Archive for the ‘sugar mill vent freesoul’ Category


October 23, 2008


Have you seen this hoodie sweater before?
If not, then you have obviously not gone to Freesoul to pick up this week’s profile pick reward!

It is a cozy sweater for boys and girls, with a hood with you can wear up or down. Read the notecard attached for instructions!


Playing on the sand, Vent & I wonders what’s in the box…gold? Jewels? Fingers?

Searching for gold

Pffftt…nothing is even in there! But I can propably fit in the box though…want to claim me, anyone?!

Suri And Vent

See? Looks as good on girls as it does on boys 🙂

High 5 sugar Mill lucky chair

Yeah, high 5!!!
Couple pose from lucky chair at Sugar Mill.

Special thanks to Fionna Whiteberry, my friend from the blog: Who Let The Dorks Out, for playing on the fortune teller thingy at Sugar Mill with me. Had no idea we are the 100%, out of all combinations, and we won the Sandblast pose set!!!

Remember Ani is marking one set or pose in Sugar Mill down to $1L every single day for the rest of October. So there will be a new one for everyone to find until the 31st! 🙂