Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Hello world!

September 9, 2009

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Photoshop Blues

April 15, 2009
Sometimes Photoshop nearly puts me in tears.  Every time I think I have made a breakthrough and figured it out I fumble again.  So, pardon my mess, because what I really want to do is tell you about some cool new items.  

Alejandra Jumanya has reopened Wetherby’s, a darling dress shop with classic styles.  She has weekly freebies.  The silver dress shown can be found in the room with the stage.  Deco, one of my all time favorite shops has a 1 L sale TODAY ONLY on Black Pearl set.  This is normally a 250 L value and is transferable so it’s great for gifts!  The awesome shoes are new in the Lucky Chair at Baby Monkey. They are from the Ultimate line, prim footed shoes, with scripted skin tone, nail and toe ring options.  Group members also get a substantial discount on purchased pairs. The skin is a new cheapie (15L) at SkinSane, called Alone in Paris, and fits my mood as of late.  There is also a new dollarbie called Rainbow.  

:::LiNe::: has switched over to a subscriber and you can get this adorable outfit as a gift when you sign up.  The prim feet are called Daily Chain and are in the Midnight Mania at Baby Monkey.  They are also scripted for skin tone, nail and toe ring changes.  The skin I’m wearing is the latest Tuli group gift, so well shown by Ashia earlier in the week.  I’m off to mess around with PS some more!  Happy shopping! 

Not Free or Cheap:
Hair: Diversity Hair: Alonya (Make sure you get the FREE sneak peek at the new skin line! 

running wild

April 14, 2009

i’ve been listening nonstop to the likes of scott walker and the tindersticks all day so perhaps you can imagine where my mood is. got a luminously pretty smokey-eyed freckle-faced skin from the imagen lucky chair this evening, and threw on a favorite from the (still going through the 19th!) albero hunt to go with — cube sugar‘s billowy chiffon blouse; you can’t tell here but the back’s open enough for a glimpse of skin below the nape of the neck… demurely sexy as all hell. ❤

i go to take a pic for a freestyle and it ends up artfaggy. figures.

stuff and things
free: skin – imagen, lucky chair; blouse – cube sugar, albero hunt gift; shorts – tres blah, starlust lobby freebie
not free: hair – etd; tights – sheer; boots – truth

As Sweet As…

April 10, 2009

HoneyHoney! If you haven’t visited this store before then go now! Nothing is over 50L and everything is gorgeous. The dress featured here is the current group gift and I must say it’s absolutely stunning. This dress isn’t for sale so you need to join the group to get it! As you can see by all my bags I have been busy these past few days grabbing up all the freebies and dollarbies I can find. I’m going to try and blog them all in this post- I think this weekend will be a rest for me.


My next outfit is a bit of ‘rock chic’ and I havn’t taken it off since i put it together! I’ve become a bit attatched to this skin with its heavy eyes and bright lips.. but alas! It is definately not free 😦 Although the jacket and t-shirt and hair you see me wearing are free! The David Bowie top is available from Fear & Clothing @ Crush Row by buying the cracked egg outside for 1L and in this egg also comes a black suit-type dress. There are other shops participating in the Crush Row hunt so don’t forget to look around! The sleeveless vest jacket is from the :Sey group and is available in the open case in the lobby along with a number of other gifts. The jeans are a past gift from LeLutka (who by the way are having a mini hunt in-store this weekend!!)

Sorry the pictures are so dark, just click on them and view large to see the items better.

Now, all you skin lovers out there will be fidgeting with glee when you see this *Diversity* Skins are releasing a sneak preview of their new range for 0L. In the package there are 6 skins, one of each shade and each with a different makeup. Go now because i’m not sure how long it’ll be there!

Diversity Skins - Sneak Peek

Not Free:
Pic 1
Hair: Maitreya (Not onsale anymore I believe)
Skin: Redgrave – Venus

Pic 2, 3
Skin- Redgrave – Lyla
Hair – *SHOP SEU* (Group Gift)
Belt- M*A*ii*K*I @ Maitreya (Upstairs)
Gloves- [LeeZu!] (Part of a jacket)

Pic 4
Hair- ETD
Cigarette- FNKY!


April 10, 2009

Heads up, I don’t know if you have heard yet but, just incase!!

Check this out, quote:

Hexed is closing! (well for remodeling anyway – expected duration 4+ months). So we’re having a sale. Things have been very quiet over here at Hexed for a while, so I’ve decided to ‘start’ again.

– All items in Hexed main are being discontinued and have been marked down to clearance prices of L$25-50!

– All Hexed Alt items have been marked down to sale prices of 50% or less.

Sale ends 12pm SLT, 17th April 2009 after which time Hexed will be closed whilst I work on tons of new goodies 🙂 Selected Hexed Alt items will be available on after the island is closed. I would like to thank all of you for your custom, and I will see you again when we re-open.

Hexed Clearnce Sale

Worn for photo:
Dress: *Hexed* – Runed Wrap Dress (Oriental Pink) (m/c) (50L)

Boots: *Hexed* Alt – Attitude Boots (m/c) (75L)

Not On Sale:
Not Free:
Hair: *~*Damselfly*~*Loraella – Russet Glow Blend
Skin: 01B Moon Tan Skin / natural (light-brows) *REDGRAVE*
Eyes: []::Tuli::[] mesmerize eyes ~ blue

More from N I V E N!

April 10, 2009

I decided to stop by Scarlet Niven’s store today, The N I V E N Collection, and take a look at the outfits..
Right inside the store is a beautiful Fushia dress, for 10L (not free but, come on, its perfect!)

N i V E N - Fuschia Sorbet Mini Dress

This number comes with all you see, as in the outfit, it includes the shoes!

Also, Scarlett has this in her store as a gift, for winning a contest with INSOLENCE! its in her store for 0L!
It’s a perfectly pink, lingerie set! I am wearing the fushia shoes with this set!

Scarlett Pink Lingerie

Not Free:
Hair: >TRUTH< Sehra – mirage
Skin: 01B Moon Tan Skin / natural (light-brows) *REDGRAVE*
Eyes: []::Tuli::[] mesmerize eyes ~ blue

Vampires Like Easter Too, You Know…

April 10, 2009

…..we identify with the whole “coming back from the dead” thing. Plus – chocolate, hello?

Especially when we come across these insane Easter raver pants from Veko for all of 10l. They flash through a whole rainbow of colours – yes, scripted and fully prim. I didn’t have to size them at all. Just put them on and enjoyed the blurred vision and fits that ensued.


I came across these on Xstreet, and also stopped to crow at some other seasonal delights. Like this wonderful bunny ears hat wrapped with barbed wire and roses free from Natalia Rachter


After I found this high quality free shirt by Baron Daxter, friend-of-a-friend (Hi Aubergine!) I wore it happily until I discovered that Prozak has released new tatts, this one was a dollarbie. I’ve been a fan of theirs for ages, and I own pretty much all the ink they’ve ever released. Yep, I know this one is somewhat girly, but it just went too damn well with these pants.


And sure you’ve seen these all over the feeds today, but these Easter gift shoes from Hoorenbeek are not to be missed. I bought several pairs of these at 520l the other day – yeah, cheers guys – and they are the best retro trainers ever. Get these, and wear them when you are trying to outrun the Zombie Jesus – that IS what this holiday is all about, isn’t it? It’s not?


Can someone explain it to me again once I’ve woken up from this chocolate coma, please?

Also shown –
Belleza Miguel skin, not free
Moderno Jack hair, not free.

Disclaimer – if you have an issue with the whole zombie comment, feel free to take it up with me directly inworld. Or egg my house. Just don’t fill the shoutbox with drama, ‘kay?

Spring Collection!

April 10, 2009

Hello folks!
I was having a horrid night, til I logged on to a subscriber gift from, The N i V E N Collection, and WOW.. It’s bright and sunny, and so very perfect to bring out the happies!
Have a looksie, at this amazing set!

I am off to go show off my new outfit!!


Dress: The N i V E N Collection – Summer Montage
Sunglasses: The N i V E N Collection – Nicole Sunglasses
Necklace: The N i V E N Collection – Gold Double Chain

The N i V E N Collection

Not Free:
Hair:[LeLutka] – Dianna (Natural Blond)
Skin:01B Moon Tan Skin / natural (light-brows) *REDGRAVE*

Flowers + Bunnehs= Spring

April 10, 2009
so I’m going to try & make this as short-quick as possible because it has been enough that one: i take so long to take good pictures, two: then edited them even nicely, & three: to write exactly what i want to go with it. (I’m a bit of a perfectionist)
Ive also been a little occupied building a necklace or at least trying to. i will make one especially for all the loving free stylers because — i love yous ❤

this awesomely cute outfit is by Medusa Joy. comes with puffy sleeves & two pants, pink, floral pattern – as shown. i then matched it up with the Dominions stilettos sculpted feet in purple (the pink can be found at Vinyl Cafe – as i blogged before HERE.)

& speaking of the Dominion, Eva Footwear has a new extremely cute & free ankle boots on behalf of the Easter occasion. it’s gold & white, with a cute lil bunneh huddled up around a basket full of eggs (as if we haven’t seen enough around the sl-world lol). the bottom of the shoe is hot pinkish, i think its like really cute. it’s another shoe that id say idk what to wear with but really really do want to wear lol. i think you’d understand. if you miss out on this offer they will be available for 99L along with past freebies.

i paired it up with this cute little set of egg earrings & necklace way way cute. by Milestone Creations I’m not sure when i got this, most likely when i was hunting their egg – of course it’s a freebie, it has to be because then so i wouldn’t own it :me loves freebies: dude i don’t even remember where it was located anymore. i believe it will have a hover text saying freebies? may also be from the subscribe-o-matic (ty Sileny) lol sorry I’m slacking, but my mind is blurring. how about you go their shop & locate the freebie section, join the subcribo, & get your copy today!

now who doesn’t think bunnehs are like way cute? my hat hurr is wayy cute, & if you don’t agree, there’s something really wrong with you (LOL). it’s by the way lovely Creamy, i could once have sworn she said she didn’t know what she was doing when building or that it was really hard to make, well id say it’s paying off miss lol. this is well done, & did i mention i’m in love? lol the hair comes in blond, black, redish brown (in my view), & black. not really sure when she may be giving this out, might be apart of the RFL. so just contact her if you’d like more infos, either way i wanted to it show off because it’s like.. GREAT!

lastly, these rose flats – special version – are both on sale for a l.dollar from Studio M can only be found at the location provided, on the floor in big pink gift boxes. while you’re there out front of the store are more low priced goodies from Baby Couture, pillow peep, nohm peep, & bunny flats (also as blogged before) all in the range of 30L & or under (probably less but that’s from the top of my head)

this is all i have for you. hope you enjoyed my post of freebie finds

other freebie:
pic one – hair by kin freebies click HERE to buy them for 0L

anything else not named, not free.

Freak Show

April 9, 2009

It’s safe to say that this post is full of weird and wonderful things so if you’re scared of a bit of ‘wacky’.. look away now!

This creepy but cute dress landed in my inventory the other day from the wonderful Putrid Gloom of *SMOTD*, and is a special one-time only subscribo gift as it will go on sale later in the week. The dress will also be available to buy in a gorgeous bright pink colour. Get down and register to the subscribo sometime this week as the dress will be distributed on Sunday at midnight (SL Time) and won’t remain in the subscribo for redilevery! The lms to *SMOTD* are- Floyd, Five Sisters.

If this isn’t enough, Putrid also has an exciting project on the go which i am just dying to see! Keep your eyes peeled for something greusomley great…

Creepy Dolly
Special thanks to my models- Nikki Ormstein & Little Sideshow

There are lots of things going on at the Stringer Mausoleum right now.. including a mini hunt, dollarbies, group gifts and lucky boards! Phew that’ll keep you busy. The first hair i’ll show you is one of the lucky chair prizes. The other prize is the same hair but in a luminous green colour with platinum and black tips.


Now, this hair is something else.. this is the “Tenta” hair in ‘Deep’. It’s the Deal of the Week and is available instore for L$10 in the colours Deep, Seaweed and Reflection (inc. with tips). Now you can rule the sea and let out your inner sea-monster!


This next hair is nothing short of a masterpiece. Utterly delicious Helena, if i must say! I can’t believe it is only a linden! This is “Xeranna” in scarlet and is also available in 11 other colours so go buy it in all colours because its only L$1 !!


The Stringer’s Followers Info Group gift is the same hair but in 5 other colours with a ‘shine’ to them. This is the Xeranna in Pink Shine and is scrumptious!


The top I am wearing in the last two photos is from /Triangle\\ and was only $1L but I think it is ‘pay what you want’. There is also a 50% sale on and there are utterly wonderful dresses to be bought, and boxes on the floor with stunning items for 50L!

[Not free items:]

Pic 1
Hair- Magika

Pic 2
Jacket- AOHARU
Dress- Lunas Boutique (old group gift)

Pic 3, 4
Skin- Fhang Candy
Dress- RunoRuno (0L!)

Pic 5
Skins- Redgrave