Archive for the ‘skinsane’ Category


April 7, 2009

Lois from SkinSane let me know of a sale going on at her store. SkinSane sells skins, clothes, shoes, eyes, good stuff! And there are always new freebies, lucky chairs, and cheapies to be found. When I find myself wandering around and not finding any good sales, I generally head to the upstairs at Skinsane to see what’s new, haha. Anyway. This black vintage corset is currently only 1L. Yep, 1L for corsety goodness. The skin is not free, but it is one of the many items priced at 25%-75% off!!!Corset: SkinSane, 1L
Skin: SkinSane, not free but 50% off!

This next skin is the latest dollarbie. I love how each of her makeups is so unique and interesting. I get excited each new release because i know it is going to be something I haven’t seen on another skin in SL before. The belt around my waist is only 20L currently, which I think is a pretty darn good price! I also got some cute platform sandals with hearts on them for 50L and some more goodies too. You have to go and check this sale out, there’s a lot of goods to be had for those that seek creativity in their skins and clothes.Skin: SkinSane, 1L
Belt: SkinSane, 20L

Basically to get find the sale items you look for the eggs. Different color eggs mean different discounts. Not every item is on sale, but something from pretty much every line and in every tone or outfit is.

Not Free:
Hair: Calico Ingman
Pants: Axel (past subscribo gift)
Shirt: Sweeter Than Candy (past subscribo gift)