Archive for the ‘Subscribo Gifts’ Category

All good things come to an end.

April 13, 2009

By all good things I mean my long weekend. By come to an end I mean I had to drag myself into work today like a dead weight. I must be coming down from a sugar high or somesuch!


EDIT: The pic that was here has been temp removed as the dress posted had a glitch 😦
Tuli sent out a truly stunning skin to her group today, although it came with a sobering message. Named “Faith” as it’s something we could all use, and can never have too much of. My thoughts are with Tuli and her family, lets all send her some good vibes and positive energy 🙂 The skin has beautiful painted lashes, luscious lips and comes in three tones, so y’all are catered for 😛


A new store is something I always get excited about. Kayla Radikal sent me a card letting me know about a lucky chair at Grim Kitteh. While I wasn’t lucky enough to win the skirt, I did this super cute outfit for joining the subscribo. I’ve paired it with some of my fave (not free) acessories, you can grab the slurls for those down below. Now I need some caffeine…stat. Ash Out.

Pic 1
Prim & Pixel
Tuli Group Gift
Hair (not free)

Pic 2
Grim Kitteh Subscribo join gift
Tuli Group gift
Hair (not free)
Legwarmers (not free)
Sweet Leonard
Tattoo (not free)
Custom Inkz
Collar (not free)
Cats Of A Feather


April 12, 2009

So I’m feeling thoroughly sick, I have eaten waaaaaaaay to much choccy today. But Mini Ash is totally stoked at her scoreage (she woke up at 5am to hunt her eggs!)


I had logged into a message the other day from Dakota, asking if I wanted to blog the dollarbies at the new Dakota’s Skins And Shapes. After much squeeing, I answered a terribly sedate “yes please”!! Shown above is the “Prettyboy” shape, a total score and a very welcome change from the huge muscle mary type of shape that makes me roll my eyes. Shown with a shirt from Mayden Couture, Kmad jeans, and some ossum sauce 5L Skull VanZ from Amplify. The skin is an old promo gift from Damiani, which could still be available? “Joshua Deco” is all beaten up and teary, perfect in my books!


I was so excited about my next find, I read about these sneakers here (thanks Gabi!) Get thee to Hoorenbeek to grab em! There’s girls and boys sizes in the gift, you’re looking for a HUGE easter basket. Hit up the subscribo while you’re there, and you’ll be rewarded with this nifty shirt. The skin shown from Laqroki isnt free, but I wanted to show that the shape worked well on diff boy’s skins. All the boy’s hair was a group gift from Kmad, might not be available now, but definitely worth checking the subscribo and inworld group.


LeeZu Baxter sent out this beautiful dress through the subscribo the other day. A million and 27.5 layers and looks to play with! The skin shown is another dollarbie from Dakota. It’s a beautiful Sezmra mod, very delicate and pretty.


And bringing up the rear is an added gift in the Dare Designs Easter hunt. Fanfuckingtastic wings or what! Get thee to hunting :p Ash Out.

Pic 1
Mayden Couture
Skin (old promo freebie)
Hair (old group gift)

Pic 2
Top & Shoes
Hair (old group gift)
Skin (not free)

Pic 3
Hair (old freebie)
Leezu Baxter Subscribo gift

Pic 4
Dare Designs hunt
Skin (old Halloween freeb)
KA Designs
Hair (not free)

Oh Hai

April 10, 2009

So I’ve been crazy busy getting ready for Easter Sunday, eggs to be hidden from prying eyes/hands, before I can hop round pretending to be the Easter bunny and well hide them all again!! Also I’ve been having a crazy creative streak, and when that happens, I can’t think of or do anything else. You can see some of the stuff I’ve been working on here, alot of it’s nude content though, so if boobs offend don’t look!


First up, this lovely, warm and cozy dress from the Lunas Boutique group. It’s starting to get colder over here, and I find I’m wanting to dress my av in warmer clothes, (when I’m not nakies :P) Although the pieces appear to be no mod, there’s a resize script, perfect from prim phobes like myself!


Here we have the weekly dollarbie from Concrete Flowers in the form of this super cute skirt. Paired with a dollarbie shirt from Fairytail. Check out my skin!! My friend Evangeline Schism from SchismPhrenic has been hard at work again, and you can get this skin free with any purchase from her.


Looky looky! Thanks to a tip from the chatbox, off I went to KA Designs. I was rewarded with a complete “Kate” from Lost avatar. There’s a boys set too, you get everything you need except hair!!


Remember the hawtness from Dare Designs I showed you? The Enforcer set is now out in the main store, and the pink colour shown here is the lucky chair exclusive! But that’s not all! Dare sent out the red mask set to the group. The mask set contains 2 versions of the gas mask, and the hat, so you can pair it with your own fetish wear. Other colours are of course available for purchase. Right, I must get back to doing Easter stuff, and somehow persuade Mini Ash to get dressed so we can go shopping! Ash Out.

Pic 1
Lunas Boutique Group Gift
Pic 2
Concrete Flowers
Pic 3
Dare Designs Lucky Chair
Pic 4
Dare Designs Group Gift

Boots (not free)
Pics 1 &2

Pic 4
Dare Designs (old lucky chair gift)

Hair (not free)
Pics 1 & 2

Pics 3&4

Pic1 (not free)
Pic 2
Pic 3
KA Designs (in store freeb)
Pic 4 (not free)

Who Knew?

April 9, 2009
I’m not sure how often this wonderful woman has been blogged but she is very deserving of attention.  Tucked into the corner of the Monkey Mall at Baby Monkey is Rarurick Ragu’s :WhoNose: shop.  Rarurick has a very distinctive style of layered skirts and uses lush colors.  The first dress is an exclusive gift for the Lucky Chair Stalkers group (it’s in my profile).  We recently grew to over 1000 members and Rarurick’s store is a big favorite of one of the group owners, Elliandra Parx. 

I paired the dress with the adorable elven skin and ears that Brutus Martinek gave to the Pididdle subscriber group.  She is eliminating her regular group by the end of the month and going all subscriber.  I believe you must be in the group already to receive the gift so get over there and get your name in.  She is one of my favorites.  The hair is a score from Madam Ashia, who told me that you can get older Kin hair free on XStreet.  All the hair I feature in this post is from there.  There are other styles, including some for men.  

I was telling Rarurick today that her Lucky Boards hate E so she came over and set her boards to wild for a spell and some of us got this incredible dress and egg backpack from her lucky boards.  The colors in the egg are fantastic.  If you don’t want to wait for your letter or want different colors she has a fatpack of eggs for only 50 L.  If you see Rarurick around the grid she is probably wearing a Lucky Board backpack that really gives out prizes!  Look for her for a gorgeous pink dress.  The skin I am wearing in the last three pictures is a new dollarbie from Beauty Avatar called Alyssa. 

I’ve been anticipating these shoes for a long time.  My darling Pixieplumb Flanagan, the creator of Baby Monkey shoes has been working on these hunnies for awhile.  The Ultimates are prim footed shoes and get this:  You can pick your skin tone from a menu (or you can match colors)! The nail color can be changed as well as the toe rings.  This style was a group gift today to the Baby Monkey Junkies group.  There are 4 more styles in about a million colors.  And even better: if you are a member of the Baby Monkey Junkies group you can get them for 100 L a pair!!!!  Nongroup members can get them for 150 L, which is still a bargain, but Pixie is such a generous designer and always working so hard to expand her selection.  I’ve been a devoted fan forever!  

 I received this incredible dress yesterday from On the Catwalk through their subscriber.  It is a very sexy number which wonderful texturing.  I didn’t show the back but it has a great skull graphic.  It’s hard-core and posh at the same time.  It is #1 (Ed Hardy mini-gift) in the messages.  I haven’t taken in off since I got it. 
PS.  Rarurick just added a Midnight Mania at :WhoNose:, too, for an amazing color change jewelry set!

A Weekend Of Washing

April 5, 2009

So Mini Ash managed to pick up a tummy bug of some sort from pre-school, so I’ve spent the last 48 hours doing the following routine: Holding her hair for her while she pukes, cleaning up floors, toilet etc and disinfecting, showering mini Ash, washing her soiled clothes and redressing her, changing the bed sheets and washing those. Lather, rinse, repeat. I am buggered, but I’ve been sitting on these pics for a few days, so while madame sleeps I thought I’d get this post out.


First up this gorgeous dress from VictoriaV. I was there while doing the Alienbear Easter hunt, in completely the wrong building of course, wondering why there were dress and not jewelery there 😛 After combing the place from top to bottom looking for Alienbear, I found this dress. You’ll find it on the lower level, along with 2 red dresses. Shown here with some yummy jewelry from DM Designs. You can thank Sileny for that one, she told DarionMonkee Levitt (the designer) to get in touch with me, yay for new stores!!! Also, the hair! Join the Copain group and grab this for an L, pretty nifty eh.


I had shown you the gorgeous skin you could get from the Cupcakes Easter hunt, so I thought I should also show you some of the clothes. The perfect shoes for all these outfits are the scrumptious flats from Flair, not free, but worth every linden.


The following tops are from Ibizarre. I had gone there for the sale, of course I was about 2 days too late!! I joined the subscribo, and was given the jacket. The tops are a linden in store I believe.


And last but by no means least some of the super cute things you can find on a mini hunt at Everglow. You can get poses, shapes, this bikini and the jewelery shown. Ash Out.

Pic 1
Cupcakes Group gift
DM Designs Subscribo welcome gift
Junwave (a linden for group members)

Pic 2
Cupcakes Easter hunt

Flats (not free)

Pic 3

Pic 4
Poses (for the 2 “big’ me’s)Bikini 7 accessories

Hair & Skins worn in pics 2-4
Hair (not free)
Skins (not free)

The Sweet Scent Of Spring

March 24, 2009

Celebrating the change of seasons is something Ravenlynn of LVS fame has become known for. I loved the pirate event she had last year, and her Halloween happenings are always incredible. This spring is no exception.

I present to you the “Spring Fling” event. Running for 3 days, all the outfits shown here are dollarbies you can pick up round the sim. Each outfit has 6 colours to choose from. Above is Spring Fling Cutie in Red.

I love her dollie dresses, and the bright colours make me happy!! Above is Dollie in Tears. The yummy shoes were a subscribe gift from Sweeter Than candy.

Isn’t this babydoll the sweetest, shown here in Orange, in honor of our Elvish colleague who is obsessed with all things Orange.

This is probably the most “traditional” spring dress of the ones shown. It comes with a bonnet too, with a choice of 4 hair colours, perfect for the Easter parade!! The dollarbies are really easy to find, head outside the store and look for massive flower pots, you’ll find the outfits contained within. The hard part? deciding which colours to get 😛 Ash Out.

Not free


Moar Gifty Goodness

March 24, 2009

Oh what a day in SL for little ol me!! Not only did I get to take pics with Boi Ach (be still my heart) but I found some amazing things to show you!

No I haven’t knocked the slider all the way to the right by accident, it’s one of the skin options from my yummy landlady Poppy 😛 The LL Popfuzz group will now be for land and rental purposes only. Poppy has a kiosk up in the mainstore for a subscribe group that won’t pinch one of the precious 25. Join the subscriber, then wait for the chat to tell you you’ve been added to the database. Once you get that, touch the picture next to the subscriber to receive these amazing skins. You get all skin tones, ranging from super pale to a gorgeous chocolate shade. Aaaaaand for each tone you get 4 skins, light and dark brows, cleavage or no cleavage. Shown here with a cute bikini from Pixel Passion that I nabbed for 10L. There’s a whole table of cheapies there.

This is another of the 10L outfits. With this one you get a choice of latex or fabric, yum! There’s a couple of lucky chairs, prize camping and of course gorgeous clothes and lingerie of all kinds. The RFL outfits look especially gorgeous.

Loli’s favorite store Kuri Style has put out these super cute numbers, for 2L and 5L respectively. The little shorts remind me of an outfit my bestie Kenlee used to wear when she was being Rollergirl, I know she’ll love these ones. The dress is all kinds of gorgeous, and you can get other colours for 100L, which is totally reasonable.

One of the amazing things about the RFL Clothing Fair (apart from the money raised) was having some many designers in one place and being able to join their subscribos. One such store I joined was Devilish Cupcake, who sent out this gorgeous dress this morning. It has wee tiny cuppycakes all over it, yes I tried to nom myself 😛 The skin in the last pic is this weeks dollarbie from KOSH. It’s fecking lush, the eyemakeup is to die for *sighs happily* See the shoes? Both pairs were sent out in the Duh! subscribo, join now dammit!! Thanks Renee, sorry it took so long for me to post em! Right I’m off to fantasize about Boi Ach sort inv. Ash Out.

Not Free
Black Maria

Skins not mentioned

JE Republic

RFL Part Deux

March 18, 2009

I have some absolute stunners to show you today from the RFL Clothing Fair. I sent Q there all cashed up and ready to spend!! Also got her to join heaps of subscribos too, some of which gave out welcome gifts. Also, again, please note, although I am including slurls to the designers featured main stores, these are RFL gifts and or subscribo welcome gifts, click here to get to sim 1.


This first dress is the RFL gift from Blueblood. I love Ghanima’s clothes and this dress is no exception, just gorgy.


This offering from Greenwood Designs may look like 3 different dresses, I assure you it’s not! I haven’t even shown the half of it either, the options, layers, it’s a pack to play with to your heart’s content. I pinched this from the card that came with the dress: Greetings! This gown would NOT settle down in my mind. Every time I thought I had it down, it changed again. So, you will be getting a gown of many moods. Depending which skirt or corset or jacket combination you pick, you may go formal with purple stripes or purple overtones or dress for a dance in crimson and black! There are also two sets of sleeves and a jabot. Play with the clothing, find out what you like. I hope you enjoy it while you do, and all the prim pieces are scripted as always. I hope you enjoy your new gown[s] from Greenwood Designs! Cordially yours, Kembri Tomsen
I think this may have been a subscribo welcome gift, but don’t quote me on that 😛


I nearly died when I found this. A stunning offering from Mashooka Designs. I’m so stoked cos it’s a new to me store and I got that tingle I get when I find something amazing. As soon as I get time, I’m off to the main store to spend!


For a fun, super cute treasure hunter outfit, head to the eLDee booth. Eye patch included of course, and the belt has a treasure map! Also, stay tuned for a skin from me that will be up at Freestyle’s Horst location, all monies will go to RFL, so donate what you can. Ash Out.

Not Free


March 10, 2009

Since Ach’s yummy post about the Mia lucky chair skin, and my subsequent buying of the entire store while waiting for my letter, all outfits must now match my skin!!

Good job I won this outfit from Madness & Mayhem, thanks to OKR who sent me there for the Midnight Mania pasties!! The board clicked over to A just as I was rezzing, nice!! Shown here with fishnets from Sn@tch, part of the “Cabaret” outfit, NOT FREE. The legwarmer boots are part of the epic dollarbie pack of boots from Katatonik, also not free but my all time faves are the cuffs from Primitive Design and my collar from Dari’s Haus.

Evangeline Schism has been hiding away, hard at work in Photoshop. I love her Eloh mods and I’m stoked to say she’s back with newness yay! Grab this amazing emo skin from Xstreet for an L, and all her other skins are on sale for 1L a piece also. The manky jeans (that’s their name :P) are a limited time dollarbie from KOSH and they’re like fecking perfect. The tanks, Evangeline told me about. They can also be found on Xstreet, from a store called Hello Dave. There are pages of cheeky tanks for guys and girls, all an L each. Maia Gasparini will be opening an inworld location soon, I can’t wait to stalk it!

When Dare Monroe asks you what your favorite colour is, you know something awesomesauce is coming your way! Check out these amazing boots from Dare Designs. They will be out this week, with colours to be won in the lucky chair as well as the fortune teller. The top I snagged from Sweeter Than Candy, with a gift card Candace sent to the group. As well as her own designs, Candace is an authorised pixel Dolls reseller, the top is part of that collection and soo yummy! The capris are my staples from, De Designs, not free. The hair worn throughout is my all time fave Kin hair, Cyberpunk. The goggles are seperate, so you can wear them with other hair too!! Now I’m off to shoot zombies or some such 😛 Ash Out.

Milestone Creations Hunt

March 8, 2009
Just want to let you know about a cute hunt at Milestone Creations.  Look around her shop and collect 10 (free) little shamrocks to get all the pieces to put together this cute outfit.  It also includes, but not shown in this picture, legwarmers and shoes. 

While you are there, hit the subscribomatic, as this next gift will be this adorable shoulder bunneh!  He needs you to give him a good home.  

Not Free
Hair: Clawtooth
Skin: Tuli