Archive for the ‘Scarves’ Category

Kid Rock

March 13, 2008

Hiii mon ami’s

Miu Elfan sent a notice about this punky hair which is a group gift from DejaVu and it just rocks with every outfit I put on today. Search +*Dejavu*+ and the notice is dated 3/9/08.

This hair takes a fair bit of adjusting, I think it was designed for teeny weeny heads, but if you have the time and the patience to do it, it’s worth it, check it out. The bows are actually blue but I tinted them here to go with this outfit.

Mummy & Daughter 4
Skin, Wildflower from Winter Moon (1L)

The green skirt and brown knit set outfit is a group gift from Kame, search *Kame*, join the group and search notices for item dated 19/2/08, it’s been there for a while so hurry and get it quick – it leaves the notices after 30 days from that date.

The outfit comes with this pretty lace trimmed scarf, top and skirt – get your skirt shape on for this girls, or your bum sticks right out. It does have some very pretty panties underneath though.

Mummy & Daughter 3

Silk Aeon sent a notice to the group about this new free skin at Rabbit. I’m a big fan of the Titinia free skin from Rabbit which I have featured a few times in this blog (and is still available for free), so I went straight away to check this one out. When I first tried it on my shape, it looked way too young for my tastes, very cute but not for an adult shape, so I thought I would make a kid shape for it. So here is Creamy’s daughter Noname.

I think she looks like Annie brought into the Millenium!
Mummy & Daughter 1
Sweater Boots – Darkstar (not free)

Facially, the skin is perfectly suited to a kid shape but I must warn you, I realised when I took the clothes off it has boob shading so is probably designed for teen avatars.

Hopefully if you play a kid Avatar you are happy to keep your clothes on. I’m not going to open a big discussion about it here as it’s been done a million times all over the blogosphere, but I am going to say I am totally against sexual ageplay in SL, it creeps me out – I am a parent and the fact that people are having these kind of thoughts scares me regardless of whether they say it is purely fantasy.

I know there are a lot of adults who enjoy playing at being kids on SL, they are doing it for various reasons and are just having innocent fun. They are also repulsed and angry at the people who ruin it for them by playing at being kids for sexual reasons…it’s giving everyone a bad name and it shouldn’t be like that. This post is for you peeps who like to be a proper kid!

Mummy & Daughter 2

This outfit from Kame also looks great on smaller shapes as you can see. The skirt and scarf is modifiable so you can adjust the size easily.

Some Schtuffs

March 1, 2008

Please give Olivia Connaught a warm welcome to blogging here! *Yay*

Firstly today, there is a new group gift in Mimikri Hot Couture, search groups using the word ‘Mimikri‘ and it should be really easy to find! They’re giving away this unusually patterned ‘Lady Minx’ dress in Pink, has gorgeous matching gloves! The pattern is reminiscent of lined crepe paper, also I really love this deep, off-pink hue


mimikri_ladyMinx_pink_difference skin_Periquita_booties_purple_etd_hair

The cute spangly purple sculpted ‘booties’ haven’t been released yet at Periquita Shoes , these will be available in a variety of confident colors, they’re so much fun to wear. They match the Mimikri dress so perfectly!

Hair: ETD (not free)
Skin: Difference 1(I heart Cupcakes $25L sale pack)

While catching some rays of island sun at the Aventi sim I found this cute free Heart dress at Lycee Feelings Shop looks like a polka dot at a glance, but they’re cute ickle heartsies!

Lyceefeelings_heartdress_BP_mitsuami_braidhair_platninum_difference6skin_lycee hat for princess

the hat was sitting right next to the dress & it’s also free!

Hair: Mitsuami braids – Platinum from BP* Shop (not free)
Skin: Difference 6 (I heart Cupcakes $25L sale pack)

These really nice free jeans also come from Lycee Feelings Shop! You will find them near the hat & heart dress above. With them I’m wearing this cute Valentine shirt from *Yamy* shop it comes in about 4/5 colors!

exclusion_skin_bigbomb1hair_yamy_valentineshirt_yamy_springmuffler_grey_lycee_feelings_jeans_ubu_pink psycho boots

Also I’m wearing the cool grey Spring muffler from the same shop! The items here are amazing value, and it’s also selling mens clothing! Awesome if you’re on a tight budget.

I was a little naughty at Urban Bomb Unit, but I just couldn’t resist these Pink Psycho wellie boots, they’re so awesome… Not free but I absolutely recommend them for quality & style.

Hair: Big Bomb Hair1 from BP* Shop (Lucky chair gift)
Skin: Exclusion from I heart Cupcakes $25L sale pack

The other night I left myself camping for this cute anime style ‘Summer – pink’ skin from KAO, it’s a 2 hour camp but well worth it, so pretty


There is another skin to camp for at the other KAO too, the lipstick on that one is a really warm orange! along with a box containing a free set of beautiful eyes (worn in above close up)

I also found this summery free outfit at Aventi, it’s from a shop called Little Town, the outfit is called ‘resort gift – blue’ and comes with matching shoes!


Hair: Hudsen – Brownie from Sandshack Surf Co. (Not free)

From the POZA MART/Kmaxi I got this really cute free Camisole set with denim shorts


Hair: Kristin – black by Zero Style (Not free)

Aww, look I know Christmas has long since past now & this maybe out of sync…eep! But I found this Cuuuute Tiny Santa at Nooker Works on Aventi, has the most adorable blinking eyes, and gives that puppy look that I can’t resist… lol


A few shops along you even find this tiny snorkelling beach set free from Lucky Card

nooker_works_santa tiny with Lucky Card_free_beach_set

They also sell a gorgeous tiny sculptie avatar along with other freebies!

The shapes worn in the pictures are made by myself, I may also include a shape or two of mine at the Free*Style shop soon!

❤ Cheri

Inspired Treasure Hunt

December 1, 2007 I am up late again! I didn’t intend to do a post tonight, but I went on a quick treasure hunt in the ‘Inspired‘ store and just had to show you my finds in case I don’t get around to it tomorra. Busy weekend ahead and all and I plan on having a hangover…SL & Hangover = BLECH!!

I have featured Inspired in many of my blog posts, Meagan gives away ace freebies and today is no different, there are 12 teeny tiny stockings dotted around the store with festive gifts inside.

Here’s a few of the goodies I found. A couple of hats, a beautiful doll-like winter anime skin, red and green sweaters…



Gorgeous fluffy earmuffs and scarf



Floating Hello Kitty plush..awwwwwww!


Hopefully you can just make out these sweet snowflake ‘cheekies’ tattoo’s and I just had to give you a close of up these amazing eyes, a group gift from Callie Cline, can you see the little heart in them?


If you would like these eyes, join Callie’s group, check notice archives and you will see these eyes attached to one of the notices (there are also a 2 other gifts in there too). They are only available for a limited time so get them quick.

Ooooh, nearly forgot, while I was hunting around Inspired I won this bunnylicious hat on the lucky chair!


I can’t be arsed with treasure hunts usually but this one took no time at all, no lag and the prizes were fab, head over to Inspired and have fun!

*Hair – Courtenay in Ash Blonde, (group gift from Philotic)

Japanese Goodies

November 5, 2007

Last week, my good friend Aemilia of Fashion SOS sent me an LM to Kurotsubaki store and knowing Aem and her brill sense of style I knew it must be something pretty good so I rushed right over there.

This is what I found, 2 boxed free gifts on the shelf, 1 containing a muffler scarf and the other with 2 lovely tops.

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The top comes in 2 colours, black and purple and has a lovely embroidered design around the neck, it goes great with anything. The muffler scarf is a perfect companion to the tops, I love to wear these scarfs in RL too. I had a look around the rest of the store while I was there, the clothes are a gorgeous boho style and there are lots of hair accessories and Kimono’s downstairs.

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The skully skirt worn in the pic was a Halloween free gift from Imperial Elegance (no longer available for free, now 50L for 2), I had to shrink myself to a size zero to fit it as it’s no mod. I’ve included the LM to the store as there are lots of skirts in the sale for 5 and 10L. The shoes worn below I found in Next Step for 11L – bargain I say!

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Another beautiful store called Mina Junk at Koreshan has a couple of little freebies just to the left of the entrance on the wall. Look at this gorgeous hair accessory, the butterflies seem to fly about a little as you move.

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Also at the store is this pretty butterfly tattoo, one on chest and one on your back. The bustier top just seen in the picture below is from Pin Up Dolls and the skin is the Blowpop group free gift.

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While you are at Mina Junk take a look around the rest of the Koreshan sim if you have time, it’s another one of my favourite places in SL. It’s a huge place created in the style of a run down fairground, really imaginitively built and lots to explore with many cool stores dotted about.

**Blowpop has now got really pretty 49L natural (no makeup) skins available outside the store**

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My hair was bought with vouchers from Gurl 6 and Diversity for players under 30 days old.

Gurl 6:
Imperial Elegance:
Mina Junk:
Next Step:
Pin Up Dolls:

OMG So cute

October 29, 2007

Hi, just rushing in to to do a quick post about these cute lil pumps, they are a group Halloween gift from Boing Fromage. Lilly Loll ran out and grabbed them so we thought you must see them, they are too good to be missed.

This is the ghostie pair, aren’t they adorable? I don’t care when Halloween is over, I’d like to prance about in these cuties all year long.

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You also get a pair of pumpkin pumps too, and if you are a total loony like Lilly you can wear one of each.

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You get 2 pairs for 1L if you are a member of the group, but they can also be purchased for 120L for both pairs.

These capri pants are part for a set from Ingenue called Ingenuette (0L), as you may notice, Lilly is a curvy gal and these fit her in all the right places (as opposed to the wrong places).

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I received a notice from my friend telling me about this Halloween gift from Last Call. Lovely Stripy arm warmers and matching scarf to keep you warm on the cold days ahead (well, in some places anyway, heehee!)

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These gorgeous woolies come in purple and orange for 1L each…bargain I say! This unisex top is a group gift from Dutch Touch, please see Eisa’s post below for more details on this top.

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All these items shown today are only available for a limited time so rush out and get them while you can. You can TP direct to the stores from the links below. The hair worn is the ETD Pheobe and the skin is Blowpop.

Boing Fromage :
Ingenue :
Last Call:

Halloween for the Dudes

October 25, 2007

Well, this task isn’t proving easy, finding decent freebies for men I mean. It’s a girls world out there in SL, but I will make it my mission to do it for the guys!

I’ve come across some pretty good Halloween stuff in the past week. SL has gone Halloween crazy, so I’ll get this over and done with and then watch this space to see what I come up with in future posts. Excuse me while I make myself look a total tool!

Lets start with the worst first shall we? (when I say ‘worst’, I mean, ‘most gruesome’). Now everyone needs some dismembered appendages hanging above their head at this time of year. This body chandelier is a Halloween freebie from Grim Babies, hilarious! Go take a look at the Grim Babies sim, it’s an excellent build and definitely worth exploring, especially at this time of year.
Yeah and I know I look I’ve crammed myself into a condom but this is actually a free guys catsuit from Kcreations (comes in various colours), please don’t make me wear that again…it chaffed so bad!

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All the skins worn in this blog are a Halloween gift from Minnu, available for free in store for a limited time. The hair worn is a group gift from Truth, all you need to do is click to subscribe on the sign at the store, then click it again to check history and you should be given a folder with the hair. I’ve put links to all the stores mentioned at the bottom of my blog.

Next up, I found this fantastic hat and scarf combo from Gritty Kitty, it’s another limited time free gift located outside the store at Koreshan. The set is actually orange but I changed the colour of the scarf, and the hat has a colour change script in it to go with any outfit.

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I really love this, I think I will wear it all year.

The top worn is a unisex group freebie from Iki’s Dutch Touch, this is a group you really need to join, Iki often gives away unisex goodies. I love the style and quality of her clothes, I highly recommend you pay the store a visit. On the left of the entrance when you visit the store is a box of free stuff for girls.

The tee worn below is from Aitui, another fave store of mine, it’s only available for free for another couple of days so grab it quick. Even though this tee is Halloween themed, it can be worn all year round. I did a bit of dumpster diving and found these kitty ears too, once I brushed off the maggots they looked great.

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The arm straps worn are a group gift from a cool store called BroGear. I’m a sucker for armstraps and stuff, but would I wear them in RL? No way!
Shhhhhh, the pants worn are actually part of a girls free gift called Cimarron set from Pixel Dolls, they look great thought don’t they? They come in loads of different colours too. Swallow your pride guys and get down to Pixel Dolls for these.

This little Skellington chap is a free Halloween gift from a cool Neko store called Faceless, you get one to sit on your head and another to hold. Very cute and cuddly don’t you think? Again, the scarf worn is from Gritty Kitty but I coloured it red this time, to go with my lovely eyes.

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Well, I hope you enjoyed my first mens blog on this site. Quick check back to see I didn’t emulate any other similar blogs out there, any similarity is purely coincidental. Great…we are good to go!! *POST*

Links in no particular order:
Aitui :
Iki’s Dutch Touch :
Gritty Kitty :
Grim Babies:
KCreations :
Truth :
Pixel Dolls: