Archive for the ‘Xmas’ Category

I <3 four Yip

December 20, 2008

I have been meaning to blog these for about 2 weeks now, but thanks to British flu & the general groggy state I’ve been in it got a little delayed! Four Yip has done it again making the cutest avatars for the Halfmoon gallery, the baby snow tiger & snow bear. There also many other wonderful items at this venue, all Christmas themed… your tips are appreciated & go towards amazing future events.

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Four Yip’s expression and passion for art graces SL, something about it.. the colors, the deep & quirky understanding of nature takes it to another level. The collection of wearable art she has graced us all with, she gives whole heartedly.. The excitement I have opening a Four Yip folder is unmatched! I am proud to have her on my friendslist too *Yay*

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This beautiful skin comes as part of the avatars, it’s so pure, so gentle, it kinda reminds me of the girl in Mijn Boa paintings.


Feeling tired….it’s a hard life looking beary cute :P.. think i’ll go rest by that tree over there!

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This is the Baby Snow bear version, It’s gorgeous! Look at those cute feet ❤

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The snow tiger immediately reminded me of this amazing Bjork video!

Wish Everyone a Fantastic Christmas & Happy New Year! ❤ Cheri

Not Free

hair: o – in platinum by Fashionably Dead (7/8 colors for about $375L!!)

Jewel eyes – Yumyum

yer mom…

December 7, 2008

…you know when you’ve had too much wine on a Sunday and you can’t think of a title? If I look like yer mom in this post then yer mom is cute and foxy.

You need to see this new skin store ti’ko, there is a beautiful 1L skin, only available at this price until tomorrow so hurry on down and get it quick.


Check out this cute little Christmas outfit from Luxurious World, it comes in red and green with cosy legwarmers and shrug



Eloise McCullough knows me so well, she contacted me today about Lemania Indigo’s Tartan outfit under the tree…cos Creamy loves tartan. Thanks Eloise! (There’s load more lovely gifts under the tree here)


I made the Asia shape I am wearing in this post today and I’ll put it at the Hotel Dare Free Shizzle Forest location for 1L (or whatever you think it’s worth)

Asia Shape

Other items worn
The skins worn throughout this post are by ti’ko, but only the first one shown is 1L, the rest are full priced.

Poetic Color eyes are by Lano Lang (1L)
Bikini worn is in the POE globe at Digit Darkes (free)
The colour changeable stilletto’s from Unique Needs (free)
Hair by Diversity (not free) but remember if you are under 30 days old you can choose any hair you like in the store, and there are also gorgeous free female skins for new players

Santa’s little attention whore

December 6, 2008

It’s all about me, my House of Nyla and skin fetish today!

As soon as I saw this notice to the group about the House of Nyla 1L gift I had to go right over there. Nyla’s creations are beautiful, many are replica’s of her beautiful real world designs which you can see HERE.

Check out the sexy ‘Santa’s Little Helper’ outfit (thank you to the person who sent the notice to the group about this, I couldn’t find it again so I don’t remember who sent it),

You can find this at the top of the stairs near the entrance, it comes complete with dress, jewellery, hat and…..


….sexeh snakeskin boots, all for 1L.

nyla boots_005

Now for some great group gift skins, any excuse to show off my (non free) Nyla outfits, these were some of my first purchases when I joined SL over 2 years ago (as Mini May) and still look amazing now).

This beautiful Aneal skin, also worn above is a free gift from Babae (in group or in store), the sexy flower leather short suit is by House of Nyla(not free)

nyla bebae_007

Belleza also have a stunning skin in their group notices, worn with sexy oh lala peacock lingerie from House of Nyla (again this is not free) I’ve also got the amazing peacock mask to match. It was so nice to wear this again.

nyla, belleza_010

One more and then I’m off to bake some Xmas biscuits.
LionSkins held a fashion show last night at the beautiful surroundings of Bryant Park, you will find there for a limited time little gift bag with these 2 gorgeous skin previews. (thankya to our very own Ash for TPing me to these yesterday)


Also worn
Curly Hair by Redgrave (not free)
Woolen Cardigan with Hoodie by Dutch Touch (not free)

Bring it on Santa!

December 1, 2008

OK folks you better get used to this, all the Christmas goodies are gonna come in thick and fast now that its the 1st Dec. You’ll be so sick of red and green by the time I’ve finished with ya.

Ghanima of Blue Blood has made the most gorgeous dress for her lucky chair, the cute Santa’s have been drawn with her own fair hand, this will be available on the chair until Christmas so don’t all rush at once, even though I know you want to.

1 dec_003

Amazing hair shop Waka & Yuki has a new group gift hair in store, this is where I have been getting most of my hairs lately. Fantastic styles at great prices, most items are less than 100L and some are scripted to change colour/style. To get this one you must join the group and touch the sign in store, check out the huge bow made out of hair on top of the head. Lubs!

1 dec_001

The festive green fur is a group gift from xxYOMESHOUJOxx , also comes in red. The gorgee skin I am wearing is by Wigwambam, you can find this at Free*Style in the skin section.

Take a deep breath before you look at the next pic….





1 dec_004

Boots with Xmas Lights AND Tartan!! I can’t contain myself. These are a group gift from /NoLabel/ a store which Cheri introduced us to on this blog previously, (remember the amazing cowboy boots?). Join the /NoLabel/ group and look in the notice archives for these.

Are you in the festive spirit now? I am and I’m gonna get me a nice glass of Sherry.

Pure as the driven snow..oh yes

November 28, 2008

Some Crimbo foxyness here for you. A new Xmas gift at Bijou and its wonderous! Big thankies to Gogo for TPing me to this, she’s got her eye on that Fashion Feed (unlike me)

I roped in a couple of smexy friends to take pics with me, Gattina Dumpling (of Hotel Dare ) in the black and Kookie Lemon in the white. Freezing our arses off Mudshake, the cutest place for all your Winter goodies, (you can buy everything you see in the background on these pics.)


Gattina dutifully poses whilst Kookie and I hump the snowman, he’s so hot (or not)


Tis freezing work standing out in the snow in inappropriate footwear (in mine and Gatt’s case) Kookie is wearing her own creation, these gorgeous warm booties which Suri previously blogged here on special offer in her store.


So we retreat inside the cosy cabin and I read them a filthy, pornographic story, cos that’s the way we roll!


Outfits 3 colours, including the hood with hair – Bijou (free)
Skate Shoes on Creamy: ShoeFly (not free)
Kookie’s Boots: Kookie (95L special offer)
Gatt’s Shoes: probably Stiletto Moody knowing her 😉

Exxessive Xmas

November 19, 2008

Hey people! I’m getting all Christmassy on yo’ ass, hope you don’t mind.

It’s just I received the most gorgeous Chrismas outfit yesterday from Exxess, I have never been to this store before but WOW, I don’t usually dress in a fantasy style, but this store is going to change all that. I was drooling over the sexy outfits, I think I want to be Egyptian girl.

This outfit is the Chrismas free gift and really the photo’s don’t do it justice, it has to be seen in virtual reality to see the way it moves, it is stunning. The boots and earmuffs also come with the outfit.

The hair worn below is not free but it is AWESOME so I had to have it, I have never seen anything like it, it comes with this spider like crown. There’s loads more beautifully designed unique hairstyles at Exxess if you like something a little bit out of the ordinary.


Free boots, check out the heel.
I personally wouldn’t like to be kicked in the sphincter in these, but I’m sure there are many who would, going by the freak show Zuzu, Gattina, Valentine and I took part in at the bukake place yesterday (on Elizabeth Hallstrom’s recommendation XD)

exxess 4

This beautiful hair and toy are also free in the Exxess store. You will find the free items in the hair section.


ARgghhhhh, SL is being a tool at the moment *sighs* I see a few people are having trubs logging on. I did manage to log on but only as my account which has payment info on file, not sure if this is the reason I could log on.

MnM Hunt, and it is a hunt….oh yes….

November 16, 2008

….AKA, the most confusing hunt in the virtual world (if you don’t speak Japanese).
Once I had completed it though, in hindsight it was really rather simple. Info on the MnM website HERE

So the hunt started yesterday and runs through to 24 Nov and you win wonderful prizes from *BP, MCH and Honey Kitty.

You begin at the Okinawa sim, you are looking for a large acorn which appears randomly in certain locations. It is the same acorn which appears all of the sim, so you don’t need to collect them from all over the sim. I found 3 places it where the acorn appears but there are more locations.

The 3 places I found acorns
hunt okinwama Acorn locations

BUT, it’s not as simple as you collect an acorn and you get a prize…oh no! you are sent on a trail for your prize, you have to work for it.

When you collect an acorn you are also given a notecard which gives landmarks to 3 more locations : Electro Kitty, MnM at Glass Earth and MnM at Oz. So my tip is, stay where you are and keep collecting around 8 or more acorns (in case lag swallows them, which happened to me).

Go to one of the locations on the notecard you are given (it is the same notecard with each acorn), where you will find treasure chests.
Click on the chest to open, see your name above the chest.
Ctrl + drag the acorn from your inventory into the open chest)
*You don’t need to put an the acorn in every chest. I have written on the photo’s below how many acorns you need at each location, please read the pictures carefully.

The 3 locations on the notecard given with the acorns.
Hunt - acorn drop chests

When the chest accepts your acorn (any problems please read the MnM blog), you will be given a leaf which says *wear* and a notecard with the prize location LM.

Hunt - Take your leaf to next location

Take your leafs to the prize location and touch a chest to open. When you see your name above the chest drag your leaf into the chest.
Honey Kitty and MCH have the same prize in each chest so you only need one leaf for these. BP* has 3 prizes so you need 3 leaves.

BP* has 3 gifts, drop a leaf into a chest at gift 1, 2 and 3 location as shown on the photo below.
Hunt - BP Leaf Drop Chests

You only need to drop a leaf in 1 chest at Honey Kitty and MCH as they all contain the same prize
hunt HK & MCH Leaf drop chests

After all your efforts, well what do you win? Cute stuff, that’s what!

hunt prizes 2
Gorgeous Smooch pumps worn above are from Vinyl Cafe, free for a limited time

Hunt prizes 1

hunt prizes 3
The skirt and top worn above are by Pink Outfitters. The top is a group gift (search Pink Outfitters and look in notice archives) and the skirt is 1L in the Pink Outfitters store.

The Xmas tree with couple pose shown below is also a BP* prize, comes in snow particle or no particle version and different sizes.

Here I am posing with my real life cousin (SL name ‘Chapman’). He’s wearing a normal male shape here for a change, he normally looks like a turkey in SL. I remember when he was born…arghhhghghghghghg (I feel old now)
hunt prize 4

Big thanks to Jojoruno, elka lahane and a lovely mysterious girl called Teshi (who if she reads this blog won’t realise it was me, as I was playing an alt) for helping me with this hunt.

Also to my fellow confused hunters Zuzu and Uma Ceawlin for making me realise that it was not only me who felt like a total retard doing this hunt. XD

Happy Kissmass from Free*Style xx

December 25, 2007

I just wanted to wish you all very Merry Christmas. I’ve had such fun writing this blog and with the Free*Style group in-game and long may it continue. I would also like to thank the designers who have given away their fabulous creations, we all appreciate your generosity.

A VERY BIG WELCOME TO NEW FREE*STYLE BLOGGER CHERI PYE, I love her quirky style and I’m looking forward to seeing what she will come up with next.

This will probably be my last post of Christmassy outfits this year. I’ve found some fun and cute goodies which are perfect. Differ*nt are giving away to their group this cosy winter hat with hair, in 4 colours and short or long length hair attached.


Also Differ*nt have this cheeky pair of long ‘Dongipani’ shorts in the group (also see Cheri’s post about these). I just know these shorts will be pulled out of my inventory regularly from now on (if I can ever find them again that is).


Worn with yummy tights and jumper which were part of a group gift from Persona and these amazing Santa Boots free from Unique Needs, I totally love these! Remember to grab the other 12 free goodies around the tree at Unique Needs.

The skin worn in these pics is by ‘Another Shop‘, I think Eloh has gone mad. She is giving away all of her skins free now, FULL PERMS!!!!. Eloh….you rock and you are Crazay!! It takes one to know one 🙂



Eisa and Sammie got themselves kitted out in some festive gear too.


If you click these free stockings from Schadenfreud you get all kinds of fun gifts, including these baubal (babal, ballball…gahh whatever! tree ornament thingies, LOL!) Antlers. So many other amazing free goodies to be found here at Schadenfreud too.


Eisa’s HOT and SEXY Reindeer outfit is free under the Xmas tree at Luxurious World. So if your guy is in a rush for a silly outfit for Crimbo, send him here.

Thanks so much for everyone’s lovely comments regarding this blog and the Free*Style group. It’s all been quite overwhleming actually, I really didn’t expect Free*Style to become as popular as it has. As long as it remains fun I’ll keep doing it 😀

Merry Crimbles and a Happy New Year to you all! I’m off to bite a carrot and put some pretend snow by the fireplace. I musn’t forget to take a bite out of a mince pie and a shot of brandy too. All to fool my kids into thinking Santa has been (oops, I hope I didn’t spoil it for the Santa believers out there…Soz!)

Enjoy and take care you guys!
❤ Creamy

Fun Stuffs for the day!

December 20, 2007

In the words of Mooki…today I am ‘CRIMBOTARD’!! I don’t care, I needed cheering up after being stripped back to my base shape and skin for half the day yesterday.

Diversity have some free goodies in their store for a limited time. This bright and happy pink ‘Daisy’ dress.


Also free at Diversity is this Jorslie hair which comes in many different colour combinations.


This fun Xmas outfit is free from Rose Petal Creations, also comes with stockings (not worn). The little parcel hat was 20L. Face like a blow-up-doll sex toy – FREE!


As punishment for calling me a ‘Crimbotard’, I made Mooki wear this Mini Mouse outfit, also free from Rose Petal

Mini Mousies

Xmas brings the Crimbotard out in all of us…don’t deny it, embrace it 😀


December 13, 2007

Oops, been neglecting my duties! I just went off the blogging boil a little and thought I would just play and do a bit of RL Xmas shopping yesterday. Now I have my mojo back and I’ve logged on to some lovely goodies.

This is just a quick one though, it’s bedtime.

Artilleri has given out a ‘tacky’ (in Antonia’s own words) xmas sweater, just like Granny would have knitted for your xmas pressie and you would have to pretend to be delighted. If you would like this sweater, join the Artilleri group and go to notice archives, it’s the last gift given out.

I totally love this sweater, ’tis funny how we are happy to wear this sort of stuff on SL, but in RL…no way! Oh, and check out Artilleri sim if you haven’t already, it’s so much fun – it’s been Christmas-ified (another one of my made up words).



These pics were taken at Viva Glam Iceskate park, there are unisex free skates there and two 1L xmas necklaces from Miam Miam. The candy cane necklace is worn in the pic below with a Bunny tshirt/waistcoat from a unisex free gift set at Pochette (lots of great stuff in this set, remember to get your 1L socks there too).

Philotic Hair

Love this hairstyle, takes me back to my Bananarama idolising days in the 80s.

Philotic Hair

All of the gorgeous hairstyles worn in these pics are the latest group gift from Philotic Energy (there are 5 diff styles in many colours in the folder). To obtain this join the group and go to notice archives, this hair is in embedded in a notecard dated 12/13/07 called ‘stuffs’

I love the funky styles Aemilia at Philotic Energy has created, she is so kind to her group members. I think it’s good to give something back (as with all the stores who give out great goodies), so I went to check out all her other new styles and fell in love with this uber-cute style called Sacha (150L). I tinted the hairband slightly to match the jumper.

Philotic Hair

Philotic Hair

*Skin worn in these pics is the free Le0 skin from Another Shop

Every day Callie Cline is giving away a xmas gift to Avastar members, join this group to get the gifts.

This is copied from Callie’s notecard….

1. each day there is a new tree that gives out FREE GREAT STUFF to group members.
2. i have 3 trees out, that i’ve left out on purpose to pass this on to you all, in case some of you didn’t know.
3. the landmark is here
4. the other gifts coming tomorrow are from greenies sim and other great stuff down the pike.
5. i put out voting kiosks if you like my sim you can click on those as you walk in my shop.
6. the free stuff has mens stuff too AND a “chillie bean” from my home store.

so get to these landmarks and get your free stuff, i’ll leave it out for a few more days for you gals ;)”

I just won some snowflake tattoos, an Avastar gift box and reindeer antlers…YAY!

Night Night x