Archive for the ‘TBC’ Category


January 10, 2009

Stranded in this spooky town
Stoplights are swaying and the phone lines are down
This floor is crackling cold
She took my heart, I think she took my soul
With the moon I run
Far from the carnage of the fiery sun

Driven by the strangled vein
Showing no mercy I do it again
Open up your eyes
You keep on crying, baby
I’ll bleed you dry
The skies are blinking at me
I see a storm bubbling up from the sea

And it’s coming closer
And it’s coming closer

You, shimmy shook my bones
Leaving me stranded all in love on my own
What do you think of me
Where am I now? Baby where do I sleep
Feels so good but I’m old,
2000 years of chasing taking its toll

So it started with this song. I absolutely cannot get it out of my head, and I had an idea for a picture. A post apocalyptic vampire type dealio. Then the problems started! I combed the grid looking for poses, and ended up sending a desperate IM to my whole friends list. With their help, I found what I thought were some good ones. That is till me and hubby hopped on em. Now I don’t consider our avs to be small in the least, I mean, I’m short, but not overly so. One of the poses was so far out, we were nearly on the other side of the room!! My mini rant is, please don’t max out your sliders if you’re making pose ball sets (because I really really wanna get this picture out of my head!!!) Oh and if anyone can help me with pose ball sets of the vampire kind, I’ll pay 32238576L, totes worth it XD!


Now onto the amazing clothes. Morrigan from TBC sent out the most charming notice to Fashcon this morning, telling of new releases and a new lucky chair outfit! I meant to check it out, then got stuck doing the grocery shopping rl and totes forgot. As soon as I logged in, Andel, Morrigan’s assistant IM’d me to get down there yay! And looky, Blizzard Dancer is mines.


And here’s another new release Lady Marra, not free or in the chair, but had to be shown. As soon as I put it on, I immediately wanted to stand up straighter! As always, the textures and styling are impeccable. Now be off with you and stalk that chair!!
Oh and I shall leave you with the loves of my life performing Closer live, prepare to swoon. Ash out.

Hair (not free)