Archive for the ‘Unisex Boots’ Category

Paint Splatted and Androgynous

January 10, 2009

This post is for the girls who are boys who like boys to be girls, who do boys like they’re girls who do girls like they’re boys

Random Fashions has a free (or 1L) paint splattered suit upstairs and everything else on that floor is 10L – OMGWTF!!


Check it…all clothing worn below is 10L Random Fashions.

By the way, it’s the WIFE’s fault I made Eisa look like a sex offender here. We are totally into the MiA skins and she made me get the one with the tasche. Guys, you must check out these skins, they are GORGEOUS (they don’t all have facial hair)


Come on boys, get brave with your colours and patterns. Guys look cool in animal print too ya know! (think Rod Stewart…ummm….yeah)


All clothing by Random Fashions .(paint splat suit 0/1L all other clothing 10L)

MiA– Male Medium Skin-Suave
Female Skin: Adrianna – Bazy (not free)
Chucks – Akeyo (not free)

The female hair worn above is a group gift by Rock Candy. You must check out the store too, upstairs you will find lots of 1L and 10L clothing, hair, AOs which suit males and female and those who are a combo of both. I’ve shown only a small selection of items below.

rc outfit

Boy Pants for 5L for a set of 5 at Rock Candy

rc pants

Shape, Poses, Hair, Pants, Jacket, Boots all from Rock Candy (1L – Shape 25L)
Skin and grey tshirt by Garbage Prototype at Gnubie Store(0L)

Groovy Baby

January 4, 2009

Wait, this my first post since last year? Wow, I think it is, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

I’m amazed that this blog is still here to be honest, I thought I would have drifted onto a new project long ago given that I have the attention span of a fly. It has been a close call a few times and if it wasn’t for my fellow Free*Style bloggers, the fantastic, generous designers and everyone who still enjoys reading Free*Style, who knows… so big thanks to you all for your support over the past year. *goes all gushy*

I’m a bit behind with the freebies as I’ve not had much SL time during the holiday. RL was way too much fun. So you may know about these items already.

These fab Spangle Pants are a group gift from Endeavour, you can join the group by clicking the sign at the store and you will find these pants right at the back of the store on the wall. There is a gold and silver pair with big retro flared legs which swish around your ankles.

4-2_002 copy

Top: Bland (1L) – many free and 1L goodies here
Endeavour– Group gift in store
Dejavu Group gift (see Abra’s post for more info)
Skin: Natura (previous gift no longer available free)
Colour Change Stilletto’s:
Unique Needs (0/1L)

Anuenue have this adorable skirt which is a Christmas group gift in store, it comes with slouchy socks.


Skirt/socks – Anuenue, group gift in store
Knit top – Encemble (1L)

The Engineer Boots are a 15 minute camp gift at Edge Grafika – Utsuku City. When you get to the store touch the sign to join the Utsuku City group and wear your tag to camp.


Bits and boots

December 2, 2008

Group gift boots and lingerie, free gift skin!

I’m probably predictable by now — I show up on SL Free*Style the second I see a free pair of boots. In this case, J’s engineer boots are so beautifully made that I couldn’t help showing up and going OMG ! They’re a group Christmas gift from J’s (SLURL HERE), and they are unisex with a narrow as well as a wide size for the calf.

I am also wearing /artilleri’s/ first group Christmas gift (SLURL HERE) — Antonia Marat will have a new group gift every day from now until Dec. 24th, and the first one is just bloody adorable, her Deanne lingerie in candycane pattern.

I’m wearing it with a free gift skin from the Fantasma sim opening (SLURL HERE) — there are many, many gifts from this sim opening that I haven’t written about, but two more are Schadenfreude’s bone-colored Skelebeater, and Twosome’s owl tights. I do love creepy 70s owls!

Free gift tights and shirt!
/artilleri/ group xmas gift (SLURL HERE)
***Lingerie: /artilleri/ deanna lingerie in *candycane*

J’s group xmas gift (SLURL HERE)
***Boots: J’s group xmas gift — Engineer Long Boots

Fantasma sim opening gifts (SLURL HERE)
***Skin: Lessthan3 gift skin at the Fantasma sim opening
***Shirt: Schadenfreude Haunted Skelebeater (and pearl earrings) gift for the Fantasma sim opening
***Tights: Twosome owl socks for the Fantasma sim opening

Other free things
***Hair: *JetDoll* Vintage Vixen in Black dollarbie from Savoir Hair HQ (SLURL HERE)

Little Fish, xiaoyu, ゅ≈小鱼≈ゅ

November 14, 2008

**New favie store alert**

The store is called Little Fish, full of beautifully textured clothes, in unique chinese designs, some traditional and some not. So many beautiful outfits there but my alt Freestyle didn’t have enough L’s, so it was freebies for her..I’ll go back later..with moneyz.

Opting for the freebies was a good thing, because they are GORGEOUS too. Tiny Denim cowboy shorts, pink top, a fur stole and a beautiful fan and sexy animal print heels.

Stalking the Little Fish lucky chair in my cute freebie outfit

Yum Shooz (s’cuse the pointy cankles)

Also if you join the Little Fish VIP Group and look in the notice archives you will find 3 boxed gifts containing the goodies below, seriously swoonsome and gives you an idea of the quality of the clothes here.

little fish

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LF 13-11_009

Outfits: Little Fish, – (1 pic outfit and shoes free in store and last 3 pics are group gifts)
Cowboy Boots: /No Label/ (group gift) blogged by Cheri and now I am addicted
118 free skin pale (shaved) [42] (0L for all tones)

W&Y 48 Hair (100L)

I covet… (not free)

It’s time to get your cosies on and enjoy a bit of butt sex

September 10, 2008

It’s nearly Autumn in my part of the world, so that means it’s time to start wearing our warm cosy stuff.

Lookie here, ever so generous and lovely Machang from Aoharu is giving away a pair of fluffy, chunky Mouton boots…so cute! You will find these in the on the wall on the far side of the shoe store and are only available for a few days.


Check out these luffly ‘welcome to country’ leggings with wallpaper pattern knee pads, a group gift from Royal Blue (in 4 different colours and knee patterns). Marni also kindly sent some to our Free*Style group too.

Want something else cosy to wear? Then you need this sweater which is only 1L from I-Candy, it’s unisex and with a fluffy trimmed hood which comes in 2 sizes with 2 colour fur trims..


Kylarai at I-Candy has made some really cute new boots called Smooshie and has put the Skullerfly ones (shown below) on the lucky chair, I’ve got a similar pair of these in RL with Bambi on them, my favie boots! These boots also come in various patterns to buy and are only 200L.


Also in store you will find loads more 1L items, including this flouncy frou-frou skirt which I love.


Look around the store and you will find all sorts of 1L items and great deals such as high tops for only 10L.

Ghetto blaster bag (1L)

Duck Slippers (1L), you will find the T-shirt and bracelets worn here at that store which smells of fish and strawberry’s that Ashia has blogged previously, what’s it called again? Ooh yes, Fishy Strawberry, it’s right across the bridge from I-Candy. You won’t believe this but it was my first visit there and I loved it.


Ooh and while you are in I-Candy , remember to pick up this yummy crumpet for 1L to keep your energy levels up.


Of course, I couldn’t resist a purchase, and true to form I had to choose the most crude item possible, this ‘Butt Sex’ t-shirt (100L).


Moutan Boots – Aoharu (0L) for 3 days
Leggings – Royal Blue (Group Gift)
Skullerfly Boots (Lucky Chair) Skirt / Hooded Top / Bag / Crumpet (all 1L) – I-Candy
Hair: Tekuteku, found in the hunt (0L) – See Miu’s post HERE for more
Bracelets and Fish Soup Tee: Fishy Strawberry(0L)

Not Free
Birthday Suit – Sienna – Shimmer: M&R Cupcakes


August 28, 2008

It’s about time I featured my good friend Morgan Kincess on Free*Style, I’ve been meaning to feature her here for a long time. She’s superfun, superstylish, supercreative with her store Digital Eyes and she always puts a smile on my face when I’m having an off day.

Yesterday, PixelDolls gave the group this stunningly sexy, high waisted, sparkly skirt. I was standing outside Free*Style faffing about with the skirt prim and trying to decide what to wear with the it and lo and behold Morgan appears….. “Creammmtard!”. She’s wearing the same skirt with an amazing corset which she got for free from Baiaistice, so she TP’d me there for the corset (which comes in 4 colours) and she is in all her beautiful glory.

me and morg_001

Has anyone noticed how SL has started doing that cross eyed thing again? It was one bug in a previous version that I was disappointed that they had fixed because I LOVED it! Well, YAY, it’s back, I was desperate to get the cross-eyed money shot, but SL was being a shiat and wouldn’t let us take photo’s at the exact moment so I missed it, bah!

The hair we are wearing here is made by Morgan for her store Digital Eyes, it’s free at Juicy Bella in the brighter shade until the end of today so hurry if you want it, you can buy many other shades in her store. The beautiful skin is by Free Speerit in the Free Style Sim hunt and my jewellery from Diamonde, the beautiful ‘Miabella’ bracelet is 1L in store but the earrings are sadly not available at the moment. (I checked at the store and couldn’t see them)

me and morg_002

Glammin it up 3


Skin : FS Skin – Whitney (FS Make Up)(Naked) –
Freestyle hunt
Hair :
Digital Eyes – Ponytail Fushia Bella – free at Juicy Bella (limited time)
Lashes : Rachel _Lashes !
WigWamBam/Rachael Gift – Free
Eyes :
Digital Eyes – Eyes! Cat Purple – Free
Corset :
Baiaistice Corsett sexy black – Free
High Button Miniskirt –
PixelDolls Subscribomatic group gift
Boots :
atuzoko boots – Free
Necklace :
Digital Eyes – Pearl Necklace Black – group gift “Digital Eyes Update Group”

Skin & Lashes: FS Skin – Whitney (FS Make Up)(Naked) –
Freestyle hunt
Corset :
Baiaistice Corsett sexy Purple – Free
High Button Miniskirt –
PixelDolls Subscribomatic group gift
Shape: Tabitha by Creamy:
Free*Style at Paradise Pier (free)
Jewellery by
Diamonde, Bracelet is 1L
Not free- Creamy:
Anime Eyes : Ashia designs
Hair :
Digital Eyes – Ponytail – (this shade not free, Morgan’s is free)
Shoes in Squid Ink:

Starry Eyed Surprise

July 15, 2008

I just watched ‘The Day After Tomorrow’ and now I feel freaked, so I thought I would do a blog post before I go bed to take my mind off it…I don’t wanna to have nightmares *cries*.

Itutu is having a Starlit Sky Event, you’ll find a table of lovely freebies from some of my favie Japanese designers, and lots of other discounted limited edition stuff for the event also.

Here’s some of the yummies you will find…


All of these items are at the Itutu Starlit Sky Event
Free earrings by Sey
Free Bracelet by Atelier AM
Free Top by Amerie’s Naughty
Skin by Dendou (390L)


Free Glasses by Ottico


Free Bikini by Kao
Free Hair by Find Ash


Free UNISEX Boots by Algernon
Free UNISEX Hair by Find Ash


Free Cardboard Stool by Den Dou

So, you will find all the above items on a stall at the Itutu Starlit Sky Event

The skyboxes for sale here are out of this world (literally). I had to take pics because they are all so awesomes. On the outside a square grey box, on the inside a whole new world…




Now I want all of these, I can’t choose….

Monday is casual day

May 26, 2008

Morning folkies!

I felt like dressing down today, I’m feeling super relaxed this morning.

I decided to take my poor neglected Mini out for a tour over the weekend and thought it would be fun to go through all my grunge/neko LMs, these sim’s are great to explore. I love urban grungy style places! Picked up some really cool free tee’s and pants on my travels too, if you hunt around you may find more.


Tee’s: Kirei (Free)

Miu Tee: Miu (free)

Remberance day Top: Castaway (free)

Pirate Top: Needful Things (free)

Check out these amazing skull black and white pants, these are free at Strayers Hump at Pouncevil , thanks to Yohane Rockett (the creator) for dropping a pic of them in the Free*Style group pool, totally fantastic, great fit and unisex too! Lots of other great designs at his store and good prices too.

Unisex Black & White Pants: Strayers Hump at Pouncevil (free)
Unisex Sculpted Boots: Katat0nik, Axis Mundi (free)

Free items worn throughout
Emily Light Coal Freckled Skin: Tuli (group gift)
Tattoo’s and Plaster: InTime (free)
Arm bottles: Discord (group gift)

None free items
Cig Piercing: Skinpop (this is not free but there are LOADS of free goodies here)
Hair HALF Dirty White: Free&Easy (30L)
Silly Glasses: ::69:: (they came with some boots I bought)
Nekama Eyes: aniMe at Nakama (75L for a pack) *these are some of my favie eyes*
Tail: WarMth (70L and comes with ears)

Do you believe in life after love?

May 23, 2008

…sorry for singing one of the worst songs ever recorded there (in my opinion) but I think I look a bit like Cher in this first set of pics.

These two great outfits are free at Elemiah Designs until Sunday. The 4you1 outfit comes in blue and pink with black leggings and gorgeously flouncy babydoll style top.



24-5_007 24-5_008

4you1 Outfit by Elemiah Designs (free until Sunday)

Gogo sent a message to the group about some really free cool boots by Katat0nik on Axis Mundi (which I will show later in the post). When I arrived there I spotted this free skin which you get when you join the group. Touch the sign at the store wearing your group tag. Gogo has featured the beautiful Lolita dresses in the store on her blog


*SOD* LE Peach Skin – [Twilight/Dusty Rose], Katat0nik on Axis Mundi (Group Gift), join the Axis Mundi Explorers group and touch the sign at the store to receive this.

Silk Aeon made the fantastic shoes worn in the above photo’s, these are scripted to change colour, she kindly sent these to the Free*Style group today. Thanks Silk!


Another item I discovered on my travels today was this gorgeous outfit from Kame, which cost only 15 minutes on the prize camp chair.

Beret at a seriously jaunty angle: Decollage (free)
Black outfit: Kame – **LM Corrected** (Prize Camp 15 mins)

These are the sculpted boots which Gogo told us about at Katat0nik on Axis Mundi , you will find these hidden down a back alley just before you reach the carnival, hard to explain exactly where they are, have a look around. This is another beautifully built sim, well worth a visit, SL didn’t allow me to take pictures at the time. These boots may only be available for a limited time, oh and they are unisex too.

Sculpted Unisex boots: Katat0nik on Axis Mundi (free)

This luffly hair is the new freebie from TekuTeku, thanks Miu for sending a notice about this one. The skin is by Frick, there are so many free and low priced Another Shop mod skins there, really good quality in lots of elaborate designs. The ring I found at K Squared at Starlust, you have to get a pick and dig for nuggets to get this and lots of other goodies in the store.

Sculpted Boots – Katat0nik on Axis Mundi (free)
Ring: K Squared at Starlust (free)
Necklace: Creators Pavillion (see my previous post)
Tan – Green/Pink Eyes – Super Pink Lips: Frick (1L)
Hair: TekuTeku (free or 1L)

Non Free Items
Eyes: Decollage (50L for loads)
Sexy Hair: Seu (120L)

Oh poo my pics are all over the place but I’m so tired so nvm. kbai nites ❤

Rezzable Gifts and other goodies

May 13, 2008

Thankyou to Tox1c Chemistry of Tox1c Boutique/Crimson Shadow for dropping me a pair of these amazing boots, these are free for a week but you have to hunt for them.

This is copied from the notecard Tox1c sent with them.
“Come and find these cute but goth boots for free if you like all three colors you need to do some flying around three sims have three different colors only for one week start tomorrow May 14 lasts on May 21st happy hunting get them all in three colors”

cs boots_001

cs boots_002

You will find the boots free on the following 3 sims, these are some of my favourite places to visit in SL so I’m sure you will have fun.
Crimson Shadow
Tox1c Boutique
Carnival of Doom

Chiaru Hair by Dead Kitties (free)
Top by ElDee (3L, 3 colours)
Leggings by Random (previous free gift)
Nefertiti Vol II Skin (Beauty Avatar Group gift)

Here’s another lovely outfit free on the Surfline Rezzable sim for this week only.

cs boots_005

Paisley Pattern dress: Surfline Rezzable -available until 16th May

Eeps hope i got my facts right today, i’m soooo tired! Ni nites x