Archive for the ‘Vampire’ Category

The Living Dead Girl

March 6, 2009

Ya that’s me, living dead girl. Why? Oh I live in a mausoleum. I’m Helena Stringer, your newest guest blogger to hit the Free*Style pages. I learnt of Freestyle almost right after it was born. I started making notices shortly after, for all the deals I found(in the beginning anyone could post deals, we weren’t that big then). I didn’t know of the blog, till one day Creamy basically said to the group, I’m to lazy today to post all the shops I found items in. So check out the blog. Well she had had the blog way before then, but that was the turning point for me. When you get too busy designing, and are a cheap ass like me, you can sort of just window shop. It’s a beautiful thing.

My aim here will be to blog in theme, me I love themed things! So be it a certain item, like a whole post on ankle boots, or blue things, or ducks, you get the idea. Feel free to put themes of things you want me to find, in the comments, I’ll try my best for you, designers willing!

I decided to be a bit lazy myself, and do some freebie shopping on slx . . . oops Xstreet SLĀ®. It’s a great thing for when sl sucks . . . ermmm guess I can’t say that here. Little round furry things okay? They normally come in a pair, unless something is wrong.


The Dress above caught my eye. I have a thing for making my hips even bigger(shoves more Hershey’s WHITE chocolate chips in her mouth). I was let to this dress by clicking a link from slx to the store. There is a bunch of goodies here. I had also found a set of gloves on slx. Now they led me to the inworld store, which had even more goodies. The ones I wear here are of the inworld variety.

I had the perfect tat from one of my new favvy stores. Hadn’t worn it yet, so why not get nakie for you guys?

If you don’t have an eyelash folder, man oh man, go out and find some of those suckers. You will have to learn how to modify objects in sl, since we are all different, but most take little tweaks. These, well the fit me perfect! They come in 5 colours.

The necklace, I couldn’t tell you when I found that, but it seemed to fit the bill. It’s just too bad he didn’t have a lil ebil grin, eh?

OMG another great find! My hips are even bigger looking!(throws Hershey’s WHITE chocolate chips in her hot chocolate).

These next 2 dresses warranted on location shots. I took these pics at the Crimson Shadow sim.

There is a pink version of the dress too, but it clashed with all my blood.

Even dead girls like shoes! Sad thing is, even with my arsenal of grayish skins, I couldn’t find one to match right. Maybe I’ll have to make one out, now that you all are going to run off and get these, or you could maybe share with me if you find a good match.

These are for is your worried your toes are more in a state of decay then you thought. You get to keep them digits with these! While adding a bit of fluff too!

Picture 1-3

Gloves-Steamstress-January gloves-L$0
Tattoo-.:WEiRD.DESiGNS:.-Wings Tattoo-L$0
Eyelashes-Cybernetic-Eyelash type 3(ooo what a name!)-L$0
Necklace-Vellas– Devilkin jewelry set-L$1(only Necklace shown)

Picture 4

Dress-18th Century-Red Velvet Gown-L$0

Picture 5&6

Black Dress-Marinoco FashionBlack flowered wedding gown-L$0
White Dress-Marinoco Fashionwhite flowered wedding gown-L$0

Picture 7


Picture 8

Shoes-[may]-LoLi Shoes
Socks-Bondage Witch Project Store-White Socks w/ Frill Trim-L$1

Non Free items

All hairs-Well I’ll let you guess(Smerks)
Skin-Fatal Error-Wounded Vampire Skin-L$40-might not be free, but a great deal
Eyes-House of Ruin-Starry Eyes – dusty-L$30-BESTEST EYES EVER!

I know it’s long, but I have no clue how often I’ll be doing these, so I got to get as much in as I can!

Until next time


Vampire Weekend

October 31, 2008


I love this band Vampire Weekend and now I have an excuse to inflict them on everyone else…

I’ve gone vintage Halloween today, I’m channelling Dita von Teese after she has just been fed some raw human. Did you know that when Dita goes to a Halloween party she dresses like a normal girl without makeup – that’s her outfit, that’s what she said in an interview last week.

This retro dotty gorgeous dress is a free gift from Ingenue. Also comes in many other colours but only the orange is free. The hair is a freebie by Jetdoll at Savoir Hair and the teeth are part of a 1L Vampirella outfit from JetDoll (see here for complete outfit, I blogged it nearly a year ago and it’s still available in store)


This web and spider jewellery is a free gift from Star Kindler, beautiful and intricately detailed, it’s hard to show it in its full glory in these pics. (Woops just noticed Ashia has featured these here too) There’s no such thing as overexposure when it comes to this luffly jewellery though.


ingenue star kindler_013

ingenue,# star kindler ring

Other items worn
Halloween Skin: Beauty Avatar (1L)
Orange eyes: Aralute’s (20L)

To be honest I’ve got a bit of beef with Halloween in RL. Call me an old grump, but I find kids I don’t know (most of them bigger than me) ringing my doorbell and begging for sweets pretty annoying. Now my girls are desperate to do it “cos everyone else is”. Gaaahhh what to do?

Thankfully we are going to be out at a party later, so hopefully we will get back late and miss all that.

Blue Blood Babes in the Wood

September 3, 2008

Oi Oi, sorry about not posting for a few days, I’ve been working on something fun for y’all, (not that you really needed me anyhoo cos ma girlies here have been doing an excellent job).

I really had to take time out of my latest venture to show you these wonderful lucky chair prizes at Blue Blood. Oooh and look, it’s Ghanima, the supremo-talented, hard-working brains behind Blue Blood modelling these goodies with me.

This first outfit is totally different from Ghanima’s usual designs, it’s gothic lolita working 9-5. I love it, it’s got a funky big prim collar, it’s gorgeously tight and figure hugging and the skirt is a rubber texture. Very practical for an office job – not sweaty at all! This outfit is available in 3 shades on the lucky chair. (Boots also from Blue Blood– not free)


Hair: Boon (1L or free)

These gloriously gothic outfits have also just been added as chair prizes in store, these pics don’t do the outfits justice at all, they flow beautifully and the textures are lush. We look like dark princesses.



I’m going to spam you with posts over the next few days as stuff has been building up in my inventory.

You must check out Ghanima’s Alice In Wonderland inspired area outside the Blue Blood store, it is magical and free for you to enjoy, lots of little sitting areas and places to explore.


The little Green Exit Man Avatar there is actually me, I spent much of the day like this yesterday. It was only 1L from a little shop I found at Honmoku Hills.

The sweet side of goth

June 26, 2008

This week I’ve had a penchent for mixing pretty girly dresses with gothy skins, I’m channelling Luella’s gothic revival -(Fall 2008 dahhhlings). I love this look, it’s a great way to release your inner goth.

This beautiful cherry dress is from a new store called Bingo (there is also a couple of other free items in store now YAY!). The unsual skin is a free gift from The Obscene (limited time freebie – hurry it might be gone soon).


Awwww, look at my little bear, this is the Grim Babies freebie which Ashia featured in her post. The hair is the free Aimee style at Maitreya and the cute pierced kitty ears are from Katat0nik at Axis Mundi 130L (includes 2 tails, pierced and unpierced ears -all twitchy animated)

These eyes are by Aralute, she makes stunning, unusual eyes and they really work well with this skin, you can get these at Aralute’s for only 20L.

This hair is also free at The Obscene , the beautiful dress you can just see below is a prize on the Crimson Shadow lucky chair, you can see this is full on Adaire’s post.


While I was working on this post, Elemiah Designs sent a note through about a new free dress in store, I rushed right on over there because I love Elemiah’s clothes, and WOW check out this glorious creation, the Bonheur Pink Gown. This is available for 1 week.



My chummy Azia Lunasea IMd me yesterday about a good friend of hers, Tekelili Tantalus, who has an amazing store called Tekali-Li packed full of beautiful fantasy hair in many unique designs. This intricately detailed style is a little taster of what is on offer, it’s only 1L and there is also 2 free tattoo’s and earrings. The striking skin worn here is the Goth – Extreme Black/Green Makeup from Frick, 1L


Achariya called to me today about this wonderous tree hair, which a new freebie from Curious Kitties, I thought “it’s fabulous but what the heck am I going to wear with it?”


But then, as if by magic, I receive these beautiful dresses from Katat0nik at Axis Mundi. It’s like this hair was made for them, and this Ganguro skin 1L from Frick, sets it all off perfectly!

THE DRESSES (in 6 colour combinations)


The texture used in these skirts is one of Katat0nik’s beautiful paintings, how amazing is that to be able to translate your own painting onto an avatar’s clothing!


Also free in the Katat0nik at Axis Mundi store are these cute and chunky legwarmer boots and skirts (the skirts I think we have previously blogged, but they go perfect with these boots – so here they are again). These boots come in so many different colours.


Oh one more thing, I had to show you this eyecover also free from Curious Kitties, I found the perfect hair for it in my inventory, the dreads from Booperfunk at Savoir Hair (free or 1L, I really hope it is still there). The bracelets and skirt are also free at Curious Kitties.

Woops sorry, bewbies (at least you can’t see my eyes)


June 2, 2008

Hello Beauties!

Look at these lush goodies I have here. To start with PixelDolls have a new skin line and have given a preview of this makeup in each skin tone to the PixelDolls group, (also includes lashes and face lights). You may still be waiting to receive yours if you are in the group so it’s worth going back there and touching the subscribomatic sign again, choose History, Option 1 – please be patient, you may not recieve it straight away but it is worth the wait. I love the dreamy face, and the body is stunning too.

UPDATE: For those of you who have not received your group gifts from PixelDolls, they have just exceeded their marvellousness by providing all the group gifts in one box. This is the group message I received today.

“Group Gift Pack . All our group gifts in one box, for those who may not have recieved them with the original sending. All group gifts are now History Option #1! Thanks for your patience everyone, looks like we have the technical issues with this sorted out. ā¤

Huge thank you to Scarlett and everyone involved with PixelDolls for being so generous, fabulous, ace, lovely, fantastic and great..YAY!

A perfect retro glamour look combined with the 1L Jetdoll Hair at Savoir Hair (includes flower) and these gorgeouse anime eyes (not free) are created by our very own Ashia. (She doesn’t like to blow her own trumpet, so I’ll do it for her)

lolita_008 1
Worn on my Lilly Doll shape which is free in the Rosemar skin box from Free*Style

Have you got this yet? Blue Blood’s latest free gift in store, (if you were very very quick off the mark you may have seen my original error, I took a pic of the WRONG DRESS which was a previous free item from Blue Blood – yusssss my inventory is in a terrible mess, like my brain).

This dress is the correct one, the wonderful wenchful Lolita Dress, this is free at the Blue Blood store, possibly only for a short time.



Ghanima at Blue Blood was so good to me today, she also sent me a preview of her fantastic new creation, now this isn’t free but everything you see here, including various styles of skirt prim and the shoes are all included in the price of 450L!!!. There are so many ways you can wear this – it is absolutely beautiful. She’s got more wonderousness planned too, watch this space…


lolita_002 lolita_004

SDR II Skin: PixelDolls (group gift – subscribomatic, touch the sign, choose history option 1)
Hair: Jetdoll at Savoir Hair (1L)
Lolita Dress: Blue Blood (0L)
Shape: Lilly Doll: Free*Style (in the free Rosemar skin box)

Not Free
Anime Blue Eyes: Ashia Designs
Lenore dress and shoes: Blue Blood (450L )


May 8, 2008

I’ve had another fun idea for the Free*Style Flickr Group , I’d like you to send photo’s of outfits you have put together from lucky chairs/prize camp chairs and I’ll make it a regular feature on this blog.

Take some snapshots in SL. Upload them to Flickr (free to join). Join the Free*Style Flickr Group and add your pics to the group by clicking on Organize (top of screen) > all of your content > groups > and drag your photo’s onto the Free*Style group.

** The main subject of the photo must be free or 1L and still available at that price, but you can also wear full price items. Please put as much information on outfit/location/poses as you can with your photo with the SLURLs – you can get this by opening your map at the location and ‘copy SLURL to clipboard’ – then Ctrl+V to paste it into your photo info in Flickr**

I’ve got a great example for you today. Crimson Shadow have 2 fantastic outfits on the lucky chair. The Blood Parlari suits (for men and women) are only available on the chair for a few more days so keep checking if your letter is there.



This skin from Unpredictable group is perfect for this outfit. There’s a male and female skin in the group, they are both pretty much identical makeup-wise. I wore the male skin with my Mike Oxlong shape (1L at Free*Style), it looks so like the Steve Strange from Visage (yuss showing my age again, ooh but this was an ace band.) The likeness here it’s scary – yet cool….check this out.


Steve Strange and Visage: Fade to Grey


These fantabulous outfits are only available on the lucky chairs at Crimson Shadow for a few more days, so hurry on down.

Parlari Suits: Crimson Shadow lucky chair
Xantha Hair: Philotic Energy (not free)
Reckless Mink Hair: Exile (Group Gift – Search Exile Gear and look in notice archives)

Red Blood

April 24, 2008

Ghanima at Blue Blood is another talented designer who amazes me with her beautiful creations. She works so hard, constantly making new and inventive outfits/skins (for both sexes) and her designs are pure quality.

She is giving away another fabulous gift at her store, the Gom Jabber red dress. I find it really difficult to take good photo’s of full length dresses I wish I could show this dress in the way it deserves, TP to the store and see it for yourself.



I was waiting for the perfect outfit to display this woweeee hair from AVZ and today is that day. The Organix hair is scripted to change colour with so many colour variations to choose from. It’s like the dress and hair were made for eachother.


Gom Jabber Red Dress: Blue Blood (free, possibly only for a limited time)
AVZ, Organix – sense hair: Group Gift (search AVZ and it’s in the notice archives)
Blue Blood Fantasy Tribal skin: Blue Blood(previous free gift)

Broken Doll

April 20, 2008

Major quickness post because this is only available for free for a few more hours. The Broken Doll skin and lots of other free items (including the shirt worn) at Carpe Jugular & Sombra, at at the landing point and in the store, there’s also some stuff for guys. Thanks to OhSoGoth Graves for leaving a comment here about this skin. It also comes with a shape but I’m wearing it on my Meg Shape here.

broken doll_013

broken doll_015

Broken Doll Skin (comes with shape not worn)
‘Go for the throat’ Top both from Carpe Jugular & Sombra (free for a limited time)
Hair: Fuel (free on the Ravenwear Key Hunt)
Meg Shape by Creamy at Free*Style (1L)

Ravens Requiem Key Hunt

April 17, 2008

For all of you who love a hunt, Ravenwear is having a key hunt right now, lots of cool stuff to be found from many designers on the Ravens Requiem Sim.

Here’s the exact info from the notecard:
“Ravenwear is hosting a Hunt for the Lost Keys April 17th to the 21st. You can search for keys hidden over Ravens Requiem and the connecting island Arias Requiem. They are hidden in the shopping areas and mall so look high and look low and you will find two sculpt keys on a keyring laying around. Buy them for 0 and get the goodies inside! Never to be sold skins and clothing from Ravenwear as well as items from +Plus, Kindred Retail, KopiSusu, Fuel, Fashionity Fantasy, Rufeena, Attitude is an Artform, October Rust and Liberte Fashion. There are over 2 dozen keys hidden around the sims.
So bring your friends and go on a Pirate Hunt for the Lost Keys and unlock some awesome freebies!


Here are just some of the goodies you can find, I’m so grateful to Cacia Benmergui of Attitude is an Artform for helping me with my outfits here, I am really rubbish at dressing in a fantasy stylee. It’s so much fun though, maybe I should do it more.

Drow Hair (scripted so you can change size by clicking it) and Skin and eyes by Attitude is an Artform
Top and Skirt by Ravenwear
Bracelet by +plus

Meg Shape by Creamy at Free*Style (1L)

Lily Munster Hair (this is so cool, just click to change colour) and bio red lips Skin by Ravenwear Skirt by
Top, Bracelet and Tote Bag by +plus
Meg Shape by Creamy at
Free*Style (1L)

ravenwear_003 Rufeena Erotic
Hair, Skin and Tattoo’s by Ravenwear
Erotic outfit (includes boots) by Rufeena

Mallara Drow Hair and Blue Drow Skin by Attitude is an Artform
Nadya Dress by Fashionity Fantasy
Meg Shape by Creamy at Free*Style (1L)

ravenwear_003 - Rufeena
Hair and Skin by Ravenwear
Gem Dress/Boots outfit from Rufeena
Meg Shape by Creamy at Free*Style (1L)

ravenwear_003 - Ravenwear dress
Skin, Hair and Dress by Ravenwear
(worn with parts of the above outfit from Rufeena)
Meg Shape by Creamy at
Free*Style (1L)

Rihanna Skirt and Top by Rufeena
Skin and Hair and Tattoo’s by Ravenwear
Bag and Bracelet by +plus
Meg Shape by Creamy at
Free*Style (1L)

Robot necklace of cuteness by Fuel

Skin by Ravenwear
Mallara Drow Hair by Attitude is an Artform
Angelique Dress by Fashionity Fantasy
Amy Shape by KopiSusu

Kawaii Pose and Amy shape by KopiSusu
Undone Camo’s and top by Ravenwear
Skin by Ravenwear
Mallara Drow Hair by Attitude is an Artform

Showgirl outfit – Digital Eyes
Meg Shape by Creamy at Free*Style (1L)

TP to Ravens Requiem to start the hunt.

Hoping I got all the designer info right there and didn’t miss any out, you would not believe what a mess my inventory is in right now!

Discord, A Gothic Surprise

April 9, 2008

At last, another kitty post for you today, Miaow has been out prowling all morning and discovered a new amazing sim called Discord – Nightmare City, it’s a gothic/neko dark place, a fantastic build. When you first arrive you land in an enclosed spooky enclosed area, you have to click the sign to TP to the main entrance.

Main Entrance

There is a row of TP signs to each area, The clothes, tattoo’s animations and hair are amazing and really great prices. I really need the B-Girl AO, it’s only about 200L, there’s also a B-Boy AO and Vampire and Zombie AOs if you are into that sort of thing, those are on Vampire Street. Whatever you do, don’t go to the dungeon, eeeeek, I was trapped!!!

TP signs against the wall.

Pochette has a store there too, you click on the sign near the entrance to TP. The Pochette area is a total contrast to the rest of the store, a lot brighter but still slightly haunting. I took most of my pics here because it’s so beautiful. Outside the Pochette store you will find the denim skirt worn in these pics, this is exclusive to this location.

Miaow sitting in the treehouse at Pochette at Discord

The Broken Sunshine backpack and huggable doll are both group gifts from Catnip, how adorable are these? Join Catnip group and this is in message dated 3/29. The black and red tank worn here can be found free at the entrance to the Discord store.


Broken Sunshine Doll Backpack and Doll – Catnip(Group Gift)
Tank – Discord (free)

Also, if you join the Discord group you receive a really cool bracelet for men and women, you will see this close to the landing point at the entrance. I bought the neko tail and ears from WaRmth at [OZ]Hiding Place (another great shopping place), they were only 70L and perfectly match this bracelet -purely by coincidence. Some free items here too!

Bracelet – Discord (Group Gift, join group and touch sign in store)

Click on the pic for a closeup of of the intricate detailing on the ear accessories, I can’t believe this set was only 70L, they are animated too!

Neko Ears and Tail: WaRmth – 70L
Peppa Hair: Diversity (bought with voucher for players under 30 days old)
The fantastic feline skin is a free gift from FH skins, it’s been in my inventory for a while waiting for a perfect moment, and today is that day.

Denim Skirt: Pochette at Discord (free)
Socks: Pochette at Cherry Buttons (free)
Chucks: Darkstar (not free)

A couple more items to show you here, this top and bracelet you will find in a little freebie store in OZ, lots of other goodies in there too.

Bracelet and Top – [OZ] (Free)

Last but not least, Aitui has a new free gift for women, this top is 1L and you can also get it with long sleeves. The Pexanoyia Goggles are a group gift from Curious Kitties. Join the group and look in the notice archives for message dated 3/26/08.

Top: Aitui (1L)
Goggles: Curious Kitties (Group Gift)

Phew, I’m kittied out!

I just want to clear something up with y’all. I think I may have confused some of you, although I occasionally use my different avatars to model in my blog posts, I always write as Creamy Cooljoke.

Olivia Connaught, Miu Elfan and Cheri Pye also write for this blog and they are not my alts, they are all complete lunatics in their own right :0)