Archive for the ‘Swimwear’ Category

Starry Eyed Surprise

July 15, 2008

I just watched ‘The Day After Tomorrow’ and now I feel freaked, so I thought I would do a blog post before I go bed to take my mind off it…I don’t wanna to have nightmares *cries*.

Itutu is having a Starlit Sky Event, you’ll find a table of lovely freebies from some of my favie Japanese designers, and lots of other discounted limited edition stuff for the event also.

Here’s some of the yummies you will find…


All of these items are at the Itutu Starlit Sky Event
Free earrings by Sey
Free Bracelet by Atelier AM
Free Top by Amerie’s Naughty
Skin by Dendou (390L)


Free Glasses by Ottico


Free Bikini by Kao
Free Hair by Find Ash


Free UNISEX Boots by Algernon
Free UNISEX Hair by Find Ash


Free Cardboard Stool by Den Dou

So, you will find all the above items on a stall at the Itutu Starlit Sky Event

The skyboxes for sale here are out of this world (literally). I had to take pics because they are all so awesomes. On the outside a square grey box, on the inside a whole new world…




Now I want all of these, I can’t choose….

Expo’s And Other Shtuffs

July 13, 2008

Big post today!! What a huge weekend it was (remember I’m future girl, so currently I am at work emoing about Monday, the rain, the cold and life in general!) First up, Jojo from Wigwambam has new releases for us, including this smokin outfit for an L. Hand drawn lushness baby.

new wigwambam dollarbie

new wigwambam dollarbie


Tricolore Group Gift

Tekeli-Li Group Gift

Boots (not free)
Lazy Places

Then for those of you just starting out in game, and wanting to do the Goth Dolly thing, Draconic Kiss have three complete outfits for you for free. Detailed and complete down to kyoot stockings that look like they’re about to fall down!

Draconic Kiss

Draconic Kiss

Draconic Kiss

Draconic Kiss

Shoes (not free)
Unique Needs @ The Shoe Expo

Hair (not free)
Shop Seu

After wading through lag at the Shoe Expo, I thought, why not do it all again at the Swimwear & Lingerie Expo!!!!! There are some srlsy smexy designs there ladies, and quite alot for you bois too. And holy crap, the freebies!! The partaking designers have been generosity plus, and I staggered home with an inv stuffed full of goodies! I have labeled each pic with the corresponding designer, as you can see, there were a million and 2! The slurl will take you to a central landing spot, then it’s up to you to wander round and find the shtuffs.

expo copy

swim expo

lingerie expo

Back to work for me now bleh. Oh and McHottison, I see you glued to the screen staring at my pics, STOP IT NOW, kthnxbai 😉

Swimmers And Undies
Swimwear And Lingerie Expo (the various creators are labeled on the pics, too many to do again!)

Hair (not free)
Shop Seu

Tattoo (not free)

July 11, 2008

Cherry Girlのラッキーボードの商品に新しく追加されたビキニです。店内にボードが3枚設置してあり、1枚はこちらで紹介したビキニになってますのでゲットしてない方はどうぞ。アルファベットは1分おきに変わるので確立高いです。実はこの水着はCherry Girlグループギフトとして通知欄からゲットも出来ます^^グループがいっぱいの方はラッキーボードからどうぞ^^ビキニはフリフリ沢山付いていてかわいいです❤3色入りです^^


Bikini – Cherry Girl
(You can get them from the 2 lucky boards in store, or join Cherry Girl group and find them in the notices)
Hair – AOHARU (no longer free)
Skin – Cherry Girl (not free)

Time For Fireworks!

July 2, 2008

Even I’m getting in the July 4th mood! All the excitement and frolics, woot.


What better way to celebrate than throw on a smexeh kini and some killer pumps? Oh and of course a hat made of fireworks XD!


And check out these yummy earrings. Elbereth Nightfire from Star Kindler was kind enough to drop these on me. You have to see them at midnight…….made of awesome! They are avail in store for an L along with the hat. Oh the shoooz…Ash overload……..zomg.


I nearly didn’t make it to get the kini. Ames waited patiently for me while a chatted to a Hotty Mchottison……you know who you are bumface XD!!! Anyhoo, I ish off to swan round the grid in my kini……yes I shall be one of THOSE avs <33

Fireworks Hat, Earings and Spiral Galaxy earings Star Kindler
Ephemeral Creations
Black Hair
Shop Seu
Blonde Hair

June 30, 2008

Cherry Girlからまたまたセクシーなビキニが出ています!今回はラッキーボードの商品なんですが、店内にボードが2個あってそれぞれのアルファベット、数字が1分ごとに変わります。私が行った時は10分ほどの間に私の頭文字が3回位出てました^^今回もテクスもデザインもさすがです。アダルティなニプルアクションも絶対アリです!
今回試用しているスキンも話題のCherry Girlの物です。プルプルの唇、それに胸とかお腹とか柔らかそうでずーっと気になってたスキンの一つです^^メークバリエーションが4つで胸のタイプが2つの計8個入りでこのクオリティ、L$1500は破格ですね。
アンニュイな女性をイメージさせるヘアは大好きなAOHARUの作品です。毛の流れや後れ毛の感じがとても自然で、着る服によってはキュートにもアンニュイにも見えちゃうからすごいんです。それからポーズは私の初作品です。まだまだ勉強中ですがかわいく出来たと思うので販売する事に決めました^^Kuri Styleから3ポーズ入りL$10で販売しています。初めてのトライということで至らぬ点は多目に見てください><
Bikinis – Cherry Girl (Lucky Board prize. The alphabet/number changes every 1 minute)
Skin – Cherry Girl (L$1500 for a pack of 8 skins – 4 makeup variations each with 2 breast shadings.)
Hair – AOHARU (not free)
Poses – Kuri Style (L$10 for a pack of 3 poses. These are my very first try in making poses)

June 20, 2008

お馴染みCherry Girlからかわいいビキニが出ています^^今回もテクスもデザインも最高です><


Bikini – Cherry Girl (free)
Skin – Belleza (group gift in store)
Hair – AOHARU (Coming soon^^)


June 20, 2008

I’m quite sure this will be blogged to death, but you know rezdays are an awesome milestone. And when a designer chooses to gift us on their rezday, damn it, it deserves some attention! Ravenlynn Templar celebrated her’s recently and here’s some of the wicked dollarbies she put out for us to celebrate!


These kinis are smex personified, come in 3 different styles, in every colour you can think of!




Isn’t this dress the kyootist! It comes in more colours than this and is so perfect for hawt, balmy sl nights.



These dresses are beyond divine. The colours are the right kind of bright, and remind me of exotic cocktails like a Tequila Sunrise…..yuum!

Dresses and Kinis




Hair Rose

Elegance Hats

Next up I have this gorgeous group gift from Mayuki Nozaki. It has several options and all sortsa frills and flounces. I’m wearing it with one of my finds in the HUGE jewelery hunt that Adi posted about previously. Really I could kill her, as at 1am I was still feverishly running round trying to find leeetle stars!! So worth it though.

group gift_001

group gift_004

Then this smexeh little number that is still free as of posting but possibly only for a day or so longer, so grab it while you can!

group gift_006

Mayuki Nozaki Group Gift

Elmiah Designs(free for the next day or so)

Hair (not free)

Bonita Hunt

Hair Rose
Elegance Hats

Boots (not free)
Shiny Things

Tattoos (not free)

Ears (not free)
Body Politik
Ps, Please, please Max and Polly, could you make some more jewelry for these awesomtastic ears….pllllleeeeeeeaaase XD!

Bikinis in Kuri Style

June 13, 2008

Kuri Styleから新作のビキニが4色セットでなんとL$1で出されています。ピンク、黄色、水色、紺のギンガムチェック、胸元と紐はラメラメです。太ももの可愛いタトゥーつきです。水着の色にぴったりなブルーのネイルはお友達のきょうちゃんの作品でこちらもKuri StyleにL$1で置かれています^^


4 Bikinis and lace pareo style dress – Kuri Style (L$1 for this weekend only)
Nails – Kyo (L$1)
Skin – Blowpop (free)
Hair – AOHARU (not free)

Halcyon Days

June 13, 2008

Ahhhhh, I just love Artilleri. Just being on the sim makes me feel all dreamy and happy and Antonia’s creations get lovelier and lovelier, I don’t know how it is possible, but it’s true.

You will adore the latest swimsuit, a beautifully designed retro style, bottom hugging and low cut on the hips. Antonia has given the lilac polka dot sample of this swimsuit to her Artilleri group as a little taster.



Sabrina swimsuit: Artilleri (Group Gift)
Emi skin – Dark Tan – Anett: Artilleri (not free)
Ashley Hair: Pazazz (not free)
I was so lucky yesterday, I was one of the first 20 people to head down to Pazazz and win a free hair. I tried on the demo of this Ashley style and fell in love with it, a big thank you to Mya Heaney of Pazazz and also to Antonia of Artilleri for letting us try out this lush swimsuit.

Ahhh now I need a shower, it’s hot here at Artilleri

Approach the Sn@tch with Caution

June 12, 2008

To: Free*Style Reader

From: Free*Style HQ

RE: Sn@tch Freebie (available until Friday at midnight)

Security Level: TOP SECRET

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to sneak into Sn@tch between now and 23:39 SL this Friday and obtain the Sn@tch logo tank and bikini pictured below. You must find the ‘kini somewhere in the store and you must not seek assistance. If you ask anyone where it is or try to interrogate the models, the mission will fail. The eye in the sky will be watching you at all times.

When you obtain the free ‘kini, you must get out of the store without disclosing to anyone its location. Doing so will risk grave injury to yourself and future missions. Upon completion of this mission, you may don the kini and frolic at your nearest beach or pool.

Rememeber: all Free*Stylers and others who enjoy freebies are depending upon you to complete the mission successfully!

This message will self-destruct when you click the slurl to the store.

Free*Style HQ out.