Archive for the ‘The Best of SL Boulevard peace on earth’ Category


November 29, 2008

9 days since my first teaser: PEACE ON EARTH HUNT PT. 1, we are coming closer to the hunt! This is a notification of an upcoming, grid-wide hunt. You can read more information at the official PEACE ON EARTH blog.

The latest information is that the hunt currently have approx. 350 vendors! Wow, think of the gifts!

Frolic and Patch

From left: Frolic and Patch (smile, guys!)

Big names are participating in this hunt, namely SL Boulevard. The brains behind it are Frolic Mills, creator and editor-in-chief of The Best of SL Magazine and Patch Thibaud, a creative SL builder and architect, they have already built The Best of SL Boulevard – where Hollywood Glitz meets architecture. They bring us a new project – Patch Thibaud Auditorium! marble textures, shining glass store windows…this will be where the upcoming Miss Virtual Pageant will be held – and later, the PEACE ON EARTH party!!!

Watch this space because there will be gorgeous gifts exclusive from The Best of SL Boulevard!

Suri in Patch's Auditorium

Here I am admiring the work and effort put in to make this Patch Thibaud Auditorium. There is the signature statue surrounded by clear blue water. I hope Frolic and Patch won’t mind me messing about with their display here! There’s something sexy about cold marble tops..haha!

Statue of SL Boulevard

To visit Patch Thibaud’s Auditorium, CLICK HERE.
To visit The Best of SL Boulevard, CLICK HERE.

Suri in Patch's Auditorium

Outfit: :bijou: *XmasGIFT* jeweLeah, $0L. Find this outfit exactly on my landmark (thank you to Ephemeral Clowes for her help!) It is on the lingerie department, on a small table next to a store card vendor.

Includes hoodie and hair. Available in 3 colors,as blogged by Miss Creamy on: Pure as the driven snow..oh yes

Shoes and Clutch: Upcoming gift from Baby Monkey for the PEACE ON EARTH hunt.

OK, now time for a teaser to show off some gifts available; 350 vendors…can your inventory take them all???


First up, this Juanita shape by Katlene Niven represents the Dominican Republic. The skin is from A Piece Of Candy (soon to be released).


It’s Lemania!!!
A flowing green gown complete with hair accessories. I can’t wait for this one!


Necklace, anyone?
The preview is for the necklace. It’s made of a reused bullet casing and a rough amethyst crystal, strung on a gunmetal chain (jeweler humor). Something like beating a sword into a plowshare – by Nuala Shippe.


Some gorgeous skin for your overflowing skin folder already… 😉


Mode Rage and PEACE ON EARTH Grid Wide Hunt CEO’s Sequoia Nightfire and Katlene Niven are joined by caLLie cLine. Gracious caLLie made the wonderful tee’s that will go out in every starter kit and she helped in other ways to promote this event.

You will find plenty more pictures on the Peace On Earth Flickr Group; for previews of gifts, even submit your pictures showing off your prizes when the hunt starts.