Archive for the ‘The Black Canary’ Category

Morrigan, So Divine

February 8, 2009

Yes!!! It’s new release time from The Black Canary. I unashamedly fan girl Morrigan, how could one not? Talented and totally fabulous to boot!


This “Frill Life”, you will now find it in the lucky chair. The first time I saw Eden wearing this, I fell a little more in love with her (if only so I could grope the clothes!) The letter changes every 5 minutes, and if you’re lucky, Morrigan will be there to keep you company! I’m showing it here with the hunt gift from Belleza, it just totally works with this look. The fanfuckingtastic hair is from Inorite, at Rezzable. Not free, but who the hell cares, it rocks!


This is also not free, the new release from Morrigan, “Divine Right”. He is also taking part in the Vain hunt, you’ll fall in love with his gift, I’m not telling what it is though, surprises are good!


Here’s part of this month’s group gift from Tokeo Plastik. There’s a box of skins for February too, which I would have shown if I could bring myself to take off Rockberry’s hunt gift!! Check out the lips, so pretty!


To finish, a gorgeous, whimsical gown from Fancy Fairy. This beautiful gift comes with a wide variety of choices and ways to wear it, the stunning wings are included. Check out this shot Carolina Sautereau submitted to our Flickr group. Amazing. Ash out.
