Archive for the ‘Swimwear’ Category


April 3, 2009

Mhm, it’s 5am, and I’m awake…….WTF? Late nights talking to my friends in the States are totally buggering up my time clock. Wouldn’t change it for a second, although I would like to sleep longer 😛


First up is an outfit that isn’t free, but all the proceeds go to RFL. This super cute offering from Lemania is my kinda gorgeous. Look stunning for a good cause, can’t get better than that!! Have you noticed my rather fetching monocle? For that we have Azia Lunasea to thank. She let me know that it was sitting in Tekeli-Li’s mainstore, waiting to jump in my inv for a linden! Yup a linden. Everything about the monocle is customisable, you pick your metal, gems, lens colour and glow. It’s a limited edition type dealio, once it’s gone, it’s gone forever so grab yours now.



Seeing as the weather is getting warmer for you guys, I thought it was time to show off some swimwear! You’ll find these beauties in the lucky chair at Swim. Shown here with the super extravagant hair from the Clawtooth By Clawtooth group, as blogged by the yummy Eden.


You can get this set for a linden at Swim, it’s the April dollarbie. There’s also a midnight mania board, so it’s well worth joining the group to keep up with the happenings! Many thanks to Ianni Lane for letting me know! And with that I shall drag myself back to bed to grab an hours sleep before mini Ash wakes up! Ash Out.

Pic 1
Lemania RFL
Hair (not free)
The Stringer Mausoleum
Cupcakes Eater hunt
Hoofies (not free)
Lazy places

Pics 2,3,& 4
Skins (not free)
Clawtooth By Clawtooth group gift


March 29, 2009

Oh what a beautiful morning, the sun is shining in Sydney (and in sl, cos it’s always sunny in Ash’s world :P) Mini Ash is at pre school, I don’t have to start work till a bit later, housework=done, washing=done, inv sorting kinda done?! Not bad for a Monday morning.


Even better than all the above, look at the amazing things I logged into today. First is today retiring dollarbie from Lemania. Tapika sent me an IM saying this is a must have, I 100% agree with her. Eggplant Elegance is the kinda dress you’d wear while dancing the night away with a significant other (without a hint of hooing!!) I needed a skin to go with it, to do the dress justice, and despite going through my 70895709785723563854057 collections of skins I was coming up empty. Till a group gift from the Cupcakes group landed in my inv! This is the new line “Seduction” and if you adore Lovespell, this skin is for you. It is just stunning. Rosemary and Mimi just get better and better with each release and this is my favorite so far. The lips are absolutely amazing, and this makeup features a gorgeous irridescent eyeshadow and liner. At this stage, there are 8 tones available, 10 makeups per tone, so get to demoing!


The super cute bikini shown here is part of the April gift from Voodoo Baby. There is a men’s gift available too, as well as unisex flip flops (thongs to us Aussies!) Aren’t these boots scrummy!!! They are free for a limited time from Wik’s Wardrobe. I love the Burberry pattern, and the red soles are to die for, I have been cammed on my feet for ages, yes I’m strange I know!! The hair shown is not free, but there is a massive sale going on atm at Aden, so all hair is 50L. I think it’s a closing sale. I sincerely hope not, because I love Aden’s hair and skins and we really don’t need to loose another awesome content creator. Ash Out.

Pic 1
Sedution By Cupcakes (group gift)
Hair (not free)
Necklace (not free)

Pic 2
Voodoo Baby
Wik’s Wardrobe
Hair (not free)
Skin (not free)

yer mom…

December 7, 2008

…you know when you’ve had too much wine on a Sunday and you can’t think of a title? If I look like yer mom in this post then yer mom is cute and foxy.

You need to see this new skin store ti’ko, there is a beautiful 1L skin, only available at this price until tomorrow so hurry on down and get it quick.


Check out this cute little Christmas outfit from Luxurious World, it comes in red and green with cosy legwarmers and shrug



Eloise McCullough knows me so well, she contacted me today about Lemania Indigo’s Tartan outfit under the tree…cos Creamy loves tartan. Thanks Eloise! (There’s load more lovely gifts under the tree here)


I made the Asia shape I am wearing in this post today and I’ll put it at the Hotel Dare Free Shizzle Forest location for 1L (or whatever you think it’s worth)

Asia Shape

Other items worn
The skins worn throughout this post are by ti’ko, but only the first one shown is 1L, the rest are full priced.

Poetic Color eyes are by Lano Lang (1L)
Bikini worn is in the POE globe at Digit Darkes (free)
The colour changeable stilletto’s from Unique Needs (free)
Hair by Diversity (not free) but remember if you are under 30 days old you can choose any hair you like in the store, and there are also gorgeous free female skins for new players

I’M 25 ANS..

November 15, 2008

…well, I do feel like I am 25 when I play Second Life.

25 ans is a really cute Japanese fashion magazine and they have a location in Second Life. You can find lots of great free gifts, some which you have to join the group before you can receive them. The group joiner is in the store next to the freebie.

So what have we got?

There are 4 gifts in each corner of the store where near the landing point.

Absolutely beautiful dress from Aoharu

A pretty Daydream Jewellery set

Stylish coat by InStyle

There is also a hairstyle which I am wearing in the wedding dress photograph.

I found the following outfits at the Cafe area, the teleporter is at the landing point and they are inside the building. Easy to see once it has rezzed.

A free wedding dress, hey there’s also a church there if you are crazy enough to get married in SL. Personally I prefer to just flounce around in a wedding dress without the marriage bit.

This bikini comes in 3 colours and has blingy bits you can attach, if you fancy blingtarding it up. Lately I’ve been rockin the bling again, don’t knock it till you’ve tried it.

This cute dress comes with the little pearl necklace (hoy Olivia, I know what you are thinking you filthy hoar) 😀


You may find more free gifts around, I only looked in a few places.

TP to 25 ans

Other items worn
118 free skin neutral (shaved) [42] (0L for all tones)

Kalia Hair: Philotic Energy (not free)
Shoes by Periquita (not free)
Logo Aviators: Paper Couture (not free)


September 27, 2008

Who made me so hot?? Iki from Dutch Touch and Aranel Ah from BOOM, that’s who!!

I was so excited when I logged on as Creamy today, I only popped on to give Eisa (my guy alt)some money so he can kick Express’ ass for the throwdown he has challenged me to on Mens Second Style.

Anyhoooo….this is why I was excited…Iki has released a new Dutch Touch group gift skin, touch the subscribo sign at her store, touch it again and choose History, Option 1 and you should receive this beautiful skin too.

dutch touch_001

I just love it when I hear about a mall I’ve never been to, and I wasn’t disappointed when I visited this one today after receiving a notice about a free gift at BOOM. Crush Row has got tons of great shops, really well designed too, I didn’t even get lost once. That’s good for me, I’ve got no sense of direction whatsoever.

BOOM has this supah sexeh swimsuit for 1L (or free?) in store, it makes me want to sing….
♫ Her name is Rio and she dances on the sand ♫ (hey don’t knock Duran Duran, that song won ‘best video of all time’ on VH1 or something this year)

dutch touch_004

This windswept ‘Yokonagare’ hair is a lucky board gift from C&H, big thankies to Dot Lane for TP’ing me over when a ‘C’ came up. The Dragonfly tattoo was a group gift from Skin Within (subscribomatic) and the colour changeable necklace is from Juicy.

dutch touch_006

Flippin ‘eck, I nearly forgot, I made the shape worn above especially for this Dutch Touch skin. She’s called Yashni and you will find her just at the entrance of Free*Style Mainstore. You can pay whatever you like for her, 1L or a million L’s, it’s up to you.

Ohhh that’ll do for now, I need another glass of wine….it’s Saturday night after all!

A whole lotta somethin’….

September 16, 2008

Thanks to SL I keep missing group messages, so I was checking back today through the notice archives and saw a notice from Omnia of Beauty Avatar about a new free skin in store. Hoping it was still there I rushed over and woooooot! There it was!

This skin is totally stunning, I love it on my alt Mini’s shape. Possibly only available for a limited time so hurry on down there.


The Beauty Avatar skin also comes with all these beautifully elaborate tattoo’s, I’m pretty fussy when it comes to tattoo’s in SL but I will definitely wear these, they are all in undershirt layer which is great too. Apologies, they came out in a bit blurry in my snapshots but they are really great.




Stool and poses, AnimaH (not free – but you can try them out for free at Free*Style)

Now for tons of lucky board stuff. Shinsaibasi has a new(ish) mall with loads of great stores, on one of the streets is a whole area dedicated to lucky boards. I won loads, including the bikini above, jewellery, this beautiful dress below



I really love this mall, there’s lots of really great stores here, a couple of which I had never seen before and I found some other great free items, including these gifts at Honey and the eyes worn throughout this post.

*This is the truest colour of the skin, I was having awful problems with my lighting*

Pic 1
Beauty Avatar SELKIS – Black Skin Preview Skin & Tattoos (1L or free)
Eyes: Je Vuex Black Eye: Shinsaibasi (free)
Sn@tch Kickass Hat (Rattler)
Hair: Shop Seu (not free)

Pic 2, 3, 4
Tattoos: Beauty Avatar (as before)
Paisley Glamour Bikini: Shinsaibasi Lucky Board
Pic 5, 6
Encemble Dress : Shinsaibasi Lucky Board
Hair: Shop Seu (not free)

Pic 7, 8
Outfits: Honey (free)
Matsurika Clover Jewellery: Shinsaibasi Lucky Board

Continuing my spammage of the Fashion Feed…

September 3, 2008

Men stop reading now, this doesn’t concern you, off you go and build a shed or somethin :p ……

You know when a girl has ‘the painters in’ aka ‘red flag week’ etc etc… She goes a bit loopy, there are certain signs that this is happening and one of them is wearing crazy outfits, clashing colours and major mismatchingness. Well I thought I would go with the flow (literally) and make Helle the latest alt girl, suffer for my hormonal issues.

ALB Dream Fashion has this superbright ‘Colo’ jacket free in store today, I would so wear this in RL. I’m a big hoody fan. These cute long socks are free/1L from Twosome and the jeans are part of last weeks free outfit from Oops (I edited them to make them shorter).

Wedge Shoes: free by Fuel in the Free*Style Hunt (shhh they are still there)

Also in ALB Dream Fashion are many other free items, including some great looking boots, I haven’t picked them up yet though as I couldn’t find them.

Butterfly Doll Hair by 69 in the Hotel Swan Feather Hunt

Ki2 has this bright flouncy green skirt as their mystery dollarbie (whoops not so mystery now), and check out these adorable free roses shoes fromVacono and Stine: Lamore Shoes. Aren’t they just the shizzle?


I slipped into this ooouchily high cut swimsuit to show you a close up of this beautiful Ma Peau Dare’s geishas skin by Mijn Boa, you will find this free at the amazing Hotel Dare sim for a limited time. Mijn is an fab artist (check out her gallery) and I have really fallen in love with the skins she has been creating lately. The sexeh Thimbles Pig, Sheila swimsuit is a group gift for The Starlust Group. Camel toes ahoooooy!!!


Hair: Rayna II – Alice Project Hair Fair Freebie

Spammage for the day…over and out!

some beach, somewhurrrrr

July 28, 2008

someone’s blasting this frigging song and now it’s in my head and i would rather scrape out my eardrums with a moldy spork than listen to any newish country music especially something that references goddamn margaritaville although that josh turner dude‘s majestic hasselhoffian chest hair does give me some special feelings in the pants anyway so maybe if i use this as a post title it’ll go away and i wonder how much more horrific a runon sentence this can get? NOT VERY.

anyway. this post is all bathing suits, i was too lazy to shoot at a beach, and i totally stole ash’s polaroid gimmick. skip to the end for slurls, prices where applicable, and item credits.

not free, all photos
hair – naughty, nicole (350L for a three color pack)
skin – cake, sienna (3000L for a four makeup pack)

photo #1
bikini – bijou instore freebie, comes in other colors as well.
shorts – mirrors*+, instore gift but you MUST join their group in order to get them. these delightful hickory shorts come in three versions, each better to show off your plumbers crack than the one before. there are several other gifts there as well – leggings, a bag, a cute tshirt.

photo #2
bathing suit – amerie’s naughty, 20 minute item camp. located in the little shack next to the main store. comes with two skirt attachments, but also is super cute alone.

photo #3
bikini – laughing academy, retrolicious instore freeb/dollarbie.
sunglasses – worldwide industries subscribe-o gift. i believe they plan to give out gifts everytime they reach a milestone of so many members, so join up and stay put!

photo #4
bikini – in the light, bronze bikini (250L). and the prim skirt resizing torture was worth it.

photos #5 & #6
bikini – grabbed it at the b11 mall opening and there are a slew of other great freebs around. also home of one of the greatest carousels in the history of slcarousels, the hieronymous bosch carousel; which is perhaps second only to the moustache rides at floyd.
hasselhoff lounge chair, tophat, beer tub, necklace, and flip flops – all prizes from the latest <a href="
“>ohana isle treasure hunt:
“Our treasure hunt has just gotten started – will run through Aug 3rd… There’s 43 treasures to find, and 5 more in our new extra uber treasure hunters bonus round. (Full instructions at the landing point on Mt Wannahawkaloogie.) We try to offer a fair amount of men’s items too – it’s never even anywhere in SL but we do make it worth it for the guys.”

Minty Yumyums

July 18, 2008

Sometimes I hate Fashcon, sometimes I love it. This is one of the lurve times! I was so excited when I got a notice saying Peppermint Blue had a new freebie release.I hadn’t been there in months and it was nice to be reminded!! For those that do’t know, Peppermint Blue provides complete avatar packs, complete down to accessories and shoes. You get loads of options within your chosen pack, even skins, based on Eloh’s fab templates.

peppermint blue

peppermint blue

peppermint blue

This is the new pack, with all these options! I’m wearing my own skin for the pics. Shown below are some other examples of other outfits you can pick up there.

peppermint blue

Love love the ripped jeans.

peppermint blue

peppermint blue

peppermint blue

This one also comes with a bikini I think!! I’m a bit distracted atm with making new skins and eyes, hence these pics have sat in my flickr for a night and day begging me to blog em!!!

Peppermint Blue

Hair (not free)
Shop Seu

Tattoo (not free)

Ears (not free)
Body Politik

We Love The Ac Girls!

July 16, 2008

Yus we love the AC Girls!! Tons of kyoot yummyness, both clothes and accessories.




These outfits are only available at the main store until Thurs SLT, so go grab them now!! The beautiful butterfly outfit is iridescent and gorge. It comes with the headpiece shown, yays! Shown below are some more lushness.






The lovely bikinis are a group gift, it’s well worth giving up one of your 25, as there are monthly gifts given out, and regular sales on full price items.

AC Girls

Hair (not free)
Shop Seu

Tattoos (not free)