Archive for the ‘Treasure Hunt’ Category

Pyschotic Nekos Dress…Well!

March 20, 2009

Oh hai! I had a moment to slap up a post about an Easter Egg hunt at Psychotic Neko that starts tomorrow (Friday). Oh yuss. PSYCHOTIC NEKOS!

Dun dun….DUN!!!!

Ok, I’m not sure where all that came from, but needless to say, I’m excited about it! So excited, that I took a stab at being a neko again. Oi.

Katat0nik’s egg hunt prize is a brand new color of her “Rina” dress ~ seafoam! Bask in the seafoamy goodness while you cruise the sim for the hunt. Just look for participating stores by finding the sign in front of them. Go in the shop, find the egg, buy it for $0, and hop like the Easter Bunneh in your new freebie yum yums. Like Katat0nik’s shop!

Other non-free but radical stuffs:
Neko Ears & Tail ~ Katat0nik
Teagan Hair (Charcoal) ~ Philotic Energy
Vixen Skin in “Merlot” ~ Curio
“Locked Heart” Choker ~ Katat0nik
Gryphon Myth Boots ~ Lazy Places
Poses (And I’m pretty sure these were actually free, now that I think about it) ~ On the Cover

Bunny Hop Flair

March 14, 2009

3am, all was not well in the Tomsen household, mainly due to my super loud boinking neighbours, who not only woke me up, but Mini Ash too, grrr. And the grid was broked too, awesome. So I was moaning on Plurk about my Sasybum being MIA and me missing her terribly. Well I found out last night there’s a terribly good reason for her not hanging out. Shoes. Awesome sauce ballet flats to be precise. Sasy has a new project on the go, named “Flair”.


The ones shown here can be nabbed on Xstreet for an L. In the pack you actually get 2 versions of your chosen shoes, so thats 4 pairs of shoes for 2L. Get the grey ones here and the pink ones here.


If you want other styles, colours or demos check out Sasy’s merchant page here. The regular retail price is 150L, so it’s well worth checking the dollarbies out, trust me theyre gorgeous. Speaking of gorgeous, how are these little short suits!! Tomoko Manamiko sent me a lm this morning for an amazing store called DrLife. Not only do they have 4 lucky boards (2 of them contain full skin sets) but there’s also some yummy group gifts you can claim with your tag active. The shorts come in all sorts of colours, there’s hair and jewelery also. yay for new to me stores!


A big hunt is about to get underway, the Bunny Hop grid wide hunt. Check out the official blog here. This first dress is the gift from Weird Designs. It’s called “Dead Bunny” and I fecking love it. Shown with the very not free, but totally awesome “Dead Dreamer” skin from Miasnow.


Here we have offerings from Angelwing and Spork for the clothes, Sentou Yousei for the shoes and Chaos By Design for the skin. The shoes are truly to die for and you get 6798679 colours, not just the ones shown here.


The bunny outfit is from Venice Picassa, the ears twitch, too cute!! And the skin and middle dress are from Skinzors. The skin is beautiful, delicate and ever so pretty. Do check out the official blog, for more participants, and stay tuned here for more gifty previews. Ash Out.

Not Free

Skin from 1st & 2nd pic

Totally Twisted

March 4, 2009

Firstly, a hearty welcome to all our new guest bloggers, especially Ms Eden who I have pestering for months to start blogging! Now you all can appreciate her razor wit as much as I do, yay!


I’m gonna start things off quite sedately with this gorgeous, classy number from A Piece Of Candy. A store I haven’t blogged for ages (shame on me!) You’ll find this, some skins and 2 other outfits in the latest subscribo gift.


And here we have “Jazz Baby” from the ever generous Ms Lemania. Shown here with the stunning “Kept” choker I picked up from Sable Rose as part of the massive Twisted Hunt. There’s a lock and key version in the folder and both are my new sloves.


And speaking of the Twisted hunt, I thought I’d show a few of my faves. I know it’s been all over the feed, but hopefully my faves don’t clash with anyone else’s!! These silks are from Subtle Submission, and I adore them. They come with the wrist and ankle chains shown, and cover quite a bit more than regular silks, perfect for shyer wearers!


This is the gift from Blueblood, shown with the most amazing hair from Burning Chrome. Apart from the yummy hunt gifts, you’ll also find mucho goodness at the main store, and hit up the group too, a little bird tells me there’s something waiting for you 😛


I love love this dress from Skinzor, shown with incredible stompers from Self Expression. I’m only up to 20 something out of 103 pressies, so far some have been easy to find, others really really hard. Best advice I can give is de prim, take your time and above all have fun with it. If you can’t find a gift, move on to the next. There’s a list of the stores participating on the blog, and it’s not the end of the world if you have to leave a gift till later. And for the love of all things holy, don’t be an asshat kthnx 😛 Ash Out.

Amazing Shtuff That Ain’t Free


Fashionable Relay Challenge!

February 21, 2009

It’s my turn in the Fashionable Relay Challenge that the lovely Sasy Scarborough started up a few days ago. Samsara Barzane created a fabulous look for her part of the challenge, and the rules of the game are that I take one item she rocked out in and wear it here. Of course, this being Free*Style, I found a few good freebies to pair with the item I chose, the /artilleri/ scarf (but in blue & not free).

I first headed to Tuli’s hunt on her Journey sim to find some items to pair with the awesome /artilleri/ scarf. One of the prizes to find is her Kalista skin in a makeup especially for the hunt, “Valentine,” and I’m wearing the “light” skin tone. I also found this adorable cable knit cropped sweater vest in “Sand” that Tuli made too. It’s a great neutral and basic piece that goes with so much.

Then I checked out the massive 50% off sale going on at Sn@tch. Not free, but the deals to be had are too good not to post about! I picked up this thermal and these delicious chocolate cords at such a steal. Rumor has it that some items in the “Cheapie Room” are marked down to $0L during the weekend-long sale!

A few other free items I found to finish off my post for the Relay Challenge that aren’t new but are great basics. These light blue Miriel eyes are part of the wearable demos graciously set out in-store, and these Maitreya pumps are a group gift for joining the subscribe-o-matic that Suri recently blogged.

I hope you enjoyed my fashion relay challenge post. I sure did enjoy doing it! I’m passing the torch to Sofia Gray of Chignon and can’t wait to see the rest of the challenge play out!

Other items:
Piper II in “Chestnut” hair ~ Maitreya
Covergirl poses ~ Tuli

P.S. Those sweater prims appear darker because I was using the beta viewer to take photos. If you use the test viewer, be sure to remove the gray tint so the sweater prims will perfectly match – like I should have! XD

Ow My Head

December 31, 2008

So I woke up at 4am this morn after a sum total of an hours sleep! Hangover ahoy!! Not only was it NYE for me, Q’s hubby got back yesterday too FTW!


Anyhoo, logging in at 4am led me to Prim & Pixel for a mini hunt. These silks are your prize, divided up into 5 snowflakes for you to find. They’re very well done, and I didn’t have to adjust the prims, yay! I hadn’t been to this store in a long while, Halloween was the last time I think. It’s all changed now and an absolute pleasure to wander round. Check out the beautiful skin. This is a New years gift from Tokeo Plastik. You’ll need to join the group and head to the main store with your tag active.


This lushness is the Prim & Pixel POE gift, which I stumbled upon during the hunt. Royal Purple is one of my favie colours, never fails to make me smile!


The cute lingerie was a group gift from Damiani, and I’ve shown it with a skin I got from Prim & Pixel. Heaps of you asked about the masked skin Sasy made, so when I found this I was terribly excited! It was a Halloween gift, but it’s back out and still free, I don’t know how long for though, so best to grab it now.


This powerful piece is from Luna’s Boutique, a new to me store that I found through a Fashcon notice. It’s another New Years gift, it will vanish on the 2nd I think, possibly sooner? I got so many notices today I’m totes confuzzled.


And last but not least, a blood covered Cinderella dress from Little Heaven! The blood looks so awesome, all soaked in and old mmmm! Okies, time to flush my head down the toilet have a shower. Ash out.

Pic 1
Prim & Pixel Mini Hunt
Hair (not free)
Gritty kitty
Skin (group gift)
Tokeo Plastik
Shoes (not free)

Pic 2
Prim & Pixel POE Gift
Hair (not free)
Damiani (Old Gift)

Pic 3
Damiani Group Gift
Hair (not free)
Prim & Pixel
Shoes (not free)
Shoe Fly

Pic 4
Luna’s Boutique (limited time gift)
Hair (not free)
Curio (old group gift)

Pic 5
Little Heaven Lucky Chair
Hair (not free)
Curio (old group gift)

Attack Of The Killer Barbie

December 15, 2008

Oh joy!! I can safely say that school holidays are in full swing, judging by the amount of assholes I’ve run into in the last 2 days. Anyhoo



On with awesomeness. The scrumptious Fae Eriksen from Fishy Strawberry has put out a couple of gifts for us for the silly season and and and a new lucky chair set! I’ve shown the top and the shrug from that set, paired with some (not free) jeans I’ve coveted since seeing them on Dakota, eons ago. They’re from Tokeo Plastik, and after Creams and I had been to their latest fashion show (totes not cam perving on the hottest av on the grid, swear) I had to run get em. The beautiful chokers shown are from a store the luffley Eden sent me to, and I’m so glad she did. Sanu has some really special pieces. I fell in love as soon as it rezed. There is a lucky chair too, a wall of freebies and if you join the group, there’s 576456578 gifts in the notice history. Sanura Sakai is terribly generous to her group, as well as being an amazing designer.



Tinker Hax sent me an IM to let me know that her store Amplify is having a hunt. The clothes shown here are some of what I found. There’s 25 candy canes all up, you have to hunt “high and low”. The hunt runs all this week so you have plenty of time!


A few months back, I posted about a gorgeous store I had found called Inara’s Fantasy Couture. A massive wall of dollarbie silks can still be found there, as well as these stunning dresses you can camp for. The prize camps are a half hour each, so so worth it. Now I’m off to boink my ken doll in our Barbie Dreamhouse. Ash out.

Hair (not free)
Gritty Kitty

Hoofies (not free)
Lazy Places

Tattoo (not free)

Look at meeee…

December 14, 2008

..look at meeeee…

Actually, no, dont look at me…look at this adorable coat from lo*momo. It’s a group gift in store, join the lo*momo group, wear your tag and touch the sign.

I want this coat in RL, it’s just the sort of thing I love to wear. Lovely bright red and green colours to cheer up a dull winter day.


Also worn:
Skin: – chai (bought with giftcard won at the store)
Tights: Glanz group gift, TP to the store and touch the sign for Group gift 11 (also includes a skin)
Hair: Creamshop (not free)

There is a sign in the lo*momo store about a hunt to celebrate a new mall opening (I think its similar to Albero hunt). I’ll try to figure it out tomorrow, but right now it’s bed time.

Things That Make Me Crash

December 11, 2008

We’ll get to the crashing bit in a mo! First, my other RL best friend Honey gave birth to her beautiful daughter Summer Rae yesterday afternoon. She was born very quietly at home with not much fuss at all, fed for ages and promptly went to sleep!! Honey was the first one of our group to get married (ps she’s still the only one that’s taken the plunge!) and everything has come full circle for her. Congrats to mum and bub and all the family, heart you and miss you all terribly.

Now onto the clothes!! Silk & Satyr is a store I featured a few weeks ago. They have a beautiful group gift out at the moment, 3 arm cuffs *scans photo to make sure she actually remembered to wear one*! The silks shown are dollarbies at the main store, the second set can be found at Vanity Universe. Which brings me to the title of my post.


All the clothes shown here are either dollarbies or cheapies from various designers that have set up shop at Vanity for A Winter Fairytale. It’s a charity event for Care International, with limited edition clothes you can purchase for a donation to the charity. I don’t know what it is about that sim, but my computer hates it. I walk into walls, do the never ending walk out of the sim, under water etc. The skin shown in all the Vanity pics is one of the amazing Chai skins I got from the hunt.


Things that make me crash: Walking, not walking, turning off my Mysti, leaving my Mysti on, taking off my AO, leaving my AO on, going bald, wearing hair, moving my camera, forgetting to light the incense on my Linden shrine, lighting the incense but not bowing down to the shrine, opening my inventory, leaving my inventory closed, lowering draw distance, raising draw distance, gesturtarding, resisting the urge to gesturetard.


Taking photos, not taking photos, changing my lighting, leaving the lighting on default, talking in voice, not talking in voice, opening an IM, ignoring an IM, having PS open at the same time as Sl, looking at the PS icon on my desktop before opening the program, taking a RL phonecall, sending a RL txt. Changing skins, rebaking, changing anything on the advanced menu. I think I have it all covered!!! If I left anything that makes you crash, feel free to put it in the comments!! And to make myself feel better about all the damn crashing, here’s another taste of my boys Kings Of Leon. This one has it all, moody drums, epic guitar solo, and Caleb, looking so fragile…totes enjoi! Ash out.


I can haz some random stuffz of yumz!

December 9, 2008

Wee! In one week exactly, I’ll be done with the hell that is law school exams that I’ve been moaning about on Plurk for like…an eon. Yuss, an eon! And then! You must deal with me for three weeks straight. Muahahaha. *attempts to look scary and foreboding, etc.*

Yeah, yeah. I know I’m not so scary (and that’s probably a good thing). But it would be scary not to acknowledge how much of the awesome is floating around the grid right now in celebration of the holiday season. My post contains a mishmash of stuffs from all over ~ forgive the lack of organization. If it’s not about the Federal Rules of Evidence, it’s not all that coherent in ‘me brainz. Meep!

That Peace on Earth hunt is really something. If only we could bring about peace via hunts in SL. Well, I think everyone who is participating is doing a dandy job, because I’ve never seen anything like it. So many vendors coming together to give a little something is really quite rad!

I’ve had a few moments here and there to stumble around the hunt. One of my favie designers, the one and only Tulikins, has made a traditional Dutch outfit that is really adorable, all the way down the cute shooz. I paired it with the latest {Frick} skin that is a recent subscribe-o-matic gift bloggeth by the lovely Ash here.

I’m going to follow Creamz’ latest lead for the friend shoutouts and blog the non-free hair I’m wearing above and below from Philotic Energy. The hairz above is called “Adi” and I’m vain enough to pretend it’s named after me. The below hair is called “Zoey,” and honest to goodness, I got my hair cut like it irl after I got it in SL. The cute little asymmetrical cut has gotten me stopped on the law school campus a few times, and I have Aemilia Case to thank for it! Shanks, Aems! (Let’s not discuss how crackhead my stylist thinks I am… :/)

But, never fear. There is a lot of freebie goodness above. The shirt is a part of the Eat Rice freebie from the Peace on Earth hunt, as is the pants from Sam’s Secret Boutique, the shooz from ShoeFly, and the legwarmers from DeLa.

There’s also a new yummy from the Crimson Shadow lucky chair that is too good not to stalk. This crimson gown is stunning, and even includes a back piece to float around during the season.

It even comes with shooz! It’s really a fabulous ensemble, so get the lucky chair party going for sure!

Besos to everyone and I hope to be back to blogging regularly soon. I miss all the comment love and the harassment when I take a goofy pic. (The good harassment, that is.) Luffs y’allz. xx

Non-free Shizzle:

Picture 1:
“Adi” Hair (Sambucca) ~ Philotic Energy

Picture 2:
“Zoey” Hair (Charcoal) ~ Philotic Energy
“Opaline” Skin (Fever) ~ Curio
“Love Like Blood” Choker/Necklace (Blood) ~ Violet Voltaire Biker Gloves ~ +Plus

Picture 3:

“Marisella II” Hair (Black) ~ ETD (Still $30L per hair pack!)

All poses are by Long Awkward Pose [LAP]. Worship Dove Swanson already. Srsly. She’s a goddess. And she had a hunt themed after poop a few months ago and I’m still not over it. It doesn’t get any better than that.

Disclaimer : I do not know any of these designers…

December 3, 2008

…. but I wish I did 🙂

I just feel the need to respond to a negative comment on a previous post from our friend ‘anonymous’ accusing us of mostly blogging our friends stores (which is absolutely crap by the way). I have made friends with many lovely and talented creators since starting this blog and I often feel bad because many of them I have not featured…YET! I would absolutely LOVE to do them all, believe me – but genuinely time is a big factor). I was so annoyed last night I actually said the F word TWICE in my response to the comment.

Fact is that myself and my fellow bloggers get sent many reviews and we always try to feature these first (sometimes we don’t manage to because we are so busy or we can’t find something to go with it etc…but we try our best, if you have sent us something and we haven’t featured your item yet, it is nothng personal, we are just so busy and persistence really does pay off). If you wish to send me a review of your free gift please send it in a folder with all info to my alt FREESTYLE ADAMSKI, as Creamy’s inventory is a horrible mess and I lose stuff.

When we have time we also love to do our own freebie hunting, that was my original hobby, but nowadays it’s really had to find unique items which have not already been blogged elsewhere.

We obviously all have our own styles and favourite stores, just like everyone else does, which of course we feature regularly as we are often in the update groups or get tip offs. It doesn’t mean we are know the designer.

Ultimately though we are doing this for fun and to help people who can’t afford lots of clothes, and I also like it if we can help advertise new talent. We don’t get paid so we aren’t obliged to do anything we don’t want to do.

Nuff said and on to the freebies…

I adore Slow Kitchen and I wish I knew the creator XD. They have a new free gift in store – this really cute dress in grey, the red version is on the lucky chair. The shirt underneath also comes with it. The skins worn here are Lion Skins…EVERY THING IS FREE…OMGWTF? They rock! Helianthus told me about it last night, so I went down this morning and the place was completely packed, you probabaly know about it already. The hair worn is the Diversity VIP group gift as shown by Ashia.

3 dec slow kitchen

Also in the above pic I am wearing tights and shoes by Little Fish, I’ve been showing this store a lot lately because I love it…oh yes, I do not know the designer, but I wish I did!

Little Fish are also participating in the POE hunt so search for the globe in store and you will find one of these items (I think it was the yellow dress), but not only that, there’s a Xmas tree in store with a new free gift everyday. So far this gorgeous red tang top, TARTAN shoes (yesssss) and tights. The skins worn below here are stunning and they are 1l at Beauty Avatar on the desk, also a male outfit there.

3 dec little fish

These shooooz *gasps)

3 dec_005

I’m offski, its sunny outside and I need fresh air. Have fun peeps!