Archive for the ‘Wedding Dress’ Category

The Living Dead Girl

March 6, 2009

Ya that’s me, living dead girl. Why? Oh I live in a mausoleum. I’m Helena Stringer, your newest guest blogger to hit the Free*Style pages. I learnt of Freestyle almost right after it was born. I started making notices shortly after, for all the deals I found(in the beginning anyone could post deals, we weren’t that big then). I didn’t know of the blog, till one day Creamy basically said to the group, I’m to lazy today to post all the shops I found items in. So check out the blog. Well she had had the blog way before then, but that was the turning point for me. When you get too busy designing, and are a cheap ass like me, you can sort of just window shop. It’s a beautiful thing.

My aim here will be to blog in theme, me I love themed things! So be it a certain item, like a whole post on ankle boots, or blue things, or ducks, you get the idea. Feel free to put themes of things you want me to find, in the comments, I’ll try my best for you, designers willing!

I decided to be a bit lazy myself, and do some freebie shopping on slx . . . oops Xstreet SL®. It’s a great thing for when sl sucks . . . ermmm guess I can’t say that here. Little round furry things okay? They normally come in a pair, unless something is wrong.


The Dress above caught my eye. I have a thing for making my hips even bigger(shoves more Hershey’s WHITE chocolate chips in her mouth). I was let to this dress by clicking a link from slx to the store. There is a bunch of goodies here. I had also found a set of gloves on slx. Now they led me to the inworld store, which had even more goodies. The ones I wear here are of the inworld variety.

I had the perfect tat from one of my new favvy stores. Hadn’t worn it yet, so why not get nakie for you guys?

If you don’t have an eyelash folder, man oh man, go out and find some of those suckers. You will have to learn how to modify objects in sl, since we are all different, but most take little tweaks. These, well the fit me perfect! They come in 5 colours.

The necklace, I couldn’t tell you when I found that, but it seemed to fit the bill. It’s just too bad he didn’t have a lil ebil grin, eh?

OMG another great find! My hips are even bigger looking!(throws Hershey’s WHITE chocolate chips in her hot chocolate).

These next 2 dresses warranted on location shots. I took these pics at the Crimson Shadow sim.

There is a pink version of the dress too, but it clashed with all my blood.

Even dead girls like shoes! Sad thing is, even with my arsenal of grayish skins, I couldn’t find one to match right. Maybe I’ll have to make one out, now that you all are going to run off and get these, or you could maybe share with me if you find a good match.

These are for is your worried your toes are more in a state of decay then you thought. You get to keep them digits with these! While adding a bit of fluff too!

Picture 1-3

Gloves-Steamstress-January gloves-L$0
Tattoo-.:WEiRD.DESiGNS:.-Wings Tattoo-L$0
Eyelashes-Cybernetic-Eyelash type 3(ooo what a name!)-L$0
Necklace-Vellas– Devilkin jewelry set-L$1(only Necklace shown)

Picture 4

Dress-18th Century-Red Velvet Gown-L$0

Picture 5&6

Black Dress-Marinoco FashionBlack flowered wedding gown-L$0
White Dress-Marinoco Fashionwhite flowered wedding gown-L$0

Picture 7


Picture 8

Shoes-[may]-LoLi Shoes
Socks-Bondage Witch Project Store-White Socks w/ Frill Trim-L$1

Non Free items

All hairs-Well I’ll let you guess(Smerks)
Skin-Fatal Error-Wounded Vampire Skin-L$40-might not be free, but a great deal
Eyes-House of Ruin-Starry Eyes – dusty-L$30-BESTEST EYES EVER!

I know it’s long, but I have no clue how often I’ll be doing these, so I got to get as much in as I can!

Until next time


I’M 25 ANS..

November 15, 2008

…well, I do feel like I am 25 when I play Second Life.

25 ans is a really cute Japanese fashion magazine and they have a location in Second Life. You can find lots of great free gifts, some which you have to join the group before you can receive them. The group joiner is in the store next to the freebie.

So what have we got?

There are 4 gifts in each corner of the store where near the landing point.

Absolutely beautiful dress from Aoharu

A pretty Daydream Jewellery set

Stylish coat by InStyle

There is also a hairstyle which I am wearing in the wedding dress photograph.

I found the following outfits at the Cafe area, the teleporter is at the landing point and they are inside the building. Easy to see once it has rezzed.

A free wedding dress, hey there’s also a church there if you are crazy enough to get married in SL. Personally I prefer to just flounce around in a wedding dress without the marriage bit.

This bikini comes in 3 colours and has blingy bits you can attach, if you fancy blingtarding it up. Lately I’ve been rockin the bling again, don’t knock it till you’ve tried it.

This cute dress comes with the little pearl necklace (hoy Olivia, I know what you are thinking you filthy hoar) 😀


You may find more free gifts around, I only looked in a few places.

TP to 25 ans

Other items worn
118 free skin neutral (shaved) [42] (0L for all tones)

Kalia Hair: Philotic Energy (not free)
Shoes by Periquita (not free)
Logo Aviators: Paper Couture (not free)

Here Comes The Bridezilla

July 22, 2008

If you’ve been following the comments in the last few days, you would see that our luscious Liv has been getting all hawt and heavy with Anon. This culminated in a proposal, and now lovely readers, our Liv is slsingle no longer!! So this post is for her and all you slbrides out there!! There is a bridal expo happening right now as we speak, showcasing the best of sl bridal wear and jewels, and of course giftys for you.

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Perfect for the night before the big day, get sloshed, wear a veil made of condoms, and behave rather badly feeling up the groinal region of a long haired, over muscly stripper!

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Ain’t this dress the shit! You wont find this at the expo though, it’s from G & N Design, and it’s only free for this week. I saw in the lobby wedding invites from the designer. What a lovely way to celebrate her wedding, giving you lot a stunning dress. Give her a massive huggle if you run into her.EDIT:, It’s the designers first wedding anniversary, yays!! See lurve can last! xxx

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This dress is a gift from the expo, perfect for leaving your reception in style!

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The ultimate in wedding night attire, boy shorts and a tank, woot!!! Now I’m off back to rl work, and it’s also my rl birthday, so I expect comment lurve, and shoes…….lots of shoes!!! 😉

Bride’s Dress
G & N Design

The Most Perfect Pearls Ever
Flirt @ The Bridal Expo

Hair (not free)
Shop Seu

PJ’s, T-Shirts and Black Formal Dress
Bridal Expo

Hair (not free)