Archive for the ‘Shoes’ Category

Yummy Gifts For You!

April 13, 2009

Have you all had a fabulous Easter so far? I’ve had an absolute ball catching up with people I usually only get to see fleetingly due to timezones.

I have some beautiful things to show you. First is this subscribo gift from Trap. The “Koi” tattoo is designed to go with the infamous skins of the same name, I own the Rose, but I thought I’d show off the art work on a plain skin, no other tatts. You can see the progress on Selos’s blog, as well as a really gorgeous full sized shot.

The next outfits are an Easter gift from LeLutka. You get the pants, several belt versions and 4 colours of the shirt. And ssshhh, look closely. There’s a sneak peek of an upcoming release from Dare Designs. The shoes are called “Mistress’ and they are the awesome. Stay tuned for a release date.

And here is one of 67809567854794768 group gifts sitting in the archives of Lemania‘s group atm. The group received a massive box of goodies this morn, but just so you know, if you’re joining now, there will be a 500L fee. The fee will be waived when the gift poofs from the archives, as a way of ensuring loyal Lemania groupies get rewarded. Sounds fair enough to me. The skins I’m wearing throughout the post are from Laqroki, who is having a massive sale. This “Tasha” skin in olive was the most amazing value. 21 makeups for 950L. I’ll just let that sink in for a mo 😛 If you do want to take advantage of the sale, head to the second flooor where the “Portrait” skins are located. And now I’ma run back to Photoshop and fiddle with stuff, sound profesh don’t I! Ash Out.

Pic 1
Hair (not free)
TRAP subscribo gfit

Pic 2
Hair (not free)
LeLutka group gift
Sneaky preview from Dare Designs 😛

Pic 3
Lemania group gift
Hair (not free)
Boots (not free)

Skins worn throughout
Laqroki (massive sale I got 20 skins for 950L) *faints*

Dirty Bunny

April 10, 2009


I have a secret.
That I will Share.
It may Surprise you.
It may Frighten you.
And I’ll most likely have to kill you after I’m done this post.
But I can’t keep it in any longer.

I’m a demon that loves bunnies.

See this is where the murdering begins. What better way to start it off, then hopping amongst you all cute like?


What better Tool to wack people with then a gigantic Carrot? this thing has this little bunny, that hops around on it.

Yohane Rockett of Strayer sent me this shirt the other day. I was like oooo, my first designer passing me shit! Happy dances! Nice thing about it, is it could be worn all year. It’s not covered in eggs. You have to join the group, and then click the little box beside the group sign, at the store. Then it’ll all be yours! It is unisex too, or at least I made sure it looked fine on my dude shape.

Who doesn’t want a rocket bunny?

I found this skin that just went so well with my theme. Didn’t need whiskers or anything!


I found these jackets by accident. God I love it when that happens. Wanted to bunny hump the signs, make multiples. I guess I’ll have to deal with you all buying it and being bunny clones!The pinky one(uck!) is for the Chics and the Black one is for the dudes. I didn’t feel like crossdressing today. I’ll have to man out for your soon.


Shoes! more shoes! Just a bit of a preview of Part 2 of my shoes posts, it’ll be out on this blog next week.


Now for some non fashiony, but totally bunny house goodness. What little bunny wouldn’t want butterfly art?


These are the gift from C&D Designs, from the bunny hop. now I know we all don’t have homes, I don’t either. But you might know of someone that would LOVE this. The butterflies flap their little wings.


You get all 3 of these. There is the first one, which is a bit primmy, but never fear, Cherelle Capra, the Designer/Owner of C&D designs is looking out for you! There is a slightly less primmy version(pic 2) and then the 3 panelled version. You can split those ones up, or just have one out, or whatever. I think it’s great.

Off to murder those people over there looking at me being all bunny-ish.




(Off with their . . .)

Picture 1&2

Skin-Aldegan Design-Bunny Skin-L$1
Eyes-House of Ruin-Felid in Sakura(Love these!)-L$20(Store rebuild still going on, so not open, but I’ll keep tasing all of you!)
Ears-Katat0nik-Bunny Ears-L$200(Colour Change)
Shirt-Strayer-Easter Rockett Bunny Shirt-Group Gift(TP, hit the group joiner sign, then hit that little box beside it, and this baby is yours!)
Pants-Donna Flora-From the Pat outfit, just wearing the pants tho-L$1
Mouth Carrot&Backpack-Cute Bites-You get both in the pack-L$10

Picture 3

Jackets-Deep Red Creations-Pink for the Chics and Black for the Dudes-L$1 each
Middle Pants-mailto:Pants-Sn@tch-Past Gift, but there is a new one out, not shown, a cute dress.

Picture 4

Shoes-Brazilian Style-All 4 shoes are Free!

Picture 5-7

Art-C&D Designs-Bunny Hop Prize

***Why is there stuff not Credited? Find out why here!***

The Sweet Scent Of Spring

March 24, 2009

Celebrating the change of seasons is something Ravenlynn of LVS fame has become known for. I loved the pirate event she had last year, and her Halloween happenings are always incredible. This spring is no exception.

I present to you the “Spring Fling” event. Running for 3 days, all the outfits shown here are dollarbies you can pick up round the sim. Each outfit has 6 colours to choose from. Above is Spring Fling Cutie in Red.

I love her dollie dresses, and the bright colours make me happy!! Above is Dollie in Tears. The yummy shoes were a subscribe gift from Sweeter Than candy.

Isn’t this babydoll the sweetest, shown here in Orange, in honor of our Elvish colleague who is obsessed with all things Orange.

This is probably the most “traditional” spring dress of the ones shown. It comes with a bonnet too, with a choice of 4 hair colours, perfect for the Easter parade!! The dollarbies are really easy to find, head outside the store and look for massive flower pots, you’ll find the outfits contained within. The hard part? deciding which colours to get 😛 Ash Out.

Not free


Moar Gifty Goodness

March 24, 2009

Oh what a day in SL for little ol me!! Not only did I get to take pics with Boi Ach (be still my heart) but I found some amazing things to show you!

No I haven’t knocked the slider all the way to the right by accident, it’s one of the skin options from my yummy landlady Poppy 😛 The LL Popfuzz group will now be for land and rental purposes only. Poppy has a kiosk up in the mainstore for a subscribe group that won’t pinch one of the precious 25. Join the subscriber, then wait for the chat to tell you you’ve been added to the database. Once you get that, touch the picture next to the subscriber to receive these amazing skins. You get all skin tones, ranging from super pale to a gorgeous chocolate shade. Aaaaaand for each tone you get 4 skins, light and dark brows, cleavage or no cleavage. Shown here with a cute bikini from Pixel Passion that I nabbed for 10L. There’s a whole table of cheapies there.

This is another of the 10L outfits. With this one you get a choice of latex or fabric, yum! There’s a couple of lucky chairs, prize camping and of course gorgeous clothes and lingerie of all kinds. The RFL outfits look especially gorgeous.

Loli’s favorite store Kuri Style has put out these super cute numbers, for 2L and 5L respectively. The little shorts remind me of an outfit my bestie Kenlee used to wear when she was being Rollergirl, I know she’ll love these ones. The dress is all kinds of gorgeous, and you can get other colours for 100L, which is totally reasonable.

One of the amazing things about the RFL Clothing Fair (apart from the money raised) was having some many designers in one place and being able to join their subscribos. One such store I joined was Devilish Cupcake, who sent out this gorgeous dress this morning. It has wee tiny cuppycakes all over it, yes I tried to nom myself 😛 The skin in the last pic is this weeks dollarbie from KOSH. It’s fecking lush, the eyemakeup is to die for *sighs happily* See the shoes? Both pairs were sent out in the Duh! subscribo, join now dammit!! Thanks Renee, sorry it took so long for me to post em! Right I’m off to fantasize about Boi Ach sort inv. Ash Out.

Not Free
Black Maria

Skins not mentioned

JE Republic

moar o’ teh green

March 14, 2009
As the fabled March 17th draws closer, the grid becomes a deeper saturated sea o green, so if this is your color, your will be doing double time, trying to keep up with the hunts and freebz and all… mucho funo!

I threw together a few more of my green favs I have collected when I am out and about…


The dress is from the lucky chairs at Moxie Polano’s Haute Styles, (I adore the back detail prim on this dress) There are actually 3 different prizes and a good crowd keeps the chairs moving… and I actually witnessed chair etiquette here, with those with the same initial, taking turns… *APPLAUSE*


The “Clover shoes” are free at 50 Flats, and the leggings are part of the welcome gift freebie when you join the Creamshop subscribo.


Scribble has most green stuff on for 50L right now, and that is where my Spinning Hat(w/hair) and Bubble Pipe are from!! (There is also a lucky board here where you can choose from gifts when your letter comes up!) The Skin is “Hannah-Fair-Grape” a dollarbee from Sh*t Happens

Bunny Hop Flair

March 14, 2009

3am, all was not well in the Tomsen household, mainly due to my super loud boinking neighbours, who not only woke me up, but Mini Ash too, grrr. And the grid was broked too, awesome. So I was moaning on Plurk about my Sasybum being MIA and me missing her terribly. Well I found out last night there’s a terribly good reason for her not hanging out. Shoes. Awesome sauce ballet flats to be precise. Sasy has a new project on the go, named “Flair”.


The ones shown here can be nabbed on Xstreet for an L. In the pack you actually get 2 versions of your chosen shoes, so thats 4 pairs of shoes for 2L. Get the grey ones here and the pink ones here.


If you want other styles, colours or demos check out Sasy’s merchant page here. The regular retail price is 150L, so it’s well worth checking the dollarbies out, trust me theyre gorgeous. Speaking of gorgeous, how are these little short suits!! Tomoko Manamiko sent me a lm this morning for an amazing store called DrLife. Not only do they have 4 lucky boards (2 of them contain full skin sets) but there’s also some yummy group gifts you can claim with your tag active. The shorts come in all sorts of colours, there’s hair and jewelery also. yay for new to me stores!


A big hunt is about to get underway, the Bunny Hop grid wide hunt. Check out the official blog here. This first dress is the gift from Weird Designs. It’s called “Dead Bunny” and I fecking love it. Shown with the very not free, but totally awesome “Dead Dreamer” skin from Miasnow.


Here we have offerings from Angelwing and Spork for the clothes, Sentou Yousei for the shoes and Chaos By Design for the skin. The shoes are truly to die for and you get 6798679 colours, not just the ones shown here.


The bunny outfit is from Venice Picassa, the ears twitch, too cute!! And the skin and middle dress are from Skinzors. The skin is beautiful, delicate and ever so pretty. Do check out the official blog, for more participants, and stay tuned here for more gifty previews. Ash Out.

Not Free

Skin from 1st & 2nd pic

Pish Posh Mosh

March 8, 2009
Throwing together some of my fav’s this week from Lucky Chairs, Group Gifties, and Freebz….



Shirt: “flying skull” shirt freebie from Swanson
Skin: “Spring Showers” from Tyranny Designs Lucky chair
Boots: “CR Shortboots” from
Studio M’z Lucky Chair
Mouth cupcake: “muffled by the cupcake” free from
Hair: “Lucy Black” Group Gift from Romi Skins

Jeans: “Stars” from Swanson.. NOT FREE

The Living Dead Girl

March 6, 2009

Ya that’s me, living dead girl. Why? Oh I live in a mausoleum. I’m Helena Stringer, your newest guest blogger to hit the Free*Style pages. I learnt of Freestyle almost right after it was born. I started making notices shortly after, for all the deals I found(in the beginning anyone could post deals, we weren’t that big then). I didn’t know of the blog, till one day Creamy basically said to the group, I’m to lazy today to post all the shops I found items in. So check out the blog. Well she had had the blog way before then, but that was the turning point for me. When you get too busy designing, and are a cheap ass like me, you can sort of just window shop. It’s a beautiful thing.

My aim here will be to blog in theme, me I love themed things! So be it a certain item, like a whole post on ankle boots, or blue things, or ducks, you get the idea. Feel free to put themes of things you want me to find, in the comments, I’ll try my best for you, designers willing!

I decided to be a bit lazy myself, and do some freebie shopping on slx . . . oops Xstreet SL®. It’s a great thing for when sl sucks . . . ermmm guess I can’t say that here. Little round furry things okay? They normally come in a pair, unless something is wrong.


The Dress above caught my eye. I have a thing for making my hips even bigger(shoves more Hershey’s WHITE chocolate chips in her mouth). I was let to this dress by clicking a link from slx to the store. There is a bunch of goodies here. I had also found a set of gloves on slx. Now they led me to the inworld store, which had even more goodies. The ones I wear here are of the inworld variety.

I had the perfect tat from one of my new favvy stores. Hadn’t worn it yet, so why not get nakie for you guys?

If you don’t have an eyelash folder, man oh man, go out and find some of those suckers. You will have to learn how to modify objects in sl, since we are all different, but most take little tweaks. These, well the fit me perfect! They come in 5 colours.

The necklace, I couldn’t tell you when I found that, but it seemed to fit the bill. It’s just too bad he didn’t have a lil ebil grin, eh?

OMG another great find! My hips are even bigger looking!(throws Hershey’s WHITE chocolate chips in her hot chocolate).

These next 2 dresses warranted on location shots. I took these pics at the Crimson Shadow sim.

There is a pink version of the dress too, but it clashed with all my blood.

Even dead girls like shoes! Sad thing is, even with my arsenal of grayish skins, I couldn’t find one to match right. Maybe I’ll have to make one out, now that you all are going to run off and get these, or you could maybe share with me if you find a good match.

These are for is your worried your toes are more in a state of decay then you thought. You get to keep them digits with these! While adding a bit of fluff too!

Picture 1-3

Gloves-Steamstress-January gloves-L$0
Tattoo-.:WEiRD.DESiGNS:.-Wings Tattoo-L$0
Eyelashes-Cybernetic-Eyelash type 3(ooo what a name!)-L$0
Necklace-Vellas– Devilkin jewelry set-L$1(only Necklace shown)

Picture 4

Dress-18th Century-Red Velvet Gown-L$0

Picture 5&6

Black Dress-Marinoco FashionBlack flowered wedding gown-L$0
White Dress-Marinoco Fashionwhite flowered wedding gown-L$0

Picture 7


Picture 8

Shoes-[may]-LoLi Shoes
Socks-Bondage Witch Project Store-White Socks w/ Frill Trim-L$1

Non Free items

All hairs-Well I’ll let you guess(Smerks)
Skin-Fatal Error-Wounded Vampire Skin-L$40-might not be free, but a great deal
Eyes-House of Ruin-Starry Eyes – dusty-L$30-BESTEST EYES EVER!

I know it’s long, but I have no clue how often I’ll be doing these, so I got to get as much in as I can!

Until next time


And Introducing – Guest Blogger Gidge!

March 3, 2009

Hello girly girls. First off I’d like to thank Creamz for the invitation to be an occasional guest blogger. I’m sort of tickled as this is my favoritest fashion blog that is not my own. So *WAVES AT ALL THE FREESTYLERS!* Hi!

I’m not an avid freebie collector, honestly, because my inventory is cruising madly over 40k and something has to stop the madness (or does it?). But I thought that I’d just love the opportunity to share with you guys the freebies that I LOVE around the grid – both new and old.

So without further ado……..let’s rock this bitch shall we?

For starters, the beautiful and uber sweet Sachi Vixen of Adam n Eve has UPDATED her free gift in store (found in the skin store – slurl below). It includes the dress (wth two options for the skirt, this hair as well as skin (yay skin is the new black according to Grazia!) The box also contains THIS gown that I already blogged a while back and so did lotsa other folks so I’ll spare you! I’m a dork and didn’t take a clear enough shot of the shoes (I am working on this…..bear with me!) but if you join the Maitreya subscribo – she gives you a fatpack of heels in excellent colors! (of course I’m wearing sensible old black…sowwy).

The hair is a fatpack, so that was great because all the colors didn’t suit me. I’m just such a blonde girl whenever I can be! The skin is a nice natural summer look. Very pretty.

May I interest you in some slurls? Will that be to go?

Earrings – Izumiya – FREE

Dress/Skin/Hair Adam N Eve FREE

Shoes – Join the Maitreya Subscribo Group FREE

My eyes are from FNKY and are called Purple Rain. NOT FREE


Gidge is a regular blogger on It’s Only Fashion

Well Duh

February 28, 2009

I’d been anxiously waiting for Tuli to release her new line “Natalie”. Stoked was not the word when the group preview came through. It really is a beautiful skin


The lips are to die for and the light smattering of freckles are just perfect. My fave bit?


Colorable brows. Mostly I’m blonde, but I do like to have the options of wearing other colours, and brows I can edit or change is a massive plus in my book.


The tones are gorgeous, and I love the body. No doubt there will be something here for everyone. The group is 250L to join, but worth a million times more than that!! Thank you Tuli, “Natalie’ rocks!


For the clothes I’m showing, I indirectly have Helena Stringer to thank. She was visiting a store called Duh!, and got chatting with the owner Renee Harvy, and told her to drop me some stuff, so here we are!!


Cute, tongue in cheek tees for an L each. My personal faves are “Attach To Pelvis” and “Douche Magnet” There’s a lucky chair with yummy boots, a group gift happening at the moment, Paddy’s Day specials and nothing in the store is over 20L. Yup, that’s the regular pricing.


Know someone new? Wanna save them from blingtastic boots and shoes? Send them to Duh! I should also mention the boots are scripted with sounds and poses, but all very easy to turn off, just click the boots to bring up the menu. I’ve shown them with my usual dollarbie jeans from Torridwear and the new hair from Troof. The hair’s not free, but pretty rockin’ no? New build for the store, new textures for the hair and new skins for the boys. Yes I managed to say the word “new” 3 times in one sentence 😛 Ash Out.

Skin (not free)