Archive for the ‘Unicorns’ Category

Bunny Fever And Sparkly, Magical Unicorns

March 28, 2009

I think I must have had a glitter overdose, cos if I haven’t been running round the grid dressed as a magical unicorn, I’ve been hopping round decked out like a bunneh!! Just like Ach, my daughter thoroughly approved of my attire today, although she did ask at one point for moar pink.. ahem.


The other day, I got a notice from Prism Haute Couture and off I went to check out the new releases. I was also lucky enough to get this dollarbie while I was there, shoes included. It’s the perfect spring outfit, can be mixed with anything else you may have in your inv already!


This is the not free new release, but it’s so gorgeous and fun I had to show it. Journey McLaglen told me that she had a great time putting this together, and personally I think it shows. I didn’t even have to fiddle with the prims, can’t get better than that seeing as prims and I = fail!!


This cutey is from Apple May Designs and is 10l till the end of the weekend. Shown with amazing boots from Bax Cohen, not free but look how gorgeous they are! Plus you have a million ways to customize them to make the look your own, a nifty ankle fixer and all sorts of other things that make em worthy of the L’s.


Yes there is a war being waged, but because we are an equal opportunities blog, I thought it only fair to show both sides 😛 Above is the Anti-corn, with a yummy blood covered skin from Imagen, grab yours at the Harold playground, along with loads of other great dollarbies. The shorts are part of a Twisted Hunt gift from Loulou & Co.


Could I be any moar glittery??! With my unicorn parts, Starlight hoofies from Lazy Places, rainbow skin from Imagen and the yummy outfit from Deviance (blogged beautifully by Sai), I’m all ready to spread magic and love across the grid 😛 Grab you pro unicorn stuff here! Ash Out.

Not Free But Completely Ossum
The Stringer Mausoleum

Skins not mentioned in the post

Gold Shoes