Archive for the ‘Skin’ Category

Free your Speerit.

April 11, 2009

Happy Easter!

It’s officially Sunday in Australia. My parents are having a Matt Damon ‘Bourne Identity/Supremacy/Ultimatum’ movie-fest in the lounge room, and I decided to be anti-social and teach myself how to use Photo Shop.
So please, bare with my lame photo editing ‘skillz’.
And, on the image above. I must thank my friend Az for my new butt. He reckons a big butt is a healthy butt. My I honestly think I look like I’m about to topple over with the extra weight at the rear. What do you reckon? Big pixel Butts = sexeh?

I am so thankful for my new freebie-hunting buddy, Sileny Noel. She let me know about these gorgeous goodies from the newly opened Free Speerit! yes! they’re back! And the new skin range is AMAZING.

If you’re smart, you would have already joined the group and headed down to the main store.
There is a special makeup of the new skin range for group members. Wear your tag, and click the sign on the far wall. Be warned, it’s only for a week, so race down there kiddies!!


How tasty is it! Just the right amount of shading, gloss and SHAZZAM! You’ll be melting hearts in no time, baby!
The scrumy bra and panties set is all thanks to the Lucky Boards at Nenashingusa Nest, which Sileny just blogged. Thanks to Vampire for posting the letters in the Lucky Chair Stalkers group chat! I was there is a few seconds, I’m sure!!

The first thing I noticed when I arrived at the new Free Speerit store was the huge freebie wall!
I was so excited! The wall features clothes, skins, hair, eyes…’s crazy! And all so well made!
Here are a few of my favourite things. All free or dollarbies.

(There is also another dress available instore. It’s really cute also.)

(Yes, that is two people going at it on my back.)

(I reckon this is what Borat would wear if Borat was a girrrlllll)

Check out this YUMMY skins.
I was going crazy!


All the hair, clothes, skins worn here are from Free Speerit.
There are about 8 different free hairs, and they come in fatpacks. I was in sock at the quality. Get your butt down there!!

You need to know:
Free Speerit
Nenshingusa Nest

Also, If you are into getting your clothes off, or just wanna get into the whole Easter-porn Bunny thing, Or, in my case, just really wish she was one of Heffner’s betches (*smirkcoughvomit*), I have a competition for the Lucky Chair Stalkers group. Post your seixest bunny image over hurrrr, and be sure to include something from one of the wonderful hunts running over easter. Promote your pixel bod and a new store!
Details are in the notices and in the flickr group. I’ll post the winner hurrrr when the comp ends on the 19th!

Off to stalk the elusive Lindt bunny my mum promised,
Dahlindah xo

Cupcakes Crazy!

April 2, 2009

If you havn’t already started the Cupcakes in-store hunt, then get your ass there pronto!
Not only is there another set of skins from the Seduction line, but there are also heap loads of gorgeous clothes too!


The great thing about this top as it comes in all layers so you can wear it with anything :D! The under-bust waistcoat and grey denim shorts are from other eggs also hidden in Cupcakes. I’m only showing a few items here but there are 2 stunning dresses, shirt, jacket and more to be found!
Hair is from *mikan and is available for 1L and there are also 2 other hairstyles available for 0L or 1L there. The glowing purple bangles are a gift from ::Psyche:: and come in 3 different colours.


This gorgeous skin with painted lashes is from !Cybernetic and comes in a pale and tan skin tone. Also in this freebie are eyebrows and a shape. Once you land, walk in and turn to your left and there’s a board with the freebie for you to buy 🙂
The lilac eyes shown here are a freebie from [lessthanthree] and also hidden in the shop beneath the table at the door are a huge selection of skins, and also on the wall above the door is a picture which you can buy for more freebie goodness!

Skin- !Cybernetic
Outfit- Cupcakes
Hair- *mikan
Eyes- [lessthanthree]
Bangles- ::Psyche::

Under the Sea

March 24, 2009

I have always felt that the mercritters of sl don’t get enough play. They don’t have enough places to go, tho it has gotten better since the time I first rezzed. There isn’t enough items that they can start with, that aren’t a fortune.

Well today I’m going to show you what I found on my search!

Ruina Kessel of House of Ruin let my use her new store build for these pics. The new store isn’t open yet(neener neener), but in the meantime you can go and join her subscribo and grab some great freebies.

What does she have there, at this magical undersea store? EYES! Some people collect skins, some shoes, some just anything in a certain colour. Me, I collect eyes. I don’t even want to tell you how much I have spent on eyes. So the above pic, you get those. But not just those, the whole darn set! and there are 2 other sets too.

This was my fav find of all. When I saw the ad I was sort of iffy. Didn’t know how great those primmed parts would work. Well this thing is great, with the ao, it just swishes so nicely. It’s also GREEN! The starfish are also really rad, if your not wanting your mer nips all out there for the mer boys to oggle.

The Green set is the only reason why I’m wearing pink again. It totally make me happy enough to forget I’m in this horrid colour. At least I look like I’m going to eat the next diver I see. The redeeming part of this is I like the scale transition to human skin. nifty feature. There is a blue Merman Tail sitting with this one too, so get you man all dressed up, mer role play, ooooo.

I’m in love with the tail on the left. Sad thing is I had already taken all these great photos, to find out that the owner is changing locations. So you’ll have to wait a wee bit to get this one.
The goldfish one I thought I’d play up, she looks like she just won a fight with a Betta.

This Staff
Makes me want to make earrings to match(scribbles on project list).

Found this Snarfblat in a mini hunt, It’s one of those ongoing type things. The owner of the parcel just wants you to have a bit of fun. Little treasures all about. There is a poster up near the shop to find out what you have to do.

I loved the sparkliness of this tail. I normally don’t go for that sort of stuff, but I’m a mercritter now, so sparkles are a must.

The eyes look like they are from the depths of the deepest hole at the bottom of the ocean. Perfect for getting your mer on.

Now it can’t be all fun and games. There are still predators in the water.



(The Helena Version of the Jaws theme songs)

These I got when I first found Grendel’s. I had to purchase them. But they are now all only L$1. So you lucky people get them for almost nothing.

They have a really unique ao. Sort of slithery.

They come with everything, skin, eyes, shape, ao plus fishy bits. I’m wearing my own shape tho.

This was suppose to be red. NOT PINK! or salmon, whatever. It’s so not red. But there are lost of colours and guy versions too. Same as the shark, there is one for the dudes.

Mer yourself out:

Picture 1

Eyes-House of Ruin-Toxic Eyes: Mezereon set-L$0

Picture 2

Tail-Atargatis-Green Seaflower Tail-L$0

Picture 3

Tail-Seven Seas Mermaid Lagoon-L$1

Picture 4

Tail-Mermaid Salvage-Mbuna Mertail-L$0
Top-She Want Revenge-Group Gift

Tail-Joyful Creations-Goldfish mertail-L$0
Skin-Domestic V-Group Gift

Picture 5

Tail-Joyful Creations-Star Bright mertail-L$0
Staff-Mermaid Salvage-Dreamcatcher Staff-L$0

Picture 6

Snarfblat-Ariel’s Cove-Mini Hunt-ongoing
Eyes-Kunstkammer-Surrealist Eyes – Black-L$1

Picture 7

Shark AVI-Grendel’s-Shark Siren-L$1

Picture 8&9

Sirens AVI-Grendel’s-DeepSea Sirens-L$1 each colour

I’ll Upadte you on the Mermaid Salvage items when I find out where the new store is going.

Ironic, Don’t you think?

March 20, 2009

Here I stand, a statue. Trapped in a cast of a creature normally known for turning men to stone. So what gives?

The Armorie-a Jewelry event like no other!

Held on the Platinum sim, this event is till Sunday. It’s a showcase of 5 jewelry designers:

Candy Cerveau (.::eyecandy::.) – emerald
Caliah Lyon (Muse) – pearl
Kesseret Steeplechase (KessKreations) – ruby
Violet Voltaire (Violet Voltaire) – amethyst
Saiyge Lotus (Balderdash) – smoky topaz

What are the Gem colours for?

Well there is a Journeyman’s Quest, and your invited to join in!

You are a journeyman jeweler newly learning your trade. You have traveled to a magical labyrinth where you’ve heard you can perfect your skills with some of the finest jewelers in the land. You will be given jewelry boxes, and in the labyrinth, your task is to seek magical gems to fill the box. The gem names beside each designer name above is the colour for that designer.


There are very detailed instructions upon rezzing into the sim. They are too detailed(and super well written) for me to put on here, or I’ll take the whole darn Free*Style page. It’s tempting, but I’ll be nice.

What I will tell you is there are 2 parts to the hunt. There is a silver quest open to all, and there is a gold quest as well, I’ll explain more on the gold in a bit.

So it took me about an hour to get 12 of each gem. You need 6 per gem for each of the hunts, silver and gold.

Follow the instructions carefully, I screwed up once, and had to go re hunt, and it took me forever to find my last gem. So read the notecard. READ it again. Then memorize it. Then act it out like it’s Shakespeare. Then write a 1000 word essay. Backwards.

It’s really not that hard. I just want you to read the note so the organisers aren’t plagued by IM’s.

Here are the silver gifts sans Violet Voltaire, Adaire DeCuir will be showing you those soon in her next post here on Free*Style.

Left Top Corner-KessKreations Silver Hunt Gift
Right Top Corner- Balderdash Silver Hunt Gift
Left Bottom Corner- .::eyecandy::. Silver Hunt Gift
Right Bottom Corner- Muse Silver Hunt Gift

Now to participate in the old hunt, it has one little twist, to get those hunt items for free, you must get a 7th gem. it’s called the Flawless Gem, and it’s can’t be found in the maze. Each designer has picked out a few of their designs for sale that include this special gem. So you have to buy one of the items that is marked with the gem. Only those times will have it.

This is the item I bought from .::eyecandy::.. It’s a steal at L$250, and is red and gold, what more can a girl like me want. Oh and it’s got spiky thinks. I could dig someones eye out I think. Or dirt out of my nails. I do have nails right?

Sanguine Temptress Necklace-L$250

Below are the pictures of the Gold hunt prizes, again all but Violet Voltaire. I will have them on flickr if you can’t wait for Adaire to see them.

Left Top Corner-KessKreations Gold Hunt Gift
Right Top Corner- Balderdash Gold Hunt Gift
Left Bottom Corner- .::eyecandy::. Gold Hunt Gift
Right Bottom Corner- Muse Gold Hunt Gift

So if you like shiny things, or getting concussions, come on down!


Skin&Eyes-Imagen-Mannequin Skin&Eyes-L$1
Dress-Ashia posted it here first!. It’s the only white thing I really had. White gets tossed in my hate pile with pink(sticks out her tongue).

Cheap stuff is pretty!

January 17, 2009

It’s a good day to wear pretty free things! My entire outfit, above, cost 1L, so I felt it was worthy of Free*Style. The hair is a freebie from Hal*Hina at the Aventi Isle location (slurls in credits below), and the outfit is a pretty frothy camp chair dress. I really like the light feel of the outfit, as well as the hair bow. (One thing about the hair bow. It is apparently attached to the right ear, so no earrings 4 us, even though there’s a free pair of earrings at the Hal*Hina main shop, hehe.)

Also gorgeous are these two skins from Weird Designs. The Crazed Skin (darker one) is new today, and the Frosted Skin was a previously released item that is still in the shop. I quite like the Frosted Skin! It goes well with the brightness of WEBER’s dollarbie corsets (below).

It takes some hunting to find the corsets. They’re in eyeballs on a little island at the edge of Axis Mundi, up in a Seussian tower. I found it with katat0nik’s help, and now I am the owner of a rainbow of pretty cupcake patterned corsets. The wrist cuffs are on a level of this tower too. Pretty work from WEBER!


Weird Designs store dollarbie (SLURL HERE)
***Light Skin: Weird Designs: Frosted Skin 1
***Darker Skin: Weird Designs: Crazed Skin Gift
Dress and hair from Hal*Hina
***Dress: Hal*Hina [LightBlue] Lace Dress Group Camp Chair gift (at the main store)
***Hair: Hal*Hina [tea orange] cocot, freebie at this location
Dollarbies from WEBER (located in eye-shaped boxes in the turquoise and yellow levels of the neato tower, SLURL HERE) — Fly up!
***Bracelets: WEBER Frosty Pink Cupcake Band dollarbies
***Corset: WEBER Cupcake Corset dollarbies in red, deep rose, ocean, ochre, lime, pink and sea

Wasabi Pills lucky chair skin

January 3, 2009

Wasabi Pills has a lucky chair! If you liked the skins from the collaboration project of doom, you’ll love this intricately doodled skin that can be all yours if you haunt the Osaka store. The skin is called Miss New Year’s Eve. My hair and top (the photo doesn’t reveal just how naughty-prison-girl this top is, *cough*) are from the freebie section of Horst. The hair is Pixel Dust’s Vanessa in Red, and the top is the freebie inmate outfit by [Pink].

Ow My Head

December 31, 2008

So I woke up at 4am this morn after a sum total of an hours sleep! Hangover ahoy!! Not only was it NYE for me, Q’s hubby got back yesterday too FTW!


Anyhoo, logging in at 4am led me to Prim & Pixel for a mini hunt. These silks are your prize, divided up into 5 snowflakes for you to find. They’re very well done, and I didn’t have to adjust the prims, yay! I hadn’t been to this store in a long while, Halloween was the last time I think. It’s all changed now and an absolute pleasure to wander round. Check out the beautiful skin. This is a New years gift from Tokeo Plastik. You’ll need to join the group and head to the main store with your tag active.


This lushness is the Prim & Pixel POE gift, which I stumbled upon during the hunt. Royal Purple is one of my favie colours, never fails to make me smile!


The cute lingerie was a group gift from Damiani, and I’ve shown it with a skin I got from Prim & Pixel. Heaps of you asked about the masked skin Sasy made, so when I found this I was terribly excited! It was a Halloween gift, but it’s back out and still free, I don’t know how long for though, so best to grab it now.


This powerful piece is from Luna’s Boutique, a new to me store that I found through a Fashcon notice. It’s another New Years gift, it will vanish on the 2nd I think, possibly sooner? I got so many notices today I’m totes confuzzled.


And last but not least, a blood covered Cinderella dress from Little Heaven! The blood looks so awesome, all soaked in and old mmmm! Okies, time to flush my head down the toilet have a shower. Ash out.

Pic 1
Prim & Pixel Mini Hunt
Hair (not free)
Gritty kitty
Skin (group gift)
Tokeo Plastik
Shoes (not free)

Pic 2
Prim & Pixel POE Gift
Hair (not free)
Damiani (Old Gift)

Pic 3
Damiani Group Gift
Hair (not free)
Prim & Pixel
Shoes (not free)
Shoe Fly

Pic 4
Luna’s Boutique (limited time gift)
Hair (not free)
Curio (old group gift)

Pic 5
Little Heaven Lucky Chair
Hair (not free)
Curio (old group gift)

Ash’s Second Crush

December 8, 2008

I got so excited telling you about my first crush the other day, I completely forgot about my second! Never fear, it’s waiting for you in all it’s glory at the end of the post.


First up this beautiful group gift from Evie’s Closet. The group is now closed, but if you are a group member and mebbe haven’t received your group notices (not that that *ever* happens in SL) you’ll find this hidden somewhere in store. Wear you tag when you find it. It’s just too gorgeous not to post it. The stunning necklace and earrings are a POE gift from Essentia. I wish I could have got a better close up for you, but the grid just wasn’t rezzing stuff right for me again.


Then we have another A-M-A-Z-I-N-G Pair of boots from Eva. As with the Dalmation pair, posted by myself and Ach, these are fully scripted, so you can turn stuff off and on (poses, sounds and such). Shown here with one of the advent gifts from Damiani, all of which are transfer btw, how cool is that!


The shoes!! Sweeter Than Candy sent these out today, via the subscribo, can you say yum! Another of the Damiani advent outfits, and Denier Cri‘s POE gift skin.


There’s a reason I love Yohan from Strayer, he totes understands my need for showing off my ass/boobs!! These teeny tiny hotpants are available for a limited time. Shown with some super cute boots from the Brain Restriction group. They were sent out very early this morning, so you have awhile to grab them. Also shown is the POE gift skin from Rockberry, so gorgeous! Ah, and now onto my crush. Kings Of Leon, Caleb especially, I wanna take him home, sober him up and swoon all over him!! So damaged and so talented……enjoi, Ash out.

Sex On Fire

Shtuff (No slurls today, search is your friend 😉
hair (not free)

Lionskins -Limited Time Freebie (no longer available)
Rockberry- POE Hunt
Dernier Cri- POE Hunt

Essentia POE Gift

Damiani- Advent Gift
Strayer- Xmas Gift
Evie’s Closet- Group Gift

Eva- Xmas Gift
Brain Restriction- Group Gift

Bloody Kat Munsters!

December 7, 2008

Ash is having a couple of total crushes atm. The first being Lolli Munster hair. The hair worn below is from the new store, not free, but colour and size change scripted and sooo worth the L’s. You can see another of Lolli’s yum styles as modeled by our fabulous Ach (yeah I’m doing the Aussie thing and claiming anything awesome as our own!!)


Why am I telling you about a new store with non free hair? Weeell, see the macarbre blood covered dress I’m wearing by Katatonik? *Whispers* It’s a linden at the new Lolli Munster store, see how I look after you!! Fankyoo to Ach for the tp before the place got bombarded, gave me a chance to shop XD!!


Our Dahl posted the amazing skin Miasnow has bestowed upon us for Christmas. Well of course I rushed off to grab it, but I was having an awful day rezing stuff (as in it just sodding well wouldn’t). I found the tray Dahl was talking about, and clicked it a couple of times. And I got food!!! A gingersnap and a cupcake, nomnomnom. The supercute tank top is one of a million and twenty seven gifts from an amzing store called AKI Kimono. The beautiful eyes I’m wearing are also a gift from there.


Just what I need, as I never ever remember to put my busy sign on!! You get 4 different ones in the pack.


Isn’t this stunning. The Gothic Yukata is free as well as the amazing skin I’m wearing. You’ll find so much to spend your money on in this store, the designer is amazingly sweet and kind and also does custom work (no mean feat if you ask me!) Now I’m off to heckle the double G (and mebbe sport some socks!) Ash out.

Um, Get These Fings Here
Necklace (fffffffrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeee)

Horns (not free)

Hoofies (not free)
Lazy Places

Tattoo (not free

Pants (not free)

Second Blonde Hair (not free)

Geisha Hair (by the talented Valryn Vandeverre)
Sorry, totes no longer available.

I have a Crush on Crush Row (and lots more Halloweenie and non-HW Goodies!!)

October 25, 2008

fishy strawberry luv
Fishy Strawberry

hehehe…I just did some pre-holiday Trick or Treating at Crush Row. Lots of goodies await, most are free and none are above L$1. I really love Crush Row. It’s such a cute little area. The build is appealing and easy to navigate. The shops themselves are ascetically appealing. I enjoy shopping in this place, it reminds me of RL shopping lanes, the kind that you happen stumble across, the ones that become your favorites and fill you with surprise and glee. The selection of stores is great and I always come out of Crush Row with bags full of new lufflee things to wear. Head on over now and look for the boxes/bags sitting outside the shops on top of hay stacks. Sn@tch’s is inside the shop. And mark your calenders for October 30th @ 6-10 slt. Crush Row is having a Black & White ball. Dress up in your fanciest B&W garb and don’t forget your mask! *continued…

fairy dance

Punch Drunk

trick or treat treats


these pants!!!

*BOOM* pants- I lurrrrve these!!

h i l o

[the oBscene]’s bad ass, gorgeous skin

crush rowwww


Punkin Girl

KaWaii Jelly

up to trouble

Chic Boutique

Chic Boutique

Chic Boutique just put out some new mini dresses as well. I looove dis one! Check them out at the main shop.

(((PART TOOO…)))

candy corn skirt

I also want to tell you about Foglords Creations in-store mini hunt. From October 25th-31st you can hunt for SUPERcute Halloweenie goodies. There are 14 candy corns hidden throughout the store, each containing an exclusive gift. And my- they are cuuuute. I love everything and was blown away by how pretty the skins are and the details on the accessories. Let’s face it, free doesn’t guarantee it’s going to be pretty. I must say, Foglords really outdid themselves here!

gimme yer candah





$ = can be found at Crush Row Trick or Treat

{pic 1}
‘Buttoned Dress’ in Pumpkin by Fishy Strawberry $
‘Halloween Hair’ in black/orange by Kurotsubaki (previous group gift)
Halloween Boots by EvA
{not free}
Halloween Chipmunk by Ris’s Chipmunk Shop

{pic 2}
‘Tink Rocker’ fairy outfit by Punch Drunk $
‘NMR32’ hair in jet black by *booN*
‘Twinkle Stars Fairy Body Stars’ animation (’twas free, I picked it up in a free pack- sawwrryyy. ’tis trans, if you want a copy for your outfit, drop me an IM or a notecard in world <3)
{not free}
‘Ice Pixie’ skin #2 by Curious Kitties
‘Dhali Bow Platform’ shoes by Armidi

{pic 3}
‘Sailor Collar Jacket’ in Black by AOHARU (Comes with Dress too!) $
Spooooky Edie hair by Sn@tch $
‘Hell Fire Real Eyes’ by [the oBscene] $
‘CiEL Amber Calypso’ skin by [the oBscene] (comes in four tones!) $
{not free}
‘Dhali Bow Platform’ shoes by Armidi

{pic 4 & 5}
‘Fall Tweed Pants’ by *BOOM* $
‘CiEL Quartz Calypso’ skin by [the oBscene] $
‘Balmoral Pump in District’ by Truth
‘Amy Jane’ hair in Cranberry by Truth
Black Nails by J’s Shoes
{not free}
‘Minden #14 Camisole’ by Beauty Avatar
‘Short Leather Jacket’ in Brown by Ce Cubic Effect

{pic 6}
Hair, Shoes and Outfit all part of Whimsy’s Halloween Outfit $
skin from [the oBscene] as listed above $

{pic 7}
‘PuffPuff’ hoodie [halloween edition] by KaWaii Jelly
‘Halloween hair’ by ::69:: (camping prize for group)
*seriously forgot what this skin was, o noo, will post when I remember ❤

{pic 8}
Hair from Whimsy’s Halloween Outfit $
Lingerie from Chic Boutique $
‘Balmoral pumps in District’ by Truth
{not free}
Heart Shaped Glasses by Georgiabean Lately (@ Crush Row)
Joint by Northern Lights

{pic 9}
‘Sidney Black’ hair from Crimson + Clover (Hair Fair Gift)
{not free}
‘Persia2 Sky Kiss’ skin by Soft Touch ((
‘Pink Medallion’ minidress by Chic Boutique
‘Onyx Bracelet’ by Serenity Day Spa [READ: [MAJOR FREEBIE TABLE HERE + awesome nail polish options]]


{pic 10 – 14}
All Items are free gifties from Foglords Creations in-store hunt, except for…
– ‘Halloween Hair’ from Kurotsubaki (previous group gift)
– Hair from Whimsy’s Halloween Outfit (Crush Row Trick or Treat) $
– Truth Balmoral Heels in Black (free in store box with plenty of colors)
{not free}
‘Leather Crop Halter’ in black by *BOOM*
‘Moon’ eyes by Redgrave