Archive for the ‘T-shirts’ Category

Well Duh

February 28, 2009

I’d been anxiously waiting for Tuli to release her new line “Natalie”. Stoked was not the word when the group preview came through. It really is a beautiful skin


The lips are to die for and the light smattering of freckles are just perfect. My fave bit?


Colorable brows. Mostly I’m blonde, but I do like to have the options of wearing other colours, and brows I can edit or change is a massive plus in my book.


The tones are gorgeous, and I love the body. No doubt there will be something here for everyone. The group is 250L to join, but worth a million times more than that!! Thank you Tuli, “Natalie’ rocks!


For the clothes I’m showing, I indirectly have Helena Stringer to thank. She was visiting a store called Duh!, and got chatting with the owner Renee Harvy, and told her to drop me some stuff, so here we are!!


Cute, tongue in cheek tees for an L each. My personal faves are “Attach To Pelvis” and “Douche Magnet” There’s a lucky chair with yummy boots, a group gift happening at the moment, Paddy’s Day specials and nothing in the store is over 20L. Yup, that’s the regular pricing.


Know someone new? Wanna save them from blingtastic boots and shoes? Send them to Duh! I should also mention the boots are scripted with sounds and poses, but all very easy to turn off, just click the boots to bring up the menu. I’ve shown them with my usual dollarbie jeans from Torridwear and the new hair from Troof. The hair’s not free, but pretty rockin’ no? New build for the store, new textures for the hair and new skins for the boys. Yes I managed to say the word “new” 3 times in one sentence 😛 Ash Out.

Skin (not free)

Choclit (Channeling Ames)

February 16, 2009

So my beautiful and talented Ames is giving up her blog. She’s such a good writer too, but alas RL has the better of her atm. Soooo, because she *can’t* stop finding good shit when she has the time, she’ll be passing the info to me and demanding asking me to write on her behalf.

So this first one’s from Ames. According to my email, she dropped this on me at about 6am, around about the time I was yelling at Mini Ash to get back to bed and *no* we couldn’t go to the store to get ice cream FCOL. I present to you Magical Choclit Croissant Hair. You’ll find this and the clothes shown here at Concrete Flowers. There’s a whole wall of dollarbies, as well as a WTF wall, Creams you’ll love it, unfortunately none of it was trans or I would have sent you something *special* 😛 The cute choker came from Kosh, conveniently located next door to Concrete flowers. There’s a wicked scripted Neko set for free, and some really pretty dollarbie jewelery to be had. Thank you Ms Ames, heart you all over the place!!

ACDC, an Aussie tradition. Now you can wear em inworld thanks to Candace from Sweeter Than Candy, who sent this out to the group with the yummy boots shown. The pants shown aren’t free, they’re my faves though, you can find them at Axel.

Last but by no means least, this complete pack from Mayden Couture. The skin is included. It’s very dark in tone, making a nice change from my favored “Death warmed up” choice of shade! There is some really heavy shading under the lips, which could have been made worse by my shape as it doesn’t look as dark in the ad pics instore, best to try it on your shape to see how it looks. The makeup is beautiful though, and the body very nicely done. And now I’m off to get some chubby poses, as since making my shape bigger, I’m having “hands vanishing inside my body” issues. Yes, it’s as painful as it sounds 😛 Ash Out.

Other Stuff That Wasn’t Free

Lazy Places


Collar in pic 2


January 29, 2009

So it started on Plurk (I wonder how many of my posts will use that opening line from now on!) Addison posted the new releases from A-Bomb, and I’m all like WANT, and she’s like cool, and I’m like, fucking love those shirts and she’s like, I’ll drop em on ya, and I’m like, SHWEET.


Before we get to the shirts though, check the boots (yells “SURI”)! A-Bomb‘s released a whole load of fetishy goodness by way of Ballet boots. These ones aren’t free, but the black versions are 50% off till the weekend. You know you want them 😛 The yummy cami is from Hanamachi. You’ll find this is the lucky chair, Riko Kamachi was kind enough to let me know.


And here they are, the new loves of my slife. Rude, obnoxious shirts with some very apt sayings 😉 Shown here with a skin I call “You Got Shanked” in honor of our main store moving to the HORST sim. It features cuts, bruises, broken ribs, ass bruises (at Abra’s request, she’s like twisted yo), vein stuff ooh and the bestest bush you ever did see! No landing strip here, cos the last thing one does when being a prison junkie is have a wax. When we’re done building and put stuff in the store, this will be there too, it’ll be pay what you wish, and will have all 5 tones from the Timeless range.


Also in light of the recent, ahem, dramz in our comments, this shirt is quite possibly my all time favie ever. Check out Sileny’s take here. Welcome back btw missy 😉 Also it matches our new tagline for the blog, cos it’s all about matching! Ash out.

Hair (not free)


October 16, 2008

Not having much sleep last night left me in a murderous mood this morning, my daughter getting up every half hour for the whole night. I’m a mess of coffee and Redbull atm, but feeling slightly more human.

This delightfully blood drenched shirt from Den-Dou goes perfectly with the Butchered jeans I picked up from the Fishy Strawberry lucky chair.

This amazing shirt is a subscribo gift from Fishy Strawberry, fankyoo Fae for spoiling us rotten!!

OMG THIS HAIR! It has to be my all time fave hair, (I even used a picture of it to enter the Hairfair Flickr contest) I love it so much. Now you can fall in love with it to, thanks to the Avz group! Join now and grab yours today, another group worth staying in too, even if it’s just to see the amazing creations of Hern Worsley. Ash out.

Other Shit
Hair in first pic (not free)
Deviant Kitties

Legwarmer Boots