Archive for the ‘Torrid Wear’ Category

Guest Post – Witchy Woman

October 30, 2008

Look Of The Day [October 30/08] 4

I was feeling a little wicked cute, and decided to show you what made me go “Woot!”.

She can rock you in the nighttime
’til your skin turns red
Woo hoo witchy woman
See how high she flies

~ The Eagles

Look Of The Day [October 30/08] 3

I have been blogging for a year now on my own, and have always included some of my great free gift finds in my “Look Of The Day” posts, but I rarely make a whole look out of freebie finds. This is one occasion where I could not resist. I have been a fan of Bare Rose Tokyo since I discovered it almost two years ago, and not only do they have a free gift orb, so you can win surprises as you shop, but they always have fabulous lucky chair gifts for guys and gals. Better yet, all their gifts are transfer, so you can pass them to friends if you get more then one. This Tartan Tartan Pumpkin dress is so sweet, and has great prim details like the bow on one upper arm, and also comes with a hilarious Pumpkin Hat and stockings that I decided to leave out. Make sure you grab it before the seasons change!

Look Of The Day [October 30/08] 2

The Ginger Witch Hair/Hat combo was one I picked up last year from ~Gracile~, which is thankfully still available in-store. Head to the hair room to the back right of the shop, and you will find a box on the floor full of different shades of hair and this great sculpted witch hat!

Look Of The Day [October 30/08] 1

If you are not a member of the Kari or Torrid Wear Subscribe-O-Matic group, make sure you join by November 7th to get this amazing Scripted Flying Broom. It attaches to your hand, has 3 sweet riding animations, and if you click your cat, it moves you to a standing position with the broom in hand. It is adorable and a real treasure. Check past notices for the Broom, which was delivered on the 29th of October.

Big thanks to all the talented designers in-world sending Halloween Love our way!


Free Gift Items Only Available NOW!
Hat/Hair – ~Gracile~, Ginger (Complete Set of Colours, White)[In Store Gift]
Dress – ::B@R::, Tartan Tartan Pumpkin [Lucky Chair Gift, Includes Pumpkin Hat & Stockings (Not Worn)]
Broom – TW & Kari, Flying Broom [Subscribe-O-Matic Group Gift]

Other Details (NOT FREE, But Fabulous!):
Boots – (Shiny Things), Chunky Ribbon Boots (Black)
Socks – (CS) Lulu Socks, OTK Fishnets – Grey (Black)
Ring – Caroline’s Jewelry, Gimcrack Diamond Solitaire Ring
Skin – Celestial Studios, Charmed Line (Tone 20, Smoke)
Eyes – Miriel, Hazel Eyes (Big)