Archive for the ‘Shorts’ Category

Moar Gifty Goodness

March 24, 2009

Oh what a day in SL for little ol me!! Not only did I get to take pics with Boi Ach (be still my heart) but I found some amazing things to show you!

No I haven’t knocked the slider all the way to the right by accident, it’s one of the skin options from my yummy landlady Poppy 😛 The LL Popfuzz group will now be for land and rental purposes only. Poppy has a kiosk up in the mainstore for a subscribe group that won’t pinch one of the precious 25. Join the subscriber, then wait for the chat to tell you you’ve been added to the database. Once you get that, touch the picture next to the subscriber to receive these amazing skins. You get all skin tones, ranging from super pale to a gorgeous chocolate shade. Aaaaaand for each tone you get 4 skins, light and dark brows, cleavage or no cleavage. Shown here with a cute bikini from Pixel Passion that I nabbed for 10L. There’s a whole table of cheapies there.

This is another of the 10L outfits. With this one you get a choice of latex or fabric, yum! There’s a couple of lucky chairs, prize camping and of course gorgeous clothes and lingerie of all kinds. The RFL outfits look especially gorgeous.

Loli’s favorite store Kuri Style has put out these super cute numbers, for 2L and 5L respectively. The little shorts remind me of an outfit my bestie Kenlee used to wear when she was being Rollergirl, I know she’ll love these ones. The dress is all kinds of gorgeous, and you can get other colours for 100L, which is totally reasonable.

One of the amazing things about the RFL Clothing Fair (apart from the money raised) was having some many designers in one place and being able to join their subscribos. One such store I joined was Devilish Cupcake, who sent out this gorgeous dress this morning. It has wee tiny cuppycakes all over it, yes I tried to nom myself 😛 The skin in the last pic is this weeks dollarbie from KOSH. It’s fecking lush, the eyemakeup is to die for *sighs happily* See the shoes? Both pairs were sent out in the Duh! subscribo, join now dammit!! Thanks Renee, sorry it took so long for me to post em! Right I’m off to fantasize about Boi Ach sort inv. Ash Out.

Not Free
Black Maria

Skins not mentioned

JE Republic

Bunny Hop Flair

March 14, 2009

3am, all was not well in the Tomsen household, mainly due to my super loud boinking neighbours, who not only woke me up, but Mini Ash too, grrr. And the grid was broked too, awesome. So I was moaning on Plurk about my Sasybum being MIA and me missing her terribly. Well I found out last night there’s a terribly good reason for her not hanging out. Shoes. Awesome sauce ballet flats to be precise. Sasy has a new project on the go, named “Flair”.


The ones shown here can be nabbed on Xstreet for an L. In the pack you actually get 2 versions of your chosen shoes, so thats 4 pairs of shoes for 2L. Get the grey ones here and the pink ones here.


If you want other styles, colours or demos check out Sasy’s merchant page here. The regular retail price is 150L, so it’s well worth checking the dollarbies out, trust me theyre gorgeous. Speaking of gorgeous, how are these little short suits!! Tomoko Manamiko sent me a lm this morning for an amazing store called DrLife. Not only do they have 4 lucky boards (2 of them contain full skin sets) but there’s also some yummy group gifts you can claim with your tag active. The shorts come in all sorts of colours, there’s hair and jewelery also. yay for new to me stores!


A big hunt is about to get underway, the Bunny Hop grid wide hunt. Check out the official blog here. This first dress is the gift from Weird Designs. It’s called “Dead Bunny” and I fecking love it. Shown with the very not free, but totally awesome “Dead Dreamer” skin from Miasnow.


Here we have offerings from Angelwing and Spork for the clothes, Sentou Yousei for the shoes and Chaos By Design for the skin. The shoes are truly to die for and you get 6798679 colours, not just the ones shown here.


The bunny outfit is from Venice Picassa, the ears twitch, too cute!! And the skin and middle dress are from Skinzors. The skin is beautiful, delicate and ever so pretty. Do check out the official blog, for more participants, and stay tuned here for more gifty previews. Ash Out.

Not Free

Skin from 1st & 2nd pic

Huuuge, Massive Post!

February 20, 2009

I’m so happy happy this morning!! I have the house to myself again as I had given my roomie notice, and he’s gooooone!! I know it’s mean to celebrate so much, but some people you can live with and some….well lets just say you can’t 😛 The concurrent theme for this post is lucky chair exclusives. Those precious outfits you can only win from the chair.



This first set is from Dare Designs. A new to me store, but it’s a one stop for just about everything you could want! There’s 4 lucky chairs for girls, a midnight mania board, clothes galore, boots *pauses for breath* and if that’s not enough, you also get a gift when you join the subscribo! Phew. Thank you so much to Dare Munro for letting me know about his yummy store, I’ll be sending Q in with some cash later today 😉 The outfit is called STFU, and will be in the chair for about a week, so pack the place out ppl! You get all these options and more in the one box, a ton of ways to wear it.


These bits of hawtness are from +DV8+ and match the boots I posted a couple of weeks ago. There’s also an exclusive colour in the riotvend with matching boots, so get crowding!! Thanks Vasha. The skin shown here is a pick reward from Little Bird. The AYC skin is just luminous and innocent looking, I looove. You know the drill with pick rewards, add the store, wait a bit touch the thingo and away you go!


The next dresses are from the Glitterati Goodie Table. Shown are 2 dresses from T2T and DCNY. There’s also gifts from CNS, Arsnova, Rock Me Amadeus and probably much more that I missed due to copious blue screens.



These skins! More lushness from Lazolli, 7 new skins to be precise. I always feel terribly grown up when I wear these skins, I know, I’m completely odd! And looky! I haz Gummi Bears on my neck, thanks to Sanu 😛 You can get the Gummy Love Rainbow set from the lucky chair. You get a choker and 4 monocles, they’re so real looking, if I could work out a way to lick my own neck I would!! Ash out.

Stuff That’s Not Free, But You Know You Want
Discord Designs

Skin In Pics 1&2

Silver Collar

Fashion Week

February 17, 2009

The lure of RUNWAY Fashion Week proved all too much for me last night, when I found myself at a loose end, and not a scrap of tiredness!! So I sent Q along, with her teeny, tiny, perfectly ordered inventory to have a look see.


I was more than stoked to see Silk & Satyr has a booth there. Not only did they give away a massive bag of stuff in their spot, they also included gifts in the official RUNWAY gift bag. ThomasD Felisimo has always been the epitome of generous and this is no exception. The collar shown here is part of the gift and is called “Impassioned Collar-Dina’s Favorite” I think it’ll become Q’s favorite too!


This set is called “Nauteh Scots” with male and female versions. Made me think of our fearless leader Creams and her love for all things tartan 😛 All sets come with a “wax job” (skin coloured undies) as most of these silks are prim only.


“Return To Eden” made me chuckle, it takes some adjusting to get it to sit in the right place though, so be prepared to spend some time on it. There’s many many more gifts and gorgeous clothes to see, make sure you take the time to look at it all at RUNWAY Fashion Week.


I’m not sure if this has been blogged, but I hadn’t unpacked it yet from Q’s inv, so it’s new to me! A valentines gift from the Thimbles group. It was too cute not to show and suits curvier Q down to a t!


This yummy dress was a group gift from Ookami Ningen. Join the group and head to the main store to get yours. There was much happiness as the skirt has a resize script FTW. I never realised how much of a difference a few points to the right on the slider scale would make, both in terms of how clothes fit, how poses look and the kind of AO one wears. I’m gonna persevere though, I like being curvy 😛 Ash Out.

Not Free Schtuff

KA Designs

Ballet Boots

Cute New Store

January 28, 2009

Oh happy day. I woke up to extremely good news today, so I’m in an awesomesauce mood! I also had the pleasure of being dropped a folder by a new designer Viviane Hobble. She’s not been designing long in sl, but seems to have made a really nice start.


At her store Viviane Fashions you’ll find an array of dollarbies, some of which I’m showing here. The sim has only the one landing point, so you’ll need to turn round when you land, to find the store.




A girl can never have enough swimmers or undies! (I was moaning to Sasy the other day that out of a 42,000 item inv, I had only one pair of undies, and they’re guy’s y-fronts!)


This gorgeous gown isn’t a dollarbie, it’s free!! And oh so pretty. I feel a wee bit like a princess!!


And this beautiful dress landed in my inv via Sysy’s subscribo. Aren’t the feathery bits gorgy! This was a gift for the massive EFA-AIFW2009, which unfortunately I missed (cursed rl work pft) Speaking of rl work, it’s about that time, Ash out.

Hair (not free)
Philotic Energy

Busy busy busy, shopping shopping shopping

December 17, 2008

Gosh what a busy day!! Yep last minute rushes before Xmas as usual for me. My kids finish school on Friday so I’m trying to get my shopping done before then, as I’ll have no time (or inclination) do it after that.

I probably won’t get so much SL time as Xmas is fast approaching, (I imagine the same goes for my fellow bloggers). I have decided to place a special Xmas Freebie Tips comments box on our blog where you can all leave tips, you can also join the Free*Style Flickr Group to show photo’s of your finds, (please put as much information about your outfit as you can under your photo). The Free*Style Flickr Group feeds through to the blog so all the readers can see, you can click on each photo to see it in more detail. Store owners are welcome to advertise their gifts too, just incase we don’t get around to showing your can imagine how crazy our blogging folders are right now.

I’ve got a mixture of goodies here which I collected over the past few days.

Xmas skin – Aki Kimono (1L)
Group Gift Hair – Tekuteku (1L or free)
Brown Eyes – Snow Rabbit (POE Globe Hunt Gift)

16-12 encemble
Outfits: Encemble (group gifts in store)

Ear Muffs & Hair: BP (free)
Clash Tee by Chav Paderborn at Uncle Wiggly (free)
Wrap: Dysfunctional Dolly (group gift in The Hole at walk sim- walk into the dark hole…)
Shorts & Beach Clean Skin : [42] (free or 1L)
Legwarmers: Encemble (footprint hunt gift)

I’m still working my way through the footprint hunt, but basically you hunt at each store location for a red/green stocking, or a gingerbread man, this contains the gift and the LM to the next stores. Some of the stores I have found it impossible to find the gift. I found it easier to just TP to each store direct from the blogs listed on the footprint hunt blog, rather than try to find each gift which contains the next LM. Good luck on that one, it’s the gifts are wonderful so it is well worth it.

Miu Footprint hunt gift
Sunday Dress: Miu (footprint hunt gift)
Hair: Tekuteku (1L)
Beach Clean skin: [42] (free or 1L)

Hairstyles & Eyelashes: House of Heart (free or 1L). There is a hunt on there until Xmas
Beach skin: [42] (free or 1L)
Sweater: Ki2 (1L this week)
Wrap: Dysfunctional Dolly (group gift in The Hole at walk sim- walk into the dark hole…)
Skirt: Miu (Footprint Hunt)

Today I also did the plod hunt for the awesome bag worn below (See Achariya’s post), wow this sim is fantastic, it made this hunt a pleasure. A big huge thanks to Jordan Giant for helping me out. Upstairs in the plod store I found a couple more freebies, this box with sit animation and a wood pose stand.


Bedtime for me, I’ve got more shopping tomorrow, I’ve got a girlies night out on Thursday so I neeeeed to get an oufit. Oh the joys!

Little Fish, xiaoyu, ゅ≈小鱼≈ゅ

November 14, 2008

**New favie store alert**

The store is called Little Fish, full of beautifully textured clothes, in unique chinese designs, some traditional and some not. So many beautiful outfits there but my alt Freestyle didn’t have enough L’s, so it was freebies for her..I’ll go back later..with moneyz.

Opting for the freebies was a good thing, because they are GORGEOUS too. Tiny Denim cowboy shorts, pink top, a fur stole and a beautiful fan and sexy animal print heels.

Stalking the Little Fish lucky chair in my cute freebie outfit

Yum Shooz (s’cuse the pointy cankles)

Also if you join the Little Fish VIP Group and look in the notice archives you will find 3 boxed gifts containing the goodies below, seriously swoonsome and gives you an idea of the quality of the clothes here.

little fish

LF 13-11_011

LF 13-11_009

Outfits: Little Fish, – (1 pic outfit and shoes free in store and last 3 pics are group gifts)
Cowboy Boots: /No Label/ (group gift) blogged by Cheri and now I am addicted
118 free skin pale (shaved) [42] (0L for all tones)

W&Y 48 Hair (100L)

I covet… (not free)

Clothes for pretty girls

November 10, 2008

Miu has a new mainstore and to celebrate there is a hunt. You have to find little cups of darjeeling tea, there are many around the store but only 4 contain goodies. I managed to find 3 with the help of Noir Gothly (thankyoooo).

We both struggled to find the 4th cup which contains the turtleneck sweater, so good luck with that Chica’s – cos you’ll need it ツ




You can also find many other really cute low priced items all around Miu‘s store, this hair and top were free (the top is unisex). The shorts are by Garbage Prototype (Random Designs) at the Gnubie Store (0L).

The beautiful skin worn is at Diversity and if you are under 30 days old you can get a free set and also a free hair of your choice. TP to the store and follow the instructioons given to you when you arrive.

I’m Having a Gang Bang!!

October 29, 2008

Don’t kill me, but this post isn’t entirely about freebies. It is very important that you know about this – you’ll thank me for it in the end, mark my words…read on luvva’s.

Thimbles has a MASSIVE 5L sale on everything which is orange or black, or a combo of both until 31st Oct. I love this store so much, the clothes are fantastic and created with such humour, even the names of the outfits are funny.

I decided to have a team get-together WITH MY ALTS to show some of the clothes here, the first time this has ever happened in my history of SL.

Actually, my craptop would find it impossible to run so many sessions of SL, so I just superimposed them onto a photo together, yes guess who only just figured out how to do this in PS (ableit very badly :D) If I had planned ahead properly I coulda done a mass Alt Orgy with them in all sorts of positions together, maybe next time…

Anyhoo here’s all the yummy stuff I picked up today from Thimbles, guess how many of my alts were involved in these pics today?

Thimbles1 CEC

All clothings worn above were 5L from Thimbles (including the mens)

Skin: Mia: (Not Free)
Hair: Kurotsobaki (no longer available in group)
Roman Skin: Nylon (Not Free)
Hair: Novocane (Not Free)

thimble3 hhl

All clothing 5L each from Thimbles

Other items worn L-R
Girl 1:
Bat Hair: House of Heart (Halloween free gift in store)
Halloween Skin: Tuli (group gift)

Girl 2
Hair: Diversity (not free)
Halloween Skin: Tuli (group gift)
Shoes: Ki2 (not free)

Girl 3
Skull Hair:House of Heart (Black not free)
Skin: Minnu (previous group gift, not free)

Thimbles2 LFH

All clothing 5L each from Thimbles

Other Items worn L-R
Girl 1:
Skull Hair: House of Heart (Black not free)
Skin: Minnu (previous group gift, not free)

Girl 2
Bewitched Hair: House of Heart (Halloween free gift in store)
Halloween Skin: Tuli (group gift)

Girl 3
Skull Hair in white: House of Heart (Halloween free gift in store)
Skin: [42] (subscribomatic group gift, also a free Halloween skin in store)
Python tights: Saya (free)
Wedge Shoes: Fuel (not free)

thimble rockberry_002

Shirt: Thimbles(5L)
Jeans: Random at Gnubie Store (0L)
Hair: House of Heart Halloween free gift in store
Skin: Rockberry (group gift)

Have I overwhelmed you enough? No? OK here’s some more then….(not all of these items are from Thimbles)

l ki2 thim, f hoh thim, l aoharu

Girl 1:
Skull Top: Ki2 (1L this week)
Skirt: Thimbles (5L)
Skin: Minnu (not free)
Hair: Creamshop (not free)

Girl 2:
Skull Hair: House of Heart (Halloween free gift)
Dress: Thimbles (5L)
Skin: [42] (subscribomatic group gift, also a free Halloween skin in store)

Girl 3:
Goooorgeousness Jacket and dress (0L FOR 3 DAYS, AOHARU)
Skin: Minnu (not free)
Hair: Creamshop (not free)

One more while I’m here. Check out what Muism have in the group notices, you can be a, errrrm, beautiful (?) zombie couple. Includes male and female outfits and skins.

muism zombies2

muism zombies

M&F Zombie Outfits and Skins: Muism group gift (join the group and look in notice archives)
Sweeny Todd hair: House of Heart (Blonde colour – 0L) (Black – not free)
Chucks: Akeyo (not free)

So how many alts then, you ask? Work it out for yourselves ;~)


October 22, 2008

It was Mister Creamy’s birthday yesterday, hence I am pretty hungover today.

This blog post has actually been 5 days in the making as my time in SL has been pretty limited lately. I have often logged on but I am rarely at the screen, Mister Creamy is working from home now and our girls are on school holidays, so lots of other stuff going on these days (which is not such a bad thing). My ‘To Blog’ folder is seriously filling up, if you are a store owner and have an item you would like us to feature, please can you also send it to a fellow blogger in case I don’t manage to do it.

So what have we here then? First up this outfit from JE*Republic is really something special, it’s 10L but you get so much for that price, the outfit is beautiful quality and includes the amazing boots, hat and glowing wand. Upstairs in the store you will find a really stylish bag and hair for 1L.

Jrepublic, cutting class

The JE*Republic outfit also includes this handy little torch for those daaark spooooky places. These photo’s were taken at the Cutting Class Halloween Hunt, it’s such a brilliant, fun build and the hunt is pretty mentally challenging. Unfortunately I felt like I was walking through treacle so I didn’t get very far. I’m definitely going to try it again on a less laggy day (is there such a thing?)

Jrepublic, cutting class1

These boots frikkin rock, they are also includes in this 10L outfit

Jrepublic, cutting class2

This S&S skin is not witchy at all, but it’s so pretty I had to show youi. You can win this on the lucky chair in store, also another skin is available.

Jrepublic, cutting class, s&S

A&K designs also have a beautiful dress and hat in the fortune teller machine, which is located on the 2nd floor of the store, guys there’s also a great outfit for you too!

a&k tuli1

The skin worn is the beautiful Tuli Halloween group gift, which has Adaire blogged previously

a&k tuli2

While I was doing a some lucky chair stalking for the beautiful outfits at Katat0nik a couple of days ago, I happened to see an advertisement for Trepid Station, so I thought I would take a break and go explore. This place was so much fun, its an old disused haunted train station. My 5 year old daughter was as I exploring this place and she got scared.

spooky train station1

be careful when you enter a room…

spooky train station 2

…or the station may claim another victim and you will see your face in the headlines.

spooky train station 3

The free Halloweeny outfit worn above is by Beyond Chastity, also on this sim.

Other items worn:
Lilith Skin by Damiani (as previously shown by Ashia) 1L group gift
WildWoman Hair by MiaSnow: Lucky Chair