Archive for the ‘Tattoos’ Category

The Living Dead Girl

March 6, 2009

Ya that’s me, living dead girl. Why? Oh I live in a mausoleum. I’m Helena Stringer, your newest guest blogger to hit the Free*Style pages. I learnt of Freestyle almost right after it was born. I started making notices shortly after, for all the deals I found(in the beginning anyone could post deals, we weren’t that big then). I didn’t know of the blog, till one day Creamy basically said to the group, I’m to lazy today to post all the shops I found items in. So check out the blog. Well she had had the blog way before then, but that was the turning point for me. When you get too busy designing, and are a cheap ass like me, you can sort of just window shop. It’s a beautiful thing.

My aim here will be to blog in theme, me I love themed things! So be it a certain item, like a whole post on ankle boots, or blue things, or ducks, you get the idea. Feel free to put themes of things you want me to find, in the comments, I’ll try my best for you, designers willing!

I decided to be a bit lazy myself, and do some freebie shopping on slx . . . oops Xstreet SLĀ®. It’s a great thing for when sl sucks . . . ermmm guess I can’t say that here. Little round furry things okay? They normally come in a pair, unless something is wrong.


The Dress above caught my eye. I have a thing for making my hips even bigger(shoves more Hershey’s WHITE chocolate chips in her mouth). I was let to this dress by clicking a link from slx to the store. There is a bunch of goodies here. I had also found a set of gloves on slx. Now they led me to the inworld store, which had even more goodies. The ones I wear here are of the inworld variety.

I had the perfect tat from one of my new favvy stores. Hadn’t worn it yet, so why not get nakie for you guys?

If you don’t have an eyelash folder, man oh man, go out and find some of those suckers. You will have to learn how to modify objects in sl, since we are all different, but most take little tweaks. These, well the fit me perfect! They come in 5 colours.

The necklace, I couldn’t tell you when I found that, but it seemed to fit the bill. It’s just too bad he didn’t have a lil ebil grin, eh?

OMG another great find! My hips are even bigger looking!(throws Hershey’s WHITE chocolate chips in her hot chocolate).

These next 2 dresses warranted on location shots. I took these pics at the Crimson Shadow sim.

There is a pink version of the dress too, but it clashed with all my blood.

Even dead girls like shoes! Sad thing is, even with my arsenal of grayish skins, I couldn’t find one to match right. Maybe I’ll have to make one out, now that you all are going to run off and get these, or you could maybe share with me if you find a good match.

These are for is your worried your toes are more in a state of decay then you thought. You get to keep them digits with these! While adding a bit of fluff too!

Picture 1-3

Gloves-Steamstress-January gloves-L$0
Tattoo-.:WEiRD.DESiGNS:.-Wings Tattoo-L$0
Eyelashes-Cybernetic-Eyelash type 3(ooo what a name!)-L$0
Necklace-Vellas– Devilkin jewelry set-L$1(only Necklace shown)

Picture 4

Dress-18th Century-Red Velvet Gown-L$0

Picture 5&6

Black Dress-Marinoco FashionBlack flowered wedding gown-L$0
White Dress-Marinoco Fashionwhite flowered wedding gown-L$0

Picture 7


Picture 8

Shoes-[may]-LoLi Shoes
Socks-Bondage Witch Project Store-White Socks w/ Frill Trim-L$1

Non Free items

All hairs-Well I’ll let you guess(Smerks)
Skin-Fatal Error-Wounded Vampire Skin-L$40-might not be free, but a great deal
Eyes-House of Ruin-Starry Eyes – dusty-L$30-BESTEST EYES EVER!

I know it’s long, but I have no clue how often I’ll be doing these, so I got to get as much in as I can!

Until next time


A whole lotta somethin’….

September 16, 2008

Thanks to SL I keep missing group messages, so I was checking back today through the notice archives and saw a notice from Omnia of Beauty Avatar about a new free skin in store. Hoping it was still there I rushed over and woooooot! There it was!

This skin is totally stunning, I love it on my alt Mini’s shape. Possibly only available for a limited time so hurry on down there.


The Beauty Avatar skin also comes with all these beautifully elaborate tattoo’s, I’m pretty fussy when it comes to tattoo’s in SL but I will definitely wear these, they are all in undershirt layer which is great too. Apologies, they came out in a bit blurry in my snapshots but they are really great.




Stool and poses, AnimaH (not free – but you can try them out for free at Free*Style)

Now for tons of lucky board stuff. Shinsaibasi has a new(ish) mall with loads of great stores, on one of the streets is a whole area dedicated to lucky boards. I won loads, including the bikini above, jewellery, this beautiful dress below



I really love this mall, there’s lots of really great stores here, a couple of which I had never seen before and I found some other great free items, including these gifts at Honey and the eyes worn throughout this post.

*This is the truest colour of the skin, I was having awful problems with my lighting*

Pic 1
Beauty Avatar SELKIS – Black Skin Preview Skin & Tattoos (1L or free)
Eyes: Je Vuex Black Eye: Shinsaibasi (free)
Sn@tch Kickass Hat (Rattler)
Hair: Shop Seu (not free)

Pic 2, 3, 4
Tattoos: Beauty Avatar (as before)
Paisley Glamour Bikini: Shinsaibasi Lucky Board
Pic 5, 6
Encemble Dress : Shinsaibasi Lucky Board
Hair: Shop Seu (not free)

Pic 7, 8
Outfits: Honey (free)
Matsurika Clover Jewellery: Shinsaibasi Lucky Board

Feels so natural

June 28, 2008

As always on a Saturday, Surfine produce a new weekly free gift for you. This dress is so pretty with brown pink and white flowers, great for a summer day. I would wear this in RL, if it was warm enough and my legs weren’t so hairy.



The dress works so well with this beautiful skin which is the new creation by Rosemary Galbraith of Rosemar and Mimi Coral of Cupcakes. It took me some major tweakage of windlight settings to show you this in it’s true light, I wanted the cute spattering of freckles and the natural makeup to show through in the photo’s, not easy with windlight but I think I managed in the end.

This particular skin tone (golden – rainbow) looks great with light coloured sunkissed hair, the style here I won on the lucky chair at TekuTeku (thankies to Mel of Grid Expections for the TP)


These are the other 6 tones available, freckled and unfreckled variaties, you will also recieve more skin tones if you join the Cupcakes group, I believe this is also 250L joining fee (like Rosemar), but again well worth it for the amount of great gifts Mimi gives away.

rosemar cupcake 1

rosemar cupcake 2

Hangten Dress: Surfine, free for 1 week
Birthday Suit Skin: Rosemar (group gift – 250L joining fee)
Cream (rainbow_gold) Hair: TekuTeku (lucky chair)
Brown Hair Club Kaya: TekuTeku This was a previous gift at Club Kaya (not sure if still available)
Tattoo: SLoves
Jewellery: Onigiri (free)
Bluegold Eyes: Blue Blood (not free)

Tha PHLow

June 22, 2008

This is a real quick one

There is a really colorful bird tattoo in light and dark to be found for $0L at PHLow, along with this lively Black & Pink silk bra! I tried to get a kinda punk ballerina thang together here…


The nicely textured bra and detailed tattoo in closer detail…


I should get back to my stress filled rl Sunday now! Snapshot_003

Non-free items:

Skin: Live01 – Wine Minajunk

Hair: Jenna – Cerise ETD

Eyes: Black onyx jewel eyes – DP Yumyum

Socks: Gillian’s leggings – Corduroy

Boots: Darklord boots – Beckenbauer

Collar: Posture collar from Arachne/catwalk collection @ Last Call (now closed)


Tutu (self tinted): Primalot, where you will find loads of lovely freebies, including a gorgeous red dress! (not featured because I ran out of time!)

Bird on a wire waist cincher – Silent Sparrow (old group gift, )

Got my Neko Head on

June 13, 2008

I’ve been creeping about as my neko alt Miaow today. I was in a hugely antisocial sort of mood and Miaow is perfect for that, she barely has any friends and growls at anyone who attempts a conversation. She’s great for concentrating on shopping!

Oh I was sooo productive. Look what I found (in between crashes and serious lag patches)


Who DOESN’T like to wear dead wildlife carcusses around their waist? This belt of slight spooky coolness is free from Style Attack


Love this hat with the spikey hair bit and somewhere to keep your fags, this is free at Crazy Crazy Bitches . The tatt is really beautiful too, it’s free from moloko and also in the box is a hot little star tank top.

Skin: Whitney (Militar) : Free Speerit (group gift)

This sexeh lil numbeh is also in the freebie box from Crazy Bitches , have to apologise but I tried to get the exact URL and couldn’t find the store again in the maze of neko shops, it is there though, I promise. You just have to walk around a bit to find it.

The skins worn are a Free Speerit group gift, there’s a selection of skin tones with various fun quirky designs (taches, military, paint splats)- a little taster of the beautiful new skin range. You will also find many other goodies in this group gift box, join Free Speerit and look in the notice archives. Have a look around the store too, new skins and new store..veerrry nice!

Skin: Sara (Blush) Free Speerit group gift
Ceres – Special Black Hair: The Obscene (opening gift – FREE for 1 WEEK ONLY)

Punk Rock Kitteh Beanie and Star outfit: Crazy Bitches (0L)
Jeans: Fetch Alternative (0L a freebie box of loads of goodies, mens there too)

Cadavar Belt: Style Attack (0L
“Oranje” camisk Top (part of outfit):
Evil Neko (0L)
moloko (0L)
Skins: Free Speerit (group gift)


June 12, 2008


Yay, I’m so glad to be back and alive! Honestly everytime I get on a flight I feel like I am dicing with death and that I have survived when the plane lands. Drama queen, Moi?

It’s taken me a while to get back in the swing of things here, I’ve returned to lots of notecards and IMs and emails. If you have contacted me and I don’t reply in the next few days, I’ve probably lost your notecard/not received your IM so please contact me again, I’m in such a muddle!

Anyway on to the goodies. I took a pic in SL a few weeks ago and edited it to look like a sort of pop art print. Tarissa Tripsa left a comment with a great idea that it would look good on a tee. I attempted to create it myself and, well, it looked like shit.

Four Yip kindly created one for me and it rocks! I’ve placed it for free at Free*Style. It comes in yellow and purple with little ribbon ties on the shoulders. Thankiiiieeees Four.


You also get these googly oogly glasses too.

Free*Style Tee’s, Glasses, Poses: Free*Style (0L)
Alex Suit Pants: Yip’s at the gallery of Waelya Tenk and Shaun Mayo (0L)
Destiny-Shambi Skin: Ashia Designs (group gift)
phine_chocolate Hair: Little Heaven (Prize Camp)

I’ve also been working on making AO’s cos it’s fun. This one is called Badgurl AO, for girls with biatchitude, (it’s not ideal for girly girls, but I’ll work on one of those soon.). It includes sexy walk, and various poses. I am new to this so it’s not perfect, but hey it’s free and just for fun.

biatchipoo AO2
Eeps, bad graphics situation, that’s what happens when you try to be too fancy schmancy!

White Top: Tres Blah @ Gnubie Store (free)
Necklace: Shiny Things @ Gnubie Store (free)
i.k.i. Dark Jeans: Torridwear (1L)
SDR Skin: PixelDolls (subscribomatic group gift)
Kizu Tattoo: B11 (Kowloon) (0L)

Not Free
Ivy Hair/Hat in Cherry: Kin (100L ? approx)

I’m also working on a male AO, not as easy to do as the female version. I’m not happy with the one I have made, so I’m perfecting it. Hopefully it will be ready soon.

pretty vacant

May 28, 2008

Sorry couldn’t think of a title for this post, but it contains a ‘bit ‘o goth or punk’ so you get a song title by the Sex Pistols… Anyway, last night I discovered this great little market at Jiminy where there are some really exciting new designers displaying their wares! and being extremely generous all at the same time… First up we have Edge Grafica, an entire shop filled with really nice free goth clothing.

cheri_goth stuff_001

In this pic

FREE: Stripey tank, socks, shorts & the gorgeous sculpted boots are from elan

NON-FREE: Hair: Koda – Kin Skin: MMS Cyber Goggles: by Cheri Pye! Tattoo: live fast die young ::Alexitimia Tattoo::

You get 2 pairs of awesome boots and 3 pairs of pumps in the elan freebie box, here’s another set featuring the FREE trucker shirt and plaid mini & socks from Edge Grafica


NON-FREE: in this pic are the same as previous pic.

Changing the theme here drastically! I found this luvvvverly little known shop called shu*shu in Sakura Town, there are freebies here but there is nothing over $5L in the shop!!! and it’s all gorge, here’s the $5L patchwork dress…

Cheri_shushu_patchwork_5ld_NANA hair by Jade

In this pic:

FREE: Flower bag – **Plants**

NON-FREE: Hair: Nana – blonde by JADE Skin: Aylen – light rose by Marianela

Also spotted this delish paint spattered overall set from Saya


In this pic:

FREE: overalls

NON-FREE: Hair: Jun – white Dejavu Skin: Aylen – light apricot by Marianela Shoes: Pornstar Hightops (An absolute must have!) by Urban Bomb Unit

This trendy gents mod tee is also FREE from Saya, these yummy denim shorts are FREE from Escape and I couldn’t resist getting myself a pack of slingbacks from Juicy which I so proudly parade here šŸ˜€ I can’t get them off my feet!

saya_tee_escape_shorts_sunday hair_juicy pumps_001

In this pic:

FREE: socks: toeless from KP Shop (rest mentioned above)

NON-FREE: Skin: Nikki 2 – RaC (now Laqroki) Hair/Hat: No longer available Bewitched

This fresh pastel green dress is by *PureStyle* also at Sakura Town

purestyle_marguerite dress_truthhair_earthtones jewelry

In this pic:

FREE: Marguerite dress by *PureStyle*

NON-FREE: Hair: Ivy – platinum TRUTH Skin: Aylen – Light fresh by Marianela Jewellery: Earthtones

This retro-esque border onepiece dress comes in a variety of colors but this pink one is FREE from +ARIA+

aria dress_fd hair_juicy slingbacks

NON-FREE in this pic: Hair: o – platinum by Fashionably Dead skin: Aylen – light Rosy by Marianela Shoes: Slingback pumps in Strawberry & Cream JUICY

Shapes: in all pictures by me!


Monday is casual day

May 26, 2008

Morning folkies!

I felt like dressing down today, I’m feeling super relaxed this morning.

I decided to take my poor neglected Mini out for a tour over the weekend and thought it would be fun to go through all my grunge/neko LMs, these sim’s are great to explore. I love urban grungy style places! Picked up some really cool free tee’s and pants on my travels too, if you hunt around you may find more.


Tee’s: Kirei (Free)

Miu Tee: Miu (free)

Remberance day Top: Castaway (free)

Pirate Top: Needful Things (free)

Check out these amazing skull black and white pants, these are free at Strayers Hump at Pouncevil , thanks to Yohane Rockett (the creator) for dropping a pic of them in the Free*Style group pool, totally fantastic, great fit and unisex too! Lots of other great designs at his store and good prices too.

Unisex Black & White Pants: Strayers Hump at Pouncevil (free)
Unisex Sculpted Boots: Katat0nik, Axis Mundi (free)

Free items worn throughout
Emily Light Coal Freckled Skin: Tuli (group gift)
Tattoo’s and Plaster: InTime (free)
Arm bottles: Discord (group gift)

None free items
Cig Piercing: Skinpop (this is not free but there are LOADS of free goodies here)
Hair HALF Dirty White: Free&Easy (30L)
Silly Glasses: ::69:: (they came with some boots I bought)
Nekama Eyes: aniMe at Nakama (75L for a pack) *these are some of my favie eyes*
Tail: WarMth (70L and comes with ears)

Natural style of "anuenue"

May 19, 2008

ē„”ę–™ć‚¢ć‚¤ćƒ†ćƒ ć®ē“¹ä»‹ć§ć™ā™Ŗ怀:)
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Hello! everyone.^^
I introduce a lovely free item today. šŸ™‚
It is a creator of “anuenue” and the item today.
I took the picture with Marea of anuenue’s creator this time.
Clothes that she made receive an energetic but soft and gentle impression.
Three free item puts it in the store.(Nail,Tatoo and Dress)
When you join the group of “anuenue“, shorts of denim can be gotten. šŸ™‚

5.18-03-01 Moni&Marea
Dress : anuenue(1L$)

Nail : anuenue(Free)
Tatoo : anuenue(Free)

Dress : anuenue(50L$)
恓恔悉恮Marea恕悓恌ē€ć¦ć„ć‚‹ē™½ćƒÆćƒ³ćƒ”ćÆčæ‘ę—„ē™ŗ売äŗˆå®šć ćć†ć§ć™ā™Ŗ
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Dress : anuenue(50L$)

The dress of 50-100L$ is sold in the store.
I like it very much. X)

It’s magic!

May 7, 2008

I had a really bizarre dream last night that I was a famous magician and Four Yip was my glamourous assistant. This is how it went…

“and now for my next trick, I will attempt to saw a person in half. Any volunteers? No?
How about you with the blonde hair, come on up here”


“don’t be afraid young lady, you are perfectly safe, I’ve been doing this for many years and have only had 3 deaths so far….climb into the box please”

magic_002 (2)

“Now watch with amazement while Creamzilla The Great attempts to saw this girl in half…” *drum roll and dramatic music…*

magic_001 (2)

“I will now open the box, behold you will be amazed, her body has been completely sawn in half”


*Rapturous Applause*


“and now if you can climb out of the box young lady, you will see she is completely whole, not a scratch on her virtual body”


Oh no! It wasn’t a dream, it was REAL! Four Yip has made another cool free thing for us to play with. This comes complete with the magician’s trick set, and the outfit four is wearing which consists of shorts, top, tattoo’s and a gorgeous necklace (gorgeous, looks like it’s made out of tiny bones.)
I’m wearing the Charliegirly outfit which is also free at Yip’s, and a ‘big fake dastardly tache’ free from The Seamstress

Yip’s Magic Sawing Trick: Yip’s (free), go get it and amaze your friends and neighbours!

Photo’s taken at Gypsy Moon

p.s. No Four Yip’s where harmed in the making of this blog post.