Archive for the ‘Silks’ Category

RFL Gets Smexy

March 20, 2009

First I need to get a little something off my chest. It came to our attention, through a eagle eyed reader, that another blog had not only been taking our posts and translating them, but our pictures too. Not just our blog either, several other freebie blogs were pilfered in the same fashion. I don’t care what planet you live on, or what language you speak, this is not fucking acceptable, ever. Also, all my pictures on Flickr are All Rights Reserved, not Creative Commons. The blog in question has since been deleted, but it really beggars the question, is everything now fair game? And when is enough, well enough?


Onto prettys! Yay for Silk & Satyr, totally stoked to see them at the RFL Clothing Fair. All of these amazing gifts are from the awesome designers that I adore! Also, I’m trying a little something different with my pictures, I was totally inspired by my Sasybum, cos everything that woman photographs makes me wanna spend 😛



Head to the Silk & Satyr booth at the clothing fair to grab all this Pirate Booteh (as the pack is called)


The gorgy chokers shown are also part of the gift, so generous. On a sadder note, one of my fave groups Lucky Chair Stalker was disbanded last night. On the plus side, Ms Eden, who was a very active officer in the group has started the Lucky Chair Stalkers group. It’s open enrollment for the moment and all group members can invite other members. Please remember, there are designers who have requested to not have their chair letters called in groups. If you’re not sure, contact myself or Eden and we can provide you with a list of those designers. Lets have fun, but do it respectfully. Ash Out.

Not free


Fashion Week

February 17, 2009

The lure of RUNWAY Fashion Week proved all too much for me last night, when I found myself at a loose end, and not a scrap of tiredness!! So I sent Q along, with her teeny, tiny, perfectly ordered inventory to have a look see.


I was more than stoked to see Silk & Satyr has a booth there. Not only did they give away a massive bag of stuff in their spot, they also included gifts in the official RUNWAY gift bag. ThomasD Felisimo has always been the epitome of generous and this is no exception. The collar shown here is part of the gift and is called “Impassioned Collar-Dina’s Favorite” I think it’ll become Q’s favorite too!


This set is called “Nauteh Scots” with male and female versions. Made me think of our fearless leader Creams and her love for all things tartan 😛 All sets come with a “wax job” (skin coloured undies) as most of these silks are prim only.


“Return To Eden” made me chuckle, it takes some adjusting to get it to sit in the right place though, so be prepared to spend some time on it. There’s many many more gifts and gorgeous clothes to see, make sure you take the time to look at it all at RUNWAY Fashion Week.


I’m not sure if this has been blogged, but I hadn’t unpacked it yet from Q’s inv, so it’s new to me! A valentines gift from the Thimbles group. It was too cute not to show and suits curvier Q down to a t!


This yummy dress was a group gift from Ookami Ningen. Join the group and head to the main store to get yours. There was much happiness as the skirt has a resize script FTW. I never realised how much of a difference a few points to the right on the slider scale would make, both in terms of how clothes fit, how poses look and the kind of AO one wears. I’m gonna persevere though, I like being curvy 😛 Ash Out.

Not Free Schtuff

KA Designs

Ballet Boots

Ow My Head

December 31, 2008

So I woke up at 4am this morn after a sum total of an hours sleep! Hangover ahoy!! Not only was it NYE for me, Q’s hubby got back yesterday too FTW!


Anyhoo, logging in at 4am led me to Prim & Pixel for a mini hunt. These silks are your prize, divided up into 5 snowflakes for you to find. They’re very well done, and I didn’t have to adjust the prims, yay! I hadn’t been to this store in a long while, Halloween was the last time I think. It’s all changed now and an absolute pleasure to wander round. Check out the beautiful skin. This is a New years gift from Tokeo Plastik. You’ll need to join the group and head to the main store with your tag active.


This lushness is the Prim & Pixel POE gift, which I stumbled upon during the hunt. Royal Purple is one of my favie colours, never fails to make me smile!


The cute lingerie was a group gift from Damiani, and I’ve shown it with a skin I got from Prim & Pixel. Heaps of you asked about the masked skin Sasy made, so when I found this I was terribly excited! It was a Halloween gift, but it’s back out and still free, I don’t know how long for though, so best to grab it now.


This powerful piece is from Luna’s Boutique, a new to me store that I found through a Fashcon notice. It’s another New Years gift, it will vanish on the 2nd I think, possibly sooner? I got so many notices today I’m totes confuzzled.


And last but not least, a blood covered Cinderella dress from Little Heaven! The blood looks so awesome, all soaked in and old mmmm! Okies, time to flush my head down the toilet have a shower. Ash out.

Pic 1
Prim & Pixel Mini Hunt
Hair (not free)
Gritty kitty
Skin (group gift)
Tokeo Plastik
Shoes (not free)

Pic 2
Prim & Pixel POE Gift
Hair (not free)
Damiani (Old Gift)

Pic 3
Damiani Group Gift
Hair (not free)
Prim & Pixel
Shoes (not free)
Shoe Fly

Pic 4
Luna’s Boutique (limited time gift)
Hair (not free)
Curio (old group gift)

Pic 5
Little Heaven Lucky Chair
Hair (not free)
Curio (old group gift)

Things That Make Me Crash

December 11, 2008

We’ll get to the crashing bit in a mo! First, my other RL best friend Honey gave birth to her beautiful daughter Summer Rae yesterday afternoon. She was born very quietly at home with not much fuss at all, fed for ages and promptly went to sleep!! Honey was the first one of our group to get married (ps she’s still the only one that’s taken the plunge!) and everything has come full circle for her. Congrats to mum and bub and all the family, heart you and miss you all terribly.

Now onto the clothes!! Silk & Satyr is a store I featured a few weeks ago. They have a beautiful group gift out at the moment, 3 arm cuffs *scans photo to make sure she actually remembered to wear one*! The silks shown are dollarbies at the main store, the second set can be found at Vanity Universe. Which brings me to the title of my post.


All the clothes shown here are either dollarbies or cheapies from various designers that have set up shop at Vanity for A Winter Fairytale. It’s a charity event for Care International, with limited edition clothes you can purchase for a donation to the charity. I don’t know what it is about that sim, but my computer hates it. I walk into walls, do the never ending walk out of the sim, under water etc. The skin shown in all the Vanity pics is one of the amazing Chai skins I got from the hunt.


Things that make me crash: Walking, not walking, turning off my Mysti, leaving my Mysti on, taking off my AO, leaving my AO on, going bald, wearing hair, moving my camera, forgetting to light the incense on my Linden shrine, lighting the incense but not bowing down to the shrine, opening my inventory, leaving my inventory closed, lowering draw distance, raising draw distance, gesturtarding, resisting the urge to gesturetard.


Taking photos, not taking photos, changing my lighting, leaving the lighting on default, talking in voice, not talking in voice, opening an IM, ignoring an IM, having PS open at the same time as Sl, looking at the PS icon on my desktop before opening the program, taking a RL phonecall, sending a RL txt. Changing skins, rebaking, changing anything on the advanced menu. I think I have it all covered!!! If I left anything that makes you crash, feel free to put it in the comments!! And to make myself feel better about all the damn crashing, here’s another taste of my boys Kings Of Leon. This one has it all, moody drums, epic guitar solo, and Caleb, looking so fragile…totes enjoi! Ash out.


The Aftermath!

November 17, 2008

After the horror of Q popping Eisa’s cherry, the poor lass needed some time off, bless her! Don’t worry though Eisa, I’m sure she’ll call, specially after you used such lines as “You look fiiiiiine sugartits” *Coughs*

On with the clothes. Thanks to narin Auer, who dropped these yummys on me. You can get these at the main store, in a little gift box by the door. Anari stocks some really pretty silks, gowns and all sorts of other gorgy stuff. The silks shown are very skimpy, as in they haz no undies. Just thought you should know before you hit the ETD sale wearing em 😉

This dress comes via the Sweeter Than Candy subscribo. Candace sends out gifts on such a regular basis, we are thoroughly spoilt! Loving the cleavage, perfect for showing off them “sugartits” haha.

The top is also from Sweeter Than Candy, the jeans are a group gift from Kanan, fankyoo Millie for the tip! And now I must run round getting enrolment forms for mini me to get into a pre-school instead of daycare, god the time has flown, 2 minutes ago she was getting her first teefs, now it’s nearly school time *sniffs* Ash out.

Other Schtuffage
Hair (not free, and damned if I can bring myself to take it off!)

Tattoo (not free)

Beauty’s Punishment

July 27, 2008

Have you read the Beauty Trilogy? In the second book, Beauty’s Punishment, her and her fellow slaves are kidnapped from the Village, and taken to an oppulant palace, and there on the walls, is living art. Slaves who have misbehaved are framed and left to do nothing more than decorate the palace. Must have stuck in my mind, because when InaraSerra Jewell dropped the LM for her store on me, and I saw her designs, I knew exactly how I would shoot them.



There are so many sets of silks for a linden, I’ve only shown 4 here, you can see most of the rest on my Flickr. Check out the awesome slave shoes! Before she left Creams sent us girls off to The Dominatrix Shop Of DxD to grab these and some Mistress heels. Both free and fabulous.



Also at Inara’s store, you can camp for clothes in a “sweatshop” type environment! Sit down at the sewing machine and slave away to get some gorgy gowns!

Inara’s Main Store

The Dominatrix Shop Of DxD

Frames (not free)
Part of a fat pack from LostAngel Poses

Hair (not free)
Mirai Style

Collar (not free)
Dari’s Haus

Ravens Requiem Key Hunt

April 17, 2008

For all of you who love a hunt, Ravenwear is having a key hunt right now, lots of cool stuff to be found from many designers on the Ravens Requiem Sim.

Here’s the exact info from the notecard:
“Ravenwear is hosting a Hunt for the Lost Keys April 17th to the 21st. You can search for keys hidden over Ravens Requiem and the connecting island Arias Requiem. They are hidden in the shopping areas and mall so look high and look low and you will find two sculpt keys on a keyring laying around. Buy them for 0 and get the goodies inside! Never to be sold skins and clothing from Ravenwear as well as items from +Plus, Kindred Retail, KopiSusu, Fuel, Fashionity Fantasy, Rufeena, Attitude is an Artform, October Rust and Liberte Fashion. There are over 2 dozen keys hidden around the sims.
So bring your friends and go on a Pirate Hunt for the Lost Keys and unlock some awesome freebies!


Here are just some of the goodies you can find, I’m so grateful to Cacia Benmergui of Attitude is an Artform for helping me with my outfits here, I am really rubbish at dressing in a fantasy stylee. It’s so much fun though, maybe I should do it more.

Drow Hair (scripted so you can change size by clicking it) and Skin and eyes by Attitude is an Artform
Top and Skirt by Ravenwear
Bracelet by +plus

Meg Shape by Creamy at Free*Style (1L)

Lily Munster Hair (this is so cool, just click to change colour) and bio red lips Skin by Ravenwear Skirt by
Top, Bracelet and Tote Bag by +plus
Meg Shape by Creamy at
Free*Style (1L)

ravenwear_003 Rufeena Erotic
Hair, Skin and Tattoo’s by Ravenwear
Erotic outfit (includes boots) by Rufeena

Mallara Drow Hair and Blue Drow Skin by Attitude is an Artform
Nadya Dress by Fashionity Fantasy
Meg Shape by Creamy at Free*Style (1L)

ravenwear_003 - Rufeena
Hair and Skin by Ravenwear
Gem Dress/Boots outfit from Rufeena
Meg Shape by Creamy at Free*Style (1L)

ravenwear_003 - Ravenwear dress
Skin, Hair and Dress by Ravenwear
(worn with parts of the above outfit from Rufeena)
Meg Shape by Creamy at
Free*Style (1L)

Rihanna Skirt and Top by Rufeena
Skin and Hair and Tattoo’s by Ravenwear
Bag and Bracelet by +plus
Meg Shape by Creamy at
Free*Style (1L)

Robot necklace of cuteness by Fuel

Skin by Ravenwear
Mallara Drow Hair by Attitude is an Artform
Angelique Dress by Fashionity Fantasy
Amy Shape by KopiSusu

Kawaii Pose and Amy shape by KopiSusu
Undone Camo’s and top by Ravenwear
Skin by Ravenwear
Mallara Drow Hair by Attitude is an Artform

Showgirl outfit – Digital Eyes
Meg Shape by Creamy at Free*Style (1L)

TP to Ravens Requiem to start the hunt.

Hoping I got all the designer info right there and didn’t miss any out, you would not believe what a mess my inventory is in right now!

Sexy, yet oh so demure

April 10, 2008

Another lovely surprise this morning when I logged on to the new group gift from Bianca F. I received this fabulous new preview skin, the fata saharabloom decor, it is so striking with a beautiful design around the eyes, the skin texture and body detailing are highly realistic and natural, there are a few freckles dotted about and the breasts are perfection.

I will show a bit of nipple but I still have to work out how to show it behind a cut on blogger so sorry if I offend anyone, it’s not real remember! If you are at work and my virtual bewbs appear on your screen…GET ON WITH YOUR WORK, you shouldn’t be reading this at work you monkeys!

Click on the pic for a close up of the amazing detail on this skin.
Skin: Fata Saharabloom decor – Bianca F. (Group Gift) click the subscribo sign in the store, click it again and choose option 1

I’m not a silk wearer in SL but I know a lot of people love them, so these next garments are for you. QC Designs has a new 1L gift in her store, these beautiful Winirose Spring Fling Silks which come complete with the flowers and pretty headband, you will also find lots of carnival style masks and other fun free gifts at Queen’s store.


This Winirose Blue Silks are a group gift from QC Designs, search QC Designs and look in notice archives.


I’m having pretty bad problems with things becoming pixelated and out of shape since the last update which is why the breast cups don’t look perfectly round from this distance, I can assure you they are round.

These beautiful quality silks from Nubian Angel have been sitting in my inventory for quite a while, I’m amazed I managed to find them buried in there. I checked at the store today and they are still available for free. You receive lots of colours in the folder too, along with free shapes.


Free Silks from Nubian Angel,

Shape worn in all pics, Meg Shape by Creamy at Free*Style (1L)
Christina Hair by ETD, (not free)

You know what? That post took me 3 hours, that’s how distracted I’ve been today!

Digital Dragon and Queen’s Silks

January 4, 2008

My bad and my inventory is a total mess. I only just spotted that Zoey from Digital Dragon had sent me the preview of these skins, I believe they are free for only 48 hours and eeeek, I think that time is nearly up but I will blog them quick anyway with these beautiful Holiday Silks, FREE from Q.C. Designs.

These skins are called ‘Seductive Glow’, they are gorgeous and come in 3 skin tones. The makeup is very fittingly called Blue Starry Night with pretty starry sparkles around the eyes and glossy lips. This close up is worn on my own shape.


Below I am wearing the silks on a cute shape called ‘Holly the Holiday Elf’ and it is 1L from The Real Goddess. I spotted this earlier on Schadenfreude blog and thought….ooooooh, I want that!!


The stunning silks come in various sizes for the fuller or more petite figures (which I obviously wore the wrong size above, it wasn’t until later I realised – DOH!). There is also a nipple pastie option and the little plate section in the centre of each piece has this amazing moving texture if you look closely.



Hurry and get these silks and skins before they are gone.