same acorn which appears all of the sim, so you don’t need to collect them from all over the sim. I found 3 places it where the acorn appears but there are more locations.

The 3 places I found acorns
hunt okinwama Acorn locations

BUT, it’s not as simple as you collect an acorn and you get a prize…oh no! you are sent on a trail for your prize, you have to work for it.

When you collect an acorn you are also given a notecard which gives landmarks to 3 more locations : Electro Kitty, MnM at Glass Earth and MnM at Oz. So my tip is, stay where you are and keep collecting around 8 or more acorns (in case lag swallows them, which happened to me).

Go to one of the locations on the notecard you are given (it is the same notecard with each acorn), where you will find treasure chests.
Click on the chest to open, see your name above the chest.
Ctrl + drag the acorn from your inventory into the open chest)
*You don’t need to put an the acorn in every chest. I have written on the photo’s below how many acorns you need at each location, please read the pictures carefully.

The 3 locations on the notecard given with the acorns.
Hunt - acorn drop chests

When the chest accepts your acorn (any problems please read the MnM blog), you will be given a leaf which says *wear* and a notecard with the prize location LM.

Hunt - Take your leaf to next location

Take your leafs to the prize location and touch a chest to open. When you see your name above the chest drag your leaf into the chest.
Honey Kitty and MCH have the same prize in each chest so you only need one leaf for these. BP* has 3 prizes so you need 3 leaves.

BP* has 3 gifts, drop a leaf into a chest at gift 1, 2 and 3 location as shown on the photo below.
Hunt - BP Leaf Drop Chests

You only need to drop a leaf in 1 chest at Honey Kitty and MCH as they all contain the same prize
hunt HK & MCH Leaf drop chests

After all your efforts, well what do you win? Cute stuff, that’s what!

hunt prizes 2
Gorgeous Smooch pumps worn above are from Vinyl Cafe, free for a limited time

Hunt prizes 1

hunt prizes 3
The skirt and top worn above are by Pink Outfitters. The top is a group gift (search Pink Outfitters and look in notice archives) and the skirt is 1L in the Pink Outfitters store.

The Xmas tree with couple pose shown below is also a BP* prize, comes in snow particle or no particle version and different sizes.

Here I am posing with my real life cousin (SL name ‘Chapman’). He’s wearing a normal male shape here for a change, he normally looks like a turkey in SL. I remember when he was born…arghhhghghghghghg (I feel old now)
hunt prize 4

Big thanks to Jojoruno, elka lahane and a lovely mysterious girl called Teshi (who if she reads this blog won’t realise it was me, as I was playing an alt) for helping me with this hunt.

Also to my fellow confused hunters Zuzu and Uma Ceawlin for making me realise that it was not only me who felt like a total retard doing this hunt. XD


October 24, 2008

I meant to show you the 1L Mrs Deli Salami top from Ki2 earlier in the week when it was first released (thanks Kiki for sending it to me and I’ll smack my bum for being hugely disorganised). Ki2 give out a 1L goodie from their store every week and this week it’s a gorgeous purple top, hurry though as it’s been there nearly a week already.

It looks great with a bit of Edge Grafika, (the pants have been featured before by Cheri and they are a firm favie in my virtual wardrobe). I am trying to find any excuse to wear this tartan scarf right now, I love it, this is the new free gift from Edge Grafika. This entire ensemble is something I would wear in RL.



Damn group notices not coming through! I only just discovered this lush green jewelled top which is a group which is a group gift from M&R Cupcakes (250L join fee) which was sent out a few days ago.


Yeah maybe I’ve gone overboard on the tartan here, but you know I have to – being a Scottish lass and all that.

Everytime I see beautiful creations like these, I wish I could make clothes in SL. Believe me, I’ve tried and I suck.

Deli Salami Top: Ki2 (1L)
Pants, Tartan Skirt and Scarf: Edge Grafica (0L)
Green Top: M&R Cupcakes (group gift)
Skin by Den Dou (lucky board)
Aimee Hair by Maitraya (1L)

Fashion as Therapy aka. *le sigh*

October 11, 2008

muffler luv

(and exhale…) *ahhhhhh* I’ve had a tough week, and forgoing any details let’s just say “thank goodness for shopping!” I am from the camp that believes that shopping IS therapy. Mine at least! I mean, I’ll sit on a couch any day, but it better be swathed in rosy velvet and be very very comfortable. Then I can sit and try on shoes with you. ;))

more muff

Aside from the RL tough parts, my SL life has been a breeze. No boy drama, no bad purchases, and I got lucky a LOT. Which for me, is the ultimate mood booster. I don’t need drugs people, just give me this hot pink muffler from DP*yumyum. (Ok, a cosmo too, only because it matches ;)) The muffler is a gift on the new lucky boards in the store and let me tell you- soo pretty! It comes with button/no button options and that big bow makes a girl’s heart swell. 

kyootness in pink

kookie madness

I also stopped by the juicy sim and ooohhhh, all of us can get lucky here! I picked up some Kookie shoes, and so should you! If you don’t own any of her awesome designs yet, now is your chance to scoop some up for free! After you decide they are amazing and want more, run over to her store and buy some of her cute muggys (my new non-free fav). After all…they are all 50% off! This won’t last forever so make haste.

I’m also wearing sn@tch’s dragonfly dress, which is cute and a little nasty too. I like ;)) It comes with the leggings and bangles, so one can layer up or layer down as she pleases.

Violet Voltaire <3

This bracelet is from Violet Voltaire, and it’s also available at the Juicy sim! The matching earrings, pictured below, are a grand opening gift from Tuli’s new sim Journey. So you can sim hop to complete the set! (We all know Tuli from the amazing skins Adaire wore in the post below. Not to mention the skins we’ve bought and wear all the time.)

Party Girl

Violet is also having a 50% off sale for all pink items, ONLY at her store @ Journey. I’m a big fan of Violet’s sweet/tart jewelry and if you haven’t seen it, all it takes is a look to fall in love.

VV earrings

I noticed you eyeing my skin, o thank you, it’s La Sylphide’s newest Lucky Chair prezzie! (Thank you Ash for the tippie.) Gorgie isn’t it? I love the matte red lips and the slit of green eyeshadow. It’s called party girl, I assume because it’s dressier makeup. I, on the other hand, call it party girl because I wanted to throw one after putting it on! Another instant mood booster.


These purdy chokers were sent over to me by Sanu Collars owner Sanura. They are at once, very beautiful, a little tough and quite sexy. Each choker comes with a glow/non-glow option and you can put scripts in them if you’d like it to function as a collar!


Personally, I’m quite happy to see chokers like this, they differ from the usual plain black leather/spikes/pearls variety yet remain very versatile. 

Choker Details

I love the details on them! Zoom in, they are flawless.


All above are dollarbies! Be sure to check out the non-dollarbies at the store as well, I have my eye on both the ‘Inspired’ and ‘Belle’ designs!


Halloween Details

This design is available only in the lucky chair and I think it’s the most elegant & cool Halloween choker I’ve come across in SL! I like orange so I’ll be wearing this year round for sure.

See? Shopping is therapy…

now where’s that cosmo? ;P


{pic 1}
‘pink muffler’ by DP*yumyum (get it on the lucky board!)
{not free}
‘knit grey cardigan’ by BP*
‘heart 4 hair’ in pink by Kurotsubaki
‘trashy diva’ skin by Heartcore

{pic 2}
‘pink muffler’ (see above)
{not free}
‘amikomi’ chignon hair in dark brown by BP* (see above for link)

{pic 3}
‘dragonfly dress’ by sn@tch (available here at the Juicy B-Day prezzie stand)

{pic 4}
‘donna’ platforms in hot pinkness by Kookie (available here! only!)

{pic 5}
‘Tourmaline eternity bracelet’ in pink by Violet Voltaire (available here, only)

{pic 6}
‘Tourmaline eternity earrings’ in pink by Violet Voltaire (available here at Journey sim opening, only!)

{pic 7}
‘erin tan party girl’ skin by La Sylphide (store lucky chair prezzie!)

{pic 8-13}
‘Madame Butterfly’ & ‘Hallowed’ collars by Sanu Collars (Hallowed is a lucky chair prezzie)
‘Knit Jumper’ in black by RunoRuno

Getting carried away with Halloween

October 7, 2008

I’m one of those people that takes inordinate delight in Halloween in SL, but I’m not necessarily all that gung ho in RL. Well, other than the candy part. As I expounded upon in a previous post, trying to get all Halloweened-out in RL usually turns out to be an enormous pain in the arse. Alas.

But it’s the cat’s meow in SL for sure! I love getting into it by picking up great costumes, attending parties, and pretty much just going buck wild. Check out some of these yummies you can pick up for free or close to it as the grid gets carried away with Halloween!
Har har. This “Up Up and Away” freebie pose with balloons from Sugar Mill enables me to make bad puns, hehe. I think I showed it before, but it’s finally available ~ the Rajani hairstyle in “Pumpkin Flecks” from Philotic Energy. It’s not free but it’s just $50L and it doesn’t get any more Halloween for your hair!Also helping the grid do Halloween in style is Noam Sprocket of Gritty Kitty. This scarf that comes in two versions (skinny and not-so-skinny) and a color-change witch hat are $1L in store. I tried so hard to wear that hat, but something about my shape makes most hats rather tragic on me. But! Any Gritty Kitty item for just $1L is worth snapping up and lovin on.

This “Oops, I dun forgot to wipe mah mouth after nomin on ya” gorgy skin is $1L at Beauty Avatar. These Halloween themed flats are a yummy lucky chair gift at MB Creationz.

TheKat’s Meow earrings are one of the many, many, many (did I say many?) amazing gifties you can find at the Jewelry Expo. Be sure to check out the hunt there, too. Details are available on signage in the sim.

This “Crazy Little Belt” from Sn@tch will be a freebie starting Thursday when Ivey sends out her group notice. (I’m proud to say I coerced her. lol – the whole fatpack will be free and they’re amazingly versatile! Woot!)

The “Zombie” pose is free from [LAP] exclusively at the Zombie Love sim by her little vendor there.

Enjoi the strange but wonderful holiday season in SL, and be sure to drop me a line if you find a great Halloween-themed freebie you’d love to share.

Other items in this post:Erin “Light” Skin (Smokey Orange) ~ La Sylphide
Rode Hard Jeans (Gargoyle) ~ Sn@tch

Truth Style Tank (Storm) ~ Truth (Subscribe-o-matic gift)
Cani Hair (Black) ~ Gritty Kitty

Black And White?

September 27, 2008

I’ve been feeling a bit lack lustre about Phil’s Place of late, mostly due to alot of pressure RL. However, that pressure should be eased as I have a brand new room mate moving in this afternoon, yay! He’s fabulous and from London originally, like me. More importantly, mini me seems to like him as much as she likes the cat (which is ALOT!)


What better to lift me from my funk than a stunning skirt? Made by none other than our multi talented Creams! She made it using the nifty prim skirt builder by Vint. I was saying the other day, all we need now is a shoe maker to join the blog and we have all bases covered! I paired it with this gorgy top from DP Yumyum, goes perfectly. And looky, NEW HOOVES!!! Soo not free, but worth every cent I spent on the fat pack. I have hooves for every occasions, in all colours *sighs happily*




These beautiful dresses are from Brain Restriction, a new to me store. The clothes are stunning, and you’ll find a more than generous freebie/cheapie section.


And in keeping with the black and white theme, this super cute group gift from Sn@tch. You won’t be able to miss this on the wall, it’s the only white vendor XD! And now I’m off to get new headphones, my fourth pair…I suspect they make em crappy so you have to keep replacing them!!

Pic 1
DP Yumyum

Made By Creams (might be coming to the Free*style store?)

Pics 2-4
Brain Restriction

Pic 5

Non Freebs

Lazy Places

Here Kitty Kitty…….

May 17, 2008

After blogging the lush dresses and Italian couture the last couple of days…..this post is as far as you can get from a ballgown! It started with a group join gift from Atomic and grew from there, hellllllo hawt scarf, shoulder kitty, wicked arm and leg straps and shoes (not shown).
HOH is having an opening party tomorrow, and lalafoofoo is one of the vendors there……love her stuff I have most of her store in fat packs hehe. She has a couple of dollarbies for the opening and this shirt is one of them. I like the contrast of the cutesy pink shirt and my strapped arm and bruised face! I know…….I’m a strange one!
Jeans are from FORM at The Loot location, I’m sure guys could wear em too…..and theres loads of guy stuff at The Loot, it’s a must check out!

Lalafoofoo – HOH Mall Location

FORM – The Loot Location

Kitty, Scarf, Armband and thigh strap
Atomic Group Join Crate

Electro Kitty– Kimini in white (not free)

Canimal – Sk8r Punk Faded (not free)

Ears and Tail
Fifferfling Leonard (not free)

Happy Style Hunt

May 12, 2008

The Happy Style Mall is having a hunt with 30 items to be found around the mall. This hunt is on until 2008/5/12 22:59, so you still have time. Hopefully SL will allow you to TP soon, because I’m stuck!

Thanks for MiaSnow for submitting these photo’s to the group, she’s wearing a shirt and scarf and a gorgeous Kimono which she found at the hunt.

may 10, 2008 good day :)

Artificial eye, group freebie from Null Nation
Shirt and scarf from the Happy Style Mall Treasure Hunt
Hair: Little Heaven (not sure if this is free)
Head scarf: free by Little Heaven
Skin by Miasnow (not free)
Art by INO JIES called *INOJIES*treetree (I don’t think this is a free item)

building :)

Kimono freebie from the Happy Style Mall Treasure Hunt

Again, I’m sorry I can’t provide SLURL’s at the moment *kicks SL*

**Spring is in the air**

March 26, 2008

Hello friends, I’ve got a big mash-up of stuff for you today, mostly from Japanese stores.

MNK has 3 free gifts in store, including some really cute poses, a nice black belt and this printed free skirt with brown belt, the pics don’t do this skirt justice, the print is lovely and it moves beautifully.


Big thanks again to Miu Elfen who found this cool worn looking denim jacket and lace tank top in the Magi Take Group, really liking the fit on this jacket.



Free black belt in store, (possibly unisex). The Strawberry Belt is an MNK group gift.

26-03-08_012 26-03-08_011
Olive Jacket – Prize Camp at DP YumYum

MNK Mocca Skirt, Animations and belt (Strawberry belt in group, msg dated 15/3),
Magi Take, Tank Top and Denim Jacket (Group Gifts, look in notice archives, they are the only items in there)

Here’s more goodies found by wonderful Miu, these 3 free/dollarbie at Kuri Style, New Marrons House. The outfits come complete with the socks/tights. Most of the outfits in this store are around 50L and gorgeous!

The ‘one piece dot’ and ‘one piece white’ outfits can be found outside the store.


This ‘one piece stripe’ dress is inside the store and is 1L for a limited time (end of month) then it will go back to full price.

Dresses: Kuri Style, New Marrons House.

Now onto the hair and skin…

This short bob hairstyle with clip is the latest free gift from TekuTeku, you will find this on the counter next to a couple of other free styles for men and women. This is no mod but it is quite a full style so it’s easy enough to fit if you move it about a little. The beautiful skin is a group gift from Rosemar, thanks to Achariya for alerting me to this one (as I presumed the group gift skins were the same as the skins in the Rosemar store.)


Junwave has a new free hair in store also, this style was a previous free gift in a darker shade. This shade is very nice too. The beautiful scarf worn is a group gift from The Closet, this was also on the Gridwide Egghunt but Bambi kindly issued it to the group for those who missed the hunt.


Bobbed Hair with Clip: TekuTeku (1L)
Longer Style: Junwave (free or 1L)
Creampuff Skin in Whisky: Rosemar (Group Gift).
Scarf: The Closet (Group Gift)
Olive Jacket: DP YumYum (Prize Camp)