Archive for the ‘Vixen Fashions Vinyl Cafe lya shoes boots leather fascino’ Category

still a distraction?

January 30, 2009

I even put on clothes for this one.
Even though, there’s probably a bunch of people screaming ‘GET YOUR TOOSH OUT!’

Forgot to mention these boots as well.
You can get them at the same place you can get the purple boots are from. So yes, take a look at the store. You’ve got two awesome pair of boots. So LOVES Vixen fashions, I tells ya!

These boots are HOT. Like, As soon as they rezzed I was like, Kinky!
Ha ha, not reallz, but they defiantly do make a statement.


Head down to Vixen Fashions. Worth a visit and you might even buy some other hot boots while you’re there!!!

Hair (not free): Fascino
Swimsuit: Free in the fatpack at Lya Shoes
Boots: Vixen Fashions at Vinyl Cafe

Ps. SL is being a meanie-poo and my map isn’t working. You do the work, kids, Hit up search and get shopping!